Author Index AUTHOR INDEX Aaberg, Stephen A. (see Shelley, Phillip H. and George A. Agogino) 1983 Plant Gathering as a Settlement Determinant at the Pilgrim Stone Circle Site. In: Memoir 19. Vol. 28, No. (see Smith, Calvin, John Runyon, and George A. Agogino) 102, pp. 279-303. (see Smith, Shirley and George A. Agogino) Abbott, James T. Agogino, George A. and Al Parrish 1988 A Re-Evaluation of Boulderflow as a Relative Dating 1971 The Fowler-Parrish Site: A Folsom Campsite in Eastern Technique for Surficial Boulder Features. Vol. 33, No. Colorado. Vol. 16, No. 52, pp. 111-114. 119, pp. 113-118. Agogino, George A. and Eugene Galloway Abbott, Jane P. 1963 Osteology of the Four Bear Burials. Vol. 8, No. 19, pp. (see Martin, James E., Robert A. Alex, Lynn M. Alex, Jane P. 57-60. Abbott, Rachel C. Benton, and Louise F. Miller) 1965 The Sister’s Hill Site: A Hell Gap Site in North-Central Adams, Gary Wyoming. Vol. 10, No. 29, pp. 190-195. 1983 Tipi Rings at York Factory: An Archaeological- Ethnographic Interface. In: Memoir 19. Vol. 28, No. Agogino, George A. and Sally K. Sachs 102, pp. 7-15. 1960 Criticism of the Museum Orientation of Existing Antiquity Laws. Vol. 5, No. 9, pp. 31-35. Adovasio, James M. (see Frison, George C., James M. Adovasio, and Ronald C. Agogino, George A. and William Sweetland Carlisle) 1985 The Stolle Mammoth: A Possible Clovis Kill-Site. Vol. 30, No. 107, pp. 73-76. Adovasio, James M., R. L. Andrews, and C. S. Fowler 1982 Some Observations on the Putative Fremont Agogino, George A., David K. Patterson, and Deborah E. “Presence” in Southern Idaho. Vol. 27, No. 95, pp. 19- Patterson 27. 1976 Blackwater Draw Locality No. 1, South Bank: Report for the Summer of 1974. Vol. 21, No. 73, pp. 213-224. Agenbroad, Larry D. 1978 Cody Knives and the Cody Complex in Plains Ahler, Janet Goldenstein Prehistory: A Reassessment. Vol. 23, No. 80, pp. 159- 1985 A Proposed Use of the Semantic Differential Technique 161. in Studies Involving Acculturation. Vol. 30, No. 107, pp. 1-8. Agogino, George A. 1961a A Survey of Paleo-Indian Sites Along the Middle Rio Ahler, Stanley A. Grande Drainage. Vol. 6, No. 11, pp. 7-12. 1973a Post-Pleistocene Depositional Change at Rodgers Shelter, Missouri. Vol. 18, No. 59, pp. 1-26. 1961b A Middle Prehistoric Burial from Laramie, Wyoming. Vol. 6, No. 13, pp. 202-204. 1973b Chemical Analysis of Deposits at Rodgers Shelter, Missouri. Vol. 18, No. 60, pp. 116-131. 1965 The Use of Hypnotism as an Ethnological Research Technique. Vol. 10, No. 27, pp. 31-36. Albee, Alan D. (see Hester, Thomas R., Alan D. Albee, and Cristy Willer) 1968 The Experimental Removal of Preservative From Radiocarbon Samples. Vol. 13, No. 40, pp. 146-147. Albers, Patricia C. and William R. James 1984 Hunting Ideology and the Fur Trade: A Review Essay. (see Boldurian, Anthony T. and George A. Agogino) Vol. 29, No. 103, pp. 73-79. (see Boldurian, Anthony T., George A. Agogino, Phillip H. Alex, Lynn M. Shelley, and Mark Slaughter) (see Martin, James E., Robert A. Alex, Lynn M. Alex, Jane P. (see Egan, Gail N. and George A. Agogino) Abbott, Rachel C. Benton, and Louise F. Miller) (see