Long Wave Sbort\Vave Cents News Spots tile Copy & Pictures SI.50 Year ;Volume lIT, No. 43 \X/EEK ENDING NOVEMBER 2, 1934 • Publi,hed Weekly This and That Education-Profit Compromise Forecast ,uliIolByMorris llastingslh • , T~::tYo:g~~lo~:~i~~~ngm~s~ Censorship of Radio Is Renewed Aylesworth <lelightflll program on the radio • "'---------------------------- is ALE X It. ND[R WOOLlcorr's, II k And Paley broadcast ovtr the Columbia net- U. S. Board ~ es Approves Radio work on Sundays from 9 to 9.30 I I At Hearing P. M. It even may After False Free Speech on the' Fri""-"-o-; R,ulio be, although By The J)IICROPJI01\ES Special ~~~ F~;u~J JValhil1gl011 COfl'eJpondent .. Advertisers Air Necessary, I frown on so .'","'"""",,,,,"',, """" He Insists Compromise loomed as the hear­ ponderous a n By The MICROPHONE'S Special ings of the broadcast tlivision of the Federal Communications Com­ idea. that the W'ashinglo'l Correspondent Radio is a fairer medium of pro g ram is mission dosed on demands for a "significant." Censorship ·of radio advertising communication for the public specific allocation of radio channels Mr. WOOLL. has been renewed by the Federal' figure than the newspaper, HAR· to educational, religious and other .. OLD L. ICKES, Secretary of the In- corr should Trade CommlSSlon. d non-profit organizations. be the envy of tenor, eclared before members The Commission was not ex­ It has ordered all broadcast 5ta· of the ational Advisory Coun­ man y come­ pected to file its report to Congress dians. Where tions to submit continuities to be cil OIl Radio in Education in Chi- umil after January 3. the y attempt broadcast between November IS cago. Regardless of "hat the Commis­ to "put their and 30. For that reason, ('crctary sion recommends, the fight of the Mr. HASTINGS mu~t per son ality The announced purpose is to lCKES insisted,. r.adio be kept "three R's" for a "New Deal" in IlCfOSS" with noisy songs and loud blue-pencil mi'sleading statements. free to all politICal parties. the ether channels undoubtedly will guffaws, this witty 2nd urbane The notice that all of the radio . "However fair and un- be resumed. gentleman actually succeeds in .. d .. Jd be . d b h blased a new'paper may be It has been under way ever since ... doing it without benefit of shouts a s wou scrutinize y t e and however good its inten· ~adio ~e or ha-cha. Federal bureau was expected to put oons, it cannot give all the kno\\ n. It was a sharp Issue In 1927 "- hen HERBERT A diverting mixture of sugar .ldvertiscrs on their guard. space necessary to a fuJi ex· HOOVER as Secretary of Commerce and spice, Mr. WooLLCOTT ram- i Similar action was taken by the position of all sides of a pub- \\ as taking chaos out of the air. bles along infQrmaIly in his pro- Commission last July when out of Ji~ question," Secretary Jckts The commercial broJ.J(aster~ have gcams, telJing admittedly round- 180,877 continuities received, r6r,- said. HAROLD L. ICKrs, Sa,e/.n} 01 thl! expressed a wiJJin,gnc~s to co·oper· about but dclightful stories, gtntly 466 were found subject to no criti- 'The devclopmen< of [he 111lerwr, u'ho helielt'J ,-(ulio il ate with the schoolmasters in ar· leasing his sponsors, and waxing cism. The remaining 22,411 are radio is having a profound IJaz 1Il-8 d profollnd eJful ()JJ Ihe ranging schedules on the air that sentimental over such favorites of being studied to decide whether ac- effect upon the education and edllr,l/ioll and IIJObl!JzaUf/17 of will not only be sati!ofactory from his a!; HU.LN HAYES, DOROTHY tion is necessary. the mobilization of public pllbIJr opinion. an educational viewpoint but 4\ttrac· PARKER, or the latc Mrs. FISKI'. Commissioners declared that ra- opinion. By means of radio tin: to the listeners. Thtre's afways a surpri!;e on his dio ad"ertisers generally are as the man ,,,ho wishes to do so sition honestly and frankly ex- The MICROPHO~I 's ccrrespond. broadcast. A few Sundays ago" truthful as tho", "ho use the daily can ger in full the speeches prcsS<.d ,lOU added that any at- ent gathered in r.ldio circle here for example, he brought membt=rs newspapers or magazines and many of those in public life. tempt to control radio [or parti- that the country ,,-ould hear more of the great G.LBERT and Su•••- of them use both facilities. It is to "lie can judge of the s'n- san or sinister purposes would be 'so-caJJed educational progr<l1Ils in VAN protagonists, the D'OYLY "crack down" on the chiseler