news dir; Steve Boyer, chief engr. Rates: $20; 15; 5501. Great Scott Broadcasting. Net: MBS. Format: Pennsylvania Radio 20; 28. Classic hits. Spec grog: Class one hr wkly. Faye Scott, pres; Angelo M. Lordi, gen mgr; Sharon 1950: WQQQ(FM)- Co-owned with WEEX(AM). June Kennedy-Clifton, gen sls mgr; Steve Franato, prog dir: kw. Ant 450 Prog from 99.9 mhz; 50 ft. Stereo. sep John Mathews, mus dir; Mark Razz, prom mgr; Linda Format: Top AM. Box 190 (18042). (215) 258 -8775. -40. Linz, news dir; Werner Ullrick, chief engr. Rates: Bryan mus Corry Geranimo, prog dir; Eddie Munster, dir; $17; 15; 17; 15. Barbara O'Reilly, prom mgr. Rates: $50; 40; 45; 35. WWCB(AM) -April 2, 1955: 1370 khz; 1 kw -D, 500 WEST(AM) -Feb 17, 1936: 1400 khz; 1 kw -U, DA-2. w -N, DA-N. Box 4 (16407). (814) 664 -8694. Corry 436 Northampton St. (18042). (215) 250 -9600. Lehigh Emporium Broadcasting (acq 11- 1 -74). Net: UPI. Format: MOR. Valley Broadcasting Corp. (acq 12- 30 -96). Net: CBS. Art Arkelian, pres; Ron Smith, gen sls & prom mgr; WLEM(AM )-March 2, 1958: 1250 khz; 2.5 kw -D. Rep: Katz. Format: MOR. Larry Roberts, gen mgr; Bruce Lewis, prog dir; Kathy Stolz, mus dir; Bruce (CP: 650 khz; 5 kw). Box 310 (15834). (814) 486 -3712. Bill Noll, gen sls mgr; Ted Wieder, mus dir; Mike Moore, Hullihen, chief engr. Rates: $9.50; 9.50; 9.50; 9.50. Emporium Broadcasting Co. (acq 1- 27 -71). Net: NBC. news Kratz, Rates: 24; 26; dir; Bob chief engr. $26: Rep: Dome, Mkt 4. Format: MOR, var. Spec prog: Farm 22. 1 hr, btfl mus 1 hr, C&W 1 hr, top-40 4 hrs wkly. Coudersport WLEV(FM)-Co -owned with WEST(AM). 1948: 96.1 Jeannine A. Jones, pres, prog & mus dir; Vito Lanzillo, mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 ft. Stereo. Prag sep from AM. gen mgr & chief engr; Debra A. Lanzillo, coml mgr; khz; 1 kw-D 9 South WFRM(AM) -May 1953: 600 Format: Adult contemp. Mark Dean, gen sls mgr; George Jones Jr., prom mgr; Jeannine A. Jones, news Farm Home Main St. (16915). (814) 274 -8600. & Chuck Taylor, prog dir. Rates: $67; 67; 67; 67. dir. Rates: $9; 7.50; 90. Broadcasting Co. Group owner: Allegheny Mtn. Net: MBS. Rep: Dome. Format: Adult contemp. Spec prog: WJRH(FM) -March 1953: 90.5 mhz; 10 w. Stereo. WOKY(FM)-Co-owned with WLEM(AM). May 20, Farm 2 hrs wkly. Cary H. Simpson, pres; Judy Dyroff, Lafayette College. (18042). (215) 250 -5316. Lafayette 1985: 99.3 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 492 ft. 145 E. 4th St. (15834). gen sls mgr; David E Lent, prog dir; Gerri Miller, news College. Net: AP. Format: Progsv. Laura Fyfe, pres Format: C &W. dir; Robert H. Lynn, chief engr. Rates: $6.75; 4.80; & gen mgr; Jeff Bandy, prog dir; Paul Silverman, Paul 5.65; -. Greenman, mus dir; !Ilya D'Addezio, prom mgr; Scott Duvall, news dir; Dave Nyffenegger, chief engr. Ephrata WFRM -FM-Sep 18, 1985. 96.7 mhz; 720 w. Ant 665 ft. Stereo. Format: Top-40. WLEV(FM)- Listing follows WEST(AM). WGSA(AM) -July 26, 1955: 1310 khz; 5 kw-D, 350 w -N. DA-1. 