Frankforter, W. D. and George A. Agogino) (see Tiffany, Joseph A. and Lynn M. Alex) (see Galloway, Eugene and George A. Agogino) Alex, Lynn M. and James E. Martin 1993 The Occurrence of Fossil and Recent Dentalium at (see Irwin-Williams, Cynthia, Henry Irwin, George A. Four Late Prehistoric Archaeological Sites in the Black Agogino, and C. Vance Haynes, Jr.) Hills Periphery, Western South Dakota. In: Memoir 27. Vol. 38, No. 145, pp. 131-143. (see Saunders, Jeffrey J., George A. Agogino, Anthony T. Boldurian, and C. Vance Haynes, Jr.) 1 PLAINS ANTHROPOLOGIST Vol. 46, No. 179, 2001 Alex, Robert A. Douglas W. Owsley, Duane C. Anderson, E. Arthur Bettis 1973 Architectural Features of Houses at the Mitchell Site III, and D. M. Thompson) (39DV2), Eastern South Dakota. Vol. 18, No. 60, pp. 149-159. Anderson, Duane C. and Joseph A. Tiffany 1987 A Caddoan Trade Vessel from Northwestern Iowa. (see Martin, James E., Robert A. Alex, Lynn M. Alex, Jane P. Vol. 32, No. 115, pp. 93-96. Abbott, Rachel C. Benton, and Louise F. Miller) Anderson, Duane C., Michael Finnegan, John Hotopp, and Alexander, Charles S. Alton K. Fisher (see Johnson, Donald Lee and Charles S. Alexander) 1978 The Lewis Central School Site (13PW5): A Resolution of Ideological Conflicts at an Archaic Ossuary in Alliband, Terry T. Western Iowa. Vol. 23, No. 81, pp. 183-219. 1972 Plains History and Cultural Anthropology. Vol. 17, No. 56, pp. 85-90. Anderson, Elaine (see Zier, Christian J., Stephen M. Kalasz, Margaret A. Van Allison, Marvin J. Ness, Anne H. Peebles, and Elaine Anderson) (see Gregg, John B., M. D., Marvin J. Allison, Sylvester Clifford, Enrique Gerszten, and Walter E. Klippel) Anderson, Harry H. 1961 The Fort Lookout Trading Post Sites–—A Amick, Daniel S. Reexamination. Vol. 6, No. 14, pp. 221-229. 1995 Patterns of Technological Variation Among Folsom and Midland Projectile Points in the American 1962 Additional Descriptive Material on Fort Pierre II, A Southwest. Vol. 40, No. 151, pp. 23-38. Historic Site on the Oahe Dam Area, South Dakota. Vol. 7, No. 17, pp. 193-196. (see Hofman, Jack L., Daniel S. Amick, and Richard O. Rose) 1968 A Fortified Earthlodge Village Near Fort Thompson, Andersen, Raoul R. South Dakota as it Appeared in 1866. Vol. 13, No. 39, 1966 North Dakota Archaeology 1966: A Bibliography of pp. 26-28. General Sources. Vol. 11, No. 33, pp. 220-229. Anderson, Thomas R. Anderson, Adrian D. (see Hyland, David C. and Thomas R. Anderson) 1962 The Cooperton Mammoth: A Preliminary Report. Vol. 7, No. 16, pp. 110-112. Andrews, Jan (see El-Najjar, Mahmoud Y., Jan Andrews, John G. Moore, Anderson, Adrian D. (editor) and David G. Bragg) 1962 Ceramics Traditions. Vol. 7, No. 16, pp. 98-100. Andrews, R. L. Anderson, Adrian D. and Joseph A. Tiffany (see Adovasio, James M., R. L. Andrews, and C. S. Fowler) 1972 Rummells-Maske: A Clovis Find-Spot in Iowa. Vol. 17, No. 55, pp. 55-59. Armstrong, Rebecca (see Fredlund, Glen G., Linea Sundstrom, and Rebecca Anderson, Adrian D. and Larry J. Zimmerman Armstrong) 1976 Settlement-Subsistence Variability in the Glenwood Locality, Southwestern Iowa. Vol. 21, No. 72, pp. 141- Arth, Malcolm J. 154. 