'TWENTY-NINTH YEAR. N^. 44. FRIDAY AFTERNOON, JULY 26, 1918. $2.00 PER YEAR, C, M. BISHOP IN GOV'T POST, APPEAL BY GOVEENOR. WORK OF AFTER= Former Summit Man Chief of New Di­ FARMERETTES A SELECTIVES OFF Edge Urges Every. Effort to Win the AISINI vision to Pnsli Oriental,Trade, War. CARE COMMITTEE Creation of a Far Eastern division, BIG SUCCESS FOR CAMP M Governor Edge has issued in the AT BLACKBIRI with .Crawford M. Bishop, for several form of a big red, white and blue pos­ years a resident of Summit, a chief, Maynt^Makeit.HilJ¥ith few ter, a message to the people of the atjr htS~OrgSIllZatlOM-*MM' iraii~I^n^ntFouTOwd^^ • Itate, urging them toi "exe'rt wery1"!!^ PmtiyJkremony When Brfe Foreign and Domestic Commer-ce. The new division 1B, official recognition of Words to An Old Song— fort toward winning the war. The ish and Belgian Emblems Done in Two Years—Its the closer relation between America Land Army Performing message follows: . Needs for the and the nations of the Orient, especial- Patriotic Duty Efficient— Twelve Go from —"My Fellow-Jerseynien—-"Let us re­ Are Unfurled—Address ly_thoBj_bbrdBEln#-on--the7Pacific) aT a solve to put our whole heart and ——Future result of the war, and js the first step ly—A Summary Summit energy into the task of winning the by Mayor Franklin of the Government toward developing war. commercial Intercourse with them on "Let parents encourage their sons In a short article In this paper two a large scale. Local Board No. 3 of Union County One of those affairs for which the "The conscious stone to beauty grew, sent forty-three men to Camp Dlx yes­ of draft age to look forward to the Blackburn. Inn is justly famed was weeks ago, the Orthopaedic and Af­ It will be the effort of the Far East­ He buikled better than he knew.". terday morning. The men went from call from their board, as a privilege— ter-Care Committee called attention to ern division to stimulate and facilitate held last Sunday afternoon on« the - Summit by special train at 9.46, eagerly and enthusiastically. Teach Its work, and in a tentative way asked trade with the Orient and to make them to conform to the principles of beautiful lawn of the house, On,the commerce with Asia as familiar and These lines from Emerson might In closing his speech to the men at for financial help to augment its al­ the City Hall, Mayor Franklin, chair­ th« democratic selective service as previous Sunday, Bastile Day, a most depleted treasury. The Commit­ general as trade has become with have been written for the Woman's best for the nation's military, indus­ ILatln America-under the guidance of Land Army movement. The best that man of Local Board No. 8, sang a new French flag was unfurled and last tee hoped that the "article in question was hoped was for a partial supply chorus which he had composed for trial, agricultural and economic needs. Sunday British and Belgian flags were the bureau's Latln^Amerlcan division. '.'Urge your sons not of draft age and would bring forth a generous re­ Information regarding the ieeds - of of field labor for a limited number of the popular song "Over There." The given to the breeze which, by the way, sponse, , and that it might not -; be Mayor said the boys on the other side engaged in no essential pursuit to en­ Far Eastern stations, their systems of broad minded farmers. But what has stirred ever so little on that warm a£- necessary to make a more general ap­ credit, and what they ca*n send this been accomplished is much taettar ought not to sing "Over There," but list now—today, . Once they are in the peal, but as this was not the case, and country in return for' American goods than that, The young women at the rather "Over Here." , Here is the re­ service permit the military authorities'ternoon, vised chorus; . • to be judges of their fitness^ ability and-•—^hfe gup-atR gathered on the porches the need for funds is most urgent, the will be gathered for the benefit of Union County Farm Camp .have done adaptability tor a particular branch. , - .,: ,/ ,_„ ' , Committee sees no other way than to manufacturers and exporters, while more than furnish satisfactory labor Don't burden the malls or harass. an(1 lawn- MJ- BmvV L- Thomas, put it squarely up to the people of commercial attaches in the Far East to the established farmer—they have Over Here, Over Here, added materially to the food produc­ military officials with letters asking, served as master of ceremonies and. Summit to decide whether this valu­ will be ready to undertake, any per­ Send the word to'Berlin, over here. special favors in their behalf. Trust, in