
Kwajalein Hourglass VOL XX, NO 246 KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE, MARSHALL ISLANDS FRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1983 1,600 Freed GOVERNMENT SAYS In Christmas BISHOP, REFUGEES Amnesty SEOUL, South Korea REACH HONDURAS (UPI) -- More than 1,600 TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras border at dawn and was lnmates, lncludlng 172 (UPI) -- An Amerlcan on hlS way to the Hon­ polltlcal dlssldents, Cathollc blShop, report­ duran capltal, where he were freed from South edly leadlng 3,000 Nlca­ would hold a news con­ Korean prlsons today In raguan Indlan refugees ference later today a sweeplng Chrlstmas out of Nlcaragua, reach­ The flrst 500 Indlans amnesty that also re­ ed Honduras safely today out of a group of 3,000 stored polltlcal rlghts and was on hlS way to also crossed lnto Hon­ to 142 other people the capltal, a govern­ duras early today, a The amnesty decree ment spokesman sald U S Embassy spokesman lssued by Presldent Chun I Nlcaragua's leftlst sald 000 Hwan Thursday cover­ Sandlnlsta government "Nobody tned to lm­ ed a total of 1,765 peo­ prevlously reported that pede thelr mlgratlon," ple, lncludlng 1,451 B1Shop Salvador Schlae­ sald embassy spokesman common crimlnals freed fer, 63, of Campbells­ Robert Callahan, who for good behavlor ln port, W1S , had been sald he was ln radlo con­ pr1son kldnapped and posslbly tact from Teguclgalpa ChOl Kee-Shlk, a kllled by the Indlan wlth embassy offlcers Cathollc prlest con­ rebels It later wlth­ near the border where v1cted of harbor1ng drew the statement the Indlans were cross­ rlngleaders of an arsor A government spokes­ lng "The flrst group of attack ln March 1982 on man In Teguclgalpa sald about 500 crossed thlS a U S cultural center, Schlaefer crossed the mornlng," sald Callahan was among those who re­ ga1ned hlS C1Vll rlghts, lncluding the rlght to Vietnamese Positions vote and hold publlC of­ flce The amnesty also Attacked By Guerrillas freed three of 16 youths ARANYAPRATHET, Thal­ woundlng two Khmer Rouge convlcted of torchlng land (UPI) -- Chlnese­ guerrlllas Vletnamese ,the cultural center 1n backed guerrlllas attack­ casualtles were unknown Christmas On KwaJalem The hghted Pusan, South Korea ed Vletnamese mllltary The shelllng could be Chr~stmas tree on the lawn of the Yokwe Yuk Club bases and supply llnes heard clearly at around ~s a symbol to all that Chr~stmas ~s near The ln western Cambodla to­ dawn today ln the bustl­ tree was l~t dur~ng a ceremony on Dec 6, spon­ day as Hanol moved ln lng Thal border town and sored by Spec~al SerJ~ces and ass~sted by Gerry troops and heavy equlp­ ln a strlng of makeshlft Corey and the members of Beta S~gma ph~ ment for a new offen­ bamboo and thatch camps (Photo by NATE ,JACKSON, Kentron Photo Lab) Slve, mllltary sources houslng about 227,000 sald Cambodlan refugees FOLLOWING SEARCH OF CRASH SITE Khmer Rouge mllltary A Thal army offlcer offlcers sald they flred patrolllng the border mortars and 75mm recoll­ sald the refugees would LAOS GIVES U.S. less guns lnto Vletnam­ be allowed to take tem­ ese posltlons near the porary shelter lnSlde MIA REMAINS border towns of Ban Namlt Thalland lf the Vletnam­ BANGKOK, Thalland Accordl ng to nllll tary and Poh Sam Ton ese began heavy shelllng (UPI) -- Laos sald today records, a U S Alr Force Vletnamese troops re­ of border camps as they lt had handed over the C-130 Hercules gunshlp portedly retallated dld last year A "great remalns of an undlsclosed was shot down there on wlth artlllery and M-82 deal of tenslOn" was re­ number of Amerlcan sol­ Dec 21, 1972 Of the 16 mortar flre, serlously ported In the camps dlers to a U S delega­ crewmen, two survlved, tlon that searched the the body of a thlrd was Hope Brings Marines crash slte of a U S war­ found, and 13 stlll are plane shot down durlng llsted as mlsslng ln ac­ the war In Vletnam tlOn A Bit Of America The Laos news agency The Amerlcan delega­ ABOARD THE USS GUAM "combat club" -- a cam­ sald the remalns were tlon, led by the casualty (UPI) -- Comedlan Bob ouflaged golf club glven to a f1ve-man Amer­ center chlef, Col Joe Hope, flanked by a host "If thlS lS peace­ lcan mllltary delegatlon Harvey, had decllned of U S stars, brought keeplng, aren't you glad that arrlved In Bangkok Thursday to reveal re­ the Marlnes In Lebanon a you're not In a war," Thursday en route to the sults of ltS lnspectlon blt of Amerlca as a Hope Joked wlth the some Unlted States of the crash slte Dele­ Chrlstmas present today 400 Marlnes who sat on "The Laos government gatlon members were sched­ wlth a show fllled wlth the floor on thelr flak on Dec 22 handed over uled to return to the cen­ sexy glrls and hometown Jackets and klt bags remalns of Amerlcan sol­ ter's headquarters ln Ho­ songs "I was told not to dlers mlsslng ln act10n nolulu thlS weekend The 