Part 2 Station Area Profile The Station Area Profile is a summary of some of the physical and regulatory conditions currently existing within the study area. Overview Riverside Marketplace High Quality Transit Area Riverside - Downtown Metrolink Station Socioeconomic Profile Demographic Profile Employment Profile Employment Trends Previous Planning Efforts Marketplace Specific Plan (1991) From Transit Station to Transit Village - Compass Blueprint (2006) Urban Land Institute Transit-Oriented Development Marketplace (2010) Eastside Neighborhood Plan (2009) Downtown Specific Plan (2002) University Avenue Specific Plan (1992) Executive Summary Station Area Profile Outreach Opportunities/Constraints Vision Implementation Plan Riverside Marketplace High Quality Transit Area OVERVIEW The City of Riverside’s High Quality Transit Area (HQTA) is located east of the I-91, adjacent to the freeway, and shares the same boundary as the Riverside Marketplace Specific Plan adopted in 1991. The HQTA includes the Downtown MetroLink station which is served by three commuter lines (Riverside, Inland Empire-OC, and 91/Perris Valley). The area is also served by several bus routes and is planned to be serviced by the future high-speed rail. Although the HQTA is across the I-91 from Downtown Riverside, urban character of the latter is markedly different. Downtown Riverside predominantly consists of civic institutions such as Riverside City Hall, the County Superior Court, and the Court House whereas the HQTA contains of a range of underutilized properties such as old abandoned industrial buildings, historic packing houses, and surface parking lots. The City’s aim is to create a multi-modal transit center with high quality transit-oriented development (TOD) in the HQTA. Since the I-91 will remain a barrier separating the Pilot Project Area from the downtown, it is likely that the HQTA will maintain an urban character that is unique from Downtown Riverside, which can be advantageously leveraged by the City to create a TOD pilot project. Downtown Riverside 3 Mile radius Downtown Riverside 1/2 Mile radius N Metrolink Station and Corridor Bus Station High Quality Transit Area (HQTA) Marketplace Specific Plan Eastside Neighborhood 0 500 1,000 2,000’ Pilot Project Area N 1/2 Mile Radius: Typical comfortable walkable distance, not considering barriers 10 Riverside Marketplace District Vision Plan Executive Summary Station Area Profile Outreach Opportunities/Constraints Vision Implementation Plan Riverside - Downtown Metrolink Station OVERVIEW The Riverside - Downtown Station (Riverside Metrolink: Riverside Line Service Type Transportation Center) is serviced by Metrolink and Amtrak commuter rail lines. The three Metrolink lines that pass through BRT the station are the 91/Perris Valley Line, Local Rail Local Bus / Rapid Bus / Express Bus Commuter Rail the Riverside Line, and the Inland Empire– Bus Transitway Orange County Line. The Station is a connection point for Riverside Transit Agency Average Peak Period Frequency (minutes) Riverside Transportation Center Los Angeles (RTA) buses and CommuterLink Express. Jurupa Valley / Pedley Ontario - East Pomona - Downtown Industry Montebello / Commerce > 25 15 - 25 10 - 15 5 - 10 < 5 Union Station Riverside Los Angeles Transit Routes within 1/2 mile The Metrolink Station has a 1,115 stall 0 1 - 2 3 - 4 5 - 6 6 + surface parking lot east of the platform. On weekdays between 4:00 a.m. and 9:00 a.m. there are 8 inbounding trains from Riverside - Downtown Metrolink Station to Los Angeles Union Station (LAUS). Downtown Riverside 3 Mile radius Downtown Riverside 1/2 Mile radius N Metrolink Station and Corridor Bus Station High Quality Transit Area (HQTA) Marketplace Specific Plan Eastside Neighborhood 0 500 1,000 2,000’ Pilot Project Area N 1/2 Mile Radius: Typical comfortable walkable distance, not considering barriers Riverside Marketplace District Vision Plan 11 Executive Summary Station Area Profile Outreach Opportunities/Constraints Vision Implementation Plan Demographic Profile SOCIOECONOMIC PROFILE TheRIVERSIDE City of Riverside – Downtownhas approximately MetroLink 13 percent Stationof the River Areaside County’s population HOUSING TENURE (2015) and is expected to outpace the County in terms of population growth in the next ten years. Study Area City of Riverside County of Riverside DEMOGRAPHICRIVERSIDEPROFILE – Downtown MetroLink Station Area HOUSING TENURE (2015) Unemployment rates in the City and the County are comparable, as is the median household The City of Riverside has approximately 13 percent of the Riverside County’s Study Area City of Riverside County of Riverside income,population which DEMOGRAPHICcharacterizesand is expected bothPROFILE communitiesto outpace asthe fairlyCounty middlein income.terms Theof population