BUCKENBOWRA RIVER LOCALITY MAP MUNDARLOW CREEK Compartments 568, 569 & 570 Wandera/Mogo State Forest No.143/549 SOUTHERN REGION: BATEMANS BAY MANAGEMENT AREA 23>WATERFALL CREEK Monga NP On FCNSW Scale: 1:100,000 unsealed ³ gravel roads SALTWATER GULLY 570 569 568 JEREMADRA CREEK Á Á G v DOOGA CREEK Deua NP OULLA CREEK MOGENDOURA CREEK MULLENDEREE CREEK MALABAR CREEK BURRA CREEK ! Towns & LocalitiesDONALDS CREEK Major Rivers ® Sealed Road MORUYA RIVER Major Forest Road DEUA RIVER RACECOURSE CREEK ! Moruya GILMORES CREEK State Forest National Parks Planning Unit Formal Reserve Vacant Crown Land Informal Reserve Non Forest Softwood Plantations Freehold Water CANDOIN CREEK G Emergency Meeting Point Eurobodalla NP P Helicopter Landing Site WAMBAN CREEK Á Evacuation Route Á Haulage Route CONGO CREEK 25 26 27 28 29 230 Prepared By: Kate Halton Harvest Plan Operational Map Compartments:568, 569 & 570 Version: 1 State Forest: Wandera & MogoNo's: 143 & 549 2> ACTING PLANNING MANAGER APPROVAL 3 ........................................................................................ SOUTHERNREGION - Hardwood Forests On FCNSW APPROVED: Lee Blessington unsealed Map Sheet:Burrumbela 8826-2N & Mogo 8926-3N gravel roads Monga NP DATE: 07/04/2014 ³ H 36 36 570 H H H H ^ ^ 12 ^ ^ !@ ^ H! 67 B 35 ^ 36 ^^ 35 H! ^ 35 84 lot # ^^ 2x bat roost 569 # ^ 1/249355 trees A 94 Crown Reserve 86 (K ^ #90024 87 ( H 87 H H H H 1/1173592 Gated section ^ North End 0# 2/1173592 H H 568 2/1173592 H Gated section H South End H 34 H 34 H H H! ^^_ LEGEND TENURE FAUNA FEATURES FLORA FEATURES BOUNDARIES Glossy Black-Cockato HS09006 H National Park Estate ^ 0# Correa baeuerlenii Lot 16 Grey-headed Flying-fox ÉÉÉÉÉÉState Forest Boundary Private Property lot 56 ÉÉÉÉÉÉCompartment Boundary Bat Roost Tree (30m radius Crown Reserve 90024-Trig Site K HARVEST AREA exclusion) FMZ 4/RU1/STS Light-Medium NON HARVEST AREA !@ Masked Owl lots ROADS Special Management (FMZ 2) A Powerful Owl ^ 59 & 72 1 H lot Major Forest Harvesting Protection (FMZ 3A) ^ Gang-gang Cockatoo Minor Forest ^ 108 Roadside Management (FMZ 3B) (20m) ## Varied Sittella EPL Standard Existing (Major) 25 EPL Standard Existing (Minor) Owl Landscape ^ Glossy Black-Cockatoo (Feed Tree) 61 EPL Licenced (New Construction) DEUA RIVER Ridge & Headwater Habitat (40m either side) STREAM EXCLUSION ZONES (EPL IHL 2 & TSL) FEATURES RU 2 Excluded Forest Feature Filter Strip Protection Zone Operational Zone Occupation Permit (grazing/water) Rainforest & Exclusion (20m) Unmapped 5m 5m 5m Zone 55/56 boundary ^ ^ 41 Rocky Outcrop & Exclusion (20m) 1st Order 5m 5m 10m B Rocky Terrain 33 Slopes >30 (IHL 4) 2nd order 5m 15m 10m DUMPS & CROSSINGS DRAINAGE 3rd order 5m 25m 10m lot 111 Temporary Dry Weather Mapped LIC Drainage 4th order 5m 45m 10m 112 H !H Permanent Bee Set Down Major Rivers Waterbodies 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Scale: 1:15,000 113 Meters Contour Interval 10m 114 225000E 26 27 28 29 230 Path: G:\PLANNING\HarvestPlans\South Coast\Wandera_Mogo\Cpt-568_569_570\HP_BB_568_569_570_13\OpsHP_BB_568_569_570_13.mxd Prepared By: Darryl Chaffey Harvest Plan Forest Type Map Version: 1 Compartments: 568, 569 & 570 State Forest: Wandera & MogoNo: 143 & 549 32> SOUTHERNREGION - Hardwood Forests On FCNSW unsealed Map Sheet:Burrumbela 8826-2N & Mogo 8926-3N gravel roads ³ 67 68 69 770 71 72 É 36 36 570 569 35 569 35 568 LEGEND FOREST TYPE (Y A) BOUNDARIES Forest Type (YA) Gross Area (ha) ÉÉÉÉÉÉState