77.1"Jr . ista oats WOW Candidates Today's Weather Now is the time to sign petitions for ASB and class office candidates. FAIR Candidates without peti- tions may get them from High ay 66-72 Mrs. Darlene Harris in Low Toni ht 42-47 the Student Union. SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE VOL. 45 ' SAN JOSE, CALIFORNIA. THURSDAY, APRIL 10, 1958 NO. 102 Plant Operation Tours CELESTIAL CRUISER 'GOP Challenge' Promoted By Leonard Kirkwood's Topic By PHIL GEIGER Young Republicans exepct to hear political issues defined when An idea conceived by Thomas E. Leonard, aeronautic depart-, State Controller Robi,rt C. Kirkwood speaks on the -The Republican merit head, has snowballed into what may become one of the most , Challenge in 1958- tonight at 7.30 in 5142. valuable aspects of the training offered in the Aeronautics Depart- He will speak during the regular meeting of the Young Repub- ment curriculum. licans, but president Ric hard Buxton stressed that the meeting will be Realizing that aircraft maintenance students could benefit great- open to the public and that students are urged to attend. ly by visiting some of the larger corporations in California's aircraft 'TAKES FIRM STAND' industry, Leonard contacted seven of the state's well known industries "Controller Kirkwood takes a firm stand and puts across his ideas and asked permission tor 12 0PP-- very effectivel:y." Buxton said w his senior seminar students to be "He has promised to answer any shown the various plant 'opera- controversial questions in a ses- tions. Selma Olinder sion following his talk." Council Selects Response from the various pub- The Contwiler is SBeing developed at lAi Angelesrkerum..reiair. of North ,iter,i..(eintrrati,nlaphoto:irne- designed tO ttlefrStplane to penetrate running for lic relations offices was so en- iatitinisi1 American As re-election next November. He thusiastic that the group immedi- ixt Graders New was appointed to the office in Chairman Sid Thompson ately made plans to schedule four 1953 by former governor Earl was appointed chairman of full days of Easter vacation tour- Warren after Thoinas }locket 1958 Homecoming To Be Viewed Coriunittee at the Student Council ing the Southern California plants. Greeks was elected to thr Senate. Kirk- Si1 meeting yesterday. GRF.AT EXPERIENCE Selina Olinder Elementary KOED Presents wood was elected the following Bill Douglas, chairman What resulted was a far greater School sixth graders in Miss Thel- year in his own right. of the Class Government experience than had been antici- ma Barnwell's class are featured lie had repreaented northern Committee, re- Tour ported that his committee met re- on today's closed circuit telecast !Will pated, according to the students. Santa Clara County ill the state cently and found that "class coun- "We were received like royalty originating from the grammar Best yet' Today 11 assembly for three terms and was and were able to talk informally school at 23rd and Santa Clara cils are serving no valid function." Televisionland, SJS style, will cular project hair shown "marked with some of the top men in the streets. Goodwill Ile stated that the committee will open to the viewing public improvement," said McCann, "and meet again today field." said Leonard. Part of a semester-lone experi- be to try and for- afternoon as closed-cir- we can plan very confidently for Today and tomorrow interested mulate a No efforts were spared by the ment in teacher observation via again this recommendation on a cuit KOED fills the 21 inches with future telecast dates." The im- sorority and fraternity members new plan hosts, as the' group visited Ed- TV, the Selma Olinder series be- of class government entertainment for all. So spoke provement, he added, was in bet- which would give wards Air Force Base and were gan Monday and concludes April will be taken on tours of Good- some purpose to ter lighting, new drapes, and bet- msheone.th s. uthe e en newestk(ew. pe;t ti m na testu g equip- n_a 18. KOED's publicity manager Marcy will Industry in San Jose. class councils. Kessler about "Channel fa's" third ter utilization of TV studio space. Senior Class announced that ment includingt. close-upolook No shows are scheduled for to- The tours are part of the Com- program series of the semester, The four-how KOED sched- time for commencement exercises the Convair B58 Hustler, which morrow. The series continues on munity Project section of Greek which may be viewed in the ule has some new features, too, has been reduced considerably has the distinction of flying more Monday with Miss Mary Marsh's Week, now in progress. Sunday, of sound Speech and Drama Library or the according to Miss Kessler. Hank from previous years. Diplomas will hours above the speed