H a i r i n ' . V o l . 2, No. 2. DURHAM, N. H., SEPTEMBER 25, 1912 P r ic e 5 C e n t s the position of the ball remaining un­ M*SS MEEFn,v NEW HAMPSHIRE 0 changed. Norwich subsequently be­ NEW MEMBERS gan another rush towardNew Hampshire A mass-meeting of the student body goal line. With a series of line plunges, was held immediately after chapel, NORWICH 0. the Vermonters carried the ball to with­ OF FACULTY. Wednesday, Sept. 18th. Pres. P. C. in five yards of the lino, where the end­ Gale of the senior class and Pres. W. H. ing of the half prevented what seemed L. Brackett of the junior class gave like a touchdown. Several New Instructors short talks on the best ways for Norwich Has the Better Second Half. the freshmen to conduct themselves. Added. Manager G. F. Lane of the football New Hampshire kicked off to Nor­ team was next called upon to explain Team. wich, which carried the ball on three the football situation, and in his dis­ plays to New Hampshire’s 40 yard line, New Hampshire College, opened course, he brought out the importance where it was given to New Hampshire Wednesday Sept. 11, with several new and absolute necessity of tho right The first football game of the season on downs. Jones punted and recovered members on its teaching staff. The new spirit among the students at large. against the Norwich eleven last Satur­ the punt ball on Norwich’s 40 yard line. head of the English Dept, is Dr. A. E. Cheer leader R.Beach was the next man day resulted in a scoreless tie, 0 to 0 Since neither Bissell, Jones or Haines Richards, formerly of the University of on the program. Beach also insistod Norwich had the heavier and the rao^e could gain, Jones again punted, the ball Washington. Dr. Richards is a gradu­ that we maintain a strong, loyal spirit experienced team and New Hampshire going out of bounds on Norwich’s 2 ate of Yale, ’98, receiving the degree of both towards the team and the college, was fortunate to escape a defeat. On two yard line. Norwich plugged a Master of Arts from that institution and reminded the students what would three different occasions, Norwich car­ distance of ten yards through the line, in IgOO. He then wont to Winsted, follow if it was not maintained. Coach ried the ball to within New Hampshire’s before the period ended. Conn. as teacher of English literature Tod Eberle was then greeted with an ton yard line. Twice it lost it on downs, Fourth Period. and history but after one year continued enthusiastic applause; and, in fitting and once, due to the fact that the half his studies at the University of Munich, words, he appealed to the students to In the fourth period, Norwich again ended. where he received a degree of Doctor of stand by the team and the college The showing against Norwich was rushed New Hampshire off its feet. Philosophy in 1904. The following through darkness and sunshine Tho good, considering New Hampshire had Underhill, Murray and Brewster gained year Dr. Richards was connected with meeting was brought to a close by a number of green men in the lineup. repeatedly. Their rushes through the the English Department of Lehigh cheers for the coach, the team, and Gale ’ 13 at end, Thompson ’ 15 at right line and one forward pass, netting 20 University but left to tal.e a similar New Hampshire. tackle, Corriveau ’ 15 at right guard, yards, placed the ball within a foot of position at Princeton where he remained Holton ’ 16 at center, and Bissell 2 y\ New Hampshire’s line. Here, it was six years. His next field .of work was SENOIR CLASS OFFICERS. ’ 14 at left half back played their first lost on downs. Jones punted to the in the Washington State U n i v e r s i t y At a meeting of the senior class, held varsity game. The old men of last 20 yard line, and Norwich failed to kick from which place he comes to New this last week, the following officers year’s team were Capt. Jones ’ 13 at a goal from placement. Brackett re­ Hampshire as head of the department were elected for the college year of left halfback, Brackett ’ 14 at quarter­ covered the ball on the 15 yard line. of English. 