
...... d on Renewal New Steps Taken;C ouneil oil Passes 19 Resolutions Iowan I Seroing the University of Iowa and the People of Iowa City By MARK ROHNER layed so his group could initiate court The City Council took another step pctllion (0 have three councilmen, Robert Established ill 1868 10 cents a copy Associated Preas Leased Wire and Wirephoto Iowa City, Iowa 5224()"-Wedne day, September 3, 1969 toward initiating a federally fmanced H. Lind Sr., Robert (Doc) Connell and urban renewal project in Iowa City, afler Mayor Loren Hickerson, cited for COD­ being threatened WIth legal action aimed tempt of court lor voting on the resolu­ at halting the program. tions. John B. Wilson Sr. told the Councll LAPP initiated legal Iction two yll" that if It passed a series of 19 resolutions ago which delayed the rtn.wal program to prepare the program for I publle for I year Ind I h.rt. hearing and federal approval, Legal Following Wilson's remarks. the Coun­ Action for Property Protection (LAPP), cil passed the 19 resolutions, with Con­ a local businessmen's group, would eek nell, a long-tlme opponent of federal a court order to delay the hearing. urban rcnewal. abstaining from the vote. Wilson said he wanted the hearing de- Wilson said he would seek the con­ tempt of court charge on the grounds that a clause in a law passed by the Iowa General As embly in April make the vote on the project illegal. NEWS That law, which apparently permitted GB the Council to go ahead with renewal planning, was passed after a 1arch Iowa der consideration "the grave constitu­ Supreme Court decision in the case or BOSTON I'" - A Massachusetts Su· CLIPS WIlson vs . Iowa City declared invalid all preme Court Justice Tuesday postponed tional questions" raised by lawyers reo Iowa City urban renewal planning on the the inquest scheduled to begin Wednes­ presenting Sen . Edward M. Kennedy, grounds that some councilmen hal 3 day into Miss Mary Jo Kopechne's driver of the auto in which Miss Ko­ Two Israelis 21 property inter ( in the ren wal area 26 death. pechne died. 27 Associate Justice Paul C. Reardon Kennedy 's lawyers , led by Edward B. Thrtt of the councilmen namtd In thf 28 ruled that the full bench of the Mas· Ranify of Boston, argued before Rear­ Held by Syrians decision - Connoll, Lind Ind Hickerson ;achusetts Supreme Court will take un- don and a court full of newsmen that By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS - remain on the Council. The5t Irt the "my client is apparently the focal point Syrian authoritie till hoi d two ume th .... against whom Wilson '1I1d he of a gathering crescendo" of publicity Israeli men and the two Arabs who would seek the con ..mpt of court cit,­ regarding the case. hijacked a Trans World Airlines Boeing tion. How.vor, since Conlllll Ibstlintel Hanify also argued that EdgartoWft from the vote, Wilson will seek the cita­ Overst atement 707 in which they were pa ngers la t tion only against the other two. District Court Judge James A. Boyle'. Friday. refusal to allow Kennedy's lawyers to Pressure grew Tuesday for release The clause which Wilson said gave cross-uamine witnesses at the inquest of the two Israelis. him ground for seeking the charge at Of Drug Problem is a violation of his rights and the In­ The international airline pilots' organi­ again~t the councilmen soy that th New quest is of an "accusatory" nature. zation threatened a 24-hour strike if the Jaw was pa ed to amend the Iowa Code De · May Be Fault Justice Reardon ordered Judge Boyle last of Ihe plane 's 101 pa engers were ·'to legalize ... those projt'd· in Iowa Chi· to forward to the Supreme Court, which not Ireed by next Monday . no\ judiclall:l dcclllrl!ll ,>\)\11 pnOf \0 \~ convenes next month after a summer Reports circulated at the United N"a­ -effective date oC th Act." recess, a full report on the case, copies Dlst. Atty. Edmund Dinis, right, I. tions in New York thnt Secretary-General The resolutions passed by the Council Of Scientists of all cases involved and a list of news· questioned by newsmen liS he arrived U Thant had asked Syria to relcase the in effect reinstates the same project that men who had been given seats for the at Federal Building in Bo.toh Tuesday, Israelis. A spokesman for Tbant's office wa declared void In 1arch by th Su­ WASHINGTON IA'I - A prominent psy­ proceeding. Massachusetts Supreme Court Justice would neither con[irm nor deny the re­ preme Court. chologist said Tuesday many scientists In a related development in Pennsyl­ Inquest Postponed Paul C. Reardon postponed the inquelt ports. However, in a memo to the City Coun­ may be unknowingly contributing to vania, Judge Bernard C. Brominski scheduled to begin Wednesday at Ed ­ cil, City Atty . Jay Honohan said he was overstating the problem of drug abuse said he would announce Wednesday at gartown into the death of Miss Mary of the opinion that "the prescnt council­ by students and others by the way they Jo Kopechn.. - AP Wirephoto * * * 11 a.m. in Wilkes-Barre his decision on men do not have, under the new statute, report sometimes limited evidence of 1 a motion by Miss Kopechne's parents Dirksen Surgery any confllct which would prevent them 1 possibly harmful effects. 