1963 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD - SENATE 16227 Gentlemen's agreement between the clal relations, November 26, 1938. Confirms THE MARCH ON WASHINGTON U.S.S.R. and the Mongolian People's Re- 1932 nonaggression treaty. public concerning mutual aid in case of at- Note from U.S.S.R. to Poland abrogating Mr. DOUGLAS. Mr. President, last tack by a third party, November 27. 1934. existing treaties between the U.S.S.R. and Wednesday the city of Washington wit- Protocol of mutual assistance between the Poland, September 17, 1939. Reason: Polish nessed one of the most significant dem- U.S.S.R. and the Mongolian People's Repub- Government has "ceased to exist". Followed onstrations in the history of our Re- lic, March 12, 1936. Converted into treaty by joint declaration of friendship and mutual public. More than 200,000 Americans- of friendship and mutual assistance, Feb- aid by the U.S.S.R. and the Polish Govern- from ruary 27, 1946. ment-in-Exile, December 4, 1941. both Negroes and whites-marched Treaty of nonaggression between the Treaty of nonaggression between the the Washington Monument to the Lin- U.S.S.R. and Germany, August 23, 1939, and U.S.S.R. anad France, November 29, 1932. coln Memorial. In perfect order and secret protocol concerning spheres of inter- Convention between the U.S.S.R. and with great dignity and restraint, they est in eastern Europe. France, concerning conciliation procedure, marched to show their deep concern that Treaty of friendship, collaboration, and November 29, 1932. equal civil rights should be accorded all mutual assistance between the U.S.S.R. and Treaty of mutual assistance between the American citizens, regardless of their Rumania, February 4, 1948. U.S.S.R. and France, with protocol of signa- race. This is the first task of our de- Treaty of friendship, collaboration, and ture. May 2, 1935. mutual assistance between the U.S.S.R. and (NOTE.-The nonaggression pact was cer- mocracy. We should do this in order Bulgaria, March 18, 1948. tainly violated in spirit through the Russo- to be true to our religious faith. We Treaty of friendship, collaboration, and German pact of 1939; and the mutual as- should do It in order to make the 14th mutual assistance between the U.S.S.R. and sistance pact was violated outright by the amendment a reality in all sections of Finland, April 6, 1948. Russo-German pact of 1939.) our country. Treaty of friendship, alliance, and mutual Treaty of mutual assistance between the I ask unanimous consent to have assistance between the U.S.S.R. and the Chi- U.S.S.R. and Czechoslovakia, with protocol of printed at this point in the RECORD, nese People's Republic, February 14, 1950. signature, May 16, 1935. in Treaty of friendship, cooperation, and mu- Treaty of friendship, mutual assistance, connection with my remarks, salient ex- tual assistance (Warsaw Pact), May 14, 1955. and postwar collaboration between the cerpts from the notable addresses de- U.S.S.R., Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovakia, U.S.S.R. and the Czechoslovakian Govern- livered on that occasion, sketches of the German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Po- ment-In-Exile, with protocol, December 12, 10 leaders of the march, and editorials land, Rumania. 1943. on the march which have been published State Treaty for Austria, May 15, 1955, Treaty of friendship, mutual assistance, in a number of leading American news- U.S.S.R., United Kingdom, United States, and postwar collaboration between the France, Austria. (Not an outright nonag- papers. U.S.S.R. and Yugoslavia, April 11, 1945. (De- . There being no objection, the gression treaty, but Austria's status guaran- nounced by the U.S.S.R. September 28, 1949; excerpts, teed by U.S.S.R.) in October, Yugoslavia accused the U.S.S.R. articles, and editorials were ordered to Violated of having broken the treaty. Most commer- be printed in the RECORD, as follows: (NoTr.