Tweet Reach Report

Tweet Reach Report

TWEETREACH SNAPSHOT FOR #askboris ESTIMATED REACH EXPOSURE 21,370,653 IMPRESSIONS 739 420 22,,999944,,886688 292 ACCOUNTS REACHED 17 32 < 100 < 1k < 10k < 100k 100k+ Bars show number of tweets sent by users with that many followers ACTIVITY 1,500 1,004 3 218 replies TWEETS CONTRIBUTORS HOURS 507 tweets 1000 750 500 250 775 retweets 0 11am 12pm 1pm Nov 10 TOP CONTRIBUTORS MOST RETWEETED TWEETS Boris Johnson @MayorofLondon 16.7M @MayorofLondon walrus - they not only lie on rocks and belch but make 77 amazing migratory journeys #askboris IMPRESSIONS @CommanderDaisy Boris Johnson @MayorofLondon we should be fair and consistent - why kick our Aussies @MayorofLondon 253 65 and NZ who fought w us and open doors to 27 EU countries? #askboris @mb1788 RETWEETS Iain Duncan Smith MP @IDS_MP 42 #AskBoris Do you brush your hair with a firework? 681 @MayorofLondon MENTIONS CONTRIBUTORS TWEETS TIMELINE Tweets RTs Impressions MayorofLondon 16 253 16.7M Nov 10, 2014 at 1:47pm UTC LienChingLC 13 12 1.4M Moh. Akhtar @Anckynicky… Christmas Jalen McMillan Dapper DarrynLyons 1 0 1.1M Laughs #AskBoris Telegraph 1 12 697.9k tagesspiegel 1 0 135.4k Moh. Akhtar @Anckynicky samanthamaiden 3 0 74k… #webackEd Christmas #AskBoris #FutureDecoded BorisWatch 4 6 39.9k PunKandStuff 1 7 35.2k Laura @Laura83ffsf PublicSafetyNL 1 0 33.7k #AskBoris Boris Johnson: 'I'd be a walrus if I could be any animal' - Telegraph #co #uk trendinaliaGB 7 1 33.4k HorneyMedia 5 0 31.9k U @MigoDeej IDS_MP 1 42 30.4k RT @reblewiswrites: You stand accused of undoing Ken's work for MattOverboard_ 2 0 26.7k women (rape crisis centres, lowcost childcare). What HAVE you done for Lond… RoadSafeApp 1 0 24.1k tattooed_mummy 5 0 23.5k Princess Marie @marieb2011 TomScorza 7 1 19.4k RT @Baddiel: #AskBoris when you get a question, how long do you run it through your cuddly posher persona matrix before you answer? CllrRenataJones 19 0 17k TheSortOf 1 0 16.7k Chigwell School MUN @ChigwellMUN profanityswan 1 1 15.5k RT @MayorofLondon: I'm ready for you questions folks - let's get cracking. Please use #AskBoris TrendieUK 7 2 15.3k Claire_Phipps 1 1 14.7k ARDAL JONES @ARDALJONES aass75 1 0 12.9k #AskBoris Will you be blamed for A) Allowing developers to pull down Lolly_Knickers 5 0 11.8k ICONIC GASOMETERS B) Poor contamination clear-up of sites. C) Both. ? DecathlonUK 1 1 11.2k Orrible_Ives 7 7 11.2k JWimhurst @JayW_1994 AsaElliott 1 0 11.1k #askboris dick pics plz? Love you long time! TiernanDouieb 1 9 10.8k LordSkipVC 2 0 10.6k Alexander the Great @AlexpPowell Tony_Hodson 1 0 10.1k Could you please post us a picture of little boris #dickpick #askboris eddo75 3 1 9.6k javery_live 1 0 9.5k DINKLEBERG|pls mikey @ClosetClifford BBCPropaganda 1 1 9.3k #askboris hOW DO I BECOME AS FAB AS YOU Funken_Em_Up 10 3 8.7k JimmySpeath88 2 0 8.5k The_LCDC 2 0 8.2k Alasdair D Murray @Alconcalcia #AskBoris If I owe my