Maywood, Bellwood, ^W ^V ^m j ^m ^^L .^^^^^^^A ^m J ^m ^^w Park, HUlside, ^M ^V ^ ^f ^V ^B M ^B ^V ^ ^V ^^W^ Westchester, Broadview .jfllL .^^^Hi. JKKmKtl^ -J^^ 1^^ .,^tfL J^^ ..^Hariiiflr JKmim^^ and Melrose Park :^ - VOL. LVIII, PRICE 5 CENTS THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1942 No. 10 ^•S"^ffCp»WlW" News of theWeek Melrose Park Lions to Aid Blood Bank story on Tase T Girl Scouts Begin Sale of Cookies story on Page 8 Emergency Civil Defense Crew Ready story on Page 3 Survey Shows Elmer Most Popular Man story on Sport Page FENSH THE HERALD crops; yet contradicting this, we soiled white; bill pinkish; tail are told to reduce our food con- Juncos Here longer than English sparrow, Coast at War Letters From sumption. At Village showing, white outer tail feathers Former Villager Heeding the warning to prepare Feeding Racks when in flight. Although a Describes It bird who breeds and nests in To the Editor; You have heard, eaders against a predicted shortage, it is i'o the Editor: After our flrst only natural that families will buy remote places, he is quite friendly n^, doubt, of the "blackouts' here snow and sleet storm, I discov- supplies for future use; then when and will let you come quite close in California. We have had five ered that a small flock of about Confused they have followed these instruc- before taking flight. While feed- of them in Sacramento. They did tions to prepare, they are con- tei- slate - colored juncos (black ing in a grofip, I noticed that the cause us some annoyance at lirst, Finds Reports principally due to the lights in demned for hoarding; snowbirds) had taken over the slightest noise will cause the sus- Contradictory wild bird seed department of our picious English sparrows to fly off the halls and front of our build- Then we are told to. utilise, all feeding station. ing. They worked on automatic :To the Editor: The reports of garden space for raising vege- in a body, leaving the juncos feed- timing devices, but after the first conditions as we get them are too tables. If I retrain from planting To the casua' observer, this ing contentedly. blackout, I detached the wires confusing. The president says a vegetable crop in my garden, friendly native _ arrow would be Cardinals seem to be more nu- and they are now controlled man- there will be no shortage of food, will I get a check from the gov- difficult to identify when feeding merous this year, and both the ually. and he must honestly think so ernment for not producing a crop, with the ever-present English downy and hairy woodpeckers use Sacramento was, and is, a hot even now, as farmers are still just as farmers do? sparrow as they appear about the our suet racks. spot, in that Mather Field and same size; however, the junco's getting checks for not raising CORINNE HARRIS MRS. JAS. EDW. SMITH the Sacramento Air Depot at Mc- movements are quicker and more Clelland Field are both vital graceful. They are slatey blue- points and within ten miles of black with head and shoulders Thanks Citizen the city. We hear the roar of the blacker; breast and underparts FOR LIVING "AS YOU LIKE IT" large two-motored bombers day For Aid Feb. 16 and night, as numbers of them We Invite You to in Registering leave from here to patrol the Pa- Inspect Oyr Preferred Group cific coast. Most of them are cam- Last Minyfe Income Tax To the Editor. The members of of Popular Homes the Local Board, Selective Serv- aflaged and really look like busi- Let the ice System, wish to take this ness. Everything is under heavy Easy Terms Arranged for Those Who Can-Oiialify means of thanking each and guard. "WIDE AWAKE everyone of the citizens who so Vallejo, a town across the bay DAVIES REALTY CO. generously volunteered and con- from the Mare Island Navy yard, 1209 S. Sth Ave. (Since 189<)} Maywood 162 INCOME TAX" tributed their services on Regis- has experiencea a mushroom Office Solve Your Problem tration Day, Monday, February growth, due to the 22,000 workers ^ SOc and $1 16. on the island who are running • NOTARY PUBLIC The services rendered by all three eight-hour shifts, seven days a week. A friend of mine from 1942 DRIVER'S LICENSE SOc volunteers assisted the board in 2011 W. LAKE ST. Oak Park, Milton Filers, is work- MELROSE PARK, ILL. completing the Registration with ing there. the minimum of difficulty and is Phone 9775—Open Every Day The municipal Air Port has Evenings Till 8 P.M. deeply appreciated. SELECTIVE SERVICE BOARD been taken over by the Army, and LET US about thirty big two motored bombers are in readiness at all times to take to the air. Outside DO YOUR . the main runways, the earth is YOU GAN GET thrown up in half circles about ERE twenty feet high, lined with sand- CLEANING I bags. These are to protect each GASH IN A FLASH! plane so that only a direct hit $10, $25, $50, $75 would destroy it. E. S. BRISTOL, THE ^ 2204 H Street, Upto$3CH) Sacramento, . California. 