3 West Main St. (17522). (717) 733 -1310. W000(FM)- Listing follows WEEX(AM). Joel Michaels Media Co. Inc. (group owner; acq Cresson 11- 27-84). Net: ABC /D. Format: Adult contemp, oldies. Spec grog: Pa. Dutch 1 hr wkly. Michael D. Rubright, WBXQ(FM)- November 1981: 94.3 mhz; 3 kw Ant East Stroudsburg pres, gen & gen sls mgr; Nick Harris, prog & mus dir, 1,025 ft. (CP: 350 w. Ant 957.8 ft.). (16630). (814) prom mgr; Brian Sands, news dir; John Arndt Jr., chief 'WESS(FM) -March 10, 1971: 90.3 mhz; 1.37 kw. Ant 886-7777. Sounds Good Inc. Rep: Roslin. Net: engr. Rates: $16.50; 11.50; 16.50; 6.75. minus 165 ft. Stereo. Box 198, East Stroudsburg U. ABC/FM. Format: Contemp. Michelle M. Hines, opns (18301).(717) 424-3512. East Stroudsburg University, WIOV(FM)-Nov 9, 1962: 105.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 mgr; Neil Hart, gen mgr; Gail Douty, gen sls mgr; Kathy Board of Trustees/Student activities. (acq 3-79). Net: ft. (CP: change city of license to Ephrata- Lancaster). Michaels, loc sls mgr; Ken G. Justiss, prod dir; Neil F. AP. Format: Div, alternative. Spec prog: Black 3 hrs, Stereo. Box 430 (17522). (717) 738 -1191. WIOV Inc. Rosenbloom, co-op specialist; Ed Sherlock, prog dir; class 4 hrs, jazz 6 hrs wkly. Fred Moses, pres; Griff (acq 12-84). Group owner: Brill Media Co. Net: ABC/E. Casey O'Day, mus dir; Colleen Clarr, prom mgr; Tom Lewis, chief engr. Rep: Hillier, Newmark, Wechsler & Howard, Dome. Davidson, news dir; Glen Clark, chief engr. Rates: Format: C &W. Jack Nkinlein, gen mgr; Tom $55; 45; 55; 35. McCartney, gen sls mgr; Teddy G., prog dir; Bill Quay, Ebensburg mus dir; Barry Seidel, news dir; Dennis Eberly, chief engr. Danville WAMO(AM) -See Loretto. WPGM(AM) -June 1963: 1570 khz; 1 kw -D. (CP: 2.5 WEBG(AM) -May 25, 1961: 1580 khz; 1 kw -D. Stereo. Erie kw). 8 E. Market St. (17821). (717) 275 -1570. Montrose Box 1580 (15931). (814) 472 -9324. Cambria Broad- (acq 1-6-64). Net: UPI. Format: casting Inc. (acq 8 -87). Net: MBS. Format: Adult Broadcasting Corp. WBLQ(AM )-1951: 1400 khz; 1 kw-D, 250 w -N. 1635 ReIg, btfl music. Spec prog: Class 5 hrs wkly. W. Contemp, oldies. Gary H. Kleiman, gen mgr; Charles Ash St. (16503). (814) 455 -2741. Greater Erie Econo- Lawrence H. Souder, pres; George Vacca, gen mgr; Brown, gen sls mgr; Ken D. Williams, prog dir; Jay mic Development Corp. Group owner: Myron Jones. Terry M. Diener, news dir; John Rejmer, chief engr. Dennis, mus dir; John Dennis, news dir. Rates: $8; Net: AP Rep: Blair, Dome. Format: Top -40. Robert 7; 8; 7. "WPGM- FM-Sep 6, 1968: 96.7 mhz; 340 w. Ant 760 Bach, gen sis mgr; Jim Cook, mus & prog dir; Craig ft. Stereo. Dups AM 75 %. WIYO(FM)-July 15, 1962: 99.1 mhz; 50 kw. Ant 500 Warvel, news dir; Mike Kobylka, chief engr. Rates: ft. Stereo. 1240 Scalp Ave. Johnstown (15904). (814) $30; 25; 30; 22. 