US 20120204217A1 (19) United States (12) Patent Application Publication (10) Pub. No.: US 2012/0204217 A1 Regis et al. (43) Pub. Date: Aug. 9, 2012 (54) STREAMING DIGITAL VIDEO BETWEEN Related U.S. Application Data VIDEO DEVICES USINGA CABLE (60) Provisional application No. 61/393.262, filed on Oct. TELEVISION SYSTEM 14, 2010. Publication Classification (75) Inventors: Natalie Regis, Chicago, IL (US); (51) Int. Cl. Mark Tom, Sunnyvale, CA (US); H04N 2L/25 (2011.01) Andrey Marsavin, San Jose, CA (52) U.S. Cl. ........................................................ 725/116 (US); Lena Y. Pavlovskaia, Cupertino, CA (US) (57) ABSTRACT Systems and methods are presented that permit an individual to share digital video between video devices using a cable (73) Assignee: ACTIVEVIDEO NETWORKS, television system. A first video device streams digital video to INC., San Jose, CA (US) a cable headend, which transcodes it and stitches it with other Video content, such as a menuing system. The headend then transmits the digital video to a second video device, such as a (21) Appl. No.: 13/273,803 set top box, for display. The data stream may be controlled using a standard set top box remote control, and the system may be used without purchasing additional hardware or soft (22) Filed: Oct. 14, 2011 ware, or configuring a wireless local area network. :38 “... :::: Sg: &le 88: i8:8 &kwisix8 “. Kisix:k Syste: Patent Application Publication Aug. 9, 2012 Sheet 1 of 5 US 2012/0204217 A1 ??qëg women | * Patent Application Publication Aug. 9, 2012 Sheet 2 of 5 US 2012/0204217 A1 & sex a & *& 8: s Patent Application Publication Aug. 9, 2012 Sheet 3 of 5 US 2012/0204217 A1 : *:::::::::::::::::: 8 ::::::::: : 88: 88:x:sk. 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Thus, a subscriber must learn how VIDEO DEVICES USINGA CABLE to change back and forth between ordinary cable television TELEVISION SYSTEM and the direct connection to the computer having the digital video. CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED 0006. One solution to this problem has been the use of an APPLICATION intermediate computer that interfaces to both the personal computer and the television. Commercial embodiments of 0001. This application claims the benefit of U.S. Provi this solution include the Apple TV(R) digital media extender sional Application No. 61/393.262, filed Oct. 14, 2010, the from Apple, Inc. of Cupertino, Calif. However, this solution contents of which are incorporated by reference in their requires the user to purchase an additional computer and learn entirety. how to configure it, which some individuals may be unwilling or unable to do. Also, this solution requires the user to set up TECHNICAL FIELD a wireless local network on the premises to allow the inter 0002 The present invention relates to sharing digital video mediate computer to connect to the personal computer, which between electronic devices, and more particularly to using a a non-skilled person may find difficult. A different solution, in television system to establish a private, bidirectional data which the television itself has wireless networking and the channel to stream personalized digital video for the enjoy personal computer connections with the television wirelessly, ment of subscribers. suffers from the same problem. Yet another solution is to convert the personal computer into a cable set top box, or BACKGROUND ART "media center, using purchased or downloaded Software. An 0003 Digital video forms an integral part of modern life. advantage of using this approach is that other, more general Private digital video devices allow us to record our life expe applications found on the computer may be used on the tele riences for later review and enjoyment. Professional digital vision, such as web browsers, email clients and so on. video, in the form of movies and television, allows us to see Examples of this solution are the MythTV home entertain life through the eyes of others, and to benefit from their ment application developed by Mr. Isaac Richards, and the wisdom and their follies. As social creatures, we often wish to Boxee system, from Boxee, Inc. However, these solutions do share these experiences with others, and we relish the oppor not solve the problem of avoiding complex and unfamiliar tunity to invite others into our homes for viewing sessions. user interfaces, as they typically have custom menus and 0004 Digital media may be downloaded for viewing using require the use of a keyboard and mouse to control the web a video player, or viewed on web sites such as YouTube using browser, email client, and other added features that appear on a web browser that Supports streaming media. Digital media the television. These solutions may also require the user to set also may be recorded using video devices ranging from up a wireless local area network, although some do permit Smartphones, to professional and amateur video cameras, to direct cable connections from a set top box to the personal webcams on personal computers. There are many different computer (with the aforementioned disadvantages). and incompatible methods and locations for storing this SUMMARY OF ILLUSTRATED EMBODIMENTS media. As a result, there are many different and incompatible methods for later viewing: on a phone display, on a television 0007. In accordance with various embodiments of the screen, on a computer display (using one of several incom present invention, systems and methods are presented that patible viewers). As a result, people who wish to later view overcome these difficulties by using existing cable television this digital video must learn many different display and con infrastructure to share digital video on Smartphones, personal trol interfaces, and educate themselves as to the intricacies of computers, and other devices with a set top box. These sys the different media formats. It would be simpler to view all tems and methods do not require connecting a computer to a digital media using a single video device, as the viewer would television with a cable, purchasing additional computers and only have to learn how to use that single device. configuring them, or setting up a local, wireless data connec 0005. It is known in the art to share video between com tion on the premises. Furthermore, these systems are con puters and televisions, although methods for doing so are trolled using a standard set top box remote control, permitting cumbersome or expensive. Some computers, including lap cable Subscribers to use a standard cable system menu, with tops, have video outputs that may be connected directly to a out being forced to use a keyboard and mouse to control the television video input using special cables. Setting up Such image displayed on the television or to learn a new menuing systems is often difficult, as the process entails several steps interface. of varying technical skill: analyzing the computer and the 0008. In a first embodiment there is provided a method of television to determine which kind of cable or cables are streaming digital video between a first video device and a required; connecting the components properly; directing the second video device. The digital video may include audio computer to transmit video to the television, often through a data, moving image data, still image data, or any combination non-intuitive sequence or combination of keystrokes or by of these, and may be encoded according to an MPEG speci running a custom application; tuning the television to the fication. The first video device, which may be a personal appropriate channel; adjusting the video resolution, size and computer or a Smartphone for example, is connected to a position of the viewable area, brightness and color balance, public data network, such as the Internet. The second video and so on. Many of these steps are beyond the capabilities of device may be a television or a TV set top box, and is con the average person, and even if they are performed correctly, nected to a cable television system having a cable network the video quality is often poor, and control of the television and a cable headend. The cable headend is also connected to display must be performed awkwardly from the computer. the public data network. The second video device may be Furthermore, for cable television subscribers, this arrange controlled by a video device controller, such as a remote ment often bypasses a cable set top box that controls ordinary control. US 2012/0204217 A1 Aug. 9, 2012 0009. The method includes establishing a first bidirec 0014 FIG. 2 is a depiction of a second example embodi tional data channel from the first video device to the cable ment in which an individual streams video data from a per headend and establishing a second bidirectional data channel Sonal computer to a television located on the same premises; over the cable network from the second video device to the 0015 FIG. 3 is a block diagram showing the functional cable headend.
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