THE AIRPOST JOURNAL Amelia Earhart: presenting t:he gold plaque, highest: award for airposl:s al: "TIPEX", .l:o . Dr. Philip G. Cole, prominent:. New.Yorker. :June. 1936 * 1936 Edition 450 Pages 1400 11 lustrations Every Air Sta mp Properly Priced Essential for Collector & Dealer Deluxe -- 2.50 EFFICIENT NEW ISSUE SERVICE Most Complete Stock of AIR MAIL LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES SANABRIA'S AIR POST NEWS Supplement to Catalog 'Chronicles, New Issues, Price Changes, Bi-M.onthly - 25c YEAR - Sample Free :---------··1 Nicolas Sanabria, Inc. 17 East: 42nd Street -:- -New York City CABLE: ADDRE:SS: · NICSAN, NE:W YORK · _f "TIPEX" and the Seventh Rnnual Connvention of the AAMS TIPEX Shatters Records souvenir sheet of four stamps, with prop­ er wording forming the marginal borders. HE Third International Philatelic Ex­ Displaying the method of engraving, T hibition held at the Grand Central these sheets were printed on a flat-bed Palace, New York City, May 9th to 17th, press sent from Washington. Uniier the proved to be ·an ideal setting for the able direction of Robert E. Fellers, Su­ Seventh Annual Convention of the Amer- perintendent -of Stamps, the special panes "'ican Air Mail Society, with headquarters were sold from 15 windows of the branch at the Lexington Hotel during the latter postoffice established on the first floor part of the show, May 14-16. of the show. The branch phifatellc During the period of the Exhibition all agency also sold a full line of stamped records for a stamp show were broken. paper, identical with that carried at the Nearly 100,000. persons entered the show Washington headquarters. during its duration and box office re­ Total postofflce department sales for ceipts exceeded any previous philatelic the duration of the Exhibition amounted exhibition. There were nearly three to $229,574.99. Of this amount $134,526.72 million stamps on display, and It would was spent for the special sheets and have been necessary to walk six miles $95,048.27 was realized through the sale to inspect all the frames within the of other commemorative agency stock. building. As a result of this latter heavy sale it is 1,121,056 "TIPEX" Sheets Sold expected tnat many of the older com­ Cooperating with the Exhibition the memoratives will soon be removed from postoffice department prepared a special the agency list. • CROWDS await the opening of the Third International Philatelic Ex,bibition, Grand Central Palace, New York City, May 9, 1936.-Photo by H. E. Harris & Co. ~ OFFICIAL PUBLICATION OF THE e AMERICAN AIR MAIL SOCIETY T~E AIRPOST JOURNAL e JUNE, 1936 VOL. VII. NO. 9 e ISSUE 74 lOc PER COPY 3 Annual Banquet· of The American °Air Mail Society ~ ..... ~ • A section of the seventh annual banquet of the American Air Mail Society hel.d . at the Hotel Lexington, May 16, 1936. Over one hundred Society members and guests attended the event . ''.' ·'"" JUNE 1936 Airposts Prominent flight, which paid for more than half the For the first time in history practically cost of the entire trip. He thanked the all of the world's most outstanding air collectors for this help given him and mail collections were gathered together explained that one of the covers carried in one place. An idea of the scope and on the "Hindenburg" from Germany the magnitude of the rarities in evidence day before was being sent to President may be had when one considers that Roosevelt for his collection. there were actually more copies of the Air Mail Day United States 1918 twenty-four cent in­ vert displayed than there were examples The Lecture Room program arranged of the •normal stamp. The various for Air Mail Day, Thursday, May 14, by frames disclosed some twenty-odd singles Mr. L. B. Gatchell, director of the of the inverted center, together with one American Air Mail Society and a member block of four. Manuscript Martinsydes, of the International Jury for the show, Hawkers and De Pinedos were also and Mr. Nicolas Sanabria, prominent air­ equally well represented, alongside of post dealer-publisher and a member of rare red Hondurans and priceless the Organizing Committee, included a SCADTAs. visit and short talk by Amelia Earhart. Other interesting talks on airmail were Famous Collections given during the day by Charles P. Superb and world renowned airpost Graddick, Superintendent of Air Mail collections such as those formed by Dr. Service, Robert E. Fellers, Superintendent Philip G. Cole, Mrs. Anson R. Mc­ of the Division of Stamps, both of the Cleverty, Miss Winifred Penn-Gaskell, Postoffice Department, Washington, D.C., Donald D. Davis, George W. Angers, P. and by George W. Angers, F. W. Kess­ H. B. Frelinghuysen, Carlton W. Smith, ler, Norman Serphos, Anson R. Thomp­ Harry. A. Truby, Norman Serphos and son, M. Chlumecky, of Vienna, Austria, others proved a fascinating feast for Francis B. Leech and Wm. R. Alley. Mrs. aero·phllatelic