'Evans Way" For Income Taxes or Dependency Other Needs There Are Others Who Need Us (We Call For and Deliver) LOANS MADE TO EMPLOYED MEN OR WOMEN To the Editor: One of the mat- ters that human beings are least ALL TYPES OF CLEAKIKG On Your Signature, Furniture or Auto sensitive of is the need of other Dresses, Topcoats, Suits, Draperies, Slipcovers, LAWFUL RATES UNDER STATE SUPERVISION people for them. We always think Sweaters, Ties, Rugs vre clean anything. , Repay any day, week or month and reduce the cost. of ourselves as doing something Interest charged only for the time you actually have the money. for others whenever we can. Un- "EVANS WAY PROCESS" CLEANING PAYS Our service is personal and confidential. You will find us a consciously we probably do think friendly, human group of folks the kind you will like lo do that others need us, but we mod- business with — we promise you courteous treatment and estly excuse it because it might satisfactory service. give us the idea we are boosting EVANS CLEANERS ourselves. AND DYERS PROVISO LOAN CO. Yet it is true that we do get (EST. l9IZ) *• Where Satisfied Customers Send Their Friends a little alteration in our ways of 703 S. Sth AVE. 1510 MADISON ST. 1200 LAKE ST. ROOM 200 — 2nd FLOOR — BANK BUILDING living when we decide that others PHONES-MAYWOOD 8600-8601-530 MELROSE PARK 8300 5 BROADWAY, MELROSE PARK, PHONE 1212 do need us in various ways. When 203 MARENGO AVE.. FOREST 4898 Hours 9 a.m. lo 6 p.m. Open till 8 p.m, on Tues., Thurs., Sat. we see that we actually and truly are needed by others and if we slight them, they feel unhappy, we do advance our understanding LOCAL AND LONG DISTANCE MOVING of character. The disrespect that is shown to other people by some all comes from this lack of think- ing what others feel. YOUR HOUSEHOLD GOODS H. LARSON. can rest securely in For Months or Years at Very Reasonable Rates FOLDING CHAIRS nn STORAGE 2 NORTH SIXTH AVE. and TABLES *'^'and VAN CO. AT MAIN ST. Rented for AU Occasions. \&^ TELEPHONE Delivered and Picked Up. S t o r age MAYWOOD 3 *Beyond Compare for Taking Care* Published Every Thursday by THE HERALD THE PUBLIC PRESS. NO LESS THAN PUBLIC OFFICE, IS A PUBLIC TRUST MAYWOOD 7100 EUCLID 3200 811 South Fifth Avenue, Maywood, III. The Herald serves Maywood, Melrose Park, Forest Pari, Bellwood, Hillside, Westchester, Broadview, and Berkeley. DELIVERED BY CARRIER BOY FOR To CENTS PER MONTH THE HERALD Mail Subscription Price VMIMIMN. AUDIT \ $1.50 in advance in Cook County \^UREAU / ESTABLISHED 1884 $2.50 per year Outside Cook County WKCUIATIMI Registered in the United States Patent Office For Single Copy, 5 centi Back Numbers 5 Cents Entered at the Post Office of Maywood. Illinois, as Mail Matter of the Second Clast WOU LVIII. PRICE 5 CENTS THURSDAY, MARCH 5, 1942 No. 10 Emergency Auto Executive Village Youth to Find Place Melrose Park to Speak at Civil Defense GMA Meeting in a "World of Differences" Lions to Aid With the great and absorbing Grew Ready interest in the immediate and ur- Blood Bank Captains and workers in the gent need for the quick and effec- Clubs Invited Maywood civilian defense commit- tive conversion of all American tee, which is responsible for pub- industry to the production of war td Volunteer lic works, streets, buildings, wa- and defense equipment and ma- "What you won't miss they dl« ter and sewerage, were announced terials, the Greater Maywood As- without." • this week by Frank P. Cantore, sociation is to have Lynn S. Snow as speaker at their regular Spurned by these words, mem- ^19 North 5th avenue, chairman, bers of the Board of Directors of ^'-«nd F. H. Ruhnke, 128 South Sth monthly dinner meeting Monday evening, at Plymouth Congrega- the Melrose Park Lions club avenue, vice chairman of the di- pledged full support to Mrs. F, vision. tional church, South 5th avenue at Van Buren street. J. Buck, chairman of the Red The 165 men chosen for this im- Cross Blood Donors in Proviso portant service are carpenters, The public is invited to this meeting to hear Snow speak on township, in a special meeting bricklayers, plumbers, electricians, Wednesday evening. machinists, truck drivers, street "The Automobile Manufacturer repairmen and various other in National Defense." Mr.
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