ARBAMINCH UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF POST GRAUDATE STUDIES DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE DETERMINANTS OF MICROFINANCE LOAN REPAYMENT PERFORMANCE: IN THE CASE OF OMO MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN GAMO GOFA ZONE, ARBAMINCH BRANCH M.Sc. THESIS BY Mr. SEGELE SHATE SARO SUPRVISION AND UNDER THE GUIDANCE OF Dr. RUPAK KUMAR JENA (ASSOCIATE PROFESSIER) Mrs. TIGIST HAILE (M.Sc) OCTOBER, 2017 ARBAMINCH, ETHIOPIA I DETERMINANTS OF MICROFINANCE LOAN REPAYMENT PERFORMANCE: THE CASE OF OMO MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN GAMO GOFA ZONE, ARBAMINCH BRANCH BY: SEGELE SHATE SARO THESIS SUBMITTED TO DEPARTMENT OF ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE, THE SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES OF ARBAMINCH UNIVERSITY IN PARTIAL FULFILLMENT OF THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE DEGREE OF MASTER OF SCIENCE IN ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE OCTOBER, 2017 ARBAMINCH, ETHIOPIA II STATEMENT OF AUTHOR First, I declare that this thesis is my work and that all sources of materials used for this thesis have been duly acknowledged. I have pursued all ethical principles of research in the preparation, data collection, data analysis and completion of this thesis. All scholarly matter that is included in the thesis has been given recognition through citation. I affirm that I have cited and referenced all sources used in this document. This thesis is submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirement for a Degree from the School of Graduate Studies at Arbaminch University. The thesis is deposited in the Arbaminch University Library and is made available to borrowers under the rules of the Library. I solemnly declare that this thesis has not been submitted to any other institution anywhere for the award of any academic Degree, Diploma or Certificate. Name: SEGELE SHATE SARO Signature: ----------------------------- Place: Arbaminch University Date of submission: October, 2017 III ARBAMNICH UNIVERISITY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES ADVISORS’ THESIS SUBMISSION APPROVAL SHEET As Thesis advisors, We hereby certify that We have read and evaluated this Thesis prepared under our guidance by, SEGELE SHATE SARO entitled “DETERMINANTS OF MICROFINANCE LOAN REPAYMENT PERFORMANCE: THE CASE OF OMO MICROFINANCE INSTITUTIONS IN GAMO GOFA ZONE, ARBAMINCH BRANCH, SOUTHERN NATIONS NATIONALITIES REGIONAL STATE OF ETHIOPIA). We recommended that it can be submitted as fulfilling the thesis requirement. Dr. RUPAK KUMAR JENA, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR __________ _________ PRINCIPAL ADVISOR SIGNATURE DATE Mrs. TIGIST HAILE, M.SC ____________ ______________ CO- ADVISOR SIGNATURE DATE IV ARBAMINCH UNIVERSITY SCHOOL OF GRADUATE STUDIES EXAMINERS’ APPROVAL PAGE As members of the Examining Board of the M.Sc. Open Defense, we certify that we have read and evaluated the Thesis prepared by Segele Shate Saro and recommended that it can be accepted as fulfilling the Thesis requirement for the Degree of Master of Science in Accounting and Finance. 1. -------------------------- ----------------------- ----------------- Chairperson Signature Date 2. Dr. _________________ ________________ ____________ External examiner Signature Date 3. Dr. or Mr. _______________ ______________ _____________ Internal examiner Signature Date 4. Dr. _____________________ _____________ ____________ Principal advisor Signature Date 5. ___________________________ _________ ___________ DCC/ SGS Approval Signature Date Final approval and acceptance of the thesis is liable up on the submission of the thesis to the school of graduate studies (SGS) through the department /school graduate committee (DGC/SGC) of the candidate department Stamp of SGS Date ___________________ V DEDICATION I dedicate this thesis to my beloved parents, my beloved Wife Mamitu Mengistu and children Selamawit and Tamirat. For their endurance and sacrifice during my academic study and all aspects of the research. Name: SEGELE SHATE SARO Signature: ____________________ Place: Arbaminch University Date of Submission: October, 2017 VI ACKNOWLEDGEMENT First and for most I would like to thank the Almighty God for successful completion of this thesis and for all achievements which I have been able to attain in my entire life. My heartfelt thanks also goes to Dr. Rupak Kumar Jena, PhD, my principal advisor and I would like to express my sincere appreciation and gratitude to my co-advisors Tigist Haile, M.SC, without his and her assistance and guidance this study would not have been completed at least, at its present form. And unreserved comments, advices and eagerly encouragement and useful critiques of this research work. I also greatly appreciate their brotherhood assistance in providing reference materials, guidelines, since the proposal development to final report