TIIE LISRARIA'J . PUBLIC NO- 12-Vol. LXX111 LIS-%A ;-,Y . MiK CITY .U .Z .A . X-81- THE CANADA GAZETTE LA GAZETTE DU CANADA OTTAWA, SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16, 1939 OTTAWA, SAMEDI, 16 SEPTEMBRE j"q NOTICE TO ADVERTISERS AVIS 1. Address all communications to - The yines AUX ANNONCEURS 1 . Adressez toute correspondance Printer, Ottawa, Canada . du Roi, Ottawa, à ]Imprimeur 2. The advertising rates of the Canada Gazette Cu&d&. are as follows 2. Leu taux d'annonce@ dans la Gazette du Canada : First insertion twenty cents (20c .) 0019 100 suivante per agate line (fourteen lines'to the inch), oubea- (20c : Première insertion : vingt conte quent insertions, seven and one-half cents (71c .) la ligne agate (qu"Orsa lignes au pouce) in line .) per sertions subséquentes, sept cents et demi . Copies of the Canada Gasette are supplied ligne (7ie) la only when ordered and at a charge of twenty cents . 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Afin d'on murer l'insertion dane Jédition . suivante, la copie d'annonce, ruptcy Act Notices, received by Tuesday noon, and dalle les c» du avis in All Other NMI, by Wednesday noon . en vertu de Je Loi de faillite, doit 4tre reçue le mardi 7. The subscription price of the Canada Guejjs '&nu, 0& dm lu Autres Ou, le mercredi midi. is eight dollars (3840) per annum, payable strictly 7- Le Prix de l'abonnement à la Guette du Camâ in advance; single copies twenty cents (200 .). ut de huit dollans (118M) par année, ghict@mAnt Payable davance et lu exemplaire@ @6puée, vice cente (MO.) ehaeuà. J. 0. PATENAUDS, IS.O., King's Printer. JPO. PATENAUDE, O.S.I., Ottawa, July 2, 1938. Imprimeur du Roi. Ottawa, 2 Juillet lm. I 770 THE CANADA GAZETTE T UNDER THE BANK- THE 11ANK111*PTCY AC NoTicEs IN' THE ltArlxat of Faintia Ileshro, inerchant, of Bien- RUPTCY ACT ville, County of Levis, Province of Quebec, car- rying on btt%iness therein under the firm rianic Assignment Annulled and style of " S. A. Beshro, Eneg.", bankrupt. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT N OTICE is beriby given that the undersigned has been appointed trustee in the above matter, ONTARIO IN MNKRUPTCY IN THE to-PREMN COMIT OF meeting of creditors held at the Court House, m .%TTr.R of the bankruptcy of William T . at a IN THE at Montreal, on the Oth day of August, 1939 . Sutton and Mary Sutton. 1039. bankruptcy Dated at Nlontrval, this 22nd (lay of August, T AKE Notice that the adjudication at ALBERT LANIARRE., of the above named debtors, under order of Trustee. this Court dated the Oth day of April, 1939, wag b i V an order of this Court dated the 21st day of August, Office11) of LAMARRE, LANIABRI : & 1*1"-'8 , St. James Street EaÉt, 1939. annulled. Montroal, Que . 12-1 Dated at Windsor, Ontario, this 7th day of Sep- tember, A.D. 1939. R . S . RIDDELL, K.C., THE 11ANimurrm ACT Guaranty Trust Building, 702 IN' THE MATT0 Of Rideau Waste Co . Limited, sito- Windsor, Ontario . atrit in the Town of Almonte, County of Laa- . I 12-1 Solicitor to the said bankrupts ark, in the Province of Ontario, incorporated in the Province of Quebec will, )lead office at MR Clarke Street, Nlontretil, authorized as- Trustees Appointed signor. THE BANKRUPTCY ACT OTICE is herphy given that the undersigned IN Tim stArrm of the estate of George E . Docherty, N have been tippointed trustees in the above