,-,"... 'f," '\' ~,. - 40j .'" -, ". ~ i , ",' ," ;'\• .e"' • - .," ... , -'" ,~.,' ,~, : ' i I At~chive8 LD729.6 C5 075 Wednesday, Octobe~ 13, 1999 Volume 43, Issuo 8 ,I Orion. " vol. 43 no. B Oct. 13, 1999 , ' Meriam Library--CSU Chico SECTION A I Opinion ..... :•. ,... ;.............................. A6 . ~ Sports •.........................................•. 81 j Entertainment .............................. C1 j: Calendar ..................................... C4 I Comics ••••••.•••••••••••.••••.•••••••••••••••••••• C8 Dimensions ................... ,................. D1 !, ""-Jr WE ARE FAMILY ••• Volleyb,1l pl"y,' K"ic J,dd Chico students try their hands at California State University, Chico , ..,~. l1loveto Chico to be closur to her extreme sports. hHp:llorion.csuchlco.edu EN1:ER1·AINMEln .. C1 brothel', SPORTS~ B1 DIMENSION. D1 ~LlSA BONGIOVANNi Couches no longer welcome Ma1lagillg Editor CHRIS MARTIN Duve Gcnovu said the couches wcren't a prob­ ., .. JlIympic dreams Assistclllt News Editor l(!ln until they started going up in names. With the hclp ,of t\ two-timc "If the couches huven'l been continually track and ticld Olympian, Chico Some of the larger porches in the student bumed, it wouldn't have deserved our :Iltcn­ State University is a host campus areas of town arc going to look pretty naked. tion," Genova said. "We've had three coueh­ for several African tr~ck uthletcs The Chico PoLice Depnrtment is cracking cs burned since the start of this seme,~ter." training for the 2000 Olympics in down on the "dilapidated" furniture thaL is Marie Fickert, City of Chico fire preven­ Sydncy, Australia. prevalent in the neighborhoods surrounding tion specialist. said that furniture inside a Two sprintcrs from Sicrm Chico State University. residence can be u problem with cigarettes Leone, Alpha Kamaru and On Oct. 12 tUld 13, teams of city employees falling into the cushions, but most of the Ekundayo Williams, arrived in will scour the South and North Cmnpus neigh­ problems occur with furniture on the porch ~hico two wccks ago. and as many borhoods in search of couches thut urc in vio­ thaL is "pulled into the street and burned." as eight more athletes from Sierm lation of Chico Municipal Code Section "It doesn't tend to be functional furniture Leone and Gambia arc expected to 1.l4.030(c), which "prohibits couches and pulled from inside the house." Fickcrt said.: come this fall, said Chico State dilapiduted furniture from being placed on Another reason for the crackdown, The Orion/JAMES SABLE :1 , track coach Kirk Freitas. front porches and in front yards of residences." Residents of this Ivy Street house will have an empty porch this week as the ~'This is a great 0PP011unity for Chico Police Community Outreach Officer ' COUCH~A2' City of Chico aims tc remove all 'dilapidated' furniture from campus areas. ,I our own Chico State athletes to train with (thc Olympians)," Freitus suid in a press conference Monday. "We arc trying to get the t~am motivated for the upcoming season and this will be un excellent Glass ban experience." _. Univcrsity President Munuel Esteban said he is excited thut the effective university will be known as an OLympic training center, and hopes more athletes will follow. "There arc a lot of positives to Halloween bringing these athletes to Chico," Esteban suil!. "It may bring others from the U.S. to train here of the CHRIS MARTIN same caliber. Assis/(/Ilt Neil'S Editor . Fmncis Dove-Edwin, a sprinter in the 1988 and 1992 Olympics, During the upcoming Halloween decided to petition Olympic com­ weekend, possession of glass will be a mittees to host Third-World coun- crime following the passage of an emer­ tries at Chico State, like his home. gency ordinance by the Chico City country of SiCITU Leone, wnile niii.'- ... , ,I Council. ishing his gmduatc work here last', 11IC council voted 4-2 on Oct. 5 ill year. It was a long and hard favor of making glass'a banned substance process, he said, but worth while from 4 p.m. Fliday, Oct. 29, to 6 a.m. to get these athletes in u safe envi­ Monday. Nov. 1_ Thc m-eas of enforcement ronment to train outside of their are from Big Chico Crcek to Seventh civil war-torn countries. , Strcet und Flume to Cedur streets. Council "Our muin uim is to get Chico members Maureen Kirk and David recognized as un OlympiCtraining Guzzctti voted against the proposal. center so that we also can upgmde : Guzzelti said he would support a 24- what we have here," he said. "Bur, hour ban, but that the nearly threc-day it 'is also good for the (African) ban is "all-encompassing" and that athletes to be in tile United States "we're going to have trouble with com­ and Chico especinlly because it municating the barri~rs." has a very good record." Thc ordinance bans "tlllY containcr of . The tlthletes arc staying in off­ any conl1gufation with a eap:tcity when campus apartments and will also empty 01' more thun one-half ounce, th:!t is attend the university through the The OrionlllATE LOVE made of glass. crystal. cenm1ic. or any • j ., , "I American Language and Cultural Student Chad Fisher and Ricardo Carillo of the Facilities Management services~he time capsules on Saturday. other material likely to shatter when Institute. This program will con­ dropped onto or struck by h.uder matcrial." tinue until the Olympic Games in .' The move to ban giass wus in September 2000 . response to last yeur's Halloween festiv­ Capsules open linkl:to past ities when police were the targets of bot­ Elisa .Bongiovanni call be I'eacbed at: . 