STUDY Requested by the TRAN Committee The impact of emerging technologies on the transport system Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies Directorate-General for Internal Policies EN PE 652.226 - November 2020 RESEARCH FOR TRAN COMMITTEE The impact of emerging technologies on the transport system Abstract This study provides an overview of the impact of Smart Mobility and their underlying emerging technologies on transport, the transport infrastructure and society. The main challenges for the deployment of Smart Mobility applications are identified and (policy) actions are defined that could be taken to overcome these challenges. This document was requested by the European Parliament's Committee on Transport and Tourism. AUTHORS CE Delft: Arno SCHROTEN, Anouk van GRINSVEN, Eric TOL, Louis LEESTEMAKER TNO: Peter-Paul SCHACKMANN, Diana VONK NOORDEGRAAF, Jaco van MEIJEREN, Sytze KALISVAART The following experts contributed to this study: Jeroen Borst, Joëlle van de Broek, Oscar van Deventer, Wout Hofman, Nico Larco, Walter Lohman, Karla Münzel, Ramon de Souza Schwartz (all TNO), Emiel van den Toorn (CE Delft). Research manager: Balazs MELLAR, Ariane DEBYSER, Davide PERNICE Project, publication and communication assistance: Mariana VÁCLAVOVÁ, Kinga OSTAŃSKA Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, European Parliament LINGUISTIC VERSIONS Original: EN ABOUT THE PUBLISHER To contact the Policy Department or to subscribe to updates on our work for the TRAN Committee please write to: [email protected] Manuscript completed in November 2020 © European Union, 2020 This document is available on the internet in summary with option to download the full text at: https://bit.ly/32hJzpH This document is available on the internet at: https://www.europarl.europa.eu/thinktank/en/document.html?reference=IPOL_STU(2020)652226 Further information on research for TRAN by the Policy Department is available at: https://research4committees.blog/tran/ Follow us on Twitter: @PolicyTRAN Please use the following reference to cite this study: Schroten, A., Van Grinsven, A., Tol, E., Leestemaker, L., Schackmann, P.P., Vonk-Noordegraaf, D., Van Meijeren, J., Kalisvaart, S., 2020, Research for TRAN Committee – The impact of emerging technologies on the transport system, European Parliament, Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies, Brussels Please use the following reference for in-text citations: Schroten et al. (2020) DISCLAIMER The opinions expressed in this document are the sole responsibility of the author and do not necessarily represent the official position of the European Parliament. Reproduction and translation for non-commercial purposes are authorised, provided the source is acknowledged and the publisher is given prior notice and sent a copy. © Cover image used under the licence from Adobe Stock The impact of emerging technologies on the transport system CONTENTS CONTENTS 3 LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 7 LIST OF BOXES 10 LIST OF FIGURES 10 LIST OF TABLES 10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY 13 1. INTRODUCTON 17 1.1. Background to the study 17 1.2. Objective and scope 18 1.3. Methodology 18 1.4. Overview of the study 19 2. EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES AND THEIR APPLICATIONS IN THE TRANSPORT SECTOR 21 2.1. Introduction 21 2.2. Main emerging technologies applied in the transport system 22 2.2.1. Smart sensors 23 2.2.2. Connectivity 25 2.2.3. Blockchain 28 2.2.4. Digital platforms 31 2.2.5. Big data 32 2.2.6. Artificial intelligence 33 2.2.7. Internet of Things (IoT) 35 2.3. Applications of emerging technologies in the transport sector 35 2.3.1. Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems (C-ITS) 36 2.3.2. Connected Cooperative Automated transport (CCAM) 39 2.3.3. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) 43 2.3.4. Self-organising Logistics (SoL) 46 2.3.5. Integration of various applications 47 3. IMPACTS OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES ON THE TRANSPORT SECTOR AND SOCIETY 49 3.1. Introduction 49 3.2. C-ITS applications 50 3.2.1. Impacts on the transport sector 50 3.2.2. Environmental impacts 51 3.2.3. Social impacts 53 3.2.4. Economic impacts 54 3 IPOL | Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies 3.2.5. Synthesis 55 3.3. Connected Cooperative Automated Mobility (CCAM) 56 3.3.1. Impacts on the transport sector 56 3.3.2. Environmental impacts 59 3.3.3. Social impacts 60 3.3.4. Economic impacts 62 3.3.5. Synthesis 63 3.4. Mobility as a Service (MaaS) 64 3.4.1. Impacts on the transport sector 65 3.4.2. Environmental impacts 68 3.4.3. Social impacts 68 3.4.4. Economic impacts 69 3.4.5. Financial impacts for end-users 70 3.4.6. Synthesis 71 3.5. Self-organising logistics 73 3.5.1. Impacts on the transport sector 73 3.5.2. Environmental impacts 74 3.5.3. Social impacts 75 3.5.4. Economic impacts 75 3.5.5. Synthesis 