The Newark Post =-:OL :\11~ xx NEWARK, DELAWARE, THURSDAY, JUNE 6, 1929 NUMBER 19 TAX ASSESSMENT "SAVE-A-LIFE" Check Your Assessment DEL. CLOSING TO ' School Registration GOVERNOR BUCK The Town of Newark tax START SATURDAY On June 13 the NewRI'k Pub- RATE assessment books were posted Iic Schools will hold registra- FOR TOWN DRIVE BY STATE nt Rhodes' drug store on Mon- • tion for children intending to IN NEWARK ON day, June 3, and will remain enter grade I, next fall. Any REMAINS $1 . 10 Governqr Buck Makes Proda- there until Monday, June 17, Alumnae And Alumni Meet- child living within the Newark MEMORIAL DAY which will be "appeal day." All I ings On Saturday Usher End Special School District, who will mati on T his Morning Of residents are urged to check be 6 years of age on or before Books AI I hodes' Drug Store; Campaign To Reduce Mo-I their names and assto ssments on I Of Uni~ersity Year; Large January I, 1930, is eligible for Attends T own Services A June 17 ; All Residents the book and arrange for entrance. The registration will Library, But Does Not Give tor Mishaps; Starts June changes on or before June 17, J oint Class Receives De- be held at the Delaware avenue Urged To Check Books. as no changes are allowable school building, from 9 to 10 Address; Newark Observ 15, Ends July I 5 after that date. grees MondCllY; Postpone a. m., standard time, and from Cl ean-Up Days June 20 -- Only residents whose names L' Of A d't' C 1 to 3 p. m, Parents should ac- ance Of Day Most Lmpres In an effort to r educe automobile appeal' on the assessment books aylng U 1 onum or- company children and bring sive In History Of Town And 21 accidents and eliminate loss of life will be qualified to vote In the ner Stone birth certificates, The first gl'ade 1930 Town election, Any resi- teachers will be in charge of • M caused by motor vehicles in Dela- dents who do not appear on the --- the registration, REVIEW MARS PROGRAM TO CALL REFERENDU ware, a statewide "Save-A-Life" cam- books and wish voting franchise, The commencement exercises of the It is necessary that children - - paign will be conducted from June 15 should apply at the Council University of Delaware will be held intending to enter the Newark --- . I f g of the Council to July 115, inclusive, it was announc- Office to have their names added next Monday morning at 10 :30, Schools be registered at this The Town of Newark observance 0 At a spc:la 7:Je e ll ~t Friday night, ed today by Charles H, Grantland, to the li ~ t, standard time, on the campus in time in order to provide the Memorial Day, last Thursday, wa of Newark, he t I ced at Sec retary of State, front of Old College, if the weather necessary accommodations in the mo st colorful a nd impressive in the assessmen t I; ~ h ;v~~ :e aas last The campaign is mad.e o~cial for is clear, In the event of rain the this grade, which is already the history of the co mmunity, The $1.10 per hUndr\: assessments were the state by a proclamatIOn Issued by HUGE TRAFFIC cer emony will be held in Wolf Hall, overcrowded, parade was the largest ever held on year. The p r ope~ Yt h es were Governor C. Douglass Buck at the The speaker will be Dean Dexter S. this anniver sary, and the services at checked, and .on y ~ o c a~~us ear Capitol this morning. The proclama- Kimball, of the College of Engineer- the State Memorial Library were dis made in the hst of ~ e p, ~ e vi eal ~ay'; tion calls upon all municipal authori- CANVASS TODAY ing, Cornell University, a famed LOCAL MEN ON tinguished by the presence of Gover June 17 was . nam~( ~~ una~r of New- ties, motor ~rganiza.tions and civic scientist. The public is cordiaIly in- I nor C. Douglas Buck. In addition t and on that day t e 6 d and commercial bodies to cooperate . d tt dIdb th Rrk will sit from 1 to p. m., a - in the "Save-A-Life" movement. • vlte to a en . the official observance, p anne y e t h appeals Fed . As has been the custom the exer- town committee, the. community paid vanced time, 0 :a~ ok S we;e posted The. purpose of the campaig~ is to Re~ional Planning eratlOn cises will be held jointly by Delaware SAFETY BOARD homage to the occasIOn by an