September 1951 ONLY EACH For These Used R-1 Sound Musical Films r before have we offered borga,ns lolce these in R-1 Sound Muucol F,lmsl These films, wh ch we •e regularly listed S1 A9 each, may be bought this month only ot the amazingly low price of 99c each Six far $4.98 These low prices on R-1 Sound Musical films are effecrive only until September 10, 1951. NOi/fur 8 A DIVISION LA[HHAWH Films ID[. Of IASflN PICTUll.lS DAUEDPORT, IOWA All PRINTS ON PAGES 2, 3AND 4 ARE BRAND NEW, HRST OUAllTY l6MM. FIREBALL MAIL and MICKEY PLAYS SANTA CLAUS HOW BIC CAN YOU GET? Woll Dioney Cartoon lrand n e w 1 1 re e l. 16mm, sourid sun,1 /Jy Smoky Rogers and his Cowboy Cavolcod• List, $9.7S, Our price lro"d n•w 11-reel 16mffl. 1ound List $9 75. Our pric• $4.95 CAVALCADE OF MUSIC MOVIE STAR MICKEY George Pol Puppeloon lro,ul new, 1-e•I 16mm. 1ound Woll Disney Cartoon list, $19,75. Our p rice lrand n • w, ,-reel. 16mm. ,ound, List, $9.75. Our price, $S.95 CONTRASTS IN CHINA RIDIN' THE CREST Travel IN1ntl new~ 1-ree l, 16mm 1011nd, RKO-Polhe Sporlbeom list, $17,S0. Our price Brand nttw, 1-reel 16mm, 1ound. list, $19.75. Specially priced $8.9S MICKEY AND THE GIANT OUTLAW ROUNDUP Walt Disney Cartoon anand new, '2 r-e~I. 16mm. 1ound with Dove O'Brien and Jim Newill list, $9.7S. Our price lroncf new, 2-reel, 16fflm. 1ound. list, $42.50. Sp~ciolly priced $19.95 SALT SHAKERS TRAILER LIFE Musical with J.C. Flippen lrond new, l•reel, 16mm. 1ownd, Former Al Fallo Cartoon list, $19.7S. Specially priced 1,-and new 1-reel. '''"'"· 1011nd. List, $ 19.75. Specially priced $8,9S SASCHA GORODNITSKI, PIANIST WEEKEND AT WHITE SULPHUR SPRINGS Brand new, 1-reel 16mm. ,ound List, $19.75. Our price Travel lrand new, 1-,e•L 16mm to1o1nd , MICKEY AND THE LILLIPUTIANS list, $19.7S. Specially priced $9.9S Walt Disney Cartoon lrantl new, ~ ,-reel, 16mm. 1ound MICKEY'S EXCITING PICNIC list, $9.75. Our price, Woll Disney Cartoon lrond new, 1 a reel, 16mm ,ound READIN' 'RITIN' AND RHYTHM list, $9,75. Our price $S.95 Musical with Lucky Millender and his Orch, Iron" new, 1-reel, Hamm. sovnd. THUNDER TOWN list, $19.7S. Specially priced with Bob Steele lrond new, I-reel, 16mm. 1ound list, $19.7S, Specially priced $9.95 MICKEY'S TRICK HORSE, Walt Disney Cartoon lrand new, 1 2 -reel. 16mm. ,ountl. BIT AND BRIDLE list, $9.75. Our price RKO-Palhe Sporlbeom lrond new hreel, ''"'"'· 1ound RETURN OF THE RANGERS list, $19.75, Specially priced $8.95 with Jim Newill and Dove O'Brien lrond new, 2•reel, 16mm, 1ound list, $42. SO. Specially priced WASHINGTON IN VIRGINIA Travel BROTHER GOLFERS lrond ·~w. 1 reel 16mm ,ound. RKO-Potl,e Sportbeom List, $17.50 Our price $12.95 lrand new, 1-reel, 16mm, sound. list, $19.75. Our price THE THREE MUSKETEERS MICKEY SAVES THE AIR MAIL Children's Classic in Sketches lrand ne..,, I-reel. 16mm. 1ound. Wall