H8612 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE December 17, 2010 and Head Coach Bret Bielema, for their in the country. The Badger offense football, won the Johnny Unitas Gold- outstanding season. ranks in the top 20 nationally in scor- en Arm Award for his on-field perform- The Badgers have achieved an out- ing, rushing, and total offense. Twenty- ance as well as his character. standing overall 49–15 record under two Badger players were selected to Senior defensive end J.J. Watt is an Coach Bielema’s tenure. For a second the Academic All-Big Ten Team. And academic All-Big Ten Team selection consecutive season, the Badger football even more exciting, our Wisconsin and winner of the Lott IMPACT Tro- team features 22 players selected to the Badgers earned a well-deserved bid to phy, awarded nationally to a defensive Academic All-Big Ten team, surpassing the Rose Bowl on January 1, 2011. player, for his athletic, academic, and the previous record of 19 set a few It has been a pleasure for me to community achievements. years ago. The team also—and this is watch our Badger football team excel And senior offensive lineman Gabe worth noting—is the least penalized this season. I know I am joined by fans Carimi won the Outland Trophy, an team in the United States, displaying at home in Wisconsin and, indeed, honor given to the best interior line- remarkable discipline and leadership alumni and fans around the country in man in college football, in addition to on the field. feeling great pride in the University of being selected to the Academic All-Big Mr. Speaker, I would like to thank Wisconsin-Madison and this stellar ac- Ten Team as a civil engineering major. Representative BALDWIN for intro- complishment. It is true that our foot- As my colleagues know, the annual ducing this resolution and once again ball team enjoys very loyal and fervent Rose Bowl game is the oldest college express my support for House Resolu- support from fans and alumni. Badger bowl game and its history and prestige tion 1767. fans sold out Camp Randall Stadium have earned it the title of ‘‘The Grand- I reserve the balance of my time. for the entire season. And what a sea- daddy of Them All.’’ This 2011 Rose Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I son it was. Bowl bid is exciting for the Wisconsin yield myself such time as I may con- My colleagues may remember a Badgers as well as TCU, Texas Chris- sume. warm night in October when the Badg- tian University, who we will meet in I rise today in support of House Reso- ers defeated the number one-ranked Pasadena. Wisconsin looks forward to lution 1767, a resolution commending Ohio State Buckeyes 31–18. It was real- ‘‘badgering’’ the Horned Frogs on New the Wisconsin Badger football team for ly an incredible game. I’ll never forget Year’s Day. an outstanding season in the 2011 Rose the opening kickoff return by David I urge my colleagues to support H. Bowl bid. Gilreath for a touchdown. And after Res. 1767, which recognizes the achieve- The 2010 Wisconsin Badgers finished the game, fans rushed to the field in a ments of the players, coaches, stu- the regular season with a sterling 11–1 sea of red. What a game. dents, alumni, and staff who were in- record, were co-champions of the Big The following week, the Badgers strumental in helping the Wisconsin Ten conference, and earned a trip to barnstormed into Iowa and beat a Badgers make it to Pasadena, Cali- fornia. Regardless of your political af- the Rose Bowl. The path to the Rose strong Hawkeyes team in an inspiring filiation or football allegiance, there’s Bowl started early, with a victory over comeback. The Badger defense ce- always an open invitation from the the number one-ranked Ohio State mented the 1-point win with a key de- Wisconsin Badgers to ‘‘teach you how Buckeyes in a nationally televised fensive stand. The Badgers’ success on the field is to Bucky.’’ game, and the season just got better guided by strong guidance from Univer- We’ll see you in Pasadena. On Wis- from there. sity of Wisconsin leaders. I would like consin! The Badgers were a prolific offensive to acknowledge a few key folks who Mr. ROE of Tennessee. Mr. Speaker, I machine, averaging 45.2 points per con- have contributed to this outstanding have no further requests for time, but ference game. It was the second highest season. University of Wisconsin-Madi- I would like to congratulate the Wis- per game total in conference history. son Chancellor Biddy Martin has exhib- consin football team. It’s difficult for Numerous players earned spots on the ited incredibly strong leadership for me to be here because they destroyed All-American teams for their perform- the University of Wisconsin. Chan- my small school this year, Austin ances on the field this year, including cellor Martin displays an unyielding Peay, but we do appreciate