SVERIGES GEOLOGISKA AB RAPPORT Division Prospektering Datum: 198~-03-08 Intern roU rapport ID-nr: PRAP 8~033 Lars-Äke Claesson Plats: Helsingfors, Finland HELSINKI SYMPOSIUM ON THE BALTIC SHIELD 4-6 MARCH 1985 A Finnish - Swedish contribution to the Inter­ national Lithosphere Program. - Or the Scandinavien Open in Subduction Zones. P R O G R A M M E HELSINKI SYMPOSIUM ON THE BALTIC SHIELD 4-6. March 1985 A Finnish-Swedish contribution to the International Lithosphere Program. Working Group 3: Proterozoic Lithospheric Evolution Working Group 4: Archean Lithosphere Conveners: Gabor Gaal (WG 3, 4), Roland Grobatschev (WG 3 and chairman or the Swedish ILP­ committee) and Mary von Knorring (secretary of the Finnish IL?-committee) Monday 4.3.85 8.30 Visit to the Geological Survey of Finland 10.00 Opening of the Symposium 10. 10 G. Gaal: Evolution of the Archaean and Proterozoic crust in the northern and eastern Baltic Shield 10.30 R. Gorbatschev: Crustal evolution in the western and southern Baltic Shield seen against the background of Archaean and Proterozoic lithogenesis 10.50 C.E. Lund: The geophysical results of Fennolora 79 11 .10 H. "Korhonen : Velocity structure of the Earth I s crust in Finland 11 • 30 S.E. Hjelt: Aspects of the geoelectric models of the Baltic Shield 11 .50 Lunah 12.50 Eriksson & Henkel: Regional geophysical studies in Scandinavia 13.10 J. Korhonen: Geoelectric modelling of upper and lower crust in Finland 13.30 O. Kouvo: Geological chronogram, Finland: Å comparative 'study 13.50 Discussion 14.00 Co/lee 14.25 Ellen Sigmond: Review of Precambrian geology in SW Norway 14.45 T. Falkum: The relationship between syn- and preorogenie rocks in the Sveconorwegian orogeny 15.05 A. Lindh: Westward growth of the Baltic Shield in SW Sweden 15.25 Discussion 15.35 Epeak 10 min. 15.45 G. Kautsky: The Nordkalott Project 16.05 A. Silvennoinen: The volcanite project in northern Finland 16.25 A. Björklund: Large-scale structures of Precambrian on the Nordkalott as reflected by geochemistry 16.45 Dinner 2 17.45 Discussion and a contribution by M.A. Etheridge: "An Early Proterozoic tectonic model from Northern Australian Provinces" 20.00 Sauna and evening snack at VKK Tuesday 5.3.85 8. 15 H. Martin and P. Barbey: Contrasting Archaean and Early Proterozoic evolutions of the eastern part of the Baltic Shield 8. 35 B. Barbey: Early Proterozoic lithogenetic processes as exemplified by the Belomorian Mobile Belt 8.55 A. Berthelsen and M. Marker: The tectonics of the Lapland Granulite Belt and the Kola Suture 9. 15 H. Martin: Genesis and evolution of the continental Archaean crust of East Finland 9.35 Discussion 9.45 Coffee 10.10 T. Skiöld: Comments on the geochronology of northern Västerbotten and Norrbotten, Sweden (written contribution to be read) 10.20 T.C. Pharaoh: Geochemical evidence for the origin of Early Proterozoic volcanic suites in the Northern part of the Baltic Shield 10.40 K. Laajoki: The Early Proterozoic Kainuu Schist Belt and its relationship to the Late Archaean basernent 11 • OO T. Koistinen: On the succession of fragmentations in the Archaean-Proterozoic boundary region, North Karelia, Finland 11 .20 K. Korsman: Metamorphism as an indicator of the evolution of the crust 11 .40 Discussion 11 . 50 Lunch 12.50 I. Haapala and K. Front: Petrology of Nattanen-type granites, northern Finland 13. 1O B. öhlander: Contrasting granite types in northernmost Sweden 13. 