Elsewhere The Madness of War Union Fr •• Stuff 1prI...... 1p...... Acclaimed director Terrence Malick crafts a Clinton turns the Spirit Night promises ................ gritty yet emotional tale (~f war in the heart of spotlight to the nation 's good basketball and lots WASHINGTON, D.C. - In a nature during the battle of Guadalcanal success, not his failures of other great goodies 4O-minute lecture, talk show host JelT)' Springer spoke to Hiatus, page 9 Opinion, page 4 Sports, page 16 students at George Washington University last Thursday about the media, the Clinton impeachment trial and the T H E u c 5 D right to privacy. Springer criti­ cized the media, saying that journalists are invading peo­ ple 's privacy. The talk show host also discussed how the impeachment of President Clinton is eroding the right to privacy, because he said that Kenneth Starr went too far in looking into the president's UC SAN DIEGO THURSDAY, JANUARY 21 , 1999 VOLUME 96, ISSUE 6 affairs. Springer also mocked his own show several times, saying "I've got the stupidest show on television, but you CAPTURING THE MOMENT Budget Proposal can'. be smart all the time. It 's an hour escape from what ails us." Reduces UC's - The Hatchet Ary .. M.. 1on Will Requested Funds Not UselmIC. MONEY: New governor Gray NEW HAVEN, Conn. - The Aryan Nation will no longer Davis announced his new proposal use the "Old Books" image that contains both good, bad news that adorns the opening page of Yale University's website. By Wendy Mock After a student told the univer­ Staff Writer sity's webmaster team in Go v. Gray Davis' inilial I99!) -20()() ~ tat e bud ­ December that the Aryan get proposal conlains bOlh good and bad n \! w~ Nation's online "Literature for the Uni versity of California. The budget pro­ Archives" contained a copy of vides for a new higher education compact, hUI the image, the university ;tlso reduces requested funding. informed the Aryan webmaster The "compact" outlined is a multi year agree­ that the use of the image vio­ ment , providing the University of California with lated copyright laws. Yale and funding stability in exchange for the Uni versit y the Aryan Nation agreed to of California's promise to he accountable for II~ remove the image from its spending. The details of thi s compact have yet to website. The Aryan Nalion be specified. The budget proposa l also fund ~ a 3 was allegedly using the "Old percent enrollment growth , new initiati ves for Books" image to sell copies of professional development in the public schools the book 'The Hitler We Dave Lubltz/ Guardian PIIeto Expo: A reception was held Tuesday for "The Californios," a photographic and keeps syslemwide resident sludent fees level. Loved and Why." exhibit of a people in rural Baja. The work is by Extension professor Leland Foerster. Under the governor's proposal , the amount of - Yale Daily Nl'lVx money requested by and subsequentl y allocated to the University of California would be reduced hy Mor.Women ..... $50 million. The University of California request­ ed additional funds thi s year to cover cost increas­ ....... .,."... UCSD's Participation in es for current programs, salary increases and other MADISON, Wis. - The U.S. core needs. In addition to nOI allocating the Department of Education requested $50 million, Davis' hudget also di scon­ recently released a report stat­ Fusion Project Cut Short tinues more than $70 million in one time funding ing that the number of women provided in 1998-99 for deferred maintenance, seeking advanced degrees has RESEARCH: U,S, House of Representatives Subcommittee pul1ed instructional technology, equipment and libr.lrie ~. grown in recent years, while plug on International Thennonuclear Experimental Reactor plans UC Vice President for Budget Larry Hershman the number of men seeking the said that the full amount requested is needed to same has decreased. The report By ErIc ar.ce participate in the conslruction phase of the support the expected 3 percent in enrollment stated that although there are Senior Staff ~ter reaclor, which is expecled 10 take around ten growth, keep sludent fees level and fund growth in more college-age men than The United States has pulled the plug on years to complete. the university's basic program needs. women in the United States, involvement in an international research pro­ Ed Krenik, legislative director for Under the governor's budget proposal, 8.4 million women enrolled in ject for fusion power: Representative Rodney Frelinghuyesen of mandatory systemwide studenl fees for college in 1996, compared to For the last six years, 1992-1998, scientists New Jersey who is a subcommillee member, California residents are expected to remain the only 6.7 million men. The from the United States, the European Union said that Congress was hesitant to