that cerit)' of the speaker and he "sinnin,t; against the light." the immediate future. CARTf troupe, to the microphone the new drive was ordered. can weigh his arguments as ~n ('\"'(/e believe in real free· The National Association of scenes from a number of the The zone covered by the Com- his theme unfolds. Nor does dom and W~ wam our oppo- B d I operettas. mission call includes the District of he have to confine his atten· neots to have the same free- roa casters (irectors are planning overtures to the schoolmasters. WOOLLCO·IT himself even read Columbia, all New England states, tion to a dhcussion of onc dom of expression by means • bit from "Patience." New York. New Jersey, Delaware. side of a public question:' of the radio that we ~k for Commercial broadcasters closed His programs may be "signifi-\ Maryland and Puerto Rico. Calls Secretary IcKES stressed the nee- ourselvts," he declared. the hearing. with WILUAM S. for the other zones will be issued essity for free speech on the radio. PALEY, president of the Columbia (Colltilllled 011 Page '5) later. He said that he believed in oppo- Program by Ponselle Broadcasting System, and M. H. AYLESIXTORTH. president of the a- ROSA POS-SELLE, d ramaric so- tional BroadcastiD~ Company, pro­ r prano of [he ~fetropolitan Opera, testing against regulation!; forcing a Pi£tures £ontents will sing an aria from SAINT- specific allotment of \\3vebands to WEFKDAYS SAENS' "Samson and Dc:lilah'· on the non-profiters. .. A.M. - ' " her CBS- WABC recital Monday, The commercial interests were DOROTHY LAMOUR, CBS 10.30 WEAF Network: WEEI \'X'CY Nell'S Flashes Box _Page 1 October 29, at 9 P. M. Her pro- WSM WFLA WSB joined in their argument by some Front Cover '" rompromise be/ween ed/lr(l- gram also includes ··La Violetera" WARe Network: \'X·CAl] ~-HAS HAROLD IcKES, Secretary of the WPG J(MOX \VD8M \'('ceo lional and rommerrial I11/U. and ··The Last Rose of Summer." (Cominlled 011 Page J 5) WJSV Inlerior Page 1 ~III /J f orerall Pagt' 1 ~;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~=:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;==;;;;;;;;;;;~ 10A5 WJZ Nttwork: \'(:"BZ WHAM This alld That i: ~{ARGARET SPI':AKS, lJoraliII KDKA WLW WUAL by MORRIS HASTINGS Page 1 Page 2 P.M. I ROBERT RIPLEY lellI lome radio ROBERT RIPLEY Page 3 6.30 WEAF NetwOrk: \X'EEI WGY It Presems ","SM WFLA \X·S8 "belie,"e or nOIJ" Paf.e 3 HENRY FORD alld VICTOR WABC Nttwork: WCAU WHAS Sla/ion DiftrJory Page 4 4'01. \V. T. .Johnsou·s KOLAR Page 4 WPG KMOX \"'"88M weco Rad,o Lalle WJSV BETTY BMTHELL, sillger Page 5 by JIM MY J. LEONARD Page 5 6.40 WJZ Network: W8Z \X HAM IVorl,r.fi Cha,,'pio...flhip JACK BENNY, comedian Page.5 KDKA WLW WBAL Stlldio,il} by Lcs TROY Page 5 EditorialJ Page 5 DOROTHY PAGE Page 6 SUNDAYS RODEO A.M. A program thaI blendl lW1J1( lW'ILLlAM LYON PHELPS, SIG- and Iilual1lre Page 7 Mats. Sat.-Wed.-Sat. 11.00 WEAF Nttwork: "-""EEl wGY NOVEMBER 1-12 MUND ROMBERG Page 7 WSM WfLA ~SB Children's Page P"ge 9 Sun. & Mon. DoROTHY FRIDI'RICKS Page 8 W jZ Network: WBZ \X Jf~{ lP'"ta/hef Reporl. Box Pagr 10 .55, 1.10, 1.65 KDKA WlW W-BAL "rEf!! Page Page 11 A Few al $2.20 NILA MACK Page 9 P.M. HELEN HAYES, "oled ar/reJI, . Children Half-Price At All RUTH EVERETS Page 10 .. rehearlel for a radio appear. 11.30 W[AF Network: WEB \'("CY Performances Fun WARING Page 12 WSM WFlA \'('58 ance Page 13 WJZ NetWOrk: WBZ WHAM Shorl lI"a" Dirertory Page '3 MIRHM HOPKINS, JOHN BOLES KDKA WlW WOAL Refleellolls SPECIAL CONTESTS Page r J 12 M. WEAF Ne",'ork: WTn WCY WSM WFtA WBS by DIANA HERBERT Page 15 Afternoon and Evening, Sunday, FRAN K BUCK Page '4 Nimblewi/I (lmporfflnt ntu:J ;J giltn Ol'tf rhtJl November II ~JRCINIA HEATH. audilion by EVERErr SMITH Page '5 JIII/;01U, ,tn""Il, 011 thl hOM' lind haJI EVERY EVENT A CONTEST winner Page 15 .our.) Q. alld a"o A. Page '5 !fED FlO RITO Back Co,er WeJlern JUanlfO B."k Co"r • I 1 , Page Two THE MICROPHO 'E Saturday, Oerober 27, 1934 Saturday, October 27 - Roxy's Gang over CBS-WABC at 8 P.M. I Farmer's l'mon prOlram, WBZ ltliN.... s-,.las SillON F,on, p,., Dum,. '"'GAR \\-'HAM .... DKA WlW \\-'fLA ..- -- Mugalet. 8ulnud, Jerry COtIpe:r {news .t1 l'ooCball WGAR I h, .6.)~1 WABC \\'(AU \VIIAS 'WBBM Piano PQlOtuS. Abram ChUIRS. ABC \ arlC:ty. \\. OR A.M. '" CAL \\ HAS WBBM. 30 m. (\X'PC at Sports, WMCA f~D.UCS lZ.4' I 7 P.M. EST, G CT P.M. 11.3o-Tht: t.:;eiCX;y Mixers, Motor Muket.
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