30 R. Gorbatschev: Development problems of the Svecofennian lithosphere juvenile or regenerated continental crust? 3 13.50 Discussion 14.00 Coffee 14.20 H. Huhma: Proterozoic crustal evolution in Finland: Sm-Nd isotopic evidence 14.40 S. Claesson: Sm-Nd data on Proterozoic mafic rocks from central Sweden 15.00 R. Frietsch: Proterozoic volcanism in central and northern Sweden 15.20 L.Å. Claesson: Geochemistry of volcanites in the Skellefte Field, Northern Sweden 15.40 Discussion 15.50 Break 10 min. 16.00­ Work-shop 18.30 10.00 Dinner on Hotel DipoZi (70 FIM) Wednesday 6.3.85 8.30 E. Welin: Svecofennian sedimentation 8.50 C. Ehlers: The geochemistry and stratigraphic position of the volcanic rocks in the Svecofennides of SW Finland 9.10 Y. Kähkönen: General geochemical features of the meta­ volcanics of the Proterozoic Tampere Schist Belt 9.30 Discussion 9.40 Coffee 10.00 l. Lundström: Current problems in Bergslagen geology, central Sweden 10.20 Th. Lundqvist: Geology in central Norrland, Sweden 10.40 K. Front and P. Nurmi: Characteristics of the syn­ kinematic Svecokarelian granitoids in southern Finland 11 .00 F. Hubbard: High-crustal level, late-orogenic magrnatism and tectonisrn in the central segment of Åland 11 . 20 L. Westra: Therrno-tectonic control of low-pressure granulites in southern Finland 11 • 40 Discussion 11 • 50 Lunch 12.45 I.S. Oen: Geology and rnetallogenesis in the Proterozoic of central Sweden 13.05 D. Richard: Implication of the setting Pb-Nd-Sr isotopic systems at Kiruna, Sweden 13.25 r. Haapala: Petrogenetic and rnetallogenetic aspect of the rapakivi granites 13.45 Discussion 3.55 Coffee 4.15­ Final discussion 5.00 5.10 Bus leaving for airport Helsinki Symposium on the Central Baltic Shield Helsinki March 4 - 6, 1985 LIST OF PARTICIPANTS BARBEY, Pierre, Dr. FRIET5CH, Rudyard, Prof. Laboratoire de P~trologie, Högskolan i Luleå Universite de Nancy I Avd. för ekonomisk geologi C.O. n:o 140 5-951 87 LULEA 54037 NANCY CEDEX Sweden France FRONT, Kai, M.Sc. BERTHELSEN, Asger, Prof. Dept. of Geology Geologisk Central Institut Div. of Geology and Mineralogy 0. Voldg. 10 University of Helsinki DK-1350 COPENHAGEN K Snellmaninkatu 5 Denmark SF-00170 HELSINKI Finland BJöRKLUND, Alf, Prof. Geological Survey of Finland GAÅL, Gabor, Dr. SF-021S0 ESPOO Geological Survey of Finland Finland SF-02150 ESPOO Finland CLAESSON, Lars-Ake, FK Sveriges Geologiska Ab GORBATSCHEV, Roland, Prof. Box 801 Dept. of Mineralogy & Petrology S-951 28 LULEÅ University of Lund Sweden Sölvegatan 13 S-22362 LUND CLAESSON, Stefan, Dr. Sweden Naturhistoriska riksmuseet Sectian for Mineralogy HAAPALA, Ilmari, Prof. Laboratory for Isotope Geology Dept. of Gaology Box 50007 Div. of Geology a~d Mineralogv S-104 05 STOCKHO~l University of Helsinki - 5weden Snellmaninkatu 5 SF-00170 HELSINKI EHLERS, Carl, Prof. Finland Geologiska institutionen Abo Akademi HENKEL, Herbert, Dipl. geofys. 