Murray State's Digital Commons The Ledger & Times Newspapers 6-27-1967 The Ledger and Times, June 27, 1967 The Ledger and Times Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt Recommended Citation The Ledger and Times, "The Ledger and Times, June 27, 1967" (1967). The Ledger & Times. 5702. https://digitalcommons.murraystate.edu/tlt/5702 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Newspapers at Murray State's Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Ledger & Times by an authorized administrator of Murray State's Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. ri! 28, 1987 Selected As A Best All Round Kentucky Community Newspaper The Only Largest Afternoon Daily Circulation In Murray And Beth In City, Calloway County And In County Neesseimmasis, United Press International In Our 88th Year Murray, Ky., Tuesday Afternoon, June 27, 1967 10* Per Copy Vol. LXXXVIII No. 151, $5 MILLION DOLLAR PLANT IN PARIS Animal Judging Is Ralph Tesseneer III Seen & Heard Held At Pavilion Draft Board Attends Workshop In Hardboard Manufacturer, Jim e leased The Area Mexico Recently corker Purchase Meat Animal Judg.ng Training Meeting was held Observes 50th Walter To Build On 100 Acres grade Monday. June 38, at is and the °artisan Livestock M the Ralph Teeseneer III returned Lalricb Pavilion Murray Jim Walter Corp. will build a million and sill employ 150-300 State University Farm This con- Anniversary home Sunday after spending three hardboard menufncturing plant at persons MURRAY of judging hogs, and one-half weeks in Mexico on beef cat- Pins, Tenn which will coast more Lamm said hiring veil begin next tle and *beep 4-H a special workshop and tour clam Members tak- than $6 milbon, it was announced April with partial production sche- ing pert in the training included: Local Board No. 10 of the Selec- with a group from the Spanish Life is filled with tragedy. today duled to begin in the fell of 1968. Jitney Kelso, Seraih tive Service, Mrs. Game Adams, class at Tuscumbie, Ala. E. RIDER Calhoun, Car- The announcement was made in The plant will manufacture a een Booth Cecelia Sine. Debby cined clerk, is observing the 50th His cousin, Mike Kirkland. son Life Is filled with heartache. the office of Tennessee Gov Bu- fuli line of hardboard products, Reverse Mama Danny anniversary of the first renstra- of Mr. and Mrs. Reed Kirkland Materna, Joe Bill ford V.Ankton at a netts confer- including interior panels and ex- fenny. Kerry William& and non of the 1917 draft act which of Tuectanbra, was a member of Gary ence attended by the go v ez-nor , terior aiding Evans from took place June 5, 1917 during the ones and the Murray boy, a Life is filled with disillusionment. Oallowen County. Gor- plant officials and repretsentatives Barabon aaid the plant was the don Saniples, Marta World War I when 10,000.000 men junior at Univereity school, was Moon, Mark from Paris and .,Henry County. result.- of twarawcet asnoog state Moon fmen Hickman between the ages of 21 and 31 able to inn the class for the trip. • Life is filled with drudgery. Cbunty 0441 Jun Walter is building the plant and loos' ctricials. "Ibis ie an- &Mtn. Pat Smith and Jerry Bell were The class left by bus for Sal- reinsteted for rts subsvenry, the Cellotex other step in the industrial growth Life 1, ftiled from Graves County and This week, June 36-30, has been till°, Mexico., where they attend- wath uncertainty and Tommy Corp. on a 100-ecre site in Paris. of our Baste," he said doubt. Powell from Mardiall prods:nal se "SeleoUve Service ed a tm weeks workshop at Uni- County. The plant is the first to occupy Santa said that those instru- Paul Haley furnahed a We in Kentucky" by 0,ov Ed- vereded International They at- dams of a new 360 aore industrial park mental in the firma action to Life I. filled with work, sweat and twinmehtre breelbtg elite for ward T Breashett who said "in tended classes in the morning and this east of Paris The park is a joint locate a pkuxt at Parie included tears training The every major conflict in which this had concluded tours in the after- an vatted the city-county project the governor: his 'statl director Piave Ifellavegel and Bernal Ma- Feat nalon hos been involved noon. Arthur Lentz, vice preeident of for Mineral development, Jim Life Is filled with all of these drey lanes Wars the dawns lave rallied to its While in fealties Ralph. W.ke, they NOW the firm, mid the plant will have Alexander: the Industrial Board things, yet ide is wonderful one clan of argue and one Odense tavola • Selective Serviee and another boy were puede of the