6.ARISTOTLE. De Anima. Recognovit breviqve adnotatione critica instruxit. W.D.Ross. Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1959. Blue cloth, foxing to edges, endpap.&the first last few leaves, else very good. Coll. Oxford Classical Classical Texts. Pub. Price GBP24.00 REG NO.4270 ¥1,800 and 7.ARISTOTLE. Ars rhetorica. Recognovit breviqve adnotatione critica Greek Latin instrvxit. W.D.Ross. Oxford, Clarnedon Pr., 1959. Blue cloth, foxing to edges&endpap., text browned, jacket fine, else very good. Coll. Oxford & others Classical Texts. Pub. Price GBP24.00 REG NO.4269 ¥2,000 8.ARISTOTLE. Atheniensium respublica. Recognovit breviqve No.3 JULY 2011 adnotatione instrvxit F.G.Kenyon. Ed.1920. Oxford, Clarnedon Pr., 1951. Blue cloth, foxing to edges&endpap., text browned, else very good. Coll. Oxford Classical Texts. Pub. Price GBP24.00 REG NO.4275 Tamura-Shoten,Inc. ¥1,900 1-7 Kanda, Jinbocho, Chiyodaku Tokyo 101-0050 9.ARISTOTLE. Categoriae et Liber de Interpretatione. Recognovit breviqve adnotatione instrvxit. L.Minio-Pauluell. Oxford, Clarnedon TEL 03-5577-4226 FAX 03-3295-0039 Pr., 1949. Blue cloth, internally browned, else very good. Coll. Oxford E-mail [email protected] Classical Texts. Pub. Price GBP24.00REG NO.4271 SOLD 10.ARISTOTLE. De sensu and De memoria. Text and Trans. with intr.&commentary by G.R.T.Ross. Reprint of Ed. Edinburgh 1906. GREEK N.Y., Arno Pr., 1973. ix, 303pp. Cloth, cover soiled, endpap. browned Philosophy No.1-159 slightly, else very good. REG NO.4123 ¥3,000 11.ARISTOTLE. Ethica Nicomachea. Recognovit breviqve adnotatione Literature 160-199 instrvxit I.Bywater. Ed.1894. Oxford, Clarnedon Pr., 1959. Blue cloth, foxing to edges&endpap., else very good. Coll. Oxford Classical Texts. History 200-228 Pub. Price GBP18.50 REG NO.4274 ¥1,700 Natural Science 229-237 12.ARISTOTLE. Metaphysica. Recognovit breviqve adnotatione instrvxit W.Jaeger. Oxford, Clarnedon Pr., 1969. Blue cloth, foxing to Dicionary 238-253 edges, jacket browned, else very good. Coll. Oxford Classical Texts. Linguistics 254-275 Pub. Price GBP30.00 REG NO.4273 ¥2,300 13.ARISTOTLE. Metaphysics. A Revised text with intr.&Commentary LATIN by W.D.Ross. 2 vols. Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1948. clxvi, 366;528pp. Philosophy 276-304 Red cloth, edges&endpap. browned, jackt browned&rubbed, else very good. REG NO.4360 ¥9,000 Literature 305-338 14.ARISTOTLE. Metaphysics. Trans. with commentaries &Glossary by History 339-351 H.G.Apostle. Bloomington, Indiana Univ.Pr., 1966. xiii, 498pp. Cloth, foxing to endpap.&edges, jacket rubbed&browned, else very good. Scinece 352-354 REG NO.4243 ¥2,000 Dictionary 355-373 15.ARISTOTLE. The Organon. The Categories on Interpretation by H.P.Cooke. Prior Analytics by H.Tredennick. Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Linguistics 374-389 Pr.&Ldn., Heinemann, 1955. Green cloth, spine faded, foxing to soiled edges&endpap., else very good. Coll. Loeb.REG NO.4295 ¥1,600 MEDIEVAL GREEK 390-391 16.ARISTOTLE. Parva naturalia. A revised text with intr.&comment. by MEDIEVAL LATIN 392-411 D.Ross. Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1955. xi, 356pp. Cloth, jacket. foxing to edges&endpap., jacket browned, else very good. REG NO.4150 ¥3,000 17.ARISTOTLE. Physica. Recognovit breviqve adnotatione instrvxit. GREEK PHILOSOPHY W.D.Ross. Oxford, Clarnedon Pr., 1956. Blue cloth, foxing to 1.ARISTOTLE. Opera omnia. Graece et Latine cum indice nominum edges&endpap., text slightly browned, else very good. Coll. Oxford et rerum absolutissimo. Cum praefatione A.F.Didotii et traslatione Classical Texts. Pub. Price GBP24.00 REG NO.4272 ¥1,600 Latina revisa per F.D bnerum. Nachdruck der Asgb. Paris, 1848-74. Hildesheim, Olms, 1973. 5 vol. Toile bleu, en bon etat. REG NO.4320 18.ARISTOTLE. Physics. A revised text with intr.&commentary by ¥90,000 W.D.Ross. Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1955. xii, 750pp. Cloth, foxing to endpap., edges&jacket browned, else very good. REG NO.4241 ¥3,500 2.ARISTOTLE. The Works. Translated into English under the Editorship of D.Ross. Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1971, 1970, 1968, 1967, 1972, 1967, 19.ARISTOTLE. Physics. Trans. with comment. &Glossary by 1971, 1972, 1975, 1972, 1971&1967. Blue cloth, foxing to edges, spine H.G.Apostle. Bloomington, Indiana Univ. Pr., 1969. ix, 386pp. Papbk., of jacket browned slightly, else very good. Vol.8 2nd ed., V.10 revised cover browned, foxing to edges, else very good. REG NO.4186 ¥1,300 ed. REG NO.4319 ¥24,000 20.ARISTOTLE. Posterior Analytics. Translated with notes by J.Barnes. 3.ARISTOTLE. The Complete Works. the revised Oxford translation. Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1975. xix, 277pp. Papbd., foxing to edges, else Ed. by J.Barnes. Princeton, Univ. Pr., 1995. 2 vols. xi, 2487pp. Cloth, very good. Coll.Clarendon Aristotle Series. REG NO.4232 ¥1,200 jacket, fine. Coll. Bollingen LXXI 2. ISBN 0691016518, 069101650X Pub. Price USD54.50 each. REG NO.4014 ¥7,300 21.ARISTOTLE. Prior and Posterior Analytics. A Revised text with intr. &commentary by W.D.Ross. Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1949. x, 690pp. 4.ARISTOTELIS. Opera. Ex recensione Immanuels Bekkeri. Edidit Original red cloth, foxing to browned edges&endpapers, jacket Academia Reiga Borussica. Eitio latera quam curavit Olof Gigon. browned, else very good. REG NO.4103 ¥3,000 Vol.4.:Scholia in Aristotelem. collegit christinaus A.Brandis. Supplementum scholiorum Syriani in Metaphysica commentaria. 22.ARISTOTLE. Topica et Sohistici Elenchi. Recognovit breviqve edidit hermannus sener accedit Vita Marciana. Bln, de Gruyter, 1961. adnotatione critica instrvxit. W.D.Ross. Oxford, Clarnedon Pr., 1958. li, 955pp. Brown cloth, foxing to edgs, endpap.&the first and last few Blue cloth, foxing to edges&endpap., text browned, else very good. leaves, else very good. REG NO.4354 ¥10,000 Oxford Classical Texts. Pub.Price GBP19.00 REG NO.4268 ¥1,500 5.ARISTOTLE. De Anima. Ed., with intr.&commentary by D.Ross. 23.(ARISTOTLE) APOSTLE,H.G. Aristotle’s Philosophy of Mathematics. Oxford, Clarendon Pr., 1967. 338pp. Red buckram, foxing to edges, Chicago, Univ. of Chicago Pr., 1952. x, 228pp. Cloth, foxing to edges, jacket browned, else very good. REG NO.4102 ¥5,000 endpap.&jakcet browned, else very good. REG NO.4426 ¥2,500 24.(ARISOTLE) AUBENQUE,P. Le probl me de l’ tre chez Aristote. rev. London, Methuen, 1949. vii, 300pp. Original blue cloth, spine Essais sur la probl matique aristot licienne. Ed. 1962. P., PUF, 1977. bronwned, foxing to edges&endpap., text browned, low corner of front 551pp. Br., dos salis un peu, rousseurs sur tranches, texte frais, bon endpaper lacking a little, else very good. REG NO.4108 ¥2,000 ex. Coll. Bibl. Philo contemp. REG NO.4124 ¥2,000 42.