g . 'V ■■ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 196S TWENTY-POUR Weather iSlaturbratrr Ettrahtg Hifralii A v i i t g i H tU r Nat Prass Run __ /mild tooigbt. Low K to ■Pet The- WSsli M M 60> '^’Pwnonww again surniy, ztonn. IB«h 80 to 86. 6 ^ r Nina Walker, South St., Cov­ Comment Session Band Gets Besson Cornet ■eiaiartkr 14, im s < Scholardluip entry; Mrs. Beverly Russell, Trotter. Passes lEupnins llT ra llii probaMlRy neer eero Oirouth ►ut Town 104 W. Middle Tpke.; Mra. An­ A 6:80 to 8:80 p.m. com­ Saturday. Memorial to ita Roberta, Eaat Hartford; Landing Tests 14,895 ment session la b e^ con­ As Mentorial to Boh Lyons Mmtekeetpr -A City of Vttiage Charm •coot Pack 1 « of Nathan Mrs. Zella Oliver, 28 Duval St.; ducted tonight by the Board Aboard Carrier PRICE TEN CENTS School will have Ita flrat Town Teacher Mrs. Jean Hansen, East Hart­ of Directors. It Is ki Ihe An English Besson cornet ^ ^ (Clrmlflsd AdvertMag « i Page M) MANCHESTER, CONN., HUDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1968 of the year tomorrow ford; Erwin Koneani, Pomfret; town counsel’s office in the dedicated last Sunday at the “ L “ --------- ,, VOL. LXXXVn, NO. 299 (TWBNTY-BIQHt PAGES—TWO SECTIONS) The co-teachera and frlenda of Naval Reserve Ena. Richard * ** * The dedication prayer written iilS7:U p.m. at the achool audt- M rs. D orothy C lancy, 187 H igh­ Municipal BuUding. the late Mra. Ada A. Petersen, L. Trotter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Salvation Army to thw memory Lyons-McMahon la set All hoya Intereated In land St.; Mrs. Mary Nyulasay, The aesskH> la fo r all town tea ch er sin ce 1928 In M anchea­ the pack may attend thla 47 Agnes Dr.; Robert Murray, W oodrow T . T rotter o f 516 residents who wWi to com­ of Robert J. Lyons, late deputy u,e music of "Bless This ter before her death this sum­ { accompanied by their Stafford; Mra. Bkllth Paaek, Gardner St., recently completed ment or complain on any bandmaster of the Army Band. House." ^ mer, are setting up a scholar­ |lia«nta. All cub acouta and new Twin Hill Dr., Coventry. his carrier qualification lands subject w«Wn the board’s The dedication took place dur- Bless this hom, dear we Stork Winner ship In h er nam e. nembera will reglater at the Also, William Moran, Parker aboard the aircraft carrier U8S JuiiadicUon. Ing the Sunday morning Wor- In Bridge Ride m eeting. The scholarahlp will go to a Bridge Rd., Andover; William ship Service, led by bandsman ^<=h are . deserving student or studwts Lexington operating in the Gulf Ma^ard Clough. PresentaUon May Its sounds ring true and SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Eastern Airlines Jet Brainard, 71 Bluefield D r.; Mrs. of Mexico, flying a ’T28C air­ Mancheatcr Fine Art Aa- planning to enter elementary Luoy Graneili, Center .fit.; Mrs. of the Instrument was made clear Audrey Brainard, 86, gave cra ft. Town Contracts aociatlon will meet tomorrow education, according to Mrs. Carol Richards, S tafford by Alan R. Lyons, who said that In this Band for many a year, Mrtti to a 7-pound, 10-ounce Before being allowed to land m 8 p.m. at Whlton Library. Dorothea Smith, a fifth grade Springs; Katherine Rocco, Glas­ through music the Instrument daughter In an auto halfway aboard the carrier, the ensign Let to Bidders •cross the Golden Gate Robert Guaman-Forbea of Hart­ ‘ 6 *■ . teacher with Mra. Petersen at tonbury; Mrs. Barbara Fore­ would perpetuate the memory Through each not* may we rsc- was required to complete 18 Bridge Thursday as her hus­ ford will be gueat demooatratw. the Washington School and the man and son, 77 Tracy Dr.; Town of Manchester contracts jjls father. ognlse field carrier landing practice band, Terry, was rushing / secretary of the scholarahlp Kathryn Glldden and son’, have been awarded to Hartford _ oomet was nurdiased The lUe it truly typifies. Hijaeked to Havana periods on a simulated deck The Couplea Open Bowling committee. Wllllmantlc; Mrs. Marlene Rd. Enterprises of Manchester, contributions made to the Bless the friends who through her to a hoq^Ual. ashore. He Is a member of K was the first baby evsr Group of the Newcomera CSub Mrs. Petersen brought her Stsirr and daughter, B9 Wad- for furnishing .two dumpj . itrucks 1.. Lyons Memorial Fund. J. Training Squadron 5, U.S. Nayal bom on Ut* span. Hie high­ of the Mancheater TWCA will standards for excellence into the dell Rd.; Mra. Margaret Bell tor the highway department; to . „ ,, _ This Memorial