Hope College Hope College Digital Commons The Anchor: 1992 The Anchor: 1990-1999 10-21-1992 The Anchor, Volume 105.07: October 21, 1992 Hope College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1992 Part of the Library and Information Science Commons Recommended Citation Repository citation: Hope College, "The Anchor, Volume 105.07: October 21, 1992" (1992). The Anchor: 1992. Paper 19. https://digitalcommons.hope.edu/anchor_1992/19 Published in: The Anchor, Volume 105, Issue 7, October 21, 1992. Copyright © 1992 Hope College, Holland, Michigan. This News Article is brought to you for free and open access by the The Anchor: 1990-1999 at Hope College Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Anchor: 1992 by an authorized administrator of Hope College Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. CAMPUS / Cold weather tough loss but i floats a blast at Homecoming / 3 ELECTION / The candidates reviewed / 6 PHOTOS / President Bush and his rally are "big time" at Hope / 7 Volume 105, Number 7 Hope College, Holland, Michigan Serving the Hope Community for 105 Years October 21,1992 Local groups bring Bush to Hope by Scott Runyon on without a supportive group of students." editor-in-chief It was really no surprise that Bush The Hope College Republicans came to Ottawa County and Hope in conjunction with the Ottawa College since the county is ranked County Republicans prepared the second in the nation in terms of way for President George Bush to percentage of Bush votes in the 1988 visit Hope College on Monday Oct. presidential election for counties 12. over 70,000. "The president was pleased as During the rally. Bush reinforced punch," said Jack Holmes, county his campaign strategy for four more republican campaign years in the White chair, Hope Republi- House high-lighting cans advisorand pro- his past achievements fessor of political sci- and his "Agenda for ence. "He kept say- 92 America's Renewal." ing 'wow'to the first He also noted the /r lady. He was holding differences between up babies. He was himself and his pri- happy. It was what we mary competitor. Gov. wanted it to be." Bill Clinton. "Where I The President want to make govern- drew over 13,000 ment smaller, Clinton people to the rally Jack Holmes has already promised held in the Pine Grove $150 billion in new during Fall Recess. taxes," Bush said. "I believe the "It was a Hope student's idea government is too big and spending actually to have them come here," too much money." Holmes said. The Hope Republi- "This is no time to hand the wheel cans sent a letter of invitation to the over to a novice and take a risk with Anchor photo by Rich Blair the United States," Bush proclaimed president the same day as the Ot- PRESIDENT BUSH delivered the first speech by a sitting president at Hope College. tawa County Republicans. to a sea of cheering supporters. In addition to sending an invita- "America needs a driver who knows His visit was made possible by Hope student and Ottawa County support. tion, Hope students took significant the highway, and I am that man." dent of the United States on their from one's party preference. "Here is increase the whole national vis- responsibility to prepare the cam- Hope College President, John campus during their time in col- is a real opportunity to see how the ibility of the institution." pus for the rally. Jacobson, felt the event was a great lege?' Not many. It was a rare op- national and political government Even though the rally was a big "Over a third of the total work on opportunity for Hope students dur- portunities for Hope College stu- functions," he said. success in the eyes of most, some this was done by the Hope students," ing their college days. dents." The rally also served to promote were frustrated by the inconvenience Holmes explained. "They were ac- "It was remarkable. You ask Tom Renner, director of public Hope. "It allowed the college's name it created on campus. tually intimately involved. It would yourself 'How many college stu- relations added that the event can be to be communicated outside the have been very difficult to put this dents get the chance to see the Presi- seen as a valuable civics lesson apart area," Renner said. "What this does see BUSH page 7 Activities fee allocations explained Hope professors take by Heather Mumby in the Student Activities Fund than along with Student Congress mem- was originally anticipated. When last bers Kim Breen ('93), Kori Foster production editor sides in election debate year's budgets were approved, they ('96), Tim Johnston ('93), Doug the audience. Hope College students pay the were based on a total fund of Kleinheksel ('93), Joel Plantinga by Heather Mumby "I think