dais an annual payroll of nearly $1.5 of Henry Oounty and Mike Foster of stiosttiorn hiders. They she Satan, and thousands of Ken- filarthes family. Ralph had only a of the Tenneesnee Valley Author- It Is wonderful because nest hu- visited \„Ahe Thomas Lee Arm- tuckians have responded to the eight knowledge of Spanish until man brings. although they suffer strong arm where ilbse call of Selective Service for the the trip, but he aid he was able Judged two Jesse Clyde George -We could not lave progressed from all the tribulations listed a- classes of sheep. defense of their freedom " to communicate rainy well with so CpliddlY or efficiently." he said, bove, realise thin they cannot allow Those provtlike The °Overman who IS a regist- the Sanchez Dannty members who Dies In Louisville instruction "tatho*t the help of many Paris these trials to dominate life They rent under the prannt Act, did not speak any English; how- were Mr John Valet Area ex- had Judge tome these &Mounts, into the ever a niece of the citizens inciuding Jackson. tension Speolalla in Seel Produc- high erase for the hundreds of Sa.nolhez family Jease Clyde George, SO-, deed at background and bring the things did arrive Bob Si, Mayor Di& Dunlap, tion, Gordon Henitmw, Area Ex- dedicated men aod women who who could meek some 1:05 am. Monday at St. Anthony that mean happiness into the fore- Engksti whtch Vice Mayor Henry Watson, Jack tension epee/alas Mop. and have staked the !mai boards und- helped along coot- Hospital, Louisville. He had been ground. murucation Weaver and Toni Wood" Arae Soon. Profaner of Aural er the 1917 Act. World War II law, Ill for ever-al months. Starter Grounenbreeking ceremonies for Lane Ituelancly at Murray aod the present oparation. Ralph said the house and Mr George was a former con- As an acquaintance mid, we pass Sesta Ca- the plant will be held this fall. ten adjust lamity Mai Mary Wallmrs, ropier grounds were nice, but they had to tractor and lived on Meadow Lane, tins way only once. so we inay as warn Jim Welker Corp. and its sub- Mesa. Murray, a thought to their okithee outelde and use Murray aril make it • happy loursey. be NIXON VISITS TEL AVIV—Making a courtesy call on the elder sideary operate 78 research and 0110 3118111bir aka hang who concrete rub boards They had Funeral services will be held at Israeli statesman ensile vinting Tel Aviv on his second production facilities in the United Local Women Enter served hem in onsoway County modern bathrooms but they were 1:30 pm Wednesday at the Mikes Many panne are unhappy because "fact-finding tour" of thee Mediterranean within a year, States and Canada and have to- item the 1617 sot in Vinland War acmes the court yard from the Point Home of Arch L. Heady and of the way they react to others. Tri-State Tourney former Vice President Richard M. Nixon talks with former tal scene of more than $600 mil- I. main house AM members of the Son, Louisville. Burial will be in In other words they let what other Israeli Prime Minister David Ben Gurion. (Cabiryhoto) lion. During World n Thecumble class were placed in Louis- 753-5617 people siy or do control hew they Severed women from the Callo- Wag Mrs Mary Resthaven Memorial Part. Nash wee the wen selected ferrates near the may call anytime. feel. They we at the mercy of way and Oaks Country Celt) are dila inert with ville Friends Mrs. Omsk Adorn as her Untoernola.d. include. two daughters. everybody Instead of the dog wag- entered In ttr Tri-State Ladies' mat- Survhors tail. they ant ethic the bawd was tented After leentrig Sakillo the group Mrs. Sheila Rose Fa* at,Peters- ging the let the Lail tag ank ..Tiatewassasse yaieseike On Rites, Mrs. Pardee Electrical Work Is the second flexor cif the went by bus to Mexico arty for Physician Is the dog and today. June 36 and 27 at the Oattn 1 burg. 111., and ?Cm Jennifer Kel- budding. Mrs now chl Hafford, Wednesday Available In Army; sight tearer tours They also went Village Greens Golf Course In Adams. ,-! ley George of Murray. One son, mow extent by to Ampulla° for a day and me- We are affected to Gilbert/nee. deer add she vericky rearnemtnn Good Career Open Paul Richani George of Murray; the actions and words of others. distil' World War 17 Pallbearers for the funeral of ta.% before returning to Tuscum- Leaman Employed By Mary Jane Harris of Paducah when the — two *utters. Mrs. Edger but we should not let it affect us large hall In the Gatlin bulk:trig Mrs Parnee liefford will be Rafe bia by way of New Orleans, la, George of Lynnyllle.
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