United Stales, Oen, Grant resplied W. W. Cor Lett, L. C. Stevens, | uLNLHaL DIHtCTOHY Attorney-at. Law. Notary Public PROFESSIONAL. New Advertisements. THE . — DAILY LEADER. iu a taw worda, returning thanks for | ~r x __s* PuMi*n«c at tiie compliment. Speeches were j OelegaMt iu COBLETT & ieuKreu, ;HKYKNXK.VTOMINQTERRITORY. made during the evening by Generals STEVENS, Highly Important tori* TMra tonqTtf— ilon. H’. H. Sieak !• tt>* Sherman, Pope and Byne. General Dr. A. J. HOGG. TO IN TuE COUNTH' . 1 rrrliorlal OUtnr*. Real Eatutc Agcuta and Sherman, in his speech, alluded to Oooernor —Jno. M . Thayer. ¦¦ - Office on Eddy Street, St'-.rmury —G. W FieUCh. ¦ o his march to the sea. In npeaking of i C’onveyanco rat, thifj uj oup/ttm Court —J. W. Fisher iKHni stißM t — of his book, he said he wrote it believ- i ILLUSTRATED FASH ON BOOK A»socu*U Justices Jum. M. <'are y, k. A. I'awataa. will a . (U> U>TAKI.J TtamcT Two doors la rtar of the Metropolitan Billiard Lr*>‘ CoiUctor— E P. Snow. : ing it to be, and he still believed, j Hall. I ADd | Surveyor General— >||«* Heed. W may*s 3md ecu. 1 y CuOltc Money* —Ki. W. forty. ye*r. flO every word of it to be true. In reply j 11® KtyiMter U. S. Land OJXc*—> It. Wfn»or. lit month* General Business, IPrice-Rist Tc Thrtwmonth# *«J- to the criticism. Mint he should have Agency ml*rrial Tteueurmr —S. WlLsacy. *<» H. GABUANATI, (Os about One Hundred Pages) Territorial 11. Oaa tool h 1 • gone Atlanta of Auditor—2. bay lord. by ' from byway Augus-! . Par we«k. sappMed carrier. 54 -AT- |Of| L. ATnoid. ¦ ingle •00r... lu ta, he declared that no one that AND COUNSELOR-AT- LAB Charles iiutiai. at ] l>adiea f Costume#*, M. K. Post, r 9 jerruottai LdL»armn -John iF. time, ever proposed or at aucli ! CIIKYKNNK, WYOVIINO TER. Under-Clothing, Manuh.er. hinted Will practice In all the Courts of the Territory Ready-Made CO’Amwornroj itunny, often —J g, Jedrav. Fine in*., M. GLirrKK. Proprietor ' a thing, but now it is said, “itis a very j Imported Millinery, tmpem./vt.demi 0} oction— Jo is MtO|ktar, Willattend to the renting and care of city J Evannton, Silk and Goods, Attorney —k>. P. Jotmsoi* 1 easy thing to go from Atlanta to the property, and to procuring final Kail Road , : CnUctl btatt* t otntnuttoner- A. V¥ Bruner SATURDAY, 1*75. , de« da for loPoWDera. voming, noDcrj', Glove*. lju*e*. hmnroitlei li-i, ! Clerk of J*/ Judicial QttnO— J. W. hruifer. OCTOBKR 2 and many : W ivlbtjons, Trimmings, * sea men are smart enough Dresa and j Maritiat-^Gilbert Adirms. Collections made at aM In Wyo- Domestic Goods, enougn points i; and brave to do it,” but none ming. County oHirer*. THIS INDIAN COt M IL. : of them, in those days tried It, or j WILL BE BEAD Y— : knew of a better way than that Daniel McLaughlin, 1 LAR/MIK COUKTT. Itrd Cloud Kpcaka lata Piece. Loans Negotiated / XaiT. jtaken. Tho Oeneral's speech [ j OCTOBER 1 Gen At Draper, Cl.airmaa, was Corr.ux.ttloner• 1 L. D B-ary, Tuesday, £Sth, the U. S. and concluded and willb« presented mailed On Sept. | quite lengthy was not j AccounU and .Settlcmenth ATTORNEY AT LAW, (F Lai. da u. Ckjimui-V'iimer, met ohertjf— N. J. O Uiivn. 