the large Gabe Carimi, John Moffitt, Lance commitment to academic excellence check you sent us. Kendricks, J.J. Watt, and Johen Clay. for Wisconsin’s student athletes and is I yield back the balance of my time. Carimi was named winner of the pres- assuredly a big reason behind this Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I ask pas- tigious Outland Trophy, an award great season. sage of this bill, H. Res. 1767, and I given every year to the Nation’s best I also want to acknowledge Athletic yield back the balance of my time. interior lineman. Director Barry Alvarez, a three-time The SPEAKER pro tempore. The Of course, all these accomplishments Rose Bowl-winning coach, who had a question is on the motion offered by would not have been possible without strong hand in helping lead the Badg- the gentleman from New Jersey (Mr. their head coach, Bret Bielema. ers back to Pasadena, California. HOLT) that the House suspend the rules Bielema’s achievements have also been And, of course, we are grateful to the and agree to the resolution, H. Res. recognized, as he was recently named a strong leadership of Head Coach Bret 1767. finalist for the Bear Bryant Award, the Bielema, who showed tremendous re- The question was taken. award given the top college football solve in guiding the Badgers to an out- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the team in the country. standing 11–1 season. Indeed, the Badg- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds being We wish the Badgers the best of luck ers have achieved a stellar 49–15 record in the affirmative, the ayes have it. on January 1, and I urge my colleagues overall during Coach Bielema’s tenure. Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I object to to support this resolution. In addition to his prowess on the field, the vote on the ground that a quorum I reserve the balance of my time. Coach Bielema is a leader in his com- is not present and make the point of Mr. HOLT. Mr. Speaker, I am pleased munity. He does tremendous work to order that a quorum is not present. to recognize the gentlewoman from promote breast cancer awareness and The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- Wisconsin (Ms. BALDWIN), the author of survival. ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the this resolution, for such time as she In addition, our Badger defensive co- Chair’s prior announcement, further may consume. ordinator, Paul Chryst, is a finalist for proceedings on this motion will be Ms. BALDWIN. Mr. Speaker, I rise the Broyles Award as the Nation’s top postponed. today in strong support of H. Res. 1767, assistant coach. The point of no quorum is considered a resolution commending the Wis- Football fans watch the game be- withdrawn. consin Badger football team for an out- cause of the skill and talent of the f standing season and for their 2011 Rose players. At Wisconsin, we’re lucky b 1000 Bowl bid. enough to have the privilege of watch- The Wisconsin Badgers completed a ing players on the field who also show HONORING ACHIEVEMENTS OF AM- terrific regular season and won the Big exceptional leadership off the field. BASSADOR RICHARD HOLBROOKE Ten title. They finished their season Senior quarterback Scott Tolzien, Mr. BERMAN. Mr. Speaker, I move 11–1. They are the least penalized team the most accurate passer in college to suspend the rules and agree to the VerDate Mar 15 2010 07:41 Dec 18, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00014 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K17DE7.019 H17DEPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with HOUSE December 17, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8613 concurrent resolution (H. Con. Res. 335) effective the United Nations’ efforts to ad- (1) honors the exceptional achievements of honoring the exceptional achievements dress conflicts and save lives in Africa and Ambassador Richard Holbrooke and recog- of Ambassador Richard Holbrooke and East Timor, and to raise the profile of public nizes the significant contributions he has recognizing the significant contribu- health as a matter of global security, includ- made to United States national security, hu- tions he has made to United States na- ing through debate and passage of United manitarian causes, and peaceful resolutions Nations Security Council Resolution 1308 on of international conflict; and tional security, humanitarian causes, HIV/AIDS; (2) respectfully requests that the Clerk of and peaceful resolutions of inter- Whereas Ambassador Holbrooke continued the House transmit an enrolled copy of this national conflict, as amended. to marshal international attention and re- resolution to the family of Ambassador Rich- The Clerk read the title of the con- sources to combat the HIV/AIDS crisis by ard Holbrooke.
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