-The nonaggression pacts with the cial treaties between the U.S.S.R. and Yugo- [From the New York Times] slavia violated by the U.S.S.R. after the break three Baltic countries were violated by the EXCERPTS in relations.) FROM STATEMENTS AT LINCOLN U.S.S.R. when the latter, in June of 1940, sent MEMORIAL, AUGUST 28, 1963 each country an ultimatum demanding for- Treaty between the U.S.S.R. and the MOST REV. PATRICK O'BOYLE, mation of a new government and the en- United Kingdom concerning alliance in the ARCHBISHOP OF WASHINGTON trance of Soviet troops into major cities.) war against Germany and collaboration and Treaty of friendship between the U.S.S.R. mutual assistance after the war, May 26, Invocation and Tannu-Tuva, August 1926 (included re- 1942. Annulled by U.S.S.R. on May 7, 1955. In the name of the Father and of the Son ciprocal recognition of Independence). Treaty of alliance and mutual assistance and of the Holy Ghost, amen. between the U.S.S.R. and the French U.S.S.R. later annexed. Pro- Our Father, who art in heaven, we who Treaty of nonaggression between the visional Government, December 19, 1944 are assembled here in a spirit of peace and (annulled by U.S.SR. May 7, 1955). U.S.S.R. and Lithuania, with two exchanges in good faith dedicate ourselves and our of notes, September 28, 1926. Extended 1931, Pact of neutrality between the U.S.S.R. hopes to You. We ask the fullness of Your 1934, reaffirmed by treaty of October 10, 1939. and Japan, April 13, 1941 (denounced by blessing upon those who have gathered with Convention between the U.SS.R. and Lith- U.S.S.R. on April 5, 1945). us today, and upon all men and women of uania concerning the definition of aggres- Treaty of friendship, collaboration, and good will to whom the cause of justice and sion, with annex, July 5, 1933. mutual assistance between the U.S.S.R. and equality is sacred. We ask this blessing be- Treaty of nonaggression and neutrality be- Hungary, February 18, 1948 (violated as a cause we are convinced that in honoring all tween the U.S.S.R. and Latvia, March 9, 1927. result of Soviet actions in Hungary in 1956). Your children, we show forth in our lives Extended 1932 and 1934. Treaty of nonaggression between the the love that You have given us. Treaty between the U.S.S.R. and Latvia on U.S.S.R. and China, August 21, 1937. Bless this Nation and all of Its people. conciliation procedure, June 18, 1932. Agreement concerning the evacuation of May the warmth of Your love replace the Pact of mutual assistance between the Soviet forces from Chinese territory after the coldness that springs from prejudice and U.S.S.R. and Latvia, October 5, 1939. capitulation of Japan, July 11, 1945. bitterness. Send in our midst the Holy Spirit Treaty between the U.S.S.R. and Finland Treaty of friendship and alliance between to open the eyes of all to the great truth concerning nonaggression and the peaceful the U.S.S.R. and China, August 14, 1945 (an- that all men are equal in Your sight. Let settlement of disputes, with protocol of sig- nulled by exchange of notes of February 14, us understand that simple justice demands nature January 21, 1932. (U.S.S.R. expelled 1950 between the U.S.S.R. and the Chinese that the rights of all be honored by every from League of Nations for violating this People's Republic. Declared null and void man. treaty.) Extended 1934. by Government of Republic of China on Feb- Give strength and wisdom to our Convention between the U.S.S.R. and Fin- President ruary 25, 1953-the General Assembly of the and Vice President. Enlighten and guide the land concerning conciliation procedure, April U.N. accused the U.S.S.R. of violating this Congress of these 22, 1932. United States. May our treaty). judges in every court Treaty between the U.S.S.R. and Finland be heralds of justice Exchange of notes between the U.S.S.R. and equity. Let just laws be administered concerning friendship, cooperation, and mu- and China concerning relations between the without discrimination. See to it, we im- tual assistance. April 6, 1947. Extended U.S.S.R. and China, August 14, 1945. Sup- 1955. plore, that no man be so powerful as to be plements the above treaty. Some clauses above the law, or so Treaty between the U.S.S.R. and Estonia weak as to be deprived violated by the U.S.S.R. of its full protection. concerning nonaggression and the peaceful Exchange of notes between the U.S.S.R. settlement of disputes, May 4, 1932. Ex- We ask special blessing for those men and and China concerning Outer Mongolia, women who in sincerity and honesty have tended 1934. August 14, 1945 (calls for a plebiscite). Convention between the U.S.S.R. and Es- been leaders in the struggle for justice and Additional agreements made about the harmony among races. As Moses of old, they tonia concerning conciliation procedure, same time (about Darien, Port Arthur, etc.), June 16, 1932. have gone before their people to a land of violated by the U.S.S.R. in fact or in spirit. Pact of mutual assistance between the promise. Let that promise quickly become Exchange of telegrams between the U.S.S.R.
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