submission. Secondly, I thank my beloved Wife Mamitu Mengistu. Having you in my life is not regret after all. Thank you for standing with me in these difficult times. I am extremely grateful to my father and mother for their love and encouragement since my childhood and offering the opportunities they never had. My special thanks go to my viewes of my mother Ankute Shufie, My beloved son Tamirat Segele and daughter’s Selamawit Segele, and whole families for their moral support to successfully finalize the thesis work. I convey my deepest thanks to Zala Woreda Administration for giving me chance to follow my M.Sc. study covering expenses. It is my pleasure to express my greatest thanks to all Zala Woreda health office staffs assisting me by financial and moral. Especially, I would like to extend my sincere gratitude to Mr. Bedilu Kucho, Mr. Yakob Abayneh, and Mr. Fisane Firdie, for giving me chance to follow my M.Sc. study and AMU staff members Mr. Manyazual Siyoum and Mr. Zelalem Getachew for material support in my work. My heartfelt thanks and sincere appreciation goes to sample respondents for their willingness to scarify their time and provide genuine responses and enumerators for their dedication and effort made to collect quality data. My grateful thanks are also extended to Mr. Dubusha Aweke my senior fellow graduate for his guidance and critical comment & fully help me on my work from the very beginning of the research work. Finally, it is last but not least, I would like to thank my pleasure to express my greatest appreciation to all my friends assisting me to pursue my education to the highest level. VII ABSTRUCT This study was conducted with the aim of examining the determinants of loan repayment performance in Omo Micro finance institutions of Gamo Gofa zone, Arbaminch branch. The study was used both primary and secondary data. The Primary data were collected by using structured and semi structured questionnaires, FGDs and key informants. Secondary data were collected from the annual report of 2011-2016. To collect the primary data by stratified sampling techniques three wereda’s were selected from18 woreda’s by stratifying them as high, medium and low repayment performance. Then, from each woredas three kebeles were selected purposively. Finally 183 sample respondents were randomly selected from both defaulter and non-default borrowers by quota. Descriptive statistics were used to describe the socio- economic characteristics of the respondents, and the Logit model was used to identify factors determine loan repayment performance of Omo micro finance clients in the study area. Based on the study result, selection method of clients were the main factor that affecting loan repayment in selected sub branches. The result indicated that interest rate, loan size and training were negatively and significantly related to loan repayment performance of Omo microfinance institutions. Follow up and supervision, business type and economic shock were important factors which affected loan repayment performance of the Omo microfinance institutions positively and significantly. Therefore, the study recommends the identified significant variables to be a mechanism for further involvements by financial institutions, stakeholders and rule and regulation makers so as to come with a breakthrough to significantly decrease defaulting problems. Key Words: Omo Microfinance institution, Loan Repayment performance, Defaulters and Non--defaulters. VIII LISTS OF ABBREVIATIONS ADCSI Addis credit & saving institutions AEMFIs Association of Ethiopian micro finance institutions G8 Group eight HH Household Head IGA Income generating activities KSCU Keleta saving and credit Union LACS Lack of Appropriate client screening LDL Loan disbursement lag LR Loan Repayment LRP Loan Repayment Performance MC Micro credit MCI Micro credit Institutions MFI Micro finance Institutions MNL Multinomial Logit NGOs Non-Governmental Organizations OCSSCO Oromia credit & saving Share company OMFIs Omo micro finance Institutions RCOS Repayment culture of the society SC Share company SNNPRS Southern Nation, Nationalities, People, Regional State IX SPSS Statistical package for Social Science SBALI Supervisions before and after loan issued X2 Chi-squire X TABLE OF CONTENTS CONTENTS Pages STATEMENT OF AUTHOR ______________________________________________ii ADVISORS APPROVAL SHEE-------------------------------------------------------------------iii EXAMINERS' APPROVAL SHEET---------------------------------------------------------------iv ACKNOWLEDGEMENT__________________________________________________xxv ABSTRACT---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------vii LISTS OF ABBREVIATION/Acronyms______________________________________ viii TABLE OF CONTENTS_____________________________________________________ix LISTS OF TABLES _______________________________________________________xi
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