1912-13: President, P. C. Gale; vice- back, Haines ’ 15, at full back, Foster’ 13 The same player then skirted the end Dr. O. Butler comes from the Univer­ president, Robin Beach; secretary, at right end, Jonness ’ 13 at left tackle, for 15 yards, Bissell lost thuee, Jones sity of Wisconsin to take the position of Miss Vivian Hamel; treasurer, John and Williard’ 13 at left guard. The gained four, and a penalty of 15 yards Prof. of botany in New Hampshire E. Ladd. team is the lightest it has been for a for holding set the game back. Jones College. Dr. Butler graduateded from number of years. It is, however, fast. punted and Norwich recovered the ball the Ecole Cantonale, Lausaune, Switzer­ AN HONOR FOR NEW Of tho new men, Holton at center was in the middle of the field. The half end­ land in 1895. In 1905 he graduated HAMPSHIRE. star on the defense, and Bissel slipped ed with the ball in Norwich’s possession from the University of California, and Beta Kapp chapter of Kappa Sigma round the end once for a gain of 20 on the next play. one year later was given the degree of was awarded a handsome silver cup yards. Jones and Brackett of the old The summary: Master of Science and was made assist­ for the highest scholastic standing for players made several spectacular gains NEW HAMPSHIRE NORWICH ant in Viticulture in Pathological Lab­ the past college year among the chapters Gale, l .e ............................. r.e, Belyea, Rich, Sleeper and tackles. Jenness, l . t ................................................ r.t., Alvord oratory at Whittier, Cal., Cornell of the first district, which are located Willard, Dodgd, Reardon, l.g ............... r. g., Marsh University granted him the degree of at Dartmouth, Brown, Harvard. Perhaps the greeness of the line was Holton, ............................................................. c, Burch responsible for Norwich’s repeated gains Corriveau, r .g ,............................................l.g Cheney of Doctor of Philosophy in 1910 and Maine, Vermont, Bowdoin, and Massa­ Thompson, r. t ........................................ 1.1. Kimball Twrice during the game the line, ho wever Foster, Hobbs, r.e....................................... l.e Tomassi since that time he has been research in­ chusetts Aggies. Brackett, q.b ........................................... q.b. Murray structor in horticulture at the Universi­ staved off defeat by holding for downs. Bissell, l.h.b. ............................. r.h.b. Burwell Almost at the close of the game, it Jones, l.h .b ,........................................r.h.b., Brewsrer ty of Wisconsin. Dr. Butler is the MILITARY APPOINTMENTS. Haines, f.b...............................................f.b., Underhill strengthened, after being pounded for author of a large number of publica­ Score-—New Hampshire 0, Norwich 0. Referee— tions relating to disease of grapes, plums gains the entiro length of the field, and Stevenson of Exeter. Umpire—-Jones of New In order to fill vacancies in the cadet Hampshire. Head linesman— Holden of New and citrus fruits. battalion caused by failure of men held for downs on the one foot line. Hampshire. Time—seven and eight minute periods The escape was narrow, for Norwich had Dr. Joseph H. Gourley who has ac­ appointed last June to take drill this only a foot to go for the fourth down. cepted the position as head of the De­ year, Lieut. C. Hunt, the Commandant, Had the Vermont team made the re­ ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION MEET­ partment of Horticulture is a graduate has made the following appointments: quired distance, it would have had the ING. of the Ohio State University. After 1st. Lieut, and Adjutant, T. J. Twomey, ball with a foot of New Hampshire’s leaving college he served as assistant to be Captain of Co. B .; D. H. Andrew goal line on the first down. At the close of the mass-meeting ho.ticultu ist at the Ohio State Ex­ ’ 13, to be 1st. Lieut, and Adjutant; S. Sept. 18th., a short meeting of the periment Station at Webster, Ohio, Sanborn ’13 to be 2nd. Lieut, and The Gam e. Athletic Association was held. James having charge of the experimental work. Quartermaster. Dr. Gourley then returned to the State Norwich won the toss and kicked off Tufts Jr., ’14 was elected secretary University to teach horticulture and to 2nd TEAM VS TILTON. to New Hampshire, Jones receiving, of the association, and Prof. Fred take charge of the horticultural exten­ It has been found impossible to ar­ and carrying the ball to the 35 yard Rasmussen was chosen as faculty momber of the executive committee sion work, which has probably been range a battleship game for next Satur­ lino. A forward pass was unsuccessful more widely developed in Ohio than any day as the ships are to leave soon and and after two ineffectual attempts to to succeed Prof. David. other state. He has beon identified cannot obtain a sufficient shore leave. gain, Jones punted, Norwich receiving AN ASSISTANT COACH. with various orchard projects in Ohio Mgr. Lane has arranged a second team the ball on New Hampshire’s 40 yard and the Northwest and has served as game against Tilton Seminary, which line. That team, then, began a march Prof. J.
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