twners 1 signed generous contraots .. r new clubs, demonstrating '­ Stille dtme ,ries were not lowered by lad e 1981 Student Publication, Inc. Friday July 10, 1981 res . rebey aIso told the hea ring ~ I Iment made by California AJII!iI cutive vice president Buzzie Savill UI gets Reagan to lit signing free agents. G~ ted Bavasi as telling him, "I dIi'l ~ what I have to give up or '" res, I'll do anything I have to do~ $772,800 stand by a player I want and I'll pay_ thing he wants." I cancer his lax cut clubs I grant proposal 8y Cherann OaYldlOn lames By Helen Thomaa Staff Writer United Press International c A $772,800 grant awarded to the UI bicycle racing news, local cyclists Cancer Center will finance further WASHINGTON - President the PUCH-BIC team attended ~ research, benefit clinical work and Reagan, sending the "very strongest oy Crite1'lum in LeRoy, Ill., Jill! enhance the university's chances for message" to Congress, declared Placing for the team were <lri! additional grants, UI Hospitals of­ Thursday he will not budge on his tax Idy , seventh in the Senior men's II ficials said Thursday. Cllt proposal despite talk of a com­ promise from Republican and ivision, and Mike Grahek, fifth it As recipient of a National Cancer In­ Senior men's III & IV . Democratic leaders. stitute grant, the facility is designated In a message delivered by deputy )ur PUCH-BIC racers participatal as one of about 70 national cancer cen­ Ie first televised bicycle race in lilt press secretary Larry Speakes, ters, said Dr. Richard L. DeGowin, Reagan again warned there won't be a ,ed States, The event, sponsored by director of the center. AD television and Hardee'l tax cut this year if House Democrats aurants, was part of a fundraiserlo The grant is primarily for research don 't "get moving." !fit St. Jude's Hospital in Moliae, but will also aid clinical work at t?e UI Reagan wants Congress to send bim nty places were awarded in Ibt and U1 Hospitals, said Cliff Eldredge, a tax Cllt bill before it takes a five-week or Men's I and II categories with deputy director of UI Hospitals. recess beginning Aug , 3. On Capitol HilI , Senate Republican s Mundy finishing 16th . Other Iowa Receiving the award "improves the V racers invited were Jeff leader Howard Baker announced he climate" for attracting more research would no longer wait on the House and r Ie , Gar y Hen r y and 011 grants to the U1, said Dr. John P. 'renger. would bring the president's tax cut bill Rosazza , dIrector of the Division of before the Senate for debate Wednes­ Medicinal Chemistry and Natural 1'18 City Striders day with hopes of approving it two days Products for the College of Pharmacy. later, ,r those of you who think tim But House Speaker Thomas O'Neill , ther is wonderful to run and sweat IT IS an "exciting thing" to be D-Mass ., told reporters Democrats Ihy not try the MI. Vernon Koladle recognized as a national cancer center, The Dally Iowan/Max Hayne. will not be "stampeded" into hasty ac­ 10 K Photo Finish Run lbis Eldredge said. The gran t is "a real tion on "the most momentous tax bill rday. Registration for the I1!t boost" to the UI faculty recruitment Two for tee in history." ns at 8 a,m, with a $1 fee. TIlt tx.cause it will attract other cancer ling line for the race is in resea rchers, he sa id. Delta Tau Delta member. MIke Manfull, left, Kevin Santry, center and Greg a.tro turf. The fraternity traditionally provld .. the maleot for athletic evenla SPEAKES, making it clear he was ~orial Park , 1st Street West, in Mt, Hallett, right, practiced 'wings Thursday on an old piece of Kinnick Stad(um and wa. glyen the turf by A.,I.tant Athletic Director Gary Kurdelmeler. speaking directly for Reagan , said at a " ll encourages further excellence" White House news briefing the presi­ Ion. Trophies and kolaches wiU be in research at the university, he said. rded tp winners in each divisioo. dent will not budge from his proposal The U1 Cancer Center will receive fo)" a 33-month, 25 percent tax cut. sons are men 's and women's 19 $257 ,600 a year for the next three years under , 20-29, 30-39 and 40 and over, f " I'm trying to send the very to finance services and equipment for strongest message ," Speakes said. more information on the race call the approximate 100 UI facll1ty mem­ ) 365-4257 . EI Salvador massacres claim 46 "We will not compromise. " bers involved in cancer research. The Just a few hours earlier, O'Neill and Rugby Club facility will have to reapply for the SAN SALVADOR, EI Salvador (UPI) informed source said. buried them in a common grave," said dress kidnapped six youths from their Baker said they were willing to talk grant and national cancer center status - Unidentified gunmen tortured, shot No one was injured