mat- of Pinctle, in King's County, Province of Prince ter, tit it meeting of creditors livId at the Court E.dwgrd Wand, authorized assignor . House, at Montreal, oil the 26th day of April, 1939. Dated it Montreal, this 23rd day of August, 1939 . AKk, Notice that the undersigned wits at It T meeting of creditors held on the Ist, day of ALBERT LANIARRE, & JOSEPH ETTENBERG, 8eptrnlber, 1939, duty appointed trustee of the Trusteeq. above estate . Office Of LAMAR104, LAWRIM & INNS , THE EASTERN TRUST COMPANY, 19 St . James Street Eumt, Charlottetown, Montreal, Que. Princit Edward Island. Offiee Of JONN1111 rTTENDERO . MI 201 St, Catherine Street Wcst, MontreA, Que. 12-1 THE BANKRUPTCY ACT IN THE MATUR of the bankruptcy of New Knit THE BANKRUPTCY ACT Hoitirry %fills Limited, Richmond and Montreal, N THIC ,lATTi,;a of Imic Stallinan And Still,%' Stall- li.q. mall, both doing businegs under the liallia and OTICE is hereby given that. the undersigned was style of 4 lto~grkg Ladies Wear," No . 6759 St. N do, appointed tnt%tee of the c.,ate of Now Hubert, and " First Avenue Dress ' ShOP," NO. Knit Hoidpry mills Limited, hosiery narinfacturers, 4601 Wellington Avenue, Verdun, authorisvd its- at it statutory meeting of creditors held oil the Ist signorx. of September, 1930, at the Court House, Sherbrooke, N o'rlL'E is hereby given tlint the undersigned 1).Q. has been appointed trustee in the above matter, CHARLES 13. DUMAS, it a meeting of crediting lidd at the Court 11011me, 760 Vietaria Square, at Montreal, on the 29th day of August, 1939 . 12-1 Montreal, P.Q. I)ated at Montreal, this lith (Jay of September, 1939~ ALBERT LAMARHE, THF BANKiturrey Au r Trustee. :R of the hankrupley of %liehavI L, 1% Tur m .%nl 0111441 Of LAMARRY.. LAMARIO' & INNS, of the City and District of Mont- sloves, clerk, 19 St Jaincit Sirvet, Eust , pral. Montreal, Que . 12-1 OTICH is hereby given that the landerfliglil"I N has been appointed trustee in like above matter, at a meeting of creditors held at the Court House, THE BANKRUPTCY ACT at Montreal, on tile let (lily of Septelliber, 1939. IN THK NI%TTFlt Of D- t~ It- Levine llakera Limited . DAVID GROBSTEIN, having its head office and principal place of 12-1 Montreal, Que. bumiregs in the City and District of Montreal, authorised samignor. OTICE is hereby given that the undermigned THE BANKRUPTCY ACT N has been appointed trubtee in the above matter, 12; Tile IMATTrAt Of the estate of Arthur F, Speight, at, a meeting of creditors held at the Court House, trading as "Speight Specialty ComPARY ." at Montreal, oil the wth (lay of August, 1939. OTICE Is hereby given that the undersigned Dated at Montreal, thilt lith (lay of September, N was duly appointed trustee of the estate of 1939. Arthur E . Speight, tradins an "Speight Specialty ALBERT LAMARRE, Company," at the statutory meeting of creditors Trustee . held on the Sth day of September, 1939. Office of LANIARRE, LAMANICH It INNA, PAGE HIGGINS, to st . James Street East, FRED 12-1 12-1 Trustee. Montreal, Que . ~O I SEP TEMBER 16, 1989 771. THE IIANKRUVWY ACT TIIE BANKRUPTCY ACT IN THE MV7711-It of S. Kamiehik, merchant, of the IN TITS Mirmit ni the bankruptey of Lillitua E. o. City and District of Montreal, in the Province Barren, trading under the natne and style of of Quebec, authorixed assignor.
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