fund a pro­ same. As a result, 1999-2000 would mark the department's report also states (EU), the Russian Federation and Japan have ject that has no clear plan for construction. tifth consecutive year in which fee s have not that by 2007, there will be an been working together at centers on the UCSD ''The Department of Energy [who advocal­ been raised. However, the budget calls for a 10- even larger gap, with a project­ main campus and on Torrey Pines Road, as ed for ITER at the subcommillee hearings] percent increase in non-state resident tuition. ed 9.2 million women enrolled well as in Garching, Germany and Naka, was weak on explaining the extenl or the Included in the budget proposal is a $2.5 mil­ in college compared to only Japan, in the design phase of the experimental future of ITER," Krenik said. "Japan's govern­ lion initiative for the University California, (;om­ 6.9 million enrolled men. fusion reactor ITER, the International ment stated that it would not build major pro­ ing in the form of support for alcohol and sub­ - Bodgu Herald Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor. jects for the next three years. Europe waS stance abuse research. ITER began as an attempt to create a fusion unsure. The commillee did not feel contident An additional $13 million initiative has been Save Davel reactor that would take the next step in making with providing $50 million for a project that proposed to help improve public schools, focus­ fusion-generated electrical plants a viable may never get around to being built." ing on the development of programs designed to Mens' B-ball Friday at power source. The plan was divided into three Baker said he agreed that ITER members train public schoolteachers. One such program is 7 p.m, in RIMAe Arena phases: the design phase (currently being com­ did not know where the reactor would eventu­ a IS-month course for prospective teachers, lead­ Day 14 pleted), the I.:onstruction phase and the testing ally be built because of political and economic ing to a teaching credential and master's degree phase. The project relies on each member coun­ issues in both the Russian Federation and from the University of California. try's panicular expertise to complete ITER. Japan. However, he said the driving force of his Richard Atkinson, UC President, said that this Spoken ••• U.S. rI'ER Home Team Leader Charles commitment to the program revolves around money would enable public universities to Baker said that ITER, theoretically, would be the design phase's technological achievement. ensure the success of California's future. "In the six years of incomparably the greatest step in fusion power "In the six years of designing, ITER is a ''The governor's education initiatives provide designing, ITER is a - the power thai the sun and stars generate. technical success," Baker said. [the University of California] and CSU with the technical success. " The U.S. House of Representatives Baker said that the project was a major opportunity to [be] collaborative on an issue of Appropriation Subcommittee of Energy and accomplishment because it proved that inter­ critical importance to the state's future," -CMIIII .... Water said that the subcommittee has fulfilled national collaboration can be completed across u.s. ITER Home Team Leader Atkinson said. its responsibility to the prosram by funding the political and economic boundaries. See story at rICht A portion of the $2.57 billion budget for the design phase of ITER. So, in the 1999 fiscal The project will continue for the EU, the University of California will be added to the $9.9 Internet: www.ucMl.edu/lUnlan budget the subcommittee did not allot ITER Russian Federation and Japan it centers in million granted in 1998 for the development of E-mIII: ,..,~.edu the funds it requesced for the United Stales to See 1CtENCE, Page 3 See BUDGET, Page 3 Thursday. January 21. 1999 2 NEWS The UCSD Guardian Thunday. January 21. 1999 The UCSD Guardian NEWS 3 ''The SSO million reduction from fiscal situation." BUDGET: the Regents' workload bucJcet and "We will work with the gover­ UCSD EVENTS LIFE IN HELL Some money will lhe 10SIi of one-time funding for nor Itl see if wc can real:h an agree­ fund UC Merced core needs would hun the universi­ ment on a more satisfal:tory fund ­ Iy a great deal," Hershman said. ing level in the wntcxt of a new Co... LB ......... ' Brad Hayward, the senior public l:ompact:' Hershman added. Thursday University of California Merced. information representative for the Funding for the UniversilY of Price Center Movie Series: Modulations Despite the S50 million reduc­ University of California Oflil:e. California ha.~ steadily gune up tion in requested funds. the pm­ ~id that there is still a lot of work over recenl years.
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