in the crash but the judge. homes and shot them to death outside toward a compromise. And Senate Ie UI Rugby club will send seven c/ after the three-year period , said Dr. C. tQ death or decapita~ed 46 men, women other helicopters park.ed on the ground )., second t"~§sacre of 16 people was Apopa" a northern ~an Sa}vador work­ Finance Committee Chairman Bob nembers to the State of Iowa team, Thomas Kisker, director of the Divi­ and children , in two separate were damaged, the s'ource said: The reported in ' the town of Concepcion ing crass subur6 , witnesses and Dole , R-Kan ., said Rep. Dan team will compete in the Midwest sion of Pedia tric Hemotology. massacres in northern EI Salvador, U.S. Embassy denied that 13 more QuezaJtepeque, 12 miles north of Con­ relatives of the victims said. Rostenkowski , D-nI" chairman of the In league. Named to the 3O-man Researchers will have an oppor­ authorities said today. Hueys have been rushed to the Central cepcion. Residents said the 16 victims , House Ways and Means Committee, Id are Joel Elgin, Kevin Froelich, In another mass killing, relatives of American nation. They said the killers were rightist was "interested" in a compromise, tllnity to pool knowledge in their areas aU shot to death and showing signs of death squad members. The incident oc­ e Paluzzi , Tim Matin, Om of expertise by utilizing any of the four six youths kidnapped and killed during torture, were found Wednesday and Dole began the compromise specula­ tingly , Jeff Wilson and Will a nighttime curfew said the youths IN THE northern province of cured just before midnight Tuesday tion when he told a reporter the services provided by the grant, buried in a common grave. during an overnight cllrfew in which ,rgll. The all-Iowa team plays its DeGowin said. were victims of a rightist death squad Chalatenango, the local justice of the Democrats could add a third year to match against lIIinois this Sur.tay allegedly closely linked to the U.S.- peace said 30 decapitated bodies, in­ soldiers have killed some 850 people their two-year tax cut proposal and the THERE WAS no immediate indica­ since it was imposed on Jan. 14. : p.m. at Credit Island Park in GRANT money will be used to enable backed military. cluding that of a 12-year-old girl who tion of who was responsible for the Republicans could skew their cuts to enport. Other states in the the center, located in the UI Medical A U.S. military adviser meanwhile was raped, were found in the village of massacres, though such large-scale Death squads allegedly closely tied the middle class, as the Democrats .vest Union League are Michigan, Laboratories building , to house a tissue crashed an American Huey helicopter Concepcion, 35 miles north of the slayings are usually blamed on right­ to government security forces have want. 0 , Indiana , Wisconsin , and culture laboratory, and a data manage- into a utility pole during training exer­ capital. wing death squads operating in EI been blamed for up to 80 percent of the "I'm happy to know that Senator lesota. The team which compiles I men! and analysis facility. A radiation elses for Salvadoran pilots learning to "The 30 people were shot to death Salvador. 22,000 political killings recorded in EI Dole says he would be happy to have best record at the end of leap unit to study the effect of radiation fly the 10 aircraft sent to EI Salvador and decapitated. Since they had no Salvador in the past 18 months by the some kind of compromise," O'Neill r then starts IDter·regional treatment on cancerous tissue and an . by the United States since January, an identifying documents on them we Heavily armed men wearing civilian Catholic Church's Legal Aid Society. said. petition against the South Unioo administrative team to aid research " If the speaker will sit down and talk esentative in November. will also be added to the center. about compromise, there's always room for compromise," Baker said. The application for the grant, sub­ " We 'll be happy to talk about it." mitted to the National Cancer Institute about nine months ago, was reviewed Boy shot, ·sparks Belfast·violence · BUT SPEAKES ended the con­ by scientists "from all over the coun­ ciliatory talk. try ," DeGowin said. A team of scien- By Olvld Cowell barricades made of hijacked vehicles strikers in Maze asked Britain to drawn up by the commission and ac­ "The president does not intend to ,ulk, manager o( (fie New Yort lists Visited the center to evaluate its United Press International and lumber and traded scores of shots carefully study their proposals for cused the British government of "tell­ compromise on his tax bill, " Speakes ,nkees in 1961 and 1962, was the services, he said.
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