
LONDON, SATVBDAY, AUGUST 29, 1863. Columns, has been established under the Grand Lodge of Saxony, at Dresden, of which Dr, Kitchen- meister is the first Master. EEEUSIN G A LEGACY.—-The Grand Orient of Italy MASONIC SAYINGS AND DOINGS ABEOAD. have refused to accept a legacy of £200 (5000 francs) GRAND ORIENT OE P_KAI. CE. — At the annual from the late Bro. Tornabuoni, of the lodge of Osiris, meeting of the Grand Orient of Trance, it was re- of Turin, on the grounds that Ereemasonry being the ported that the finances were in a prosperous condi- highest moral society, cannot afford to jeopardise its tion, notwithstanding many very heavy calls upon position, in the estimation of the world, by sharing them, and that the lodges have made great sacrifices the estates of any of its deceased brethren with their in order to free the Grand Orient from debts which families, aud thereby raising a prejudice against the accrued under the previous Grand Mastership. institution. But, the Grand Orient add, they have Amongst other topics it would seem that there is a no objection to receive gifts in the life time of the divided feeling about the state recognition of Eree- donor, because such donations are supposed to be masonry, the Grand Master advocating it, and the offered from self-denying acts and savings which Grand Orient opposing it. On a division being taken would not be detrimental to a brother or his family. the relative numbers were in favour of the plan 64, GARIBALDI. —- This distinguished General and 59. There was an election against it 123, majority brother has had the very flattering honour conferred of thirteen brethren as members of the Council of the upon him, by the Ladge Campidoglio, of being nom- which was a matter of routine. Order, inated its honorary Master during his lifetime. CENTENARY OE THE LODGE OE PERFECT SILENCE . STATISTICS OE ITALIAN LODGES .—The Grand —The Lodge of Perfect Silence, in the Orient of Orient of Italy now numbers about sixty lodges on its Lyons, lately celebrated its centenary with great roll, and seven new ones are just on the point of being eclat. The proceedings consisted of the usual lodge added. ceremonial, an oration by its orator in which, referring to the warrant of constitution, he said it was signed EOIXIE .—In the States of the Church, Ereemasonry has long been tabooed but we are led to understand that by the Count de Clermont, and countersigned by the , in Eome itself there is a lodge called Eabio Massimo Marquis de Bricqueville, in 1762. , composed of some twenty members, who, well know- BRUNSWICK .-—A question has arisen in the Lodge ing the implacability of those amongst whom they Charles, as to the admission of pure deists into Eree- live, suppress their names, and are only known to masonry in that lodge, aud its members have made a brethren of tbe other parts of Italy by certain num- declaration to tbe effect that however eligible in other bers, thus amongst the new elections for this year, respects, tbe character of a proposed initiate may be, Bro. No. -_!_ has given place to No. 18, as "W.M., and it is necessary that he should at least acknowledge No. 5 has been appointed Secretary. openly the existence of one God. Our contem- FUNERAL OE THE G RAND-MASTER OE BELGIUM. porary, " Die Bauhiitte," gives it as an opinion, with — ¦which we cannot agree, that the lodge has no The Anns Philanthropes of Brussels have just held a lodge at whicli a grand funeral solemnit right to enquire if a man is with or without any kind y in honour of the M."W.G.M. Bro. Verhaegen was of faith ; his morality and prosperity being the only performed, in the criterion of his worthiness. presence of some 200 brethren from the Hague, Amsterdam, Botterdam, Dort, Maestricht, and other JUBILEE OE A BROTHER.—In the Lodge Prince of places, assembled in remembrance of their deceased Prussia, S olingen, they lately held a special meeting brother's eminent qualities and good works. Bro. to celebrate the 50th Masonic anniversary of the Yan den Bosch, Master of the lodge Eoyal Union, initiation of Bro. Muss, one of its members. of Haye, sjioke so warmly and appealed so forcibly to LEIPZIG-.