t •' V ,T '~ ’.v.'D.pvs'- Pertly dowdy with U n i >l>nrr« teolgkt aad Baturday. AN INDKPKfti SANFORD. FLORIDA, X, JUNE 10, lfSS Tabulation of V< Governorship Race “W et” Candidates # 1 • to V si C S| £ , J ' nfccv**.*favored *» * s • In State* 1 *1 / 1 ? . 9 X&.• i I! 3*1•1 Primary Election Health Officials See Drive Is Launched For - Menace fotmiCondi­ Quick EnactmentOf TWO G IN FIGHTS Martin, Sholtx Still ^ Of Minor De­ tion Existing A t Important Legisla­ Retain Advantage*; tail, Before M e e t Open-A I r Quarters tion, Adjournment M ARK EFFORTS Mrs.Owen Concede* ‘ ■ ( - /«L '■ ' < • Victory To Wllco* C H IC A G O , June 10. — MRS, OWEN W ILL WASHINGTON, June 10.— | Wa s h in g t o n . Jun# 10. — .,1a on atmoapboro (AJP.)—AVhlle leader, prrtenUd (A IM —Tha vital economy, rollaf JA C K SO N V ILLE , June id, petltlona at' Ih, While llteae and an,l *upply bill, yetterday ab- — (A.P.)— Democratic nomlr »lb n n t • With- demand* f « RE Numerous Shots Are * # re.ub- pltol trying Immediate bonua •orlwtl both llout, and Sanate In nation* fur two of FlorliU'l Exchanged Between rolaaioa, • Rfepubl payment. Dr. William C. FowUr. a drlva far quirk enactmant of rontoited congressional neat* ■ . , Dlatrlct ef Co|umiila health off! thi* important legtalatlon and Police And Robber today had fallen to prohibi­ cer, yeaterday pronounced the ret- lift l«» » early adjournmant. tion referendum candidate* Re-Iterates She Does t r a a ormy'a llrlny rendition, II |L A trail of blond that Dd officers illflahemueti 71 7* Mil (tv The badly riddled economy hill and a third to a rcpealigt, ' "Not BelleveInuLame “frightful." llolm»a tl *« ir*» ns nil otrnr Georgetown during the WORK Ind lllwr l * •if as ,ent to ronferenre for adjuat- roovenU’ofi bagii A- committee rrpre,rating, ilhe Jmrksoii Z? at! »»I» early hour* of Ih* mtrnlngj ■ Ug whllo a referendum advocate DdckH Office Term imffsrmon 11 ment of difference, ae they ac- .^aeadaK;^',;' ■ ■ P former eerrlce men railed at the B ftTI a* and a dry will fight It nut Whk, llout, and plared Ihelr com­ U firoiio • ft nft :i> relrraUd work on the long da- of grnc*rie* that hod been riddled UoU» tobbtoa arm with Uha Z1 ft Ml m with buckshot, and doaana af bro­ for a fourth In the runoff,­ JACJCBONVlUA J«wn 10. - munication to tha Prcident in Ih, 1^* 21 21 til IIS | laved appropriation measures. _ ken windows In the Keheraosa Fruit Haile WDm.,, West Pain, Beaeh; Ueml com mi tire m»n and dal a. (A .P .)—Wre. Roth Bryan Owen, hand, of one of hi« rrrrrtarlea. U « n II tl ill Senate Demorrata served notice . left T 17 IT Ml xii Canneries lncM building on Thlr- >•' *pnRly~*xpr*»slnr opinions Earlier it had dalleered the pe­ l.ltirrt F • Ift (bey would demand action on their In th* Fourth District, whu want* defeated far renomtnatlon to Coa- ft kr lee nth Htrest- ar* nyuls yrldbnrea •A . » fc • Republican platform tition to Vice Prexident Curtie M (ad I Bun 11 II • 11 91 bill to lend 93UO.OUO.UOO to tha lb* Eighteenth Amendment re* ■ret, from thq fourth Florida dis­ MbiibIm 1 • If ill of two tsnss gun baltlaa sieged In and, finding Speaker Gainer buay Mur Inn 11 11 loll ft • tale* through the Reconstruction pMled decisively dsfMted tha trict, will resign on Dae. 1, #he preaiding over the llouee, left ■ Mart in • ft ft« M Cmporation for relief of tho un­ this city early yesterday and early I \inrna 17 f • 7 11 this morning. Incumbent Rulh Bryan Owen, wbd Mid yacberday in canceling the ropy at hla offira. Th# meeaage Mmoiu employed. The Hoover home loan 11 II 14$ «TI Chief or Police Hpy Q. Williams, was * referendum candidate. victory to Mark' Wllcnx, West wo* read lo the Senate an,| llouaa. Ohalitu* • II tft $44 ftft dl*rount legislation will ba con­ I Ikaarhnbra 7 ft 141 Ift In reciting th, story of ths two Palm. Booth. W lltoi, campaigning Of. Fowler raid the open kir en- • n|» 17 aft 1411 111 sidered today In the House with Three hundred and, US pr*» rampment at Ana>o,tia flat, waa I ►•*'*<«l« It 4 • 4 f a view to final action Saturday. shooting affair*, declared that he c l nr t a nut of 4 IP In UlS on r amt platform, bad* pi led op a ‘ahtl lletrh 1* If tftft III* bslfsved that thay both w*re eru •treat lead orar Urn daughter of tha wont mrnarr to the rity'a *■ arn It tl lft«» III The Senate (tanking Committee district gav* Wilcox 52,715 aijd health einre hr i.ok of fire. l*lria>llB« fc« left 114ft • Tl •uhitituted lha