opening the exercises read a poem, sonal work that will benefit American tion so necessary at present, : One That the Yanks are coming, able work shall be continued, or farmer is reported to have said that military leaders to see that your boy I whlch 'he had written for the occasion, whether, after carrying on for nearly commerce generally. , The Yanks are coming, is properly assigned and taken care i Establishment of the new division he began to plough" his field when the At the appropriate places in the poem two years, the After-Care Committee Farm Camp opened, another asked Five million Yankees over here; of, Never doubt that your boy will se- was made possible. by an appropria­ cure a commission If he deseryejrand the British flag was unfurled by little jijuat". cease to exist- for that is the how long the unit, would remain open See who's here, coming near, Miss Marjorie Walker and the Bel­ tion which has just become available, there is a vacancy. alternative,. unless Summit's towns­ the first ever made by Congress for this year, and said if he could be sure To Berlin, Kaiser Bill have a fear, ,,'" gian by little Miss Mary Edith Ed­ people can be counted on Jto give the of help until December, he would plant For we're over, we'll put one over. "Let everybody guard against the specific purpose of promoting Far enemy propaganda. If you have mili­ wards, The verses were as follows;, required sum of money for the Ivork. Eastern trade,. every extra acre—and on his large On ev'ry son of a gun of• • a Hux,' To those not familiar with the na­ farm of 140 acres he had left many tary information, keep-it,to yourself. UNDER THE BLACKBURN TREES. Mr. Bishop formerly was head of untouched—with winter vegetables. Over Here, Do not discuss questions in public ture of the work, the Treasurer sub­ the Far iQastern work of the American In charge of the detatehment en places:which may form the basis for OrT the porch of the Blackburn Inn,; mits the following: International Corporation. With-his Many farmers have written to the route were .John Mason of Lyons enemy spying, Bear jn mind that the The Red Gross ladies sit; , Helping the boys in France to win. The After-Care Committee was family he resided in Summit for sev­ Unit, stating their complete satisfac­ Farms and Theodore Sherman-Glass Hun ear may be "at the keyhole. Im­ formed in^ October, 1918, with Mrs. eral years, removing this spring from tion with the labor furnished. One of/Westfield, ; plicitly follow instructions of the food They knit, and knit, and knit. Wm. T. Wlsner, 2nd, Chairman, as­ Hawthorne" place to New Roohelle. man—Michael Burke of Union, said The Summit men In the group were: and fuel administrations. sisted by a working committee of six Mr. Bishop spent a number of years In "Without the splendid work and co­ Joseph Jaworskl, Carl A. Swenson, "Write to your sons and your friends The Red Cross flag flies overhead—> members and Dr. Walter Reiter serv­ China in the IT, S. Consular service. operation given me by these young Liuseppe Izzo, John Gray, William H. in the trenches in a manner calculated It files around the world- ing in an advisory capacity. Its ladies, I could not hope for a gross Reinauer, Carmine. Maffei, Lester L. to discourage homesickness and to Wounded are car'd for, hungry fed, functions were the care of those ehll-* production of more than one half of Hlggins, Domenick Romeo, Chas, How­ give assurance that the country is Wherever 'tis unfurl'd. dren of Summit who had been the vic­ PIATGEOUND FIELD DAT. my gross production of former years," ard Stitt, John I. Lindabury, Harold proud of their service and stands tims of the infantile paralysis epi­ Another—Henry. Dreyer of Cranford L. Brady and Henry J. Nothmann, squarely in back of them in the de­ The Red Cross "flag, that means io- demic that summer, and whose par­ says "If I did not have these girls, I New Providence—George H, Ge- fense of civilization, much Many Participated in First of Series would never have been * able to get niing, Nicola Oompana. To guff'ring ev'rywhere, ents could not afford the necessary of Events "Let all of us do our utmost to up­ after-care, treatment. The Committee along." Robert S..Holt of-West Sum­ The only man called who failed to Heart of the. world—no other such— mit, says "Without their help, our appear was Wm, Jos,. Monahan, of hold. New Jersey's historic traditions \ had the moral hacking of the Co­ The first field day of the season at and show ourselves worthy of the j That stands for love and care.
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