143 was likened to some modest but learned dame of ROYAL SOCIETY OF MEDICINE : ancient lineage visiting the house of her illustrious grown-up daughter. ’l’he latter lived in a sumptuous REVIVAL OF THE ANNUAL DINNER. mansion and was dressed in gorgeous raiment, but, like many a titled lady of fashion, had sometimes a little in her dressmaker’s bills. She THE annual dinner of the of Medicine difficulty paying Royal Society was still unmarried, having not yet come across that was held on at the Hotel Victoria, Thursday, July 6th, wealthy philanthropic suitor, be he British or London, when Sir John Bland-Sutton, whose successful American, who would doubtless bring with him that of office as President is to a term drawing close, rich endowment which she so sore needed. But Mr. over a company of the Society and a presided large Berry ’hoped that such an one might be on his way Tepresentative list of guests. to her. of after the The first event the occasion, drinking Sir THOMAS HORDER proposed the toast of " The of the was the of the Jenner loyal toasts, presentation Guests" and Sir Alfred Mond with an excellent Medal to Dr. John C. McVail. This medal was supplied theme on which to frame a when he 1896 and is on the recommenda- reply suggested instituted in awarded that the of Health " to Section of and State Medicine Ministry ought get busy," tion of the Epidemiology the value of treat- of the to whose work has been despite acknowledged expectant Society " persons ment in serious cases. in the and control of many prominent prevention epidemic The MINISTER OF HEALTH but disease." Sir John Bland-Sutton, in the briefly conclusively presenting showed that there was no lack of business in his medal, amidst the of the mentioned applause company, its numerous activities had four had been its office, though escaped that only persons previously recipient under the threats of the Geddes axe. At -namely, W. H. Power, Laveran, Patrick Manson, fortunately a time when there was, on the one hand, so much to and that Dr. Me Vail was a Shirley Murphy-so joining be done on the such for select band and was the first to do this from and, other, necessity economy, beyond the Minister of Health had been able to obtain from the Tweed. Dr. MeVail with no allusions to replied the Chancellor of the the funds the work which had him the Exchequer necessary personal gained medal, to continue the maintenance of the he laid stress on the enormous value to the maternity homes, though treatment of tuberculous and venereal and world of Jenner’s and to the diseases, great discovery pointed the welfare care of children. his confirmation of this which recent work had brought Further, during about. time of office the cause of scientific education and the of medicine had been Sir JOHN BLAND-SUTTON then progress immensely strengthened proposed " Prosperity the action of the Rockefeller he to the of Medicine." He indicated the by Trustees, whom Royal Society had been able to induce to make a of troubles in which the combination of London donation great for a model school of in medical societies had been involved the stress of $2.000,000 starting hygiene by London, while he had secured from the Chancellor of the war, so after the enormous following quickly the an endowment sufficient to render the of their and com- Exchequer expenses consolidating position new institute a factor in both into their new house. He himself great research, pleting expressed happy of and into those of to think that his time of office financial general problems hygiene tropical during disease. Sir Alfred Mond concluded his by stress had been relieved, and concluded a warmly- speech but drawing a vivid picture of the conditions in large applauded speech by humorously half-earnestly of fever and if were regions Russia, ravaged by typhus - suggesting that, Esculapius reincarnated, the concomitant horrors of he make for his beautiful suffering starvation, would straight temple and lack of medical and material aid. His at No. 1, would note his statue, depart- B’-impole-street, he were at a scheme for the inter- alas! in in the hall, and would ment, said, working only plaster, national of medical assistance with a to the office to con- organisation proceed directly secretary’s view to stem the flood of disease which had gratulate Sir John MacAlister, to whose efforts so already much had been due. overflowed the borders of Poland and threatened to Sir HUMPHRY ROLLESTON proposed the toast of " The engulf Europe. Kindred the at Lord RIDDELL, replying also for the guests, Societies," indicating briefly points the horror of the drawn Sir which they came into immediate contact with the acknowledged picture by Royal Society of Medicine. He asked his audience Alfred Mond, but stated his intention of remaining to