76 4. IMPACTS OF EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES ON TRANSPORT INFRASTRUCTURE 79 4.1. Introduction 79 4.2. Different levels of infrastructure 79 4.3. Impact on the physical infrastructure 82 4.3.1. C-ITS 82 4.3.2. CCAM 82 4.3.3. MaaS 84 4.3.4. Self-organising logistics 86 4.4. Impact on the digital infrastructure 86 4.4.1. C-ITS 86 4.4.2. CCAM 86 4.4.3. MaaS 88 4.4.4. Self-organising logistics 89 4.5. Impact on the operational infrastructure 90 4.5.1. C-ITS 90 4.5.2. CCAM 90 4 The impact of emerging technologies on the transport system 4.5.3. MaaS 90 4.5.4. Self-organising logistics 91 4.6. Overall impact on the infrastructure 91 4.6.1. Discrepancy in lifetime of the physical, digital and operational infrastructure 91 4.6.2. Domains (and responsibilities) are getting mixed 92 4.6.3. The chicken/egg investment dilemma 92 4.6.4. Large dependency on the digital infrastructure 92 5. EU POLICIES AND STRATEGIES 93 5.1. Introduction 93 5.2. The role of Smart Mobility in the EU transport strategy 93 5.3. Relevant EU policies with respect to emerging technologies 95 5.3.1. C-ITS 96 5.3.2. CCAM 99 5.3.3. MaaS 101 5.3.4. Self-organising logistics 102 6. SOLUTIONS TO ACCOMMODATE THE TECHNOLOGIES 105 6.1. Introduction 105 6.2. C-ITS 106 6.2.1. Overview of relevant stakeholders 106 6.2.2. Main challenges and potential mitigation actions 106 6.3. Connected Cooperative Automated transport (CCAM) 111 6.3.1. Overview of relevant stakeholders 111 6.3.2. Main challenges and potential mitigation actions 112 6.4. Mobility as a Service/ shared mobility 117 6.4.1. Overview of relevant stakeholders 117 6.4.2. Main challenges and potential mitigation actions 118 6.5. Self-organising logistics 124 6.5.1. Overview of relevant stakeholders 124 6.5.2. Main challenges and potential mitigation actions 124 6.6. Summary of potential policy actions to be taken by the EU 128 7. MAIN CONCLUSIONS AND POLICY RECOMMENDATIONS 131 7.1. Main conclusions 131 7.2. Policy recommendations 132 REFERENCES 135 ANNEX A. OVERVIEW INTERVIEWEES 144 5 IPOL | Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies ANNEX B. CASE STUDY SELECTION 145 ANNEX C. CASE STUDY I: CONNECTIVITY OF AUTOMATED DRIVING 148 ANNEX D. CASE STUDY II: REGIONAL IMPACTS OF AUTOMATED DRIVING 152 ANNEX E. CASE STUDY III: NATIONAL MAAS STRATEGY OF FINLAND 162 ANNEX F. CASE STUDY IV: CHANGING COMPETITIVENESS OF ROAD, RAIL AND INLAND WATERWAYS FOR FREIGHT TRANSPORT 166 6 The impact of emerging technologies on the transport system LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS 3GPP Third Generation Partnership Project ACES Automation, Connectivity, Electrification, and Sharing ADAS Advanced Driver Assistance AI Artificial Intelligence API Application Programming Interface ATM Air Traffic Management AV Automated Vehicle AVP Automated Valet Parking B2B Business-to-Business C-ACC Cooperative Adaptive Cruise Control CCAM Connected Cooperative Automated Mobility CEF Connecting Europe Facility CEN Comité Européen de Normalisation C-ITS Cooperative Intelligent Transport Systems CO2 Carbondioxide CRL Certificate Revoke List CTL Certificate Trust List DA Delegated Act DINA Digital Inland Waterway Area DTLF Digital Transport and Logistics Forum EC European Commission EFTI Electronic freight transport information ERTMS European Rail Traffic Management System ETD European Technology Platform ETSI Eurpean Telecommunications Standards Institute EU European Union GHG Greenhouse Gases GHz Giga Herz GLOSA Green Light Optimised Speed Advisory GDP Gross Domestic Product H2020 Horizon 2020 7 IPOL | Policy Department for Structural and Cohesion Policies HD High definition HGV Heavy Goods Vehicles HPC High Performing Computing I2V Infrastructure-to-Vehicle IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers IoT Internet of Things ISAD Infrastructure Support levels for Automated Driving IT Information Technology ITS Intelligent Transport Systems Lidar Light Detection and Ranging LTE Long Term Evolution MaaS Mobility as a Service MNO Mobilie Network Operator NGV Next Generation Vehicular NOx Nitrogen oxides ODD Operational Design Domain OEM Original Equipment Manufacturer PKI Public Key Infrastructure PM Particulate Matter PPP Public-private partnership RIS River Information System SESAR Single European Sky ATM Research SME Small Medium Enterprise SoL Self-organising Logistics STRIA Strategic Transport Research and Innovation Agenda TEN-T Trans European Network of Transport TJAW Traffic Jam Ahead Warning TNC Transportation Network Companies TSI Technical Specifications for Interoperability UK United Kingdom URLLC Ultra Reliable Low Latency Communication US United States 8 The impact of emerging technologies on the transport system V2I Vehicle-to-Infrastrucure V2N Vehicle-to-Network V2P Vehicle-to-Person V2V Vehicle-to-Vehicle V2X Vehicle-to-everything VMS Variable Message
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