Disney Cartoon 1 list, $19.75. Our price $7.9S lrond ne w , 3 ree l. 16mm. 1ound list, $9.7S. Our price ROBINSON CRUSOE MICKEY CHRISTMAS IN TOYLAND Walt Disney Cartoon Walt Disney Cartoon lrond now, ' "1 ree l, 16mm. ,ound lrond new, t , reel, 16mm, sound list, $9.7S. Our price $S.9S List, $9.7S. Our price 2 Your order must total $2.50 minimum; outside Continental U.S., $10.00 min1n LD RUSH MICKEY SMOOTH APPROACH G~o?t D,sney Cartoon RKO-Parhe Sportbeam .,..., n•• 1 reel, t6m.m, ,ovnd lrond n•w, l•reol, 16mm. 1oynd. LJsl, $9.75. Our pr,ce $5.95 List, $19.75. Specially priced S8.95 uNSHINE IN THE RAIN and ROBINSON CRUSOE MICKEY ~~ODY TAKE OFF YOUR SHOES Walt Disney Cartoon wng by Smoky Rogers and his Cowboy Cavalcade Int•.,··- 100',, 16fflm SOYnd. .,_,ul new 1.. 1-r••f. U~'""'· 1ounlf. list, $5.00. Our price $3,95 Lisi, $9 75. Our price $4.95 SNOW FALLS g~ZING RANGE IU<O-Pathe Sportbeam ,..,th Buster Crabbe and Al St. John lro11tl n•w. 1 •r••I. 16m'" 1ound. a,.•tl •••• !I.reel 16mm. ,ound. List, $19.7S. Spec: illy priced $8.9S Lisi, $62.50. Specially priced $29.95 ALL AMERICAN MICKEY MOVIE STAR MICKEY Walt Disney Cartoon Walt Di ney Cartoon lk•"d -.•w reel, 16mm. ,ound lrand n•w. 100' 16mm. 1aYnd. Lisi, $9.7S. Our price $S.95 List, $5.00. Our price $3.95 BLUE GRASS THE SLEEPING BEAUTY RKO-Pathe Sportbeam George Pal Puppetoon lratid nt'w, 1-reel. 16mm. 1ound. 5.9 Lisi, $19.7S. Specially priced lrand new, l•reel. 16mm. saYnd $8.95 List, $19 75. Our price $8.95 SKY PIRATES George Pal Puppetoon All AMERICAN MICKEY lrond n•w l•reel, 16mm. ,ound. Walt Disney Cartoon 89 List, $19.75. Our price $8.95 Brand n•w. 100' 16mffl. 1aynd. List, $S.00. Our price $3.95 FOOTBALL PARADE OF 1948 ltond new, 1-reel, 16mm. ,ound. BORDER BADMEN List, $17.50. Specially priced $S.95 1.1 wit.~ Buster Crabbe and Al St. John MICKEY GIVES A PARTY lranlll1 flew 2.reel, 16mm. ,oynd, list, $42.50. Specially priced S19.95 Wolt Disney Cartoon L-ond new, 100', 16mm. .toYnd. List, $5.00. Our price $3.95 FlYING FEATHERS RKO-Pathe Sportbeam THE HEALTH FARM &rand new. 1.reel, 16mm. 10Ynd. Farmer Al Falla Cartoon list, $19.7S. Specially priced $8.9S lrol'td n•w, 1-reel, 16mm. ,ountf List, $19.7S. Specially priced $8.95 FOOTBALL PARADE OF 1947 BOSS OF RAWHIDE lrand new, 1·r••I. 16mm. sound. with Dave O'Brien and Jim Newill List, $17.50. Specially priced $5.9S lrond new, 2•reel, 16mm. Huntf. List, $42.50. Speciolly priced $19.95 CHRISTMAS IN TOYLAND Walt Disney Cartoon TEXTILE AND DESIGN lrond n ew, 100', 16mm. ,ound Native Craftsmen ol Mexico List, $S.00. Our price $3.95 "•H new. l•rool, lttmm toY,ul. r List, 030.00. Our price $9.95 THREE IN THE SADDLE SONG:; OF LOVE \.vith Tex Ritter and Dave O 'Brien lrand new, 2·r••I, 16mm. soYnd. "1usi, al with Gene Grounds and Sylvia Froos List, $42.S0. Spetially prced S19.95 lrond w l•reef. 16mm, ,ound. l t, "17.5(). Sp~cially priced $8.95 MICKEY GIVES A PARTY SPORTING WINGS Walt Disney Cartoon RKO-Pat he Sportbeam Brai,d new, 11 reel, 1ttrti:m, 1ound lrand n•w, l•rool. 16fflm •ovnd, Li.t, $9.75. Our pri:e $5.95 Liu, $19.75. Specially priced $8.95 CRAZY SONG and BABY ME POLKA Go to RUSH MICKEY sung by Doris Sherrill Walt Disney Cartoon a.,-ond new, 11•reel, 16mm. sownd, ~and n•w 100'. 