20500 ABO Sveriges Geologiska Undersöknina 1?inland Geofysiska sektionen J Box 670 5-751 28 UPP5A~. Sweden 2 KORHONEN, Heikki, Prof. HJELT, Sven-Erik, Prof. Institute of Seismology University of Oulu University of Helsinki Linnanmaa Et. Hesperiankatu 4 SF-90570 OULU SF-00100 HELSINKI Finland Finland HUBBARD, Fred, Dr. KORHONEN, Juha, L.Eng.Sc. Geology Department Geological Survey of Finland The University SF-02150 ESPOO DUNDEE, 001 4HN Finland Scotland Great Britain KORS MAN , Kalevi, Dr. Geological Survey of Finland HURMA, Hannu, M.Sc. SF-02150 ESPOO Geological Survey of Finland Finland SF-02150 ESPOO Finland KOUVO, Olavi, Dr. Geological Survey of Finland HYVÄRINEN, Lauri, Prof. SF-02150 ESPOO Geological Survey of Finland Finland SF-02150 ESPOO Finland KUOSMANEN, Vilja, L.Ph. Geological Survey of Finland SF-02150 ESPOO HÖLTTÄ, Pentti, M.Sc. Finland Geological Survey of Finland SF-021S0 ESPOO Finland KÄHKöNEN, Yrjö, L.Ph. Dept. of Geology Div. of Geology and Mineralogy KAURANNE, L.K., Direetor University of Helsinki Geological Survey of Finland Snellmaninkatu 5 SF-021S0 ESPOO SF-00170 HELSINKI Finland Finland ~~UTSKY, Gunnar, Dr. LAAJOKI, Kauko, Prof. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning University of Oulu Box 670 Dept. of Geology S-75128 UPPSALA Linnanmaa Sweden SF-90570 OULU Finland von KNORRING, Mary, M.Se. Geological Survey of Finland LINOH, Anders, Doc. SF-021S0 ESPOO Lunds Universitet Finland Avd. för Mineralogi och Petrology Sölvegatan 13 KOISTINEN, Tapio, Dr. S-222 36 LUND Outokumpu Oy Sweden SF-83S00 OUTOKUMPU Finland LUND, Carl-Erik Avd. för fasta jordens fysik KORPELA, Kauko, Prof. Uppsala universitet Geological Survey of Finland Box 556 SF-021S0 ESPOO S-751 22 UPPSALA Finland Sweden 3 LUNDQVIST, Thomas, Dr. PHARAOH, Tirn, Dr. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning British Geolcgical Survey Box 670 Keyvorth 5-75128 UPPSALA NOTTINGHAM NG12 5GG 5weden Great Britain LUNDSTRöM, Ingmar, Fil.lic. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning PESONEN, Lauri, Dr. Berggrundssektionen Geological Survey of Finland Box 670 SF-02150 ESPOO 5-751 28 UPPSALA Finland Sweden LUUKKONEN, Erkki, M.Sc. PIPPING, Fredrik, L.Ph. Geological Survey of Finland Geological Survey of Finland Box 237 SF-02150 ESPOO 70101 KUOPIO Finland Finland MARKER, Martin RICKARO, David~ Prof. Geologisk Centralinstitut Department of Mineral Exploitation 0ster Voldgade 10 University College DK-1350 COPENHAGEN K Newport Road Denmark CARDIFF, CF2 1TA Great Brit.ain MARTIN, Herv~, Dr. Universite de Rennes I SIGMOND, Ellen M., F~rstestatsgeolog Institut de Geologie Norges Geologiske Unders~kelse Campus de Beaulieu Postboks 3006 Avenue du General Leclerc N-700l TRONDHEIM 35042 RENNES C~dex Norge France MER!LÄINEN, Kauko, Dr. SILVENNOINEN, Ahti, Dr. Geological Survey of Finland Geological Survey of Finland SF-02150 ESPOO Box 77 Finland SF-96101 ROVANIEMI Finland NURMI, Pekka, Dr. Geological Survey of Finland TAIPALE, Kalle, Dr. SF-02l50 ESPOO Geologieal Survey of Finland Finland SF-02l50 ESPOO Finland OEN, I.S. Prof. University of Amsterdam Geological Institute TALVITlE, Jouko, Prof. Nieuwe Prinsengracht Geological Survey of Finland AMSTERDAM SF-02150 ESPOO The Netherlands Finland PADGET, Peter, Dr. TIAINEN, Markku, M.Se. Norges Geologiske Unders~kelse Geologieal Survey of Finland Postboks 3006 SF-02150 ESPOO N-7001 TRONDHEIM Finland Norge TONTTI, Mikko, L.Ph. PAPUNEN, Heikki, Prof. Geological Survey of Finland Dept. of Geology SF-02150 ESPOO University of Turku Finland SF-20S00 TURKU Finland 4 WELIN, Eric, Prof. Naturhistoriska riksmuseet Sektionen för mineralogi Laboratoriet för isotopgeologi Box 50 007 5-104 OS STOCKHOLM sweden WESTRA, Laszlo, Dr. Instituut voor Aardwetenschappen Vrije Universiteit 1007 mc AMSTERDAM De Boelelaan 1085 Postbus 7161 The Netherlands.
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