—The Masonic Debating Club, established the feelings of the br ethren whilst recounting the for the purpose of discussing Masonic questions and , benefits conferred on the Order by Bro. Verhaegen, young brethren holds its the instruction of , meetings that there was scarcely a dry eye to be seen amongst weekl ancl annually indulges in a commemoration of y, them. The new M."W".G.M., elect, Bro. Van der its foundation. One of these gatherings took place Schoor bore strong testimony to the worth of the de- latel and was attended b many of the German y, y ceased, and an ode was performed by Bro. Bosselet, eclectic brethren, one of whom harangued the meeting and afterwards Bro. Van der Schoor was elected and on tbe reversed maxim of Descartes "Sum, ergo enthroned M.W.G.M. of Belgium. Amongst the cogito," a very happy plan of making a harlequinade distinguished visitors present was Viscount de la of any author' s ideas. Jonquieres, S.G.I. G. xxxiii0, Erance, who had been DRESDEN.—-A new lodge, called the Two Brass . specially invited to assist at this ceremony, both by the Supreme Grand Council and the Grand Orient Mason could make a brother Mason ; "—and the correctness of that tradition, in so far, at least, as it of Bel gium. relates to Scotland, is fully confirmed b the records called the Eeformed y KITE OP MEMPHIS .—This rite, of Mother Kilwinning. Compeared before that Eite of Memphis, is reported to be gaining ground in lodge on the 12th of July, 1735, two individuals some of the smaller German States, where lodges of claiming to be members of court—the one having, as the Philadephes have been founded. Its almost he alleged, been entered by a member of the Mother nominal fees are said to be the secret of its success Lodge resident in Girvan, a town situated at a distance of thirty-five miles from Kilwinning ; the other as amongst the lower classes of society. having been entered in Maybole under precisely similar circumstances. Each had paid to the brother entering him one-half of his entry-money (2s. sterling) , MOTHEE KILWINNING. and now tendered the balance. The lodge having satisfied themselves as to the parties claiming recog- Br D. MURRAY LYON, K.T., PROV. J.G.W., nition being in lawful possession of " the word " OE AYRSHIRE . agreed to accept the proffered balance of entry-money, No. III. to grant credit for the payments made at their entry, In our last communication we drew attention to and recognise them as members of the lodge in " the the fact that the Earl of Cassillis had been elected station of apprentices." Not a word of disapproval to the office of Principal Deacon of the Mother is recorded against the manner in which these brethren Lodge fully twelve months before he attained the had been entered, but the lodge expressed dissatis- rank of a IV. of C,\ : this was in 1672, and a subse- faction at the parties initiating having failed to forward quent minute, that of 1675 , shews the members of to the box the money each had recived to account of the lodge to bo arranged in but two classes, deacons his intrant's dues ; and it was remitted to Bro. Molli- and apprentices, and gives the names of " Eglintoune," son, collector of excise in Ayr, to inquire and report " Cochrane," and " Corsehill," as the " deacons out whether the brethren in Carrick already referred to of which ane is to be elected this year "-r-a " list of were in the habit of making Masons without acquain- prentisses " is also given, from which a warden and ting the Mother Lodge thereanent, and accounting depute warden fall to be elected. This is inex-plicable ; to her for the dues. Other instances frequently occur for in the second item of the minute of 1648 it is in whicli individual members and sometimes a quorum expiressly enacted that " na felloe of Craft nor maister of members of the lodge are spoken of as having at be ressavit nor admittet w'out the number of sex Dairy, Irvine, Manchline, and other places within maisteris and twa enterit prenteiss—the wardene of the county, both " entered " and " passed " in name the said luclge being ane of the sex." How could a of Mother Kilwinning, and as having at the annual warden aid in the reception of a master or a fellow meetings at Kilwinning payed the dues uplifted of Craft unless he had himself previously been from the parties so entered, and producing at same- received as such ? Possibly, however, the being time copy of " the obligations taken from them." voted to the warden's chair, in the case of an appren- Great irregularity, however, seems for a lengthened tice, carried along with it a right to possession of period to have prevailed in the Lodge of Kilwinning, the secrets, if any, of the higher degree ; or, again, ancl complaints are continually being put upon record the non-appearance at the meeting of 1675 of any of the " ancient statutis " being infringe d upon, and brethren of the middle grade, and the presence of of the little interest in the lodge's affairs manifested scarcely a respectable quorum of masters, may have by its members.
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