REGULAR MEETING OF THE Board of Directors Tuesday, September 1, 2020 Las Vegas Convention Center www.lvcva.com Board of Directors LARRY BROWN MARILYN SPIEGEL JOHN MARZ ANTON NIKODEMUS Chairman Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer Commissioner President Councilman Portfolio President of Clark County Wynn and Encore City of Henderson Las Vegas Properties Commission Office MGM Resorts International SCOTT DEANGELO MICHELE FIORE CAROLYN G. GOODMAN PAMELA GOYNES-BROWN EVP & Chief Councilwoman Mayor Councilwoman Marketing Officer City of Las Vegas City of Las Vegas City of North Las Vegas Allegiant Travel Company KIERNAN MCMANUS GEORGE RAPSON MARY BETH SEWALD Mayor Councilman President and CEO City of Boulder City City of Mesquite Vegas Chamber STEVE THOMPSON LAWRENCE WEEKLY Executive Vice President Commissioner Operations Clark County Boyd Gaming Corporation Commission Office LVCVA Board Office: 702-892-2802 or email [email protected] NOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETING AND AGENDA REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 1, 2020 3:00 P.M. Las Vegas Convention Center – Room N111 3150 Paradise Road Las Vegas, Nevada 89109 Telephonically: DIAL: (408) 418-9388 / ACCESS CODE: 146 362 2085 PLEASE NOTE THAT DUE TO THE COVID-19 RELATED RESTRICTIONS ON THE SIZE OF PUBLIC GATHERINGS, THERE WILL BE LIMITED IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE AT THIS MEETING. THE PUBLIC IS ENCOURAGED TO JOIN THE MEETING TELEPHONICALLY. This meeting is noticed and will be conducted in conformance with the State of Nevada Executive Department Declaration of Emergency Directives 006, 016, 018, 021, 026, and 029 dated March 22, 2020, April 29, 2020, May 7, 2020, May 28, 2020, June 29, 2020, and July 31, 2020, respectively. If you desire to listen to this telephonic meeting, please call (408) 418-9388, and enter access code 146 362 2085. The Board of Directors will take public comment during the periods listed below on the agenda. THERE WILL BE LIMITED IN-PERSON ATTENDANCE FOR PUBLIC COMMENT AT THIS MEETING. If you wish to provide public comment, you may do so via one of the following two options: 1) By calling the telephonic conference number provided above; or 2) Submitting your comments, via email, to the Board’s Executive Assistant, Silvia Perez, at [email protected], prior to 5:00 p.m. August 31, 2020. Please include your name and the agenda item to which your comment pertains (if applicable) in your email submission. Public comments submitted via email will be read into the record during the appropriate public comment period for up to three (3) minutes. BOARD OF DIRECTORS: Commissioner Larry Brown, Chair Councilwoman Pamela Goynes-Brown Ms. Marilyn Spiegel, Vice Chair Mayor Kiernan McManus Councilman John Marz, Secretary Councilman George Rapson Mr. Anton Nikodemus, Treasurer Ms. Mary Beth Sewald Mr. Scott DeAngelo Mr. Steve Thompson Councilwoman Michele Fiore Commissioner Lawrence Weekly Mayor Carolyn Goodman THIS PUBLIC MEETING IS PROPERLY NOTICED AND POSTED AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATIONS: LVCVA Website: www.lvcva.com/agenda Nevada Public Notice Website: https://notice.nv.gov/ THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS (BOARD) MAY: CONSIDER AGENDA ITEMS OUT OF ORDER; COMBINE TWO OR MORE AGENDA ITEMS FOR CONSIDERATION; AND REMOVE OR DELAY DISCUSSION ON ANY AGENDA ITEM AT ANY TIME. Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors September 1, 2020 Page 2 of 4 AGENDA OPENING CEREMONIES Call to Order Roll Call Pledge of Allegiance COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR BY THE PUBLIC The first public comment period is limited to comments on items on the agenda. Items raised under this portion of the agenda cannot be deliberated or acted upon until the notice provisions of the Nevada Open Meeting Law have been met. If you wish to speak to the Board at this time, please step up to the podium or follow the instructions from the conference moderator and clearly state your name and spell your first and last name for the record. COMMENTS ARE LIMITED TO THREE (3) MINUTES IN LENGTH. APPROVAL OF AGENDA AND MINUTES Approval of the Agenda. For possible action. Approval of the Minutes from the August 11, 2020, Regular Meeting of the Board. For possible action. BOARD NOMINATION Pursuant to NRS 244A.603(1)(g)(1), the following nominee has been submitted by the Vegas Chamber to fill the remainder of the term of July 1, 2019, through June 30, 2021. In accordance with NRS 244A.603(1)(g), only public sector Board Members may vote to appoint the nominee: Ms. Jan Jones Blackhurst Caesars Entertainment Board of Directors Chief Executive in Residence, UNLV International Gaming Institute For possible action. Oath of Office will be administered to the newly appointed Member of the Board. OATH OF OFFICE - TREASURER Oath of Office will be administered to the newly appointed Treasurer of the Board, Anton Nikodemus. This is an information item and does not require Board action. PRESENTATIONS Presentations by the LVCVA Staff LVCVA staff will deliver presentations on the LVCCD Expansion, Operations, Marketing and Sales achievements, People and Culture, and General Government highlights. This is an information item and does not require Board action. Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors September 1, 2020 Page 3 of 4 LVCVA STAFF REPORTS AND REQUESTED ACTIONS GENERAL GOVERNMENT DIVISION 1. Acquisition of Monorail System That the Board consider the following: 1) Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/President to execute an Asset Purchase and Sale Agreement (“Purchase Agreement”) with the Las Vegas Monorail Company (“LVMC”), in an amount not to exceed $24,260,000, to acquire the Las Vegas Monorail System (“Monorail”); 2) Authorizing the CEO/President to execute an agreement with Clark County, Nevada (“County Agreement”) providing for the transfer of rights and obligations under the Clark County Monorail Franchise Agreement between the Monorail and Clark County (“Franchise Agreement”) to the Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority (LVCVA) and providing payment of $6,760,000 of escrowed Monorail decommissioning reserves to the LVCVA; and 3) Increasing the CEO’s Signature Authority to $200,000 for financial transactions and agreements necessary to complete the acquisition of the Monorail. For possible action. 2. Resolution to Augment Fiscal Year 2021 Budget and Budget Transfer That the Board consider: 1) Approval of the transfer of $24,400,000 from the Las Vegas Convention Center District (LVCCD) Capital Fund to the Capital Projects Fund; and 2) Approval of the proposed budget augmentation and the associated Resolution 2020-03 to augment the fiscal year (FY) 2021 Capital Projects Fund budget by $24,400,000. For possible action. 3. Public Hearing on 2020 Medium-Term Bond Authorization Resolution That the Board consider, pursuant to Nevada Revised Statute (NRS) 350.087: 1) Conducting a public hearing on the 2020 Medium-Term Bond Authorization Resolution 2020-02 (Resolution) providing for issuance of LVCVA, Medium-Term Bonds, Series 2020 (Bonds) in the maximum principal of $21,500,000; 2) Approving and adopting the Resolution; 3) Authorizing the Chair of the Board to sign the Resolution; 4) Authorizing the Chief Executive Officer (CEO)/President or the Chief Financial Officer (CFO) to offer the Bonds for sale, and to take all actions necessary to effectuate the provisions of the Resolution, including, without limitation, forwarding all necessary documents to the Department of Taxation, and amending the LVCVA’s capital improvement plan to include the acquisition of the Las Vegas Monorail (Monorail); and 5) Authorizing the CFO and the Finance Department to complete all other necessary measures to fulfill the requirements of the Resolution. Conduct a Public Hearing on the 2020 Medium-Term Bond Authorization Resolution 2020-02. Open Public Hearing on the 2020 Medium-Term Bond Authorization Resolution 2020-02. Discussion of proposed Resolution by any interested person. Close Public Hearing on 2020 Medium-Term Bond Authorization Resolution 2020-02. For possible action. Las Vegas Convention and Visitors Authority Regular Meeting of the Board of Directors September 1, 2020 Page 4 of 4 OPERATIONS DIVISION 4. Bid #21-4659, Ground Water Well Testing and Remediation System Routine Maintenance That the Board consider: 1) Awarding Bid #21-4659, Ground Water Well Testing and Remediation System Maintenance, to ATC Group Services, LLC (ATC) ; 2) Approving an expenditure in the amount of $710,985.00 for an initial three-year contract term with ATC from September 1, 2020 to August 31, 2023; 3) Authorizing the CEO/President to exercise two (2) optional one-year contract extensions with ATC in the amount of $260,695 per year; and 4) Authorizing the CEO/President to execute the contract documents. For possible action. COMMITTEES 5. Audit Committee Report The Audit Committee met on August 25, 2020 to discuss Item A. The Audit Committee Chair will present a report to the Board of Directors. The Audit Committee Chair will present a report and give the Committee’s recommendations, if any, to the Board of Directors. Item A. Appointment of Internal Audit Firm For possible action. COMMENTS FROM THE FLOOR BY THE PUBLIC This public comment period is for any matter that is within the jurisdiction of the Board. Items raised under this portion of the agenda cannot be deliberated or acted upon until the notice provisions of the Nevada Open Meeting Law have been met. If you wish to speak to the Board at this time, please step up to the podium or follow the instructions from the conference moderator and clearly state your name and spell your first and last name for the record. COMMENTS ARE LIMITED TO THREE (3) MINUTES IN LENGTH. ADJOURNMENT Persons are invited to submit written remarks for all matters, both on and off the agenda. Written remarks presented for inclusion in the Board’s minutes must be flat, unfolded, on paper of standard quality, and 8½ by 11 inches in size.
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