the jroRxnfG oregoxia, THURSDAY, 4, 101 (lr leased were Roy Mitchell and Fred Fairbanks, pitchers; Carl Mitze and OREGON IN LEAD IN Jerry Coleman, catchers, and N. M. Schilz. an outfielder. 11111 SEATTLE CLANKS GREAT FALLS CONFERENCE RACE Pat Eastlcy Pitches Shutout Ball, - 'While Giants Bunch. Hits. SEATTLE. Wash.. Hay 3. Seattle bunched hits in the fourth and fifth in- Aggies Again Beaten, This nings today and defeated Great Falls. to 0. Great Falls got three men on Doo-little- bases with none out in the ninth inning, Time 10-- 2, Due to 's but was unable, to score. Score: K.H. E. K. H. E. Passes. Great Falls. 0 7 0 Seattle 4 6 1 Batteries Ervln. Engle and Haworth; Eastlcy and Cadman. Butte 1, Tacoma O. IN VARSITY HITS PINCHES TACOMA Wash.. May Butte won a pitchers' battle between Meikle and Sutherland by scoring one run in the eighth inning, when Johnson scored the only run of the game on Stokes' Corvallis Men Score Two Early, single to rirht. Score: On- It. H.E.I K. H. E. but Crumple Vnder Fierce Butte 1 O.Tacoma 0 2 0 slaught of Eugene Men. Batteries Meikle and Hoffman; and Roberts. Decided.. Sutherland Title Almost SPOKANE. Wash.. May 3. The Spo kane and Vancouver teams did not play today. The teams were tra-elin- UNIVERSITY OF OREGON". Eugene. May 3. (Special.) By slugging the ball in pinches and taking advantage REAL BOUT IS ASSURED of Doolittle's wildness. the varsity won this afternoon from Oregon Agricu! tural College, 10-- 2. The victory breaks up the tie between the two institutions SOMMfclRS AND TRAM BIT AS BAY "NO In the fight tor the Northwest colle giate title and gives the varsity the DRAW DECISION" GOES. edge, .667 to .o00. The two games re maining to be played will be t:tap-e- at Corvallis Friday and Saturday. By Question of Judffe for Bout Tomorrow winning one Oregon would cinch the Not Yet Settled Fox title and the option to meet university Meht of California for the Coast champion Would Return. ship. Both teams settled down today for a good fielding game, and the contest re- No middle-weig- ht boxing contest yet solved itself Into a pitching duel be billed by the Portland athletic clubs tween Rathbun and Doolittle, with so much comment as the having edge throughout has created Kathbun the Al Sommere-Valle- y Trambltas Pacific Both allowed six hits. Rathbun struck middle-weig- Coast ht championship af- out two and Doolittle three. lluthbun fair, slated for tomorrow night, under had good control and, outside of two the auspices of the Beaver Athletic walks, kept himself from holes. Doo- Club, in the Rose City Athletic Club little's wildness came In Etreaks. lie gymnasium. East First and East Mor- walked six men and hit five. The.se rison streets. filled the bases and many scored on Both boys have met the best of them Dinch hits. in the Northwest and so far Sommers The afternoon was perspiringly warm has not tasted defeat. Sommere se- but the visitors sent an uneasy chil cured a draw from Fighting Billy Mur- through the stands by their determined ray and Billy Weeks, the Canadian attack in the first. Two innings went champion, and he defeated Romeo by scoreless. Coming back stronger Hagan. Trambltas lost to Billy Mur- than ever in the third, O. A. C.'s threat ray, but secured a draw with Billy ening cloud broke and two runs were Wright, of Seattle, and shaded Sid scored. Morgan singled, Weller singled Mitchell, at Raymond, Wash., last week. and Baldwin stepped to the plate. He Trambitas created quite a sensation caught one of Rathbun's best arid drove when he arreared all "rigged out fit to it far over center, scoring the two. This kill." He i.'i carrying a cane and other- ended O. A. C.'s scoring. Five innings wise making himself a regular "dude." went by hitless for the visitors. The Josef Flanigan, one of the directors monotony finally was broken in the of the Beaver Athletic Club, all but ninth by Seibert's single. He was promised the boys that thewinner of caught in a double play and the game the middle-weig- ht bout tomorrow night ended. would be given the opportunity of Oregon staged a sensational come meeting Willie Ritchie, former light- back to O. A. C.'s attack in the third weight champion of the world, some by scoring four. Risley was hit, stole time next month, in Portland. For second and went to third and scored thie reason Trambitas and Sommers on two passed balls. Sheehy flew out. have agreed that there must be a win- Maison walked, Cornell reached first ner and a loser in the bout and that on a fielder's choice and Maison was no draw decision