
February 17, 1969 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 3561 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS THE RACE TO THE MOON Space experts say that unless we are will­ ing from one table to another, looking at a ing to maintain a stable, continuing space large book on each of two tables and shaking program in the coming decade we stand in his head. The Keeper looked and saw that his HON. GEORGE P. MILLER danger of squandering the $32 billion already smart monkey was reading Darwin's "Origin OF CALIFORNIA invested in the U.S. space program. of the Species" on one table and the "Holy Werner von Braun, director of the Mar­ Bible" on the other. The Keeper then asked IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES shall Space Flight Center, recently predicted the monkey why he kept shaking his head. Monday, February 17, 1969 the U.S. budget reductions will permit the The monkey replied: I'm trying to find out Russians "to fly rings around us in space in if I am my brother's keeper or my keeper's Mr. MILLER of California. Mr. Speak­ a period of five years." He contended it would brother." er, just before the epoch-making fiight take steady spending of $5 billion to $6 bil­ The moral for the evening is that back of Saturn V around the moon, the Oak­ lion a year for the U.S. to pull even; pro­ here in the State of my birth, Iowa's Gov­ land Tribune published an editorial en­ grams costing only up to $4 billion "simply ernor's Committee knows that it is both it's titled, "The Race to the Moon: Will It guarantee our falling back." brother's keeper and it's keeper's brother. End There?" which I insert as a part of Our space program has already contributed Iowa also knows that where the employment enormously in such specific areas as im­ of the handicapped is concerned, it is no these remarks. proved world communications, weather fore­ monkey business, but serious business in­ The publisher of the Oakland Tribune casting and reconnaissance. It has also pro­ deed. Naturally, I am pleased to be with you is the Honorable William F. Knowland, duced vast but perhaps more nebulous con­ and am even more appreciative in view of former Republican leader in the Senate. tributions to the advancement of scientific the switch from December to January when Perhaps this has given him a more in­ knowledge in general and to maintaining my schedule got rather complicated. timate picture of the space effort than a higher standard of living. In preparation for my visit, I asked Larry many of his colleagues in the newspaper And, perhaps most importantly in view of Volin what he thought I should talk about the Soviet Union's strong military space since Iowa. is one of the States assigned to field. program, our own efforts have maintained him for staff liaison. Well, I am seldom at a The editorial follows: our national security on one hand whiie in­ loss for words, but I must admit to having THE RACE TO THE MOON: WILL IT END THERE? creasing chances of world peace on the been overwhelmed by Larry's response. In This coming Saturday-if all goes well­ other. fact, he gave me a two and one-half page three American astronauts will leave our Because of the awesome capabilities for memo which ranged from the superlative plar.et, therein fulfilling one of mankind's good or evil offered by the control of outer almost to the supernatural in praise of Iowa. oldest and heretofore most impossible space, the former momentum of our space Let me share with you the first four para­ dreams. program should be restored by the incom­ graphs of Larry's prose eulogy of Iowa. Here The approaching manned flight of the ing administration in Washington. If the goes: Apollo 8 spacecraft 230,000 miles to the upcoming Apollo 8 flight does no more than "Prepare yourself for a wonderful experi­ moon-followed by 10 orbits just 70 miles dramatize t h at fact, it will be a success. ence. There is no Governor's Committee that above the moon's surface-represents man's compares with the one in Iowa. Iowa has a most distant and dangerous venture into terrific program. Iowa mixes hustle, initia­ space. tive, drive and desire in equal parts to achieve And, it also represents a spectacular come­ WORKING TOGETHER - ADDRESS some interesting results. back from that day in October, 1957, when BY Wn.LIAM P. McCAHILL, EX­ "For instance, last year the Iowa State Em­ the Soviet Union opened the space age with ployment Service placed 6,738 handicapped ECUTIVE SECRETARY, PRESI­ people. Last year the Division of Vocational the launching of Sputnik I. DENT'S