House home loan gaged In by ths same Iona rubber William JennlnCC Bryan In 334 III If If llftl Iftli who attempted to enter Rlen- Mrs. Owtn, 42,405. Mr*. Owen precincts of lha 419 In the district. Meanwhile, the IHMrirt runimis. linm tts 21 ftf'» 11J bill yesterday far the measure in­ John. strum's Ururery Thursday morn­ already haa eonredrd defeat. The aUnding la them precinct* ■loners sent trUgrains to gobrr- tl II 111 • M troduced by Senator Wateon, Ra. Rl l.urla t • Ilf If publiran, Indiana, and prepared lo ing, was frightened »* »y , but suc­ A runoff hetwesn Representa­ waa Wilcox <1410; Mr,. Owen non of all tha Mate, urging them '•-atiln llnaa fl tl IM1 III I4SI tive Tom Yon, dry, and MUIard to do whMeeer they ran to keep Hmaattl ■ 11 Ift IU 117 IU lake final artlan ne,t Monday ceeded in entering tht place thla ujm. , • ’ ’ . • Hemliiitla 11 II • Tl lit • 71* mumlng, Caldwell referendum advocate, , In-concading her defeat Mr*. their velertjni at home. Humlrr I'ritlleged legislative status III 1? II Tft 1 til A>cording to Chltf Williams, a appeared assured In th* Third Owen Mid xhe dtd not. halier. In Local police, rt operating with Htiwnnnrw t" tft itift «!l the llouaa waa given the Fulmar Taylor II It Ml 701 bill to turn over to the Red Croa* special force hat been watching District. Two hundred and T5 -|<m, iack” offkn balding ahd In government agencies i n v o l v e d I 'ntnn 1 ft Sift .Ii precinct, nut of 2H3 In U)A made plena lo rend detachment, of luoli 17 Ift ftftl till <0,000,000 buahela of farm hoard out-lying butlntas houses attd ga- C telegram to WUrwx aald: * Wakulla 1 • 11 It B f ragst fur ths past two weeks, In district gav* Caldwell 15,523, -The return* appaar to IndieaU tha veteran, to obaole r army Wah.tr. It wheat and 500,000 hairs of cotton V' *>hliig|i ii tl llftt the hope uf nabbing the persona re­ R O. Patterson, 10,552 and Yvn W ltH accept- your nomination and I am wiring poet, in the virinity of the • apital IT It m i 4l: lit tu feed and clothe the hungry. sponsible for a patty crime wave 17.057. ' ••ion prtnripU. to offer you Wy‘ paagmtnUtlona. to reduce tha conge, ion Tuial 19*1 IMI 4UM MTU *»TBT Meanwhile, the Senate Agrirul lutal % ee|# laltilairU 2SS.SSB that threatens lo assume serious Nomination fur rongr*t*man-at« all-prohibition- At th( main ramp a tillage had ture Committer approved the Mr- I hath reted for and worked for proportions, Urge It up lo John Altop and e rearalM, I* aprung up thhero a weak aru then r ----- ^ — Nary measure tu use 50,000,000 the bill Which paaand through Con- Ytsterdsy morning at about 2:00 Jo# Sears, both referendum con- i'll a Karp dte- abollahlng the Unw dock waa a vacant field. Crude huta. buahela fur the same purpuas. both Republic- o'clock, offlrtra cruising Ip a po­ didst**. Ten hundred and seventy , . 'This bffl U now In the their roofa thatched with dried Effort Will »velt Begins Early action on these was forecast lice rar near tho Slsnetrom Qrw- four precincts out of 1251 In tU cxtops Ra to gtgrOM of being nttilled liy the traav.airaw or We, twtmhra, sup­ by patty leaders in loth blanches. With tha Sanate struggling hard rary, nppualu tho tanning plant, state gav* Aleop 55,355 Hears ‘ state*.' , • plemented . the ehede erected at Made In City To ;ork Of Reading lo diapoae of the big supply hills saw a man about to enter tha 53,042, Hall 30,205, Frank l« , 5 » , Ctated 1 do U m ixrtfe ahhlUr fur t bun and, Jennings 21,523. ||. P*^*rt0R * • tdataktua dVfdt, ' ___ Form Orcneslra Seabury’g Report to pava tha way for adjournment building Thay opened fir* Ihtmtdl- r .> ' ntaly after ardarlni Us* pet*on ta forced Representative Drfng, Jr - icwA- de pet re probably nett week, ih. Ileus# ALBA^T,' ft. T , dan. 1 0 . — atop, and for a*v*r*> minute*, they ctimbfnL, into * runoff In tba ' yw lth the canaldtrttl ih| last af the money ii.annai<4,ii. kiimu., engaged In a gun batUe with Oil Flrit Dtrtntt Thra* hundred and cootie mous in or ntOr, piece aymphany hrrhe«lra[ (A .P.I—Governor Ro<»ev,lt taxi DgWltldti; ’the )|5,«M.000 de­ ficiency measure. rubber, who fled across Ih* atr**l 10 out of 171 gav* Drans 25,569, 1! i hall tharofera taka the pc A i| U eyJ a n < romparablp to thoaa In rllie, twice night began a two to three week One stumbling bhx-k looming sod wax firing from the rear of Peterson 10,6.15 and Imwry 10,034.
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