City of Riverside 30% 70% 55% 45% 65% 35% has agrowth more equalinThethe splitnextCity betweenoftenRiversideyears owners. Unemploymenthas andapproximately renters; ratesthe County13in percentthe hasCity aof andhigherthetheRiverside ownershipCounty County’s rate population and is expected to outpace the County in terms of population 30% 70% 55% 45% 65% 35% and almostare comparable, half of rentersas occupyis the single-familymedian household units in theincome, County.which characterizes both communitiesgrowth inasthefairlynextmiddleten yearsincome. Unemployment. The City ofratesRiversidein thehasCityaandmorethe County equal splitarebetweencomparable,ownersasandis rentersthe median; the Countyhouseholdhasincome,a higherwhichownershipcharacterizes The Studyrate and Area***almostboth hascommunitieshalf highof populationrentersas occupyfairly densitymiddlesingle and incomeaccommodates-family .unitsThe inCity abouttheofCountyRiverside 4,700. people,has witha more median householdequal incomesplit between substantiallyowners lowerand thanrenters both the; the CityCounty and County.has a Thehigher Studyownership Area Owner Renter Owner Renter Owner Renter The Study Area has high population density and accommodates about 4,700 is also predominantlyrate and renter-occupied,almost half of mostrenters of whomoccupy staysingle in multifamily-family units dwellingin the units.County The. Single-Family Multifamily people, with median household income substantially lower than both the City Owner Renter Owner Renter Owner Renter Study Area is predominantlyThe Study Area Hispanichas high andpopulation has a higherdensity percentageand accommodates of high school dropouts.about 4, 700 and County. The Study Area is also predominantly renter-occupied, most of StudySingle -Family City of MultifamilyCounty of whom staypeople,in multifamilywith mediandwellinghouseholdunits.incomeThe StudysubstantiallyArea is lowerpredominantlythan both the CityMOBILITY (2015) Area Riverside Riverside The StudyHispanic Areaand alsohasCounty hasa ahigher .veryThe highpercentageStudy numberArea ofis jobshighalso toschoolpredominantly households,dropouts whichrenter. indicates-occupied, that mostAverageof Commute Time Study City of County of whom stay in multifamily dwelling units. The Study Area is predominantly 26 29 32 employees commute to the Study Area for work, but residents in the Study Area have a higher(in mins.) MOBILITY (2015) Area Riverside Riverside The StudyHispanicArea alsoandhashasaaveryhigherhighpercentagenumber ofof jobshigh schoolto households,dropoutswhich. Average Commute Time NA 26 0.6 29 0.9 32 unemploymentindicates that rate employeesthan the Citycommute and the County.to the Study Area for work, but residents Cars per Household*(in mins.) The Study Area also has a very high number of jobs to households, which in the Study Area have a higher unemployment rate than the City and the Public Transit Users 4% 3% 1% indicates that employees commute to the Study Area for work, but residents Cars per Household* NA 0.6 0.9 County. Solo Drivers 71% 76% 77% in the Study Area have a Studyhigher unemploymentCity of rate thanCountythe City of and the OthersPublic Transit Users 25% 4% 22% 3% 22% 1% DEMOGRAPHICS (2017) Area Riverside Riverside County. Solo Drivers 71% 76% 77% Study City of County of Others Racial and Ethnic Composition25% (2017)22% 22% Total PopulationDEMOGRAPHICS (2017) 4,727 Area 319,466 Riverside2,388,710 Riverside Hispanic Pop. Density (Per Sq. Mile) 5,984 3,928 323 Study Area 52% Racial and11% Ethnic1% Composition36% (2017)69.8% Annual GrowthTotal PopulationRate 4,727 319,466 2,388,710 Hispanic HistoricPop. (2010 Density-2017) (Per Sq. Mile) 0.12% 5,984 0.72% 3,928 1.25% 323 Study Area 52% 11% 1% 36% City of Riverside 54% 7% 8% 31% 69.8% ProjectedAnnual (2017 Growth-2027) Rate 1.34% 2.33% 2.17% 53.1% Total HouseholdsHistoric (2010-2017) 987 0.12% 96,275 0.72% 741,071 1.25% City of Riverside 54% 7% 8% 31% 53.1% Average HH SizeProjected (2017-2027) 3.73 1.34% 3.21 2.33% 3.18 2.17%Riverside County 61% 6% 6% 26% 45.5% Annual GrowthTotal HouseholdsRate 987 96,275 741,071 Riverside CountyWhite Black Asian/Pacific61% Islander Other/Multiracial6% 6% 26% HistoricAverage (2010 -HH2017) Size 0.52% 3.73 0.66% 3.21 1.10% 3.18 45.5% ProjectedAnnual (2017 Growth-2027) Rate 1.31% 2.33% 2.34% EducationalWhite Black AttainmentAsian/Pacific (2017) Islander Other/Multiracial Median Age Historic (2010-2017) 29.6 0.52% 30.0 0.66% 34.6 1.10% Study Area 36% 28% 25% 11% 0-17 yearsProjected (2017-2027) 24% 1.31% 25% 2.33% 27% 2.34% Educational Attainment (2017) 29.6 30.0 34.6 18-64Median Years Age 65% 65% 60% Study Area City of Riverside 21% 25%36% 31%28% 23%25% 11% 64 Years and0-17 Over years 11% 24% 10% 25% 13% 27% Jobs
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