mate £5 and he insists on me paying him in full, andybolton 4 0 7.9k and my name is not George Osborne, how much must I pay him? hollytheshark 1 0 7.3k marthasydenham 3 2 7.1k Chris McKee @chrismckee RT @ZoeDeputy: Have u ever worn a sailor hat so well that Captain huseyinkishi 6 1 7k Birdseye shoved a premium fish finger up your arse in a fit of envy? redeader 3 0 6.9k #Ask… UKTINews 1 0 6.8k Nat @acidnat A_LooseEnd 4 1 6.4k RT @littley85: Whats the longest you have ever hunted a poor person BenolaClothing 1 1 6.4k whilst mounted on horseback? Tally Ho! #AskBoris ChristianFraser 1 6 6.3k magapanthus 7 0 6.3k They Called Him Tony @Tony_One_Kenobi RT @MayorofLondon: yes def - we have west anglia soon...we could londonblacktaxi 11 0 6.2k make vast improvements for benefit of all on SE lines #askboris @Tony_One_… JamieJBartlett 1 0 6.2k missus_gumby 5 1 6k jamie beet @Beetoores tonyparkin 1 0 5.9k What's your thoughts on a Portuguese man of war? #AskBoris GabrielleNYC 1 1 5.8k swxfxg 1 0 5.8k Chris McKee @chrismckee THemingford 1 0 5.7k RT @MayorofLondon: I'm ready for you questions folks - let's get puddingncustard 18 3 5.1k cracking. Please use #AskBoris joeheenan 2 18 5.1k ClosetClifford 1 0 5.1k Chris McKee @chrismckee RT @BCFCGoldie79: Are there plans to buy back the British Blood dougshaw1 1 0 5k Bank that was sold to Mitt Romney? #AskBoris @MayorofLondon skweatherall 2 0 5k speedmonkeycouk 1 0 5k AA @triixShiiiT… Dapper Laughs #AskBoris charlotteahenry 2 0 4.9k #FutureDecoded piss_wizard 1 1 4.9k CrystalPalacePK 2 0 4.9k Alexander the Great @AlexpPowell wellingblueboy 2 0 4.9k RT @LindsayLuco: #AskBoris I want to buy a house for the first time. Where should I sell my kidney? pete_sinclair 1 0 4.8k DelStrainComedy 3 4 4.8k Amelea Teckel @AmeleaTeckel clogsilk 3 0 4.7k #AskBoris How can we trust you with what's left of our wildlife? Britain's ancient badgers, Boris! ASR_mw 1 0 4.6k #badgermonday WEIRDCHRISTMAS 4 0 4.6k leftferret 1 0 4.5k Thomas Hemingford @THemingford There is NOTHING I want to #AskBoris _b0rnf0rthis 3 0 4.4k timbolton1 1 0 4.3k Sea_Penguin5 3 0 4.2k Sarah Jordan @SarahMayJordan tufnailsteve 4 0 4k RT @Telegraph: Boris Johnson has resolved the question we all wanted the answer to #AskBoris KrustyAllslopp 1 0 4k MackenzieKatie_ 1 0 3.9k kevinjowen 1 0 3.9k Vido+ @VidoPlus Video: Suicide Bomber Dressed in School Uniform Kills 48 Students in ashrossdavis 7 0 3.9k Nigeria | Click… #webackEd #CBI2014 #AskBoris Pat_167 4 0 3.8k HashtagFutures 2 0 3.7k emmani @emmani2002 VidoPlus 1 0 3.7k RT @BenolaClothing: Female & Male Hoodies available here… #webackEd #CBI2014 #androidify SussexMark 18 7 3.7k #AskBoris… StefanJFH 9 6 3.7k fedupofpollys 1 0 3.7k rob collins @rwpcollins How can we be lovers if we can't be friends? #AskBoris DecLloyd 1 0 3.7k businesstoken 1 0 3.6k JoeyJoeJoe_Jr 3 0 3.6k @BenolaClothing calyxxx 1 0 3.6k Female & Male Hoodies available