note that he alluded to the Hunterian relentlessly optimistic. He displayed the intention Society (1819) two excellent and the Harveian Society (1831), placing the surgeon by telling stories. before the because of the dates at which The health of " The President of the Society " was physician Sir JOHN Director-General of the societies were instituted. He reminded his proposed by GOODWIN, hearers that the West London Medico-Chirurgical the Army Medical Services and President of the Section its would be associated in of Army Medicine in the Society, to which Sir JOHN Society, by title, everyone’s BLAND-SUTTON mind with the great society which was the nucleus briefly replied. of the present Royal Society of Medicine, and alluded The following is the list of the guests of the :— to its President, Sir Lenthal Cheatle, as a descendant Society of Sir William Lenthall (1591-1662), Speaker of the Sir Alfred Mond, Minister of Health ; H. H. Maharaj House of Commons, and well fitted by heredity Rana Sir Bhawani Singh Bahadur of Jhalawar ; Dr. John C. H. to fill a chair. He with the toast McVail ; Prof. S. Birkett (Dean of the Faculty of Medicine, presidential coupled McGill Prof. A. F. Hess the name of Mr. James whom he described University, Montreal) ; (New Berry, York) ; Dr. Henry Dwight Chapin (New York) ; Sir David as " our Mr. Berry," as being not only President of Murray, R.A. (President of the Royal Institute of Painters the Medical Society of London, the senior medical in Water Colours) ; Sir Rickman Godlee ; Lord Riddell ; Sir society in the metropolis, but also an office-bearer in Arthur Stanley; Mr. H. J. Waring (Vice-Chancellor of London the Royal Society of Medicine. University) ; Sir Archibald Garrod ; Sir Humphry Rolleston :-. Mr. BERRY replied in a picturesque speech in which Sir Anthony Bowlby ; Mr. James Berry (President of the Medical Mr. J. H. Fisher of the he alluded to the various societies as forming stars Society) ; (President Ophthalmological Sir Lenthal Cheatle in a scientific firmament. He applied the terms Society) ; (President " of the West London Dr. comets " Medico-Chirurgical Society) ; splendid to the distinguished foreign D. M. Barcroft (President of the Chelsea Clinical Society) ; doctors who " from time to time visit us from distant Sir George Makins (President of the Fellowship of Medicine) ; realms, shine upon and enlighten us for all too brief Dr. C. Hubert Bond (President of the Medico-Psychological a period, and then pass away again to regions unknown, Association) ; Mr. G. H. Livesey (President of the Central he feared, to many of those present." Sir John Veterinary Society) ;-, Prof. Sir Arthur Keith ; Colonel of of MacAlister was likened to the Phoebus Stuart Sankey, J.P. (Remembrancer the City London) ; sun-god, Mr. S. Wellcome ; Mr. H. A. Mr. Thomas the who to the course Henry Gwynne ; Apollo, charioteer, helped guide Marlowe ; Sir Squire Sprigge; Sir Dawson Williams ; Mr. of the Society ; Apollo being also the patron of Samuel Lithgow (solicitor to the Society) : Mr. F. W. Lord physicians and shepherds and, incidentally, the father (Auditor to the Society) ; Sir John Y. W. MacAlister. The of Esculapius. The Medical Society’s representative guests of individual members of the Society included Sir 144 Anthony Hope Hawkins, Alderman Frears, Baron Profumo, and the Rev. Stephen Winter, while many prominent BRITISH CONGRESS OF OBSTETRICS members were their wives. accompanied by AND GYNÆCOLOGY. The following is a list of the members present :— Miss Aldrich-Blake, Dr. Arkle. Mr. Aslett Baldwin, Sir Charles Ballance, Dr. II. W. DISCUSSION ON THE PROGNOSIS AND TREATMENT OF’ Barber, Sir Percy Bassett-Smith, Dr. Bayne, Dr. Bell, Capt. ECLAMPSIA. Mr. Mr". Dr. Benbow, Layton Bennett, Berry, Bierring, (Concluded from p. 92.) Dr. Bingley, Dr. T. C. Blackwell, Sir Layton Blenkinsop, Dr. R. A. Bolam, Dr. Helen Boyle, Dr. Charnock Bradley, AFTER opening remarks by Mr. HAROLD CLIFFORD, Dr. Pierre Brès, Dr. Bridges, Prof. H. Briggs, Sir Charlton President of the Congress, the chair was taken at the Briscoe, Mr. W. J. H. Brodrick, Dr. Langdon Brown, Dr. J. session on June 30th by Prof. HENRY BRIGGS, Presi- Brownlee, Mr. C. H. Bubb, Sir George Buchanan, Mr. F. F. dent of the Section of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Burghard, Dr. Burnet, Col. Wm. Butler, Dr. Farquhar Buzzard. Royal Society of Medicine. Dr. H. J. Cates, Dr. G. C. Cathcart, Dr. Aldo Castellani, Dr. WATTS EDEN read the report of the London Dr. C. W. Chapman, Mr. Arthur Cheatle, Mr. C. C. Choyce, subcommittee on the Treatment of Eclampsia, a full Prof. Christiansen, Dr. Christopherson, Mr. Ernest Clarke, abstract of which has already been published in this Mr. A. L. Clarke, Mr. F. J.
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