16mm IOYnd. List, $9.7S. Our price $4.9S list, $5.00. Our price $3.95 ENEMY OF THE LAW MICKEY PLAYS SANTA CLAUS with Tex Ril/er and Dave O'Brien 1 Walt Disney Cartoon :and now, 2-rool, 16mm 1oynd, lrond new. 100', 16mm. 1ound. lut, $42.50. Specially priced $19.9S List, $5.00. Our price • $3.95 :l~CICHAWK FILMS INC. •v11r1.-oar, IOWA 3 MICKEY AND SIMON LEGREE AMBUSH TRAIL Wolt Disney Corloon with Sob Steele !rand now, 1 •reol. 16mm. sound lnlnd now t.roel 16mm 1ou,ul. List, $9.7S. Our price $5.95 lhl, $19.75. Speclally priced THE BIG BROADCAST MICKEY AND THE GIANT George Pol Puppeloon Wolt Disney Cartoon Brand n4w, 1-reel 16mm. sound, lrancl now, 100' 16nun. 1ound, Li,t. $19.75. Our price $8.95 Lisi, $S.00. Our price MICKEY AND THE LILLIPUTIANS LADIES IN A TURKISH BATH Wolt Disney Corloon lrond new, I-reel, 16mM. 1ound. lr-ond n•w, 100', 16mm. ,ound Lisi, $19.7S. Our prica List, $S.00. Our price $3.95 LATIN RHYTHM BIG LEAGUERS Musical with Jon Peerce and Luba Malina RKO-Polhe Sportbeom lrond new, 1-rool, 16ntm. 1ounll, lrond now. 1-rool. 16r,un. sound. list, $19.75. Specially priced List, $19.75. Speciolly priced $7.95 JOHN SEBASTIAN, HARMONICIST MICKEY'S TRICK HORSE lr•n4 "•w, l•reel. 1,.... ••und. Walt Di<ney Cartoon Lisi, $19.75. Our price lrond now, 100', 16mm, 1ound, List, $5.00. Our price $3.~s LOVE ON THE RANGE George Pal Puppeloan JUVENILE JUBILEE lrantl 11ew, , .,.•• ,. l 6ffl111. aeu1ul, Mus/col with Koy Lorraine and Johnny Dawns List, $19.75. Our price lrand now, 1-reel 16mm. 'lound. List, $17 SO. Speclolly priced $8.9S KEEP A KNOCKIN' and NO SHE DON'T MICKEY'S EXCITING PICNIC with Gene Austin and Doris Sherrill Woll Disney Cortoon a,an" new, •reel 16"'m ,ound. lrand now, 100'• 16nun. 1ovnd list, $9.75. Our price Lisi, $5.00. Our price $3.95 IVANHOE TRUMAN'S INAUGURATION Castle News Children's Clossic in Sketches lrand new, 1-f'eel, 16'""'· 1ountl, lrand new, 1-reol, 16mm, ,ound, list, $17.50. Speciolly priced List, $19.75. Our price $7,95 MICKEY SAVES THE AIRMAIL UNDERWATER Walt Di,ney Cartoon RKO.Palh• Sparlbeom lroftd now, 100', 16mm, sound. a,cntl new, l•reel, 16mm. 1ound. List, $19.75. Specially priced List, $5.00. Our price $3.9S WOOD, CLAY AND FINE ARTS VENETIAN MOONLIGHT Native Craftsmen of Mexico Musical with Maria Coni and Rosa Lindo lroncl netw, 1-reol, 16"""• 1ound lr•ntl new 1 -reel, 16'""'· ••uad.
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