eyes. Clara Adams, first trans-Atlantic Zeppelin AAMS Lounge passenger, told of her various experi­ ences as a passenger in trans-oceanic The American Air Mail Society provid­ aerial travel. ed an attractive booth and lounge on the mezzanine floor where members and their Airpost Judges friends. were given opportunity to rest Members of the International Jury and visit. The booth was attractively assigned to the judging of airposts were furnished with several modern · pieces L. B. Gatchell, President Emeritus of the and the background was formed by a American Air Mail Society and well­ beautiful photographic mural showing known American writer and specialist the development of air mail, which was in air mails, and Col. Anson R. Mc­ donated to the Society by F.W. Kessler. Cleverty, prominent English authority pn The special Exhibition and Convention airposts. They are to be complimented number of the AIRPOST JOURNAL was on the fine work rendered and their un­ distributed from the booth, together tiring efforts in going over the massive with the American Air Mail Catalogue amount of superb material to make the and other airpost publications and liter­ awards to the truly deserving collections. ature. A large number of collectors were introduced to the various benefits "TIPEX" Dinner Dance of the Society and enrolled. as members. The reception and dinner dance of the Mrs. Walter J. Conrath was in charge of Third International Philatelic Exhibition the booth and was assisted by officers was held at the Hotel Astor, Friday eve­ and members of the Sqciety. ning, May 15. A portion of the program Airpost Booths was broadcast over station WJZ. Noted philatelists who participated in "TIPEX" Nicolas Sanabria, Inc., F. W. Kessler, were in attendance and Miss Amelia L. W. Charlat and several other airpost Earhart presented the awards to the dealers had attractive booths at the Ex­ winning exhibitors. hibition and the greatest interest of the crowds visiting the show seemed to ,cen­ Highest Airpost Award ter about airmails where a brisk business The highest honor award in the air­ was done by the majority of the airpost post section, a beautiful gold plaque, dealers. was presented to Dr. Philip G. Cole, Dr. Eckener's Visit prominent New Yorker and member of Dr. Hugo Eckener, commodore of the the American Air Mail Society, for his airship "Hindenburg", paid a visit to remarkable collection of aero-philatelic "TIPEX" Sunday afternoon, May 10. He items. The beautiful collection, shown addressed several hundred collectors in in ten frames and housed in thirty ad­ the lecture room, saying the money they ditional albums, revealed practically all spent had been a big factor in making of the outstanding rarities and a number the many famous flights of the Graf of pieces which had not been previously Zeppelin possible. He mentioned that shown. The pages were handsomely philatelists had spent $110,000 for stamps mounted and illuminated by Mr. and and covers for the around-the-wm:Jd Mrs. F. W. Kessler and attracted num- 5 THE AIRPOST JOURNAL Salvador; Bronze; P. J. Drossos, Athens, Greece, Greece; Bronze, K. N. Woodward, Jackson Heights, Venezuela. Semi-Official Airmail Stamps. Class C4 Silver, Walter R. Guthrie, Elmhurst,· Queens, Colombian Republic; Bronze, G. H. Fay, Upper Montclair, N.J., Canada. U. S. Pioneer Flights, Prior to 1918. Class C2-Sllver-Gold, Robert T. Stevens, Plainfield, · N.J., U.S. Pioneer • Flights; Bronze, Thomas F. Armstrong, Philadel­ phia, Pa., U.S. Pioneer Flights. U.S. Government Flights, 1918 to 1926. Class C4-Silver, Hency Ha.mmelman, N. Y.C., U.S. Government Flights; Bronze, Guido Lodigiani, N.Y.C. ,U.S. Government _ Flights. U. S. Contract Flights, Domestic and Foreign Services. Class C4-Silver, Chas. G. Riess, Albany, N.Y., U.S. Contract Flights, C.A.M.; Silver, George W. Angers, Springfield, Mass., U.S. Contract Flights; Bronze, George S. Chapman, Fort Coving­ ton, N.Y., U.S. Contract -Flights; Bronze, Benjamin, Ladin, Btooklyn, N.Y., U. S. Contract Flights, F.A.M. Experimental, Historical and Special Flights. Class A-Gold, Miss Winifred Penn-Gaskell, Newton · Abbot, England, e DR. HUGO ECKENER (right) and Airpost-Historlcal; Silver, I. P. V. Hein­ Alfred P. Lichtenstein at the "TIPEX" muller, N.Y.C., Airmails-Historical; Sil­ reception in the Lecture Room. ver, Cyril W. Fawdry, Solihull, England, -Photo by Herbert Goudket Airmails-Siam; Bronze, James A. R. Dry­ den, Edinburgh, Scotland, Airmails-Eng­ erous comments at the exhibition hall. land; Bronze, Miss Gertrude L. Collins, The presentation of the gold plaqµe, New Castle on Tyne, England, Airmails­ which was one of the twelve highest Persia. awartls of the International Exhibition, Airport Dedications, Pilot Autographs, was made to Dr. Cole by Miss Earhart. Air-Meets, Exhibitions or any Similar (See front cover).
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