here… #webackEd #CBI2014 #androidify #AskBoris chiller 1 11 3.6k dpeilow 2 0 3.6k Squarey @SquareyGame DickMackintosh 1 0 3.5k TopTrend:#AskBoris iOS: Google: kevthetab 1 0 3.4k csdrake 1 0 3.4k Alexander the Great @AlexpPowell andrew_porter 4 0 3.3k RT @GrahamHomer: Are you flattered that Donald Trump's wig is cabbydenny 2 0 3.3k modelled on your natural hair? #AskBoris Candysnatch 2 0 3.2k JakeMcCafferty 1 0 3.1k Ffion-Haf Watson @ffiwatt RT @ZoeDeputy: Have u ever worn a sailor hat so well that Captain MadeinBritainGB 1 0 3k Birdseye shoved a premium fish finger up your arse in a fit of envy? #Ask… cocokonskii 1 0 3k Alconcalcia 1 0 3k Nat @acidnat Groovydaz39 2 0 3k RT @Orrible_Ives: What`s the heaviest lawnmower you`ve swung round your head at a B&Q store manager ? #AskBoris HarperInTheCity 2 0 3k ChrisThurgood77 1 0 2.9k Trendinalia UK @trendinaliaGB marieb2011 1 0 2.9k 1. #FilmsWithOneLetterMissing 2. #webackEd 3. #AskBoris 4. Quiet__Please 2 1 2.9k #CBI2014 5. #FutureDecoded 2014/11/10 13:27 GMT #trndnl… Thedoncsc 4 4 2.9k RicaUK 1 0 2.9k NW6Cyclist @Cycle_Whamp kidd_kong78 5 6 2.9k #askboris what is the latest on cycling superhighway provision please? TAXICAB14 4 1 2.8k DouglasDaniel 1 0 2.8k Claire Smith @miss_crushe Hesselmann31 1 3 2.7k RT @MayorofLondon: we should be fair and consistent - why kick our Aussies and NZ who fought w us and open doors to 27 EU countries? whedonworship 2 0 2.7k #askbo… japp88 2 0 2.7k frederickJWill2 1 0 2.7k Zoë Deputy @ZoeDeputy Have u ever worn a sailor hat so well that Captain Birdseye shoved a Daily_Ref 1 0 2.7k premium fish finger up your arse in a fit of envy? #AskBoris Grahamthecabbie 2 0 2.7k FionnaighHessey 2 0 2.7k Nat @acidnat wonky_donky 1 0 2.6k RT @SussexMark: #askboris If coconuts have hair and milk, does that make them mammals? taxidriver07 2 0 2.6k maynon2013 1 3 2.6k alan @AlanTaxicab050 ClareClarrice14 1 0 2.6k RT @Dean_Trench: #askboris will you commend the free service black cabbies did yesterday helping veterans at the cenotaph davidmeredith76 1 4 2.6k… brightnetwork 1 0 2.6k Utopia_Urbana 1 0 2.5k Zoë Deputy @ZoeDeputy Boris, If your ridiculous hair had a fight with your permanently Senorita_Titia 4 0 2.5k perplexed face ...who would win? #AskBoris lightacandleOTM 2 0 2.5k brandnatter 1 1 2.5k Squarey @SquareyGame TreacleVerity 1 0 2.5k TopTrend:#AskBoris iOS: Google: g_maae 1 0 2.5k NeilTague 1 0 2.5k Ryan @LowerThanRy RadicalEmu 6 0 2.4k RT @SussexMark: #askboris Is it true there ain't no party like an S Club party? wirespyuk 1 3 2.4k LiamPLEdwards 1 0 2.4k Lisa Burns @LittleRobin09 greenbadgepro 2 0 2.3k RT @IDS_MP: #AskBoris Do you brush your hair with a firework? Yonny1975 1 0 2.3k DerBuchmacher 1 0 2.2k jaygavin 1 0 2.2k Christopher Reilly @Chris7326Reilly RT @MayorofLondon: I'm ready for you questions folks - let's get Saggydaddy 1 1 2.2k cracking.

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