266 -3691. Cambria County Broadcasting. Group owner: WCCK(FM)-Listing follows WEYZ(AM). Doylestown Allegheny Mtn. Net: MBS. Rep: Pates/Walton, Dome. Format: C &W. Cary H. Simpson, pres; John E. VERG(FM) -Dec 1, 1972: 89.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant minus Box WBUX(AM) -1948: 1570 khz; 5 kw -D, DA. 2187 Simpson, gen mgr; Helen L. Walker, stn mgr; Robert 125 ft. University Square, Gannon University (16541). (215) (18901). 348 -3583. Central Bucks Broadcasting C. Bailey, gen sls mgr; Matthew L. Swayne, prog dir; (814) 459-9374. Gannon University. Format: Div. Spec Co. (acq 8- 1 -75). Rep: Mkt 4. Format: MOR. George Michael McKendree, prom mgr; Tor Michaels, news prog: It 3 hrs, Pol 3 hrs, Sp 3 hrs wkly. Darlene Fiscus, Pleasants, Taylor, prog dir, Fred gen mgr; Dan dir; Robert H. Lynn, chief engr. Rates: $10; 8; 10; 6. gen mgr; Dr. John Duda, chief engr. Williams, news dir. Rates: $28.56; 27.06; 28.56; 27.06. WEYZ(AM )-April 21, 1935: 1450 khz; 1 kw -D, 250 Edinboro w -N. Box 1184 (16512). (814) 456 -2041. Burbach Broadcasting Co. (acq 9 -67). Net: CBS. Rep: Katz. DuBois WFEE(FM )-April 3, 1979: 88.9 mhz; 3 kw. Ant 312 Format: Big band. Spec prog: Farm 1 hr, Pol 2 hrs ft. 104 Compton Hall, Edinboro U. of Pa. (16444). (814) wkly. Larry O. Garrett, pres; Howard Nemenz, VP & WCED(AM )-February 1941: 1420 khz; 5 kw -D, 500 732 -2526. Edinboro State Col. Net: AP. Format: AOR. gen mgr; Barbara Panty, coml mgr; Bill Shannon, opns w -N, DA-N. 80 N. Park Place (15801). (814) 371 -6100. Spec prog: Black/soul 15 hrs, class 9 hrs, jazz 4 hrs, dir; Bob Collins, prom mgr; Jim Mirabello, news dir; Tri -County Broadcasting Co. Net: CBS. Rep: Devney, Christian 6 hrs wkly. Dr. Gary Christiansen, advisor; Lance Howell, chief engr. Rates: $10; 9; 10; 9. Dome -Messervey. Format: MOR. Jason Stephen Lance Howell, chief engr. with WEYZ(AM). May 1, 1969: Gray, pres; George W. Williams, gen & coml mgr; WCCK(FM)-Co-owned 103.7 mhz; Ant 500 ft. Prag sep from AM. Stereo. Shirley Miller, prog dir; Gary Stormer, mus dir; Dave 50 w mus dir; Anthony, opns mgr; Dave Shaffer, news dir; Larry Elizabethtown Net: ABC /C. Format: Top -40. J.J. Sanford, Navel, prom mgr. Rates: 24; 26; 26. Fisher, chief engr. Doug $26; 1958: 1600 khz; w -D. WPDC(AM)-May 500 939 WHDZ(AM )-1941: 1260 khz; 5 kw-U, DA-2. 471 WOWQ(FM)-Co-owned with WCED(AM). 1948:102.1 Radio Rd. (17022). (717) 367 -1600 or 533 -3525. JVJ Robison Rd. W. (16509). (814) 868 -5355. K &K Radio mhz; 11.5 kw. Ant 640 ft. (CP: 28.2 kw, ant 664 ft.). Communications Inc. (acq 10- 1 -84). Net: ABC/E. Broadcasting (acq 4- 1 -85). Net: NBC, NBC/T. Rep: Prag sep from AM. Format: Top -40, C &W. Spec prog: mgr; Format: MOR. Vincent Grande, pres & gen Ed Torbet. Format: C &W. Donald L. Kelly, pres; Frank Pol 2 hrs wkly. Traux, gen sls mgr; Mike O. Reilly, prog dir; Tim L. Nosal, gen mgr; John Scherrer, gen sls mgr; Rich Micheals, mus dir; Christine Malley, prom mgr; Bob WDBA(FM) -Nov 12, 1975: 107.3 mhz; 50 kw.
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