Scientific Notes 649 LEPIDOPTERA ASSOCIATED WITH AVOCADO FRUIT IN GUATEMALA MARK S. HODDLE1,2 AND JOHN W. BROWN3 1Department of Entomology, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 2Center for Invasive Species Research, University of California, Riverside, CA 92521 3Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Research Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, c/o National Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC 20013, U.S.A Avocados (Persea americana Miller) (Lau- were held by collection site and date in collaps- raceae) evolved in the eastern and central high- ible, ventilated insect rearing cages (BugDorm- lands of Mexico, Guatemala, and the Pacific Coast 2120, 60 cm × 60 cm × 60 cm, MegaView Science of Central America (Knight 2002). Humans Education Services, Taiwan). All rearing studies moved avocados into northern South America by was conducted in laboratories at 17-22°C and 41- 4000 BC where plants became naturalized 75% RH under natural daylight of ≈12:12 (L:D). (Knight 2002). In 2007, 4 of the top 10 producing As larvae emerged from fruit to pupate they were nations were located in the native and natural- collected and held individually in labeled venti- ized range of avocados, with countries ranked as lated plastic vials until emergence of adult moths. follows: Mexico (1), Colombia (6), Peru (8), and Selected examples of adult moths were killed by Guatemala (10) (FAOSTAT 2009). California, the freezing, and then pin-mounted with wings fourth largest producer of avocados in the world spread. Pupal cases were kept and pinned with (FAOSTAT 2009), with a 2007-2008 season crop the adult moth which emerged from it. worth $327 million (US) (CAC 2008), is experienc- A total of 1,098 specimens representing 10 ing increasing imports of fresh avocado fruit from moth species from 4 families were reared from areas where this plant is native. The estimated harvested avocado fruit in Guatemala. Two tortri- amount of fruit entering California from Mexico cid species, Argyrotaenia urbana (Busck) (n = 2) in 2008-2009 was 36.3 million kilograms (Morse and Polyortha n. sp. (n = 1), were reared from et al. 2009). small immature avocados and grown to maturity Co-evolved herbivores of avocados are poorly on unopened avocado flower clusters after small documented. Three avocado foliage-feeding pests fruit desiccated. The numbers of each of these 2 in California, Tetraleurodes perseae Nakahara species reared from small fruit was underesti- (Hemiptera: Aleyrodidae), Oligonychus perseae mated due to larval mortality resulting from fruit Tuttle, Baker, and Abbatiello (Acari: Tetrany- desiccation. From large fruit, 8 different moth chidae), and Scirtothrips perseae Nakahara species were reared: Amorbia santamaria Phil- (Thysanoptera: Thripidae), were new to science at lips and Powell (Tortricidae) (n = 5), the time of discovery in the U.S.A. (Hoddle 2004). Cryptaspasma sp. nr. lugubris (Meyrick) (Tortri- Morse et al. (2009) recorded 8 species of armored cidae) (n = 50), Euxoa sorella Schaus (Noctuidae) scales on imported avocado fruit entering Califor- (n = 1), Histura perseavora Brown (Tortricidae) (n nia from Mexico of which 3 were new species. Glo- = 35), Holcocera plagatola Adamski (Co- bally, 99 species of Lepidoptera from 20 families leophoridae) (n = 2), Micrathetis triplex Walker have a documented association with avocados (Noctuidae) (n = 1), Netechma pyrrhodelta (Mey- (HOSTS 2009). The pest status and invasion po- rick) (Tortricidae) (n = 1), and Stenoma catenifer tential of Lepidoptera in areas where avocados Walsingham (Elachistidae) (n ≈ 1000 specimens). are native are not well understood. To better un- Stenoma catenifer, a well known avocado pest, derstand Lepidoptera associated with avocado, accounted for 91% of collected material. Tortri- we undertook fruit survey work in Guatemala cidae had the most representatives with 6 spe- and results are presented here. cies. At least 2 new moth species were discovered Fruit collection and rearing studies were con- and described from this project, H. perseavora ducted in Guatemala from 1 Nov 2006 to 1 Apr (Brown & Hoddle 2009) and H. plagatola (Adam- 2007 (n = 23 sites), 13 Nov to 21 Dec 2007 (n = 3 ski & Hoddle 2009), with possibly a third unde- sites), 13 Mar to 1 May 2008 (n = 1 site), and 14 scribed species, Polyortha n. sp. being found also. Nov 2008 to 14 Jan 2009 (n = 5 sites). Small im- Polyortha is a very poorly studied genus, and this mature Hass fruit (5-25 mm