we'll try to keep the school a specific fee each year for $160,867. This is a difference of ('96) and Mike Yantis ('95) make production editor openings short and also the rebut- what are generically termed "Student $31,983. up this year's Appropriations Com- tals so we can give the audience a Activities." Where exactly does this "It makes for a lot more money," mittee. Anne Bakker-Gras, Director This seems to be the lime for chance to get their questions an- money go? StudentCongress Vice President Joe of Student Activities, also sits in on political debates and now two swered," Holmes said. This year's fee of $70 per student Kuiper ('93) said, "but it also means Committee meetings. professors at Hope College are Curry and Holmes have been is now part of the current $192,850 there are a lot more students to Meyer says that in choosing this joining in on all the fun. debating for as long as they've Student Activities Fund. This fund serve." year's Committee, she looked for a Professors Jack Holmes of the both been on campus. They've is the responsibility of the Student The Comptroller is the chairper- variety of people who were involved Political Science Department and debated during every presiden- Congress Appropriations Commit- son of the Appropriations Commit- in an assortment of different activi- Earl Cuiry of the History Depart- tial campaign as well as during tee, which divides the money among tee. He or she is responsible for ties. She looked for diversity in age ment will take part in a debate the Panama invasion. the various student organizations on keeping detailed financial records and experience. She hopes that this Wednesday, October 21 at 7:00 "We've been doing this since campus. of those organizations funded by will provide a number of different p.m. in the Cook Auditorium of the late 1960's and we probably Because of this year's unexpect- Student Congress and has the power opinions when making decisions the DePree Art Center. haven't agreed on too many po- edly large incoming class of first- to authorize funding. Holmes will take the side of litical issues since then," Holmes year students, there is more money Comptroller Julie Meyer ('95), see FEE page 12 George Bush and Curry will rep- resent Bill Clinton's position. No said. one is speaking for H. Ross Perot "It's always fun to see a couple Where does the money go? because he had not yet rejoined of faculty members go at it," Curry the presidential race when this said. WTHS debate was in its planning stages. These past debates have al- ways involved a number of heated 9.7% When asked about Ross Perot's Milestone perspective in this debate. Curry arguments because the perspec- said, "I'm sure it will come up. If tives of both speakers are so dif- ferent. he Anchor we don't direct it, someone will ask." "Almost anyone the Demo- 7J% Holmes and Curry will tell the cratic party nominated would audience what they think the im- have been better than Bush," Student Opus portant issues are for this presi- Curry said. Approprations "I think that Governor Clinton 4.1% dential race. They will say who yyy. Account they think should be president of is well behind Bush when it comes 16.6% the United States and why. to foreign policy and the health of Each speaker will begin with the economy," Holmes said. an eight minute introduction, fo- Both speakers doubt that their Other cusing on three issues: foreign debate will have that drastic an Organizations Other policy, the economy and miscel- impact on the election. Their pur- pose is not to change minds, but 11.4% Capital 9.3% laneous issues. Following this, each speaker will be allowed a to clarify the candidates. four minute rebuttal. The remain- "We can elaborate on any an- 5.4% der of the session will be dedi- swers that were given in the tele- Percentages based on current estimate of $192,850 activities fee cated to answering questions from vised debates," Holmes said. graphics by Rich Blair 4 We are the United States? NEWS OF THE WORLD Stephanie Grier EGYPT On Monday a strong earthquake near Cairo tumbled buildings and sent terrified people stampeding over one another. At least 370 people were reported killed when Egypt's strongest earthquake on The Bush campaign has some- one, is convinced of the security and bate, when a female audience mem- record hit widespread areas. how managed to withstand the dam- superiority of this nation. What ber asked each candidate to describe age caused by Bill Clinton over the reason did he give for his certainty how the recession has personally SOUTH AFRICA course of the past few months, but it regarding the country's success and affected each of them.
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