(ARISTOTLE) SHELLENS,M.S. Das sittliche Verhalten zum 25.(ARISTOTLE) BONITZ,H. Aristotelis Metaphysica. Commentarius. Mitmenschen im Anschluss an Aristoteles. Hamburg,Meiner,1958. Reproduktion des Asgb. Arisotelis Metaphysica Vol.II, Bonn 1849. paperback, spine and edges sunned, else very good. REG NO.4452 viii, 600pp. Hildesheim, Olms, 1960. Cloth, spine faded, foxing to ¥1,000 edges&endpap., else very good. REG NO.4382 ¥5,000 43.(ARISTOTLE) SORABJI,R. Aristotle on Memory. Ldn., Duckworth, 26.(ARISTOTLE) BONITZ,H. Index Aristotelicus. Reproduktion 1972. x, 122pp. Cloth, foxing to edges, jacket faded, else very good. der Asgb. 1870. Bln., Akademie, 1955. viii, 878pp. Toile, foxing to REG NO.4205 ¥1,000 edges&endpap., else very good. REG NO.4356 ¥16,000 44.(ARISTOTLE)SHUTE,C. The Psychology of Aristotle. An Analysis 27.(ARISTOTLE) BRENTANO,F. On the Several Senses of Being in of the Living Being. N.Y., Russell&Russell, 1964. cloth, spine rubbed, Aristotle. Ed.&tyrans. by R.George. Berkeley, Univ. of California Pr., foxing to edges, a red seal, else very good. REG NO.4453 ¥1,000 1975. xiii, 197pp. Cloth, damp stains to cover, top edge soiled, a sky blue stain to fore-edge, very brightly foxing to endpap., spine of jacket 45.(ARISTOTELE, PLATON) STENZEL,J. Zahl und Gestalt bei Platon browned, else very good. REG NO.4130 ¥9,000 und Aristoteles. 3. durgesehene Aflg. Damrstadt, W.B., 1959. xi, 191pp. Black cloth, foxing to edges, else very good. REG NO.4201 ¥1,000 28.(ARISTOTLE) BRENTANO,F. The Psychology of Aristotle. In Particular His Doctrine of the Active Intellect. With an Appendix 46.(ARISTOTLE) WILAMOWITZ-MOELLENDORFF,U.v. Aristoteles concerning the Acitivity of Aristotle’s God. Ed. &tras. by R.George. und Athen. Bln., Weidmann, 1893. 2 Bde. in 1. vii, 381iv, 428pp. Berkeley, Univ. of California Pr., 1977. xii, 266pp. Cloth, foxing to Contemporary quarter cloth, exlibrary cp. with a big red stamp title edges&endpap., jacket, very good. REG NO.4221 SOLD pp., marbled boards, internally browned, lable on spine and exlibris to front paste-down, else very good. REG NO.4343 ¥10,000 29.(ARISTOTLE) BUTCHER,S.H. Aristotle’s Theory of Poetry and Fine Art. with a critical text and translation of the Poetics. with a prefaratoy 47.(ARISTOTLE) WITTMANN,M. Vox atque sonus. Studien zur essay aristotelian literary criticism by J.Gassner. 4th ed. N.Y., Dover, Rezeption der Aristotelischen Schrift De anima und ihre Bedeutung f 1951. xxxv, 419pp. Papbk., spine&text browned, foxing to edges, else r die Musiktheorie. 2 Tlnbd. Studien&Texte. Pfaffenweiler, Centaurus, very good. REG NO.4230 ¥1,500 1987. Papbk., very good. Coll. Musikwissenschaftliche Studien Bd.4&4/2. REG NO.4364 SOLD 30.(ARISTOTLE, PRESOCRATIC) CHERNISS,H. Aristotle’s Criticism of Presocratic Philosophy. Reprint of Ed.1935. N.Y., Octagon, 1964. xiv, 48.(ARISTOTLE) WOLFSON,H.A. Crescas’ Critique of Aristotle. 418pp. Cloth, ends of spine bumped&fades, extremity of cover faded, Problems of Aristotles’s Physics in Jewish and Arabic Philosphy. foxing to edges&endpap., else very good. REG NO.4361 ¥9,000 Cambridge, Harvard Univ. Pr., 1929. xvi, 759pp. Red cloth, foxing to endpap.&edges, text browned, else very good.
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