second grade class slated for view- students who have taken the tours Radio Studio from 1:30 to 5:30. Oeser, KJ!: student, night club be handed out in groups, rather than all other faster-than-sound ing. will give talks explaining the Good- entertainer, ventriloquist and than individually. aircraft combined. Mrs. Enes Tubeville's fourth 'BETTER THAN EVER' will in various San Jose area TV actor, will emcee "Campus Junior Class told the council The second day included a de- graders are scheduled for Tues- According to Miss Kessler, to- churches. of the ram -jet Carousel," a variety show fea- that it will meet every other week tailed explanation day's telecast. Wednesday finds day's program schedule is better Students participating in the Marquardt turing music, guests, gags and a from now on. laboratory at the Miss Barnwell's class again before than ever, both Droduction-wise project are to meet in front of Aircraft Co. The student% con- modern dance team, SJS stu- Carol Perkins, chairman of In- ;; the TV cameras. Miss Marsh's and technically. This was attested the Student "Y" at 3:30 p.m. dents Victoria Finn and Kathy stallation Banquet, announced that ' finued by touring Rorketdyne class returns again Thursday fol- to by Frank T. McCann, assistant either day, according to project Phillip*. For the kids, "Sylvle it will be held at Original Joe's 4'orp., where the power pleat lowed Friday by Mrs. Tubeville's professor of drama and KOED ad- co-chairmen Carol Laughlin, Judy is constru- and Pub" and their puppet show on May13. Igfor the Atlas rocket class. viser. The TV Guild's extra-corn- Newman and Paul Thiltgen. they toured plant, will feature Fleck, the CloWn, Possible locations for the pro- irted. An the Mary Lou Frizzell and Bill Stur- who will try to join the San posed Student Council retreat 140 geon are co-chairmen of Greek ROBERT C. KIRKWOOD allowed long Francisco Giants. Sylvia Crone, were discussed. never to %l and still Week. Members of the steering Jerry Julil and puppets star In . guest speaker enough to fully inspect the func- committee are Dave Yossem, pub- the well SJS Prof this one. guarded Novel By tions of any of licity: Gerry Reith and Jeanette "Washington Square Matinee" known as an authority on school, equipment. Later, this was ex- MacDonald, arrangements; and plained as a security measure. today will feature a 90-minute do- tax, and fiscal matters. Student Court Carolyn Curtis, secretary. However, they were shown, in Attracts Acclaim cumentary. "The Golden Twen- As an assemblyman he led the Wide detail, the teest facilities for ties," depicting America as it look- fight to reorganize that body', By CATHIE TREAGLE the Atlas engine which, they ed in the speakeasy era. Rules Committee. Cites 5 Groups Author-educator Dr. John W. Gilbaugh, associate professor of ed- on "Spotlight were told, can burn fuel at a James Withered As Controller he holds one of Five campus organizations have ucation, added another volume to his list of published works last week interview nation- New Tax Ruling rate of 14000 gallons in 30 se- on Sports" will the key positions in state gov- been cited by Student Court for when his first venture into the field of fiction-writing, "Tha Bull SJS tennis star Whit- conds. ally-ranked ernment. failure to submit revised lists of With the Golden Horns," went on sale. ney Reed. James Slator's guest on Each tour lasted nearly four Benefits Teachers Kirkwood was born in Mountain officers and advisers. The 246-page book, four years in the writing, offers a frank de- "Nightcap News" will be satellite hours and the visitors were invit- A new tax reduction that sill View, attended public schools in In violation are Alpha Gamma, scription of a man's experience as a school superintendent in a small expert C. R. Moe from Lockheed ed to lunch by the hosting com- benefit the nation's teachers has Palo Alto, and Channing Club, Conservation Club, midwestern town, revealing what lies behind the facade of an im- received his B.A. pany each of the four days. By at Sunnyvale. been laid down by new Treasury Delta Phi Delta pressive-looking school building. from Stanford University. lie was and Amateur Its- the time they had completed the KOED's schedule: Department ruling. granted a degree by the Harva LOCAL STORES CARRY IT scheduled trip, the group had ex- 1:15Test pattern Teachersalong with other pro- Law School. The announcement was given at amined the facilities of seven large Local retailers carrying the novel include the Spartan Book Store, 1:30Washington Square Matinee, fessional workers--now may de- TO ELECT OFFICERS Tuesday's court meeting In the aircraft industries, talked with ('al Book Store and the San Jose Bookshop.
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