300 chiefs at the until after midnight. ayu.r. Conttublcr Vi.'t O. S. Utim. t. t Red Cloud, chief of the Adj uwted. FERGUSON BTRKET, IutUM VI Ac Bute* —Jiiu. Manabler. T. M Flshav councils Clerk and Recortler —Deo. B Mimpsos. any of the country Ogallallas, »iid, lie felt belter than and (aim* to rart on application. ] Treat*rer —D. C Tracy. Land Mining Prosecuted - ; Cheyenne , Wyoming. Forward your address, and If you have any 1 Probate Judge—lK C. Tracy. hereluftire; he considered the Black and Titles Procured. friends to whom you would like one sent, j Protecting Attorney— W and JjO 6m forward theirs also to ‘ w. Corleft. lilllsmore precious in metals thnn ! School Su/terinf'ndenl —F. W. Uliilard. ANY BUSINESS KKIItKD MKAKRN, i Coroner— Ja . Talbot. the entire weulih of the United Slate*; Cor. Glk Avenue A lOtli SL* New York. isetttor— Ed. J Morris. I Entrusted to ua will receive prompt and I he prt>|Kwed to ask a large sum for J. TV. CIIKYENNB CITY. Grain KINGMAN, I. C. Whipple, Pr Mare* / cu.exof. them, the principal to be put at in- SHUN DRUU POISONS. | John Nealou. terest so that could derive *UOI- Careful Attention- Br’d Trustees s John E. D««vls. they WYOMING. Late Associate Justice Medicine Rendered Coelcan ! ! 1.. K Bresnahen, -income to keep the Sioux na- Fruits, i Peter ilamma Office at law office of W. W Corlott, oj the Clerk—W. Rirhn>d*on. ex. of. Assessor. tion; in ndditkm, he wanted the 1 Tail's aitia m ui Bins ! Martha!—C. S Derrs. furnish annually each JOSLIN A PARK’S BUILDIwG. I'reaeurer— l>*aac Bergman. I’nsident to to dwtl by physi- Attorney—T J. S' reel. of Supreme Court, are endorsed the most eminent paraba’l. head Indian or family, six yoke of cian* In the world for the cure of Rheuma- I Surveyor— K. J. Diied poliro Justice* ~ John bUnfb'tr, T. M. Plaber. wagon, span tism. Neuralgia, 1.1 ver « ompla.nt, liynpeps a oxen, a of horses, har- kidney disease, aches, paius, nervous dlsor- I M r* of the Tows Trustees. Friday Liue CHEYENNE, Attorney at City Hail. ness, hull, cow, sow, boar, sheep, at Law ders, fits, female complaints, nervous and I lug in each w«;ek. the and of - general debility, and other chronic diseases TOBACCOS. liver, RETAIL of the chest, head, stomach, kidneys ALBANY ruin, chickens and other domestic Full I COUNTY, a - OFFICE AT and hlood. Bnokwiui full particulars tree tea, sugar, side meat, by Volta Ih-lt < ©.. Cincinnati, Ohio. f \V. 11. 11 lltday. fouls; coffee, AND - icked AND LARAMIE Wyo. Ter Commissioners Mnu u Dnr nciur, riee.cr corn, beaus,dried apples, Suck Gieen Brand* CITY, (.Thoms* Al-op. and a host of other articles lie **-t Sher’s J. R. Brophy. which Id . .. Sample Free „ »G. W. Ritter. , S 3 JuMtieu Ptae. .