will go Friday night. called safe on second. Nelson flew out The question as to the referee was and Huntington was hit. With two out not settled yesterday, it being left to and the bases full "Doc" Medley, Bez-dek- 's a disinterested party to select three hitting "find," came to bat. "Doc" boxing fans to Judge the affair along was equal to the emergency and lined with Jack Grant, who will be' the third out a double. man in the ring. The selection will be Sheehy and Cornell were the hero made this afternoon. pinch-hitte- rs in the fourth. Sheehy scored two on his double, and in turn Sol Cohen, who is looking after the scored on Cornell's single. Exactly the business end of the game for Billy Nel- same act was duplicated by the two son. of Spokane, and Abe Gordon, the in the fifth, and Oregon had her 10 Portland favorite, received a telegram runs and the game. The score: from Paul Steele, of Tacoma. last night R. H. E.l R. H. E. saying that Steele and Conners would ; Aggies. .... 2 6 3Oregon 10 6 3 arrive in Portland this morning. The Batteries Doolittle and Weller; Northerners were delayed & couple of Rathbun and Huntington. Umpire days because Steel Is boxing instructor Grayson. at a Tacoma school of boxing and he could not find time to get away from his classes any sooner. MIXED I'OCUSOMES POSTPONED Both Conners and Steele will work out at the B'nai B'rith gymnasium of Waverley Club Devptcs All Attention the xoung Men's Hebrew Association, ill this afternoon. Conners meets Billy 122 pounds in g to Match With Spokane. Mascott at one of the double main events at Rose City Because of the inter-cit- y golf match the Country Athletic Club gymnasium tomorrow to be played on the Waverley night. Grant will referee. Copyright Thm Uoaam Kappmnhmmor I Club links between the Spokane Loun Jack 193. of try Club and the Waverley representa- Muff Bronson. who is matched with tives next Saturday afternoon, C. H. JoeHarrahan, of Seattle, at Raymond, Davis, Jr., chairman, of the handicap Wash., next week, is working out daily coat ought to hug the neck: the collar should not sag or kick out committee of the Waverley Country with Billy Mascott. Bronson is being YOUR Club, announced last night that the figured on to head a boxing programme mixed foursomes slated tor Saturday of the Beaver Athletic Club with Jimmy back even if you stoop slightly or carry the head and shoulders among the club members would be Carroll, of San Francisco, later this I postponed until May 27. month. in a forward position. to see a Kuppenheimer Foreward Model. Chairman Davis likely will not an- Ask nounce his list of Waverly players for Jimmy Fox, who lost his Pacific clothes-troubl- e the Spokane match until tomorrow. Coast featherweight title to Joe Ben The Kuppenheimer dealer is the only one who overcomes this without making Each team will consist of 20 players, if jamin in Portland last month, at pres alterations. He. specially designed Foreward Model in. all sizes; all the leading Upokane sends that many here, and the ent is in Butte, and he is desirous of has the suit Nassau scoring system, one point for returning to Portland. styles and fabrics. Prices, $20 to $40. Our new book, "Styles for Men," sent on request. each nine holes and one for the 18, will m m m govern. Trambitas has received an offer to Apparently the month of May is to be meet a Seattle boy in the Sound city an extremely busy one for the Waverly on May 9. The Portland middle-weig- ht THE HOUSE OF KUPPENHEIMER, CHICAGO golfers. Following the Spokane match is considering the matter, but his man Saturday will come the fourball four- ager, Josef Flanigan. wants to wait I Originator cf Fractional Sixes ia Idea's Clothing somes on May 1:1: the sweepstakes han- and see how he comes out against the I dicap on May 20: the "postponed mixed undefeated Al Sommers, tomorrow I foursomes handicap on May 27, and night. Kelly golf, an innovation, on May 30. The first bout tomorrow night will David T. lioneyman and D. W. L. start promptly at 8:30 o clock. iilllWllifllll Mactlregor won the championship of the Scotch fouresomes by defeating L. KNUDSEX FANS 2 1 BATTERS H. Hoffman and M. H. Whitehouse. Now that the good weather has set in play on the Waverley links is becoming Lincoln Pitcher Breaks lnterscho more frequent. lastic League Strikeout Record. INTEREST IN TENNIS IS HIGH Twenty-on- e batters struck out See "Beaufort" and other new Kuppenheimer models here today yesterday before the pitching of Carl the High.
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