Is made. v MIAMI, Fla. (AP)—An Auxiliary, Saufley Field, Pensa­ A dedication prayer, written way patrol escorted the car meet tomorrow at 9 p.m. at B unco School from 1928 to 1981, and son, 819 Autumn St. the Delta Wire and Steel Co., ESastern A ir L ines jetH nw Installed cola, Fla. Having completed his by Mrs. Brig. Rae Lyons-Mc­ the rest of the way to a hos- Silver Lanea, Eaat Hartford. Af­ the Lincoln School from 1931 to also of Manchester, for furnish­ B less the B andsm an w ho sbaM w ith 68 persons aboeurd basic traiining command, he la Mahon, his sfcter, was r«ad by pRal, where mother and ter bowling, there will be a ao- M rs. T hom as D erby o f 104 1940, the Verplanck School from ing a new snow plow for the play awaiting assignment in the ad­ daughter were reported doing was hijseked to Havana d a l hour. Park 9t last night was installed 1950 to 1985 and the W ashing­ department; and to 8. Alerla bandsman Alton J- Muns‘*’ ^ on this instrument, we ptay. today While en route from Sundaes, Sde vanced training command. and Sons of East Hartford, for new comet was toen he spread the Message fin e. chairman of the Combined Cath­ ton School until her retirement One problem; Mrs. Brain­ He la a graduate of Manches­ constructing sidewalks on the by Gary G. Perrett, who San Juan to Miami. The French Club of Manchea­ olic Mothers Circles of Man­ this past June. She died early o le a r ^ The plane, a Boeing 730, was Slated by PTA ter High School and Ohio Wes­ dered a solo with band accom­ ard wants to select a name ter will have a Imatness meeting chester in ceremonies at St. in July. south side of Spring St. Love of God and Christian cheer. 40 miles southwest of Nassau, leyan University, Delaware, panim ent. denoting the place where the and social time tomorrow at 8 Bartholomew’s iShurch. She suc­ Miss Catherine Shea, former Hartford Rd. Enterprlsee will baby was bom. Abe’s con­ the Bahamas, when It suddenly An ice cream social and bake Ohio. Mrs. Alton J. Munsle closed p.m. in Orange Hall. Member­ ceeds Mrs. Moriarty. principal at Verplanck, de­ sale will be held Saturday from fumlBh two International trucks. Bless each home where Bands­ sidering Oolda and GMdle. 1 v eered to the le ft amil h eaded ship in the club is open to aU ....... .......... mennorial program by The Rev. PhMp Hussey of St. scribed the kind of tetu:her she 2 to 4 p.m. by the Richard Mar­ at a net price of !S^„g "rve B«n Redeemed,' m en true for Cuba, aaid Paul Boatman, people of Frwich origin and their Bartholomew’s Church, chap­ price Includes the Left this Band to be with You. w as. tin-South School PTA on the composed by Mr. Lyons and area administrator for fte Fed­ wives or husbands. Refresh­ tw o used trucks, a 1969 F ord and Bless us all that one day we lain and spiritual director of the "Those children who were for­ grounds of the South School. awarded first prize In the Sal­ eral Aviation AdmlnlatiraUon In ments will be served. School Menus a 1962 0 .M .C . May dwell, dead Lord with The*. group, officiated at the installa­ tunate to have come under her The public is welcome. vation Army's lOOth Anniver­ lO a m l. Delta Wre and Steel will tion service. ’The organization is guidance were Influenced by her Sundaes with various ttqppings Boston Jibes He said the craft swung off The Past Chiefs dub of Me­ fvimish a BrSaun Snow King sary Contest. celebndlng its Slst anniversary. keen intellect, her assistance will be sold, along with cakes, The hot lunch menu In Man­ During the service. It w as oourse at 9:13 a.m. riLT, and morial Temple, Pythian Sisters, Other officers Installed are plow . Its p rice Is $1,196, le s s touched down at Havana’s Jose upon good wortcmanshlp, her pies, cookies and bread. chester public schools next mentioned that another son, wiU m eet tom orrow at 8 p.m . one per cent discount, ’This Marti Airport at 9:45 a.m. Mrs. Paul O’Neil, co-chairman; standards of achievement, and, There wlU be free loUipops Cpl. David J. Lyons, Is serving t h e O L D (Hereid pheto by. BiioehrletiM) Made Issue at the home of Mrs. Sarah Tom­ marks the fourth consecutive Mrs. John McNamara, chairman most of ail, by her unselfish con­ for the children. '*'**'' In Vietnam with th!6 U.S. Ma­ “There waa no radio contact linson, 97 High St. Monday, breaded veal cuUet, year that Delta has won a town RooaM F. Cadrtt (left) 18, of 182 Green Rd., and William Gaffney (head of organization; Mrs.
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