1::1 tle-throwing. revelers were injured, and [email protected] GILLIAN ZEMA grcen from water dmriage .. "June. 6, ; "~2bxpected maybe 25, 30 people," a horse had to be "destroyed," according Senior Writer 1939 senior ball." Esteban said Este8'lm said. "\ guess the word got out to Chico Police Chief Mike Efford. Corrections Along with it was the dance invitution that ~e're doing something historic:!l.·' "The idea here is to keep the area " In the Oct. 6 issue of The Orion When the class of 1939's time cap­ envelope, a ncwspaper and buccalaureate Two time capsulcs, buried by the . clean ·of glass containers," Errord said. the story "Students get riled over sule· was unearthed on Saturday, mId commencement unnouncements. .' classes of 1939 tllld 1949, were extract- ' "We're not going to be checking back­ rCligion," the correct title for Bob University President Manuel Esteban The objects inside were surprisingly' cd from the ground in order to' marK:"; packs or doing searches. We '11 tell them Ray is the Vice-President of the s~id it was a little bit weathered. well-preserved in spite of the:'facfthat:· : the 50- and 60-year ,anniversaries;.' to get out pf the area." Democratic Action Club of Chico. And When'. he' described one of its. they've been underground for 60 years: respectively. '. Efford stressed the nature of the ordi­ In the Sept. 29 issue of items to the crowd as "a little book with More than 200 students, community "When I saw them drilling it made nance's cnforcement will not be intrusive. Column One, there was a factual 'a 'pe~6ilattached,"somebody yelled . members and alumni gathered in front of me feel very sad," said Jack Fox, direc­ ''There has to be some reasonableness elTor. The Wildcat and The Orion out,"IS'ita dunee card?" Kendall Hall to witness theunearthitlg of were never the same publication. ,'Ind~~d)t was, crUl11pled aud bluish- part of Chico State University's history. TlME,.A4 GLASS I> AS , " ,:,'" , " Wlotes National ~i~nset~ party may be Nobel Peace Prize Winner talks of atrocity Accused kiDllBrs of gay couple a beef dinner next to the body. ~ Tutu 'rallied,hearts plead not guilty broullMbeiore 'Council This was onc of countless Two brothers accused of killing and soothed the horror stories Tutu heard as a former Chico State University ~ One-day business' related concerns, listened to chairman of South Africa's student and his partner entered various people. at the spirits of his people' Truth and Reconciliation --pleas of not gUilty in Shasta liceri~~~requested": Newm:m Center Oct. 6. Commission, he snid in a County Superior Court, The' " Views were aircd on theidea packed Laxson Auditorium on Associated Prcss reported Oct. 7. for .parties, events' ... of charging an entrance fee JUSTIN PEHOSKI Friday, Winfield Mowder, ~O, a 1999 for large parties with the Stfy.T IVl'iler "Have we sunk so low?" Tutu . Chico State graduate, .md Gary CHRIS MARTIN intent to recover the cost of said when he heard the testimo­ Matson, 50, were found dead on Assistant News Editol' the gathering. As Archbishop Desmond ny. "Arc these the depths we July 1 in their Happy Valley home. Charlie Preusser, chair­ Tutu listened, a white man COI1- plumb in our capacity for evil?" Benjamin Matthew Williams, 31, Students, neighbors, man of the South Campus fessed how, during upat1heid in As evil as the atrocities~om- and James Tyler Williams, 29, property oWhers amI police Neighborhood Association, The Orlan/BRIAN BROPHY . South Africu, he and other mem- mitted by both sipes '. have been held 'without bail since , officers all have their opin­ outlined a list of criteria that , ,'~hbiShDPq,~smDndTutu bel'S of a death squad l11urde~~,4:',~: ''.i..Wr_~,ks and whites July 8 and will return to court Nov. ions on the business of "event" organizers would : ,Education: B;A~'from University black man':"iF~t:their past;.if South 23. Shasta County District partying. have to meet before 11 one- ofSoulhAfrlcil!"', '. :,,: ~:V'!Ie abdu~t~? hi~,;':{.~hQ~~~,r:r~,~ said the •..... Attorney McGreggor Scott, is The Special Events Task "day license is issued.
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