in length, n = 1,078), rearing record from Guatemala is the first host and large mature Hass and non-Hass fruit (≥100 plant data for this undescribed species. Argyro- mm in length, n = 7,742) were harvested over taenis urbana is known primarily from Mexico. these 4 different survey periods. Small fruit were This is the first record of this species from Guate- held either individually in ventilated plastic vials mala, and the first host rearing record for this or commingled and held in ventilated plastic cups moth. Prior to this study, N. pyrrhodelta was labeled by collection site and date. All large fruit known only from Costa Rica where it was reared 650 Florida Entomologist 93(4) December 2010 from Inga sp. (Fabaceae). Cryptaspasma spp. two congeners with an incidental preference for avo- have been reared previously from avocados in Mi- cado. Proc. Entomol. Soc. Washington 111: 254-262. choacán Mexico, and Puerto Rico (Brown & BROWN, J. W., AND BROWN, J. L. 2004. A new species of Brown 2004). Species of Amorbia are known pests Cryptaspasma Walsingham (Lepidoptera: Tortri- of avocados (Dreistadt 2008). Amorbia santama- cidae: Olethreutinae) from Central America, the Caribbean, and southeastern United States, with a ria was originally described from specimens col- catalogue of the world fauna of Microcorsini. Proc. lected in Guatemala (Phillips-Rodríguez & Powell Entomol. Soc. Washington 106: 288-297. 2007). The single specimens of E. sorella and M. BROWN, J. W., AND HODDLE, M. S. 2009. A new species triplex, together with N. pyrrhodelta and H. pla- of Histura Razowski (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae: Poly- gatola, appear to be opportunistic exploiters of orthini) from Guatemala attacking avocados (Persea large avocado fruit. americana) (Lauraceae). Proc. Entomol. Soc. Wash- The results of this survey work over a ~2.5- ington 112: 10-21. year period encompassing ~25 different sites in CAC (CALIFORNIA AVOCADO COMMISSION) 2008. Ener- Guatemala revealed that a varied moth fauna gizing the CA in CAlifornia avoCAdos. Annual Re- port 2007-2008, Irvine California, 21 pp. was associated with avocados, and 2 new species DREISTADT, S. H. 2008. Integrated Pest Management were discovered feeding on large fruit, of which H. for Avocados. University of California Agriculture perseavora has the potential to be an economic and Natural Resources Publication 3503. University pest (Brown & Hoddle 2009). Additionally, the of California, Oakland California. first host associations for 4 species were docu- FAOSTAT. 2009. Top 20 producing nations for avocados mented. Given the current situation, the prepara- 2007. (ac- tion of risk assessment reports by regulatory cessed online 12 Aug 2010). agencies for countries with indigenous avocados HODDLE, M. S. 2004. Invasions of leaf feeding arthro- that are petitioning to export avocado fruit are pods: why are so many new pests attacking Califor- nia-grown avocados? California Avocado Soc. Year- probably not robust because surveys similar to book 87: 65-81. those conducted here have not been executed. HOSTS 2009. HOSTS—A database of the world’s lepi- Support for this work was provided in part by dopteran host plants. the California Avocado Commission. We are in- curation/research/projects/hostplants/ (accessed on- debted to all our cooperators in Guatemala who line 12 Aug 2010). assisted with the location of field sites and fruit KNIGHT, R. J. 2002. History, distribution, and uses, In A. for these studies. We thank Michael Pogue, W. Whiley, B. Schaffer, and B. N. Wolstenholme USDA-ARS, for identifying the noctuid moths. [eds.], The Avocado, Botany, Production, and Uses. Comments from an anonymous reviewer greatly CABI Publishing, Wallingford, Oxfordshire, U.K. MORSE, J. G., RUGMAN-JONES, P. F., WATSON, G. W., improved this article. ROBINSON, L. J., BI, J. L., AND STOUTHAMER, R. 2009. High levels of exotic armored scales in import- ed avocados raise concerns regarding USDA-APHIS’ REFERENCES CITED phytosanitary risk assessment. J. Econ. Entomol. 102: 855-867. ADAMSKI, D., AND HODDLE, M. S. 2009. A new Holcocera PHILLIPS-RODRÍGUEZ, E., AND POWELL, J. A. 2007. Phy- Clemens from Guatemala and redescription of H. logenetic Relationships, Systematics, And biology of icyaeella (Riley) from the United States (Lepi- the species of Amorbia Clemens (Lepidoptera: Tor- doptera: Coleophoridae: Blastobasinae: Holcoerini): tricidae: Sparganothini). Zootaxa 1670: 1-109..
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