1956 A Functional View of Peyotism in Omaha Culture. Vol. 3, No. 7, pp. 25-29. Anderson, Duane (see Tiffany, Joseph A. and Duane Anderson) (see Roberts, John M., Robert M. Kozelka, and Malcolm J. Arth) Anderson, Duane C. 1969 Mill Creek Culture: A Review. Vol. 14, No. 44, pp. 137- Artz, Joe Alan 143. 1980 Inferring Season of Occupation from Fish Scales: An Archaeological Approach. Vol. 25, No. 87, pp. 47-61. 1978 Aboriginal Use of Tongue River Silica in Northwest Iowa. Vol. 23, No. 80, pp. 149-157. 1996a Cultural Response or Geological Process? A Comment on Sheehan. Vol. 41, No. 158, pp. 383-393. 1985 Mesquakie Chief Poweschiek’s Feathered Cape. Vol. 30, No. 108, pp. 161-166. 1996b Correction: Cultural Response or Geological Process? A Comment on Sheehan. Vol. 41, No. 158, pp. 383-393. (see Fisher, Alton K., W. D. Frankforter, Joseph A. Tiffany, Shirley J. Schermer, and Duane C. Anderson) Ashworth, Kenneth (see Barnes, Ethne and Kenneth Ashworth) (see Tiffany, Joseph A., Shirley J. Schermer, J. L. Theler, Douglas W. Owsley, Duane C. Anderson, and E. Arthur Bettis Aufderheide, Arthur C. III) (see Torbenson, Michael, Odin Langsjoen, and Arthur C. Aufderheide) (see Tiffany, Joseph A., Shirley J. Schermer, J. L. Theler, 2 Author Index Aufderheide, Arthur C., Elden Johnson, and Odin Banks, Kimball M. and J. Signe Snortland Langsjoen(with contributions by Gordon Lothson and Jan 1995 Every Picture Tells a Story: Historic Images, Tipi Streiff) Camps, and Archaeology. Vol. 40, No. 152, pp. 125- 1994 Health, Demography, and Archaeology of Mille Lacs 144. Native American Mortuary Populations. In: Memoir 28. Vol. 39, No. 149, pp. 251-375. Banks, William E., Rolfe D. Mandel, Donna C. Roper, and Christopher J. Benison Baer, Hans A. 2001 The Macy Site (14RY38): A Multi-Component Early 1976 The Effect of Technological Innovation on Hutterite Ceramic Occupation in Northeastern Kansas. Vol. 46, Culture. Vol. 21, No. 73, pp. 187-197. No. 175, pp. 21-37. Baerreis, David A. Barber, Russell J. 1957 Ethnohistory and the Plains Conference. Vol. 4, No. 8, 1983 Basic Technique in Land Snail Analysis. Vol. 28, No. pp. 39-40. 101, pp. 219-223. Baerreis, David A. and R. A. Hornseth Barlow, John C. 1948 Measurement in Projectile Point Description: A (see Bass, William M. and John C. Barlow) Preliminary Statement. Vol. 1, No. 4, reprinted 1961, pp. 62-65. Barnes, Ethne and Kenneth Ashworth 1992 Bioarchaeology of Some Plains Woodland Burials from Baldwin, Stuart J. Waurika Lake, Southwest Oklahoma. Vol. 37, No. 140, 1979 Arthur’s (1978) Identifications of the “Southern pp. 233-246. Indians:” A Correction. Vol. 24, No. 86, p. 337. Barnes, R. H. Ballenger, Jesse A. M. 1980 Hidatsa Personal Names: An Interpretation. Vol. 25, 1996 The Southern Plains Craft Lithic Cache. Vol. 41, No. No. 90, pp. 311-331. 157, pp. 297-309. 1996 Lounsbury’s Analysis of Republican Pawnee 1999 Late Paleoindian Land Use in the Oklahoma Terminology: Comparison with Lushbaugh’s Original Panhandle: Goff Creek and Nall Playa. Vol. 44, No. 168, Data. Vol. 41, No. 156, pp. 117-133. pp. 189-207.
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