ISSN 1818-9849 The Scientific Society of Arab Association of Arab Universities Universities Faculties of Arts Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts A Biannual Refereed Academic Journal Published by The Scientific Society of Arab Universities Faculties of Arts at Universities Members of AARU Vol. 7 No. 2 1431/2010 © Copyright 2010 by The Scientific Society of Arab Universities Faculties of Arts All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the prior written permission of the Editor-in-Chief. Opinions expressed in this journal are solely those of their authors and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the Editorial Board or the policy of The Society of Arab Universities Faculties of Arts Typesetting and Layout Majdi Al-Shannaq Editorial Board Editor-in-Chief Fahmi Salim Ghazwi, Secretary General of The Scientific Society of Arab Universities Faculties of Arts, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Yarmouk University, Irbid, Jordan. Editorial Secretary Ameera Ali Al-Huwwari, The Scientific Society of Arab Universities Faculties of Arts. Members Nihad Mousa, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Jordan University, Amman, Jordan Abdulhameid Gnaim, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Zarqa Private University, Zarqa, Jordan Abdullah Al-Shaker, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Philadilphia Private University, Amman, Jordan Mohammad Al-Anani, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Petra Private University, Amman, Jordan Muhammad Rabi’, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Jerash Private University, Jerash, Jordan Adnan Haiajna, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Al-Hashemet University, Zarqa, Jordan. Fawwaz Al-Abed Al-Haq, Dean of the Faculty of Arts, Al-Albayt University, Mafraq, Jordan Advisory Committee Mimounah Khalifa Al-Sabah, Kuwait University, Kuwait. Rami Al-MohammadAllah, An-Najah National University , Palestine. Abdullah Al-Nabhan, albaath University Syria. Yusuf M. Abdullah, San'a University, Yemen. Ali Fahmi, President of the Arabic Language Academy, Libya. Khaleel Jahjah, Lebanese University, Lebanon. Fuad Shehab, Bahrain. Mohammad Al-Hudlouq, KSA. Adel Al-Toueasy, Jordan. Hasaneen Rabe’a, Qatar. Ez AlDean AlAmeen Abdulrahman, Sudan. Abeddelhameed Jakon, Algeria. Sami Abeddelhameed Mahmoud, Al- Sharjah. Mousa Jawad Al-Mousoui, Baghdad Univerrsity, Iraq. Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts A Biannual Refereed Academic Journal Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts (AARUJA) is a biannual refereed academic journal published by the Scientific Society of Arab Universities Faculties of Arts at Universities members of the Association of Arab Universities. Notes to Contributors Language AARUJA's Articles are published in Arabic together with their abstracts in English. Manuscript, however, may be published in any other printable language. Rules Regulating the Journal - Manuscripts should be submitted in Arabic together with an English abstract. However, submission in either English ,French, or any other printable foreign language, with an Arabic abstract, is subject to approval by the Editorial Board - AARUJA publishes genuinely original articles characterized by clear academic methodology, comprehensiveness, and thorough investigation; where exact referencing is made to sources and reference works, and the article has not been previously published anywhere else. A specialized criticism or review of an academic work published in the Arab world or abroad as well as reports on specialized Arab or inter- national symposiums and conferences may be published. Manuscripts accepted for publication in AARUJA are approved for academic promotion - AARUJA publishes academic articles in the fields of arts, languages, social and human sciences, social service, journalism and mass communication - Manuscripts should be computer-typed and double spaced. Four copies are to be submitted together with a floppy disk congruent with IBM (Ms Word) - Manuscripts including figures, drawings, tables and appendixes shall not exceed thirty pages - Manuscripts submitted for publication in AARUJA shall be sent, if initially accepted, to at least two specialist referees, who are chosen with absolute confidentiality by the Editor –in –Chief - AARUJA reserves its right to ask the author to omit, reformulate, or reword his/her manuscript or any part thereof in a manner that conforms to the publication policy - Copyright pertinent to the manuscript accepted for publication shall be transferred to AARUJA. - AARUJA does not pay remuneration for the articles published therein - One copy of the issue in which the manuscript is published well be sent free of charge to the sole or principal author of the published manuscript. - Manuscripts should be addressed to: Secretary General The Society of Arab Universities Faculties of Arts Editor – in –Chief Association of Arab Universities Journal for Arts Yarmouk University , Irbid , Jordan. Tel . 