COMMITTEE ON EMPLOY­ Circling the earth every 96.2 minutes, the Rehabilitation prepared 3,139 persons for 184-pound Soviet satellite reminded Ameri­ MENT OF THE HANDICAPPED employment. This is a good record for this cans for three months that the Communist State since it is almost 50% rural. One of the world had scored the first major technologi­ keys to the success is the inter-agency co­ cal triumph in the new frontier of space­ HON. HAROLD E. HUGHES operation. You will notice an absence of and one the United States could not then OF IOWA criticism of the Employment Service by the match. IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES DVR and vice versa. They work very well Now, although precise comparisons of the together. relative positions of the two nations to the Monday, February 17, 1969 "In fact, cooperation from employers, or­ space race are impossible because of Soviet ganized labor, the medical profession, civic Mr. HUGHES. Mr. President, Mr. Wil­ groups, employer organizations and other secre~y. there is ample evidence the United liam P. McCahill, Executive Secretary of States may have taken the lead, at least in groups is another key to the success. the President's Committee on the Em­ " As for the Governor's Committee, it is the race to reach the moon. ployment of the Handicapped, spoke If the Apollo 8's crew-Col. Frank Bor­ employer-oriented and Chaired by an em­ man, Major William Anders and Capt. James recently at the awards banquet of the ployer, Richard Hopkins, a barrel manufac­ Lovell-prevail over the perils and uncer­ Governor's Committee on the Employ­ turer from Davenport, Iowa. He has anum­ tainties of the moon flight, the United States ment of the Handicapped, held in Des ber of ideas and gives tremendous leader­ wlll remain well within reach of achieving Moines. His remarks indicate the intense ship to the program. But his leadership po­ the 1970 target date set by President Ken­ interest of the people of my State in the sition does not stop Hopkins from being a nedy in 1961 for a manned landing on the worker for the handicapped. He practices employment of the handicapped, and the what he preaches, he hires the handicapped moon. It could come as early as next spring need for continued progress in this area or summer. in his business." Paradoxically, as the climax of America's throughout the country. I commend his Unfortunately, I don't get reports like that greatest space feat approaches, the nation is thoughts to the attention of Senators and often enough, so it is a joy to be with you, divided over the future of the space program. ask unanimous consent that the speech to chat with you about some of the problems The National Aeronautics and Space Ad­ be printed in the RECORD. and promises of tomorrow and to pay you a m inistration's budget for the current fiscal There being no objection, the speech very sincere tribute for what you have done year is slightly under $4 billion, the smallest to date. In doing so, I believe it only fair was ordered to be printed in the RECORD, that I again quote Larry Volin; this time a since 1963. The space budget essentially has as follows: been a victim of higher priorities given the sentence from his wrap-up summary guid­ war in Vietnam and problems in the cities. WORKING TOGETHER ance paper to me. He said, "we cannot forget While the moon program has been gen­ A bit late, but nonetheless sincerely, I the work of Evelyne Willines, that human erally unaffected by budget cutbacks, other greet you with "Gung Ho Sun Hay," which dynamo, who has staffed the Committee and future projects have already suffered dras­ is Chinese for "Happy New Year." I use the who has helped spark it so that it has ac­ tically. Budget cutbacks have reduced em­ Chinese language not because I understand complished so much in so short a time." ployment among space contractors from any other words than the ones just used, but As an Executive Secretary myself, I am about 420,000 in 1965, the peak year, to an because this New Year in Chinese commu­ well aware that we are supposed to work with expected 200,000 by July 1969. Some plants nities and in Viet Nam has ushered in the and through people so that what is ac­ and test centers have curtailed operations. "Year of the Monkey." And, as you might complished is the result of cooperative and Future orders of Saturn V and Saturn 1-B now suspect, I want to tell a. story about a. volunteer efforts. rockets have been discontinued, and work monkey-a story with a moral for our times.
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