„. enumerated; also houses and furni- femal® everywhere. Address of }L D re Choi. TIIE UNI N PUD. Co., Newark, N, J. Clcrt-1 W M. ld mu ture the sumo as white men. He Br. P-. bit, Jwlye -() W. Miller.tx ofrcio Trtmrrr. Attorney—C W. ff (Oil day at home. Agents Prosecuting ltraaeeL said the government was trying to COMMISSION want- Schools— N. L. Andrew a. Constantly Sot*riiilenient of CICARS -4) ed. Outfit and terms free. NAGLE, & I Z Coroner —James Vine make a white inui of him and he HAY, Groceries, WHIPPLE A Co , Augusta, Maine. wanted to bo indulged ns a white LA KAMIL CITY. a month to energetic men | Wm. Karri*, ex oflco Msyea ; <r OflfJ man he wanted a saw mill for every JjUU women everywhere. l J. H Kinfrock. WHOLESALE and < (laibr*ii h. Kkrouson-sts.. Board Trustees R. tribe in tlioSioux nation; removal of Buttntu Honorable. KX F- I.SIOR MTO TO.. of |T. Fancy and Michigan Chicago. J HVHsier, l^iEA! Wneleaale and Retail Dealrr la isl Avenue, the troops from the posts adjacent to Wap-maker, [jainev Vine. Blacksmith and ° McLeod, E. Clerk —John ta ojkclo Aasesaer of LIQUORS, agencies; also tho right appoint- rs —Thochoicest in the world Marshal— M. A. Hance. PROVISIONS.' t rfXYT* impo'ter-’ prlc*-s argest 7r..Mwr*r-f, I). MERCHANT. lor lio X JiiaJPi ing Indian agents, employees and and I7th Afoul —l Pen*e. Company In America —atapleur.lele—please* i//orMy~llnm«r MerroM. truders. ile was very emphatic in kb ©verybody—Trade e*inimually Increnslng— Polu't Justice- L. D. Pea-a. STUDE3AKEB V/AGON, Agents wanteil evcrywl ere—best induce- ills demand to have the Catholic ments—don't waste 1 1 me—sent for circular to CARBON COUNTY. well.', 4J Yescy St., N. Y., P. u. I3ox Staple !tonKiir D Chahmaa clergy for special instructors and said, MOWEB, I*7. Adam*. Corn BUCKEYE H. It Clay. (iud had given Ids people tlie lilaik I’ll, {.I.J. H. Brammer. Dr. 1011 s wort’s tolit _MiirdM’evd so tliut subsist /Sl mm meg A tVfit k 1%» Male nnd F r- Sher’s D K It* nuie. Hills they might all U* B 0 iii«ie Agen it*, iu their locality. 1 •»-•!* Clerk P-rrv L. Hanith. 4MBBBnBfr 1., GROCER try icilUra frolu their wealth; lie was opposed F. SCHWEiCKERT, rn\ i I NOThINO P. Pan free Probate Judge - Wm. U A*b. HORSE POWER ELEVATOR V I I I*.O. VICKBKY &CO . Ailguaia Me. Assessor-U. I* Pvan. lei toy modi to the Ul.-ck llilta ex- Superintendent of d.-ttools— B F. Kiuney. sixteenth Htroct, bet. IN I> POST DRIVER. cept the one made by Custur, from (JjC Z P“ r day at houi<*. Term* free 8W K BTW ATKI COUNTY. ttJOfl -itvaox «*« and Iron and ird Wood Sale tDv/ r- Address oeo Jt . Bismarck, which lie designated as Eddy II for -AND- Pori laud. Me. f\Y. I* N hie. Chairman, Commissioner* W’t’liati*Evans. the tliicfs’road ; lie wanted all the CIIEYENMO, WYO. *ll kind# of LU.nr WAGONS and BUGdIK* I .fames Calhoun. half breeds and white men married built to order. Sheriff P.
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