Forest Boundary Ash ÉÉÉÉÉÉCompartment Boundary Ash 55.3 Brown Barrel Brown Barrel 94.5 ROADS Coastal Dry Forest Coastal Dry Forest 312.9 34 Major Forest Minor Forest Low Quality Forest Low Quality Forest 32.1 EPL Standard Existing (Major) Non Eucalypt Forest Non Eucalypt Forest 1.8 EPL Standard Existing (Minor) EPL Licenced (New Construction) Non Forest Non Forest 13.8 Rainforest Rainforest 56.7 Spotted Gum Spotted Gum 76.5 Yellow Stringybark - Gum Yellow Stringybark - Gum 380.6 DRAINAGE Mapped LIC Drainage 0 125 250 500 750 1,000 Scale:1:15,000 Meters Contour Interval 10m 767000E 68 69 770 71 72 23000 Path: G:\PLANNING\HarvestPlans\South Coast\Wandera_Mogo\Cpt-568_569_570\HP_BB_568_569_570_13\FT_HP_BB_568_569_570_13.mxd Southern Region – Cpts 568, 569 and 570, Wandera & Mogo State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area HARDWOOD FORESTS- SOUTHERN REGION HARVESTING PLAN Wandera & Mogo State Forest - Compartments 568, 569 and 570 Certification This plan has been prepared in accordance with the Integrated Forestry Operations Approval issued under the Forestry and National Park Estate Act 1998. The Standard Harvest Plan Conditions for Native Forest Operations in Southern Region, South Coast apply to this operation. Prepared By: Kate Halton Endorsed By: Approved By: Lee Harvest Harvest Planning Acting Planning Blessington Planner Team Leader Manager Signature Kate Halton Signature Signature Lee Blessington Date 07/04/14 Date Date 07/04/14 Note: Approval includes the Harvest Plan Operational Map (HPOM) with the corresponding approval date displayed on the map, verifying final approved version. Other maps included with this plan are Locality, Forest Type and Roading. Description of Proposal Harvesting of native forest Harvesting of native forest, using Single Tree Selection Silviculture subject to the Southern Region, IFOA requirements will be undertaken within this planning unit. Road construction will be licensed under the EPL. Harvesting will not be licensed under the EPL. The primary product of the harvesting is high quality large sawlogs (quota logs), small high quality sawlogs, veneer logs, girders, poles & piles where timber markets are available. Parts of felled logs that do not meet high quality log specifications are segregated and graded into other classifications such as salvage sawlogs, pulp logs & miscellaneous timbers e.g. split & round posts, firewood, mining timbers & craftwood. The availability of miscellaneous timbers depends mainly on forest types, log defectiveness & market conditions at the time of harvesting. Clause 22 – Integrated Forestry Operations Approval (IFOA) Consideration All relevant factors have been reviewed taking into account the volume and monetary value of each forest product to supply Term Agreement Holders. The harvesting operation also complies with Clause 22 of the IFOA. Attachment 1: Site Safety Plan prescribes safety requirements and Medical Emergency Evacuation Plan for this harvesting operation. Attachment 2: Roading plan prescribes roading requirements for this harvesting operation. Appendix 3: Details prescribed burning requirements for the harvesting operation. Abbreviations used in this plan HP_BB_568_569_570_13 08-04-14 1 Southern Region – Cpts 568, 569 and 570, Wandera & Mogo State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area SFO = Supervising Forest Officer, CC= Contract Coordinator, OTL= Operations Team Leader, HTL = Harvesting Team Leader, IFOA = Integrated Forestry Operations Approval. Area Identification and Yield Estimates State Forest Compartment/s Region Management Certification Area Wandera & 568, 569 & 570 Southern Batemans Bay AS4708:2007 Mogo (western half) ISO 14001 Cpt 568 Cpt 569 Cpt 570 Total Plan Compartment ID 20169 20170 20168 NA Gross Area (ha) 381 274 363 1018 Net Harvestable Area (ha) 179 233 134 546 Harvest Area (ha) 150 128 64 342 Poles, Piles, Veneer & 0 0 0 0 Girders (m3) Quota Logs (HQL) (m3) 790 670 340 1800 High Quality Small (m3) 200 170 80 450 Salvage (m3) 400 330 170 900 Pulp E1 (m3) 320 270 135 725 Pulp E2 (m3) 0 0 0 0 Firewood/Misc (m3) 1100 930 470 2500 Note: The yield estimates in the table above are derived from tactical inventory, then modified to align with actual yields in adjacent compartments 575 and 576. Slope Classes (percent of harvest area) Cpt 568 Cpt 569 Cpt 570 Slope Class % of harvest area % of harvest area % of harvest area 0-20º 53 28 49 20-25 º 29 26 29 25-30 º 18 20 22 HP_BB_568_569_570_13 08-04-14 2 Southern Region – Cpts 568, 569 and 570, Wandera & Mogo State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area Forestry Corporation of NSW – Southern Region Harvesting Plan HP_BB_568_569_570_13 Compartments 568, 569 and 570 Attachment 1 – Site Safety Plan SAFETY CONSIDERATIONS Emergency Plan Information (a) Mobile Phone reception on work site: Ö Good Poor Nil Nearest reliable reception: Wandera Trig Road. (b) FCNSW Radio from work site: Contractor Radio at work site: Channel No: 236 UHF Channel No: __________ Call to: Batemans Bay Contractor Radio No: ______ Call sign from: Your name Call to Bush Boss: _________ (c) Emergency meeting point for ambulance: Intersection of Heffernans and K-Ridge Roads. 1:100000 map sheet: Batemans Bay 8926 MGA zone: 56 MGA Grid reference: E 229588 N 6032691 Lat/Long for GPS: 35° 48' 47" S 150° 0' 29" E. (d) Closest Helicopter Landing Place: Private Property on Larry’s Mountain Road 1:100000 map sheet: Batemans Bay 8926 MGA zone: 56 MGA Grid reference: E 231546 N 6027826. Lat/Long for GPS: 35° 51' 25" S 150° 01' 37" E. (e) Procedure for obtaining Ambulance assistance: Dial "000" OR Call Batemans Bay Forestry Office 1300 880 548 for Ambulance assistance. Dial “112” only as an alternative to “000” if you have a GSM digital mobile phone and you are outside your own provider’s GSM network coverage area. HP_BB_568_569_570_13 08-04-14 3 Southern Region – Cpts 568, 569 and 570, Wandera & Mogo State Forest, Batemans Bay Management Area "000" Operator Question. Response 1. Police, Fire, Ambulance? Ambulance. 2. Suburb (State Forest name): Wandera (Nearest town or named locality): Mogendoura (Nearest Ambulance station): Moruya 3. Address: (Nearest named State forest road): Heffernans Road. 4. Nearest Road Junction: Heffernans Road and K-Ridge Road. 5 Local Government Area: Eurobodalla Shire Council. 6. Nature of the problem: Give details of accident, number and condition of casualties. 7. Where is the accident: Work site location – (Centre of Compartments). MGA Grid reference: Zone 55 E 769735 N 6035046. Lat/long for GPS: 35° 47' 26" S 149° 59' 07 " E. 8. Directions to navigate from Ambulance Station to meeting point: Directions from Moruya: · North along Princes Highway for approximately 2km, · Turn left onto Larry’s Mountains Road and go approximately 8.5 km, · Right onto K-Ridge Road and go 5.5 km to Heffernans Road intersection.
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