almost Th e asse. smell St 'M d d estabhsh a regular annual perIOd of S B M d IT' CoIlege and the Women's College of • universal display of the national col in Rhodes' Dr u ~ o~~{ J o ~ ~~ ' ~ll free mechanical inspection of all mo- urvey eing a e n n- Delaware. The combined classes will 01'S on practically every institution, wil! remain the l ~ ~~ \0 ~~eck 'their tor vehicles licensed to operate in this State District; Will Last be one of the largest ever graduated Ira Brinser And Dean Spencer place of business and private r esi reSIdents nrc Ulog I'f the w'lsh to state. New York, Massachusett.s, f th U ' 't Wh'l th dOl t . 'd t d the the bo ks y rom e mverSI y. lee ex- Elected Dl'rectors Of .Dela- ence. n y wo InCI en s marre names. on h t wn election of 1930. Maryland, New Jersey, Pennsylvama To Midnight act number of students to receive de- I'rogram. One was a delay in starting I'olf In t : id eOnt is li sted for a prop- and other states have already con- ___ grees will not be known until the ware Safety Council At the parade, and the other was a most Un ess a Te . i n tax and the tax ducted "Save-A-Life" campaigns and traffic results of the final examinations are untimely review of the Univer sity of e r ~y ore ci~PI~:~ °eli gibl; to vote. No s ev~r~1 oth ~ r states. have. announced A comprehensive passenger announced at the end of this week, Annual Meeting; !Governor Delaware R. O. T. C. battalion, which paId , h b added to the list after their intentIOn of dOlllg so In the near count involving 1,250,000 persons the class of the Women's College will was staged right in the middle of th na mes may e future. traveling on all principal highways, probably number 50, exclusive of the Appoints "Save A Life services at the Library. Ju ne 17. thl mee t'ng of the Service stations and garages in railways, transit and bus lines within two-year teacher training class, and Month" The parade was headed by a deco- Th e.r e gu l a~ ~~nM y d y \ght and every community in the state will be 4,000 square miles of the Tri-State the Delaware College class wiIl prob- rated car in which were seated Majo ~o un c li wa.~ de th t o ~h ea c on uncii call appointed to serve as official inspec- region got under way at 5 o'clock, ably number 75. __ R G B"uckingham GAR and ho ~~I'w: s r~:~~ e~ d um a vote on the bond ~i o n s ~ati o n s fr?m Ju~e 15 t? July 15, t:~\fIh~ e s:ov~~i~u!~n:~r t~~s h:~:~ing. The University closing exercises At the annual meeting of the Dela- o~ar; marshal; M~yo'r Fra~k Collins, . f $65000 !\ uthorized by the lllclusive. ~url~g thiS perIOd. every With Philadelphia, Camden, Tren- start Saturday at noon, when the ~are Safety Council, held in the form who presided at the services at the : :~~ e L~gi s l at~ r e.' The bill authoriz- motor vehIcle. III Delawar~ IS re- ton and Wilmington as focal points, Alumna! Association of the Women's of a dinner in the du Pont-Biltmore, Library; Samuel Lloyd, grand mar­ . h ' 'ified a referendum quested to drive or send' hiS car or the entire sweep of commuting terri- College will hold its annual luncheon Monday evening. Ira S. Brinser, su- shal of the Wilmington Memorial D~y :~fe t ;t I\~,~~e a~;:cs pec ified in the act truc~ to one of the s ~ official ins~ecti?n G at the coIlege to be followed by the perintendent of Newark Schools and parade, and a member of the WII- trheRrut·n$d405u,OtOsOanodfl' ngthe5 .;optaelr cb eentUsbeo~dt~, ~.:~~oannsict:1 ~~ n~~~.:~~e~h.ri~g~~~~:~ti~~ ~~r~o~~~~;nP~~~t~~r;~y ~e~r~~ ~oev; annual business meeting when Offi- Dean R. L. Spencer, of the schdol of ~ng to n PO~\ v~e r~ s ~f GF ole i~ .,.. II be d t I th t h Hope to .Coatesville in eastern Penn- (Continued on Palre 4.) engineering University of Delaware, aI's ; and 0 n . aI', . and to iss ue 4'h per cent bO.nds in WI . rna e en Ire y WI c were the directors elected for The car was. furnished and decorated thei r stead, and t hat the remaining at offiCial garages a?d service~u s~atlOns~rge sylvania; and virtually all of upper 36 TO G· R-A·DUATE amon~ (C t d P 10) 20000 b used fo r street improve- and the motor veh.lcle .
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