00962 2 7211111 Fax. 00962 2 7211137 E-mail:[email protected] Website :http://saufa.yu.edu.jo Documentation References in the text are serially numbered between brackets ( ) . References at the end of the article shall be as follows in case the source or reference work is a book: The author’s full name: source or reference work , part, number, publisher, place of publication , year, page(s). e.g. Dayf, Shawqi : The First Abbasid Period ,Dar al- Maarif , Egypt,1966,.24. In case where a periodical or a journal is consulted , referral thereto shall be as follows : The author’s full name, source or reference work, name of periodical or journal, volume number, year, page. e.g. Sa’aydan , Ahmad Saleem :" On Arabicization of Sciences". Jordanian Arabic Language Academy Journal, Volume I .No 2 July 1978,p.101. References should be listed in the bibliography at the end of the manuscript in alphabetical order of authors’ surname, beginning with Arabic references, then foreign ones. Subscription Information Annual subscription rates in Jordan: individuals (JD 3.00), institutions (JD 5.00); outside Jordan: individuals (US $ 7.00), institutions (US $ 10.00) or equivalent. Table of Contents Articles in French * L’aspect extralinguistique de l’acte traduisant 45 Safa Zayed * Etude contrastive de trois traductions Françaises Contemporaines du Saint Coran 59 Narjes Enaasser * Pour une nouvelle perspective d'apprentissage : l'approche par les tâches dans un cours de français langue étrangère (FLE) à 85 l'université du Yarmouk en Jordanie. Rana Kandeel * L’acquisition de la langue maternelle chez l’enfant 99 Batoul Al-Muhaissen and Al Rabadi Elie * De l'Elégie Antique A l'Elégie Romantique 113 Mohammad AL Zou'bi Articles in English * The Artist's Predicament in Hawthorne's Story 'The Artist of the Beautiful' 131 Sabbar Sultan * Code-Switching in the Speech of Native Speakers of Arabic in the United States: Structure and Motivations 151 Khaled Abu-Abbas, Muhammad Badarneh and Wael Zuraiq * Auxiliaries in Turkish and English: Contrastive Analysis 175 Ibrahim Abushihab * The Goals and Discourses of Diana Abu-Jaber's Crescent and John Updidke's' Terrorist 205 Tawfiq Yousef * The polemics of Text and Readers in Hans Robert Jauss' and Wolfgang Iser's Reader- Oriented Critical Theories 223 Ahmad Taha * The Alchemy of literature: Orientalist Perspectives in Coelho's The Alchemist 243 Masha’el Al-Sudeary * Esoteric and Artistic Power vs. Political Power in Shakespeare's The Tempest 259 Sabbar Sultan and Samira al-Khawaldeh The Arab Journal For Arts Vol. 7 No. 2, 2010, pp. 45-58 L’aspect extralinguistique de l’acte traduisant © Safa Zayed* Résumé La plupart des traductologues s’accordent sur le fait que la traduction est un processus qui englobe deux aspects: l’aspect linguistique et l’aspect extralinguistique. Et étant donné que plusieurs études abordent l’aspect linguistique, nous évoquerons dans cet article le peu d’études récentes qui abordent les différences extralinguistiques existant entre le texte original et sa traduction, à savoir: 1. La stylistique comparée qui fut la première filière de la linguistique à invoquer les différences non linguistiques entre le texte original et sa traduction. 2. Le modèle de Jean Delisle (1980) qui conçoit la traduction comme un processus incluant deux langues et un seul savoir culturel partagé par les destinataires du texte original et les récepteurs de sa traduction. 3. Le modèle de Sprová (1991) qui présente la traduction comme une opération où non seulement deux langues sont confrontées, mais aussi deux cultures qui ne donnent pas de façon innée à un terme qu’elles partagent la même acception. Introduction Pendant longtemps, la traduction était considérée comme une activité intuitive qui concerne deux langues. On ne savait rien sur le processus qui guide le choix d’un équivalent. On ne savait pas non plus ce qui se passait dans le cerveau du traducteur lors de cette transmission interlinguale qui est la traduction. Mais à partir des années 80, avec l’émergence de la psychologie cognitive, beaucoup de traductologues ont commencé à s’intéresser à l’acte traduisant et ont tenté de lui offrir une enveloppe rationnelle. Plusieurs traductologues se sont mis à analyser cet acte et ont élaboré des modèles du processus de traduction: il s’agit du modèle interprétatif de l’ESIT- surtout les ouvrages de Seleskovitch, Lederer et Delisle - l’analyse de R.T Bell (1991) inspirée par la psycho-linguistique, l’application de Gutt (1991) de la théorie de la pertinence de Serber et Wilson (1986) et le modèle psycholinguistique proposé par Kiraly (1995). © Copyright 2010 by The Society of Arab Universities Faculties
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