80-year-old Hope, fraternlze wlth the ene­ to the delegatlon of the The dlspatch sald the who stayed 1n the cap­ my here and I won't, as J01nt Casualty Resolu­ casualty center's lnspec­ taln's cabln on the am­ soon as I flgure out who tlon Center WhlCh left tlon of the crash slte, phlblOUS assault carr1er lt lS," Hope sald In the here yesterday," the the flrst permltted by a USS Guam, came out on 90-mlnute show, WhlCh agency sald ln a brlef U S government del ega­ stage In Mar1ne fa­ was held on the hangar dlspatch tlon Slnce the end of the ............. tlgue knlck­ deck of the alrcraft "The Amen can del ega­ war In 1975, was motlvat­ ___ ers, carry- carrler The show was tlon has v1s1ted the slte ed by the Laotlan govern­ lng what the second of seven where a U S Alr Force ment's "humane POllCY to­ he call­ planned by Hope plane was shot down dur­ ward the famllles of the ed a The comedlan sald he lng the war ln the Pakse Amencan MIAs" Approxl­ would llke to go ashore dlstrlct, the southern mately 2,500 U S serVlce­ durlng hlS flve-day stay Champassack provlnce," men are stlll llsted as but offlclals sald, "No" lt sald mlsslng ln actlon .tItrry QIhrtstmu.a World News PAGE 2, HOURGLASS. fRIDAY, DECEMBER 23, 1983 - THE SURPRISE CHRISTMAS VISIT Thatcher Vows British Rule DEPARTMENT OF THE ARMY Will Continue HEADQUARTERS KWAJAlE"IN MISSILE RANGE BOX 16 APO SAN FRANCISCO 96~5!> BELFAST (UPI) -- In a gesture of def1- ance to Irlsh Nat1onal1st bombers, Pr1me M1n1ster Margaret Thatcher made a surpr1se BMDSC-RK 23 December 1983 Chr1stmas V1S1t to Northern Ireland today and vowed the provlnce wlll rema1n Br1t1sh­ ruled TO ALL KWAJALEIN MISSILE RANGE RESIDENTS Mrs Thatcher was nearly swept away by cheer1ng well-wlshers 1n the market town of Newtownards, 15 m1les east of Belfast, when she took a walklng tour to shake hands w1th In a world f~lled w~th confl~ct and uncertalnt~es we should shoppers One off1cer descr1bed the scene all take t~me to remember that f~rst Chr~strnas where the as "absolute bedlam" sp~r~t of love, g~v~ng, fellowsh~p understand~ng, and gratefulness were k~ndled Although the splrlt of Chrlstmas The prlme mlnlster then met wldows of ~s h~ghl~ghted at thlS t~me of the year, by practlc~ng ~t year pollcemen who have lost thelr llves 1n sec­ round ~n our personal as well as profess~onal llves, we can tar1an vlolence 1n Northern Ireland between contr~bute to a better world for all Roman CathollcS and Protestants over the past 14 years My fam~ly and I would l~ke to take thlS opportunlty to thank you for your support thlS past year and to extend our w~shes "I want the people of Northern Ireland for a very Merry Chr~stmas and a truly Happy New Year to know that they w1ll remaln part of the Unlted Klngdom as long as the populatlon S~ncerely here w1shes," she told the women at a po­ llce statlOn Salvadoran Pilot Killed BANKS, ~HN'Colonel Ordna SAN SALVADOR (UPI) -- Left1st guerr1llas C Cornrnandlng f1ght1ng a government advance lnto the reb­ el-dom1nated northeast kllled a Salvadoran pllot aboard a hel1copter haul1ng re1nforc~ ments, army spokesmen sald A co-pllot managed to rescue the shot up New Terrorist Attacks WEINBERGER SPEAKS OUT US-made UHI-H "Huey" hel1copter and fly lt back to San Franclsco Gotera, the capl­ Threatened By Jihad "War of Terrorism" tal of Morazan provlnce, a Defense M1nlstry spokesman sald Thursday The hel1copter had BEIRUT. Lebanon (UPI) -- Amer1can and Races In lebanon earl1er been reported shot down French troops today face a gr1m Chr1stmas The spokesman sald the hellcopter was weekend, w1th a Moslem extrem1st group \IASHINGTON (UPI) -- U S Defense Secre­ head1ng south after droPPlng troops along warn1ng of new terror1st attacks 1f they tary Caspar We1nberger sa1d a "war of t.er­ the Honduran border ln a b1d to cut off rema1n 1n Lebanon ronsm" lS raClng 1n Lebanon and about 15 rebel escape routes from a 2,000-man army The group, the Islam1c J1had, or Islam1c countr1es have rejected U S appeals to sweep 1n the Northeastern prOV1nce Holy War, sa1d 1t was beh1nd an attack 1n J01n the four-nat10n peacekeep1ng torce Wh1Ch a truck packed w1th explos1ves blew 1n Bel rut up Wednesday near a French post of the As defense secretary, he accepted ult1- mult1nat10nal peacekeep1nq forces mate respons1b111ty for the terror1st bomb- Financial News Off1c1al government news agenc1es sa1d 109 of the Marlne barracks at Belrut Inter­ between 12 and 15 people were k111ed 1n natlonal Alrport that kllled 241 U S ser­ the blast Unoff1c1al sources put the toll Vlcemen but sald a Pentagon report on the DOW JONES CLOSING AVERAGES at between 23 and 27 people dead attack wlll be "cntlcal" and wlll "blame 30 Industr1a1s unavallable One French sold1er d1ed 1n the explos10n, a number of people" for mlsJudgment 20 Trans unava1lable French m111tary
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