2 to block the petition of the Massachu­ WASHINGTON '''' - A team of Army from enacting the form resolutions." Dr. Helen N. Nowlis of the University setts district attorney for exhumation of The 19 resolution passed by the Coun­ 35.'. surgeons Tuesday removed a growth of Rochester. one of the nation's most the girl's body and an autopsy. Contract for Junior High from the right lung of Everett M. Dirk­ cil mclude provisions for : • experienced observers of student drug Miss Kopechne was buried in a Cath· sen, the Senate's 73·year.()ld Republican • Setting I public h.aring on Ih. r.· use, also said : olic cemetery in Larksville, Pa., near leader. newal project for 1:30 p.m. Sept. 23 II Some scientists are inviting contro­ where she was born, without an autop'y, The operation involved removal of the tht City High School Auditorium. versy and cbarges of hypocrisy in in­ After hearing arguments on the motion, Is Let by School Board upper lobe of the senator's right lung. • Requesting feel.r,1 gr,nts and loanl stances where sbe said they tend to Jud~ Brominski has been researching There were no immediate indication totalling $8 million. overstress a given adverse physical ef­ th, law since Aug. 25. At a special meeting Tuesday night. The high school enrollment was up 37 whether the growth, described as a lung • Oirecling the preparation of an lip· fect in animals when a drug like LSD Hanify said the case had been the the Iowa City Community Board of Edu­ to comprise a total of 1,510. Grades sev­ nodule, was malignant, Dirksen aides plicltion for ,urveYI .nd pllns for urban is invol ved - compared with their as­ subject of "a massive description" in cation received bids from two firms on en through nine recorded a total of 1,- said. renewal Ictivities .nd establl.h apprli,­ sessment of the same effect when a the press and argued that his client's the site development of Coralville's 624, or 60 students more than last year. But doctors at Walter Reed Army Hos­ II .nd property acquisition pollcl.s. non·iIlicit drug is employed. Northwest Junior High School. reputation, in effect, was on trial. Grade schools - containing first pital said the Illinois senator's postopera­ • Autflorhlng contrlcts with tho city's At the same time Dr. Nowlis made Miss Kopechne, 28, died July 16 when Blackhawk Foundation, Inc.. of Gen­ tive condition was satisfactory. consulting firms for the renew. I project eseo, Ill., submitted a base bid of $178,- through sixth grades - had a total of clear her belief that illicit drugs like Kennedy 's car plunged off a bridge and 4,666 this year, 144 over the 1968-69 en­ and accepting and lIuthoriJlng payment LSD can be harmful when abused - just landed upside down in a tidal pond on 150 and two alternate bids. By changing for work alr.ady done. the construction of the huilding's cais­ rollment. The numerical breakdown by * * * , • like commonly accepted medical drugs Chappaquiddick Island. The island is ad­ grade is as follows· grade 1 - 799, o Outlining the renewal ar.. for can be. But she also said science does jacent to Martha's Vineyard, where Ed· sons, Blackhawk 's first alternate b j d Viet War Halt wtlich approval is boing sought - the • was $174,650. In its second alternate bid, grade 2 - 604, grade 3 - 828, grade 4 not yet know precisely what risks are gartown is located and where the in· PARIS IA'I - North Vietnam hinted are. bounded by Washington, Linn and the company said it could trim $58,000 - 799, grade 5 - 762. grade 6 - 643, Involved in all drug use and how they quest is to be held. grade 7 - 629, grade 8 - 634, grade 9 T u e s day night thaL rapid with­ Court Str"ts and the 10WII River. Two can be minimized. Once the inquest gets under way , It from the base bid by redeSigning part drawal Crom South Vietnam of a large other adjacent .reas, which will bo can· of the site. - 536, grade 10 - 530, grade II - 498 She said effects of a drug can vary is expected to last at least one week .
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