(as of 01 March 2012) SOMALI REGION : Who Does What Where (3W) Tigray Djibouti G N Afar E Afar U D Amhara F A L Benshangul Gumuz F O Dire Dawa Addis Ababa Hareri Gambela ECS: ! ç Oromia Ayisha Somali SNNPR SC UK: h ! Amhara ECS: ç ! Shinile Shinile Legend Afdem Erer ! ECS: ç IRC: dfç/ ! SC UK: f International Boundary ECS: ç ! Dembel SC UK: h Aw-bare Regional Boundary Miesso ECS:a Jijiga ! IRC: ç Zonal Boundary Jijiga Gursum Woreda Boundary IRC: ç SC UK: Hareshe! n f B! abile No Intervention/No Data Kebribeyah SC UK: h ! ! IRC: Other Region IRC: a d f ç / af MSF Holland: f Addis Ababa ! Clusters/Sectors Meyumuluka Aware a Agriculture ! Gashamo ZOA: ae Degehabur : Disaster Management Fik Degehamedo Lagahida Degehabur ! d Education SNNPR Oromia Gunagado Danot Fik 4 Environment Hamero ! Gerbo Boh î Food Selahad ! ZOA: Segeg Shekosh ae ! l Food Security ! Warder Dihun f Health ACF: a:l hc ç h Nutrition ! Kebridehar Warder ZOA: a e c Post Emergency Recovery Denan Geladi East Imi Korahe e Shelter and NFIs Water and Sanitation Guradamole Somalia ç ! Gode / Others West Imi ! Gode Dobowein Shilabo ECS: a Serer/Elkere ! ! 0 25 50 100 km SC UK: Goro Baqaqsa Adadle f ! Kelafo ¹ ! Creation date:01 Mar.2012 Hargele Mustahil Ferfer MSF Holland: f Map Doc Name: ! COOPI: a 4 ç ! 14_3W_005_Somali_030112_A4 Chereti/Weyib Barey Sources:CSA(2007 Pop.census Afder purpose),Humanitarian Partners Afder ! Hudet Filtu Feedback:[email protected] COOPI: a 4 ç ACF: f ! http;//ochaonline.un.org/ethiopia The boundaries and names shown and the ZOA: î e designations used on this map do not imply Liben official endorsement or acceptance by the Dolobay United Nations. Moyale Dollo Ado SC UK: f SC UK: ç SC UK: f ! Agencies' locations and area of interventions are depicted based on the Interventions/Projects at Regional Level ACF: î IRC: dfç/ recent available information. COOPI: a ç MSF Holland: fh Please send any updates CHF: IRC: ç ç Handicap Int.: / ZOA: 4 I N D I A N O C E A N or corrections to the following email.[[email protected]] Handicap Int.: d SC UK: lç/ IMC: îfhç (as of 01 March 2012) SNNPR REGION : Who Does What Where (3W) Tigray Afar Amhara Sodo! ECS: a cç Benshangul Gumuz KebenaKokir Gedbano Dire Dawa Abeshege Addis Ababa Hareri Gambela Oromia Oromia Muhur Na Aklil Somali Cheha SNNPR Gurage Ezha Meskan Alicho Woriro Enemorina Eaner Gumer Selti Mareko Yem Geta Selti Legend Sayilem ! IRC: ç Endiguagn Dalocha Yem SP Wor!eda International Boundary Masha Gibe Misha Wilbareg Lanfero Regional Boundary Sheka Gesha (Deka) ECS: ah ç HadiyaAnalemmo ! Anderacha Getawa Gembora ! Sankura LVIA: a 4 l Zonal Boundary ! Limu Gambella Shash! ogo LVIA: a 4 l Plan Int.: : h Soro Woreda Boundary Gimbo Anigacha Alaba SP Woreda SC UK: h Bita (Big) ! Lake Dune Daniboy! a Alaba KT Plan Int.: h IMC: î h ç Yeki Chena Menjiwo Tembaro Keffa Kacha BiraKediada Gambela No Intervention/No Data Gena Bosa Misrak Badawacho Tocha Boloso Bom! be Other Region Sheka Tulo Wondo-Genet Semen Bench Boloso sore Awassa Zuria Mareka A! wasa Town Dawro Damot Gale Plan Int.: d Clusters/Sectors Ela (Konta) SP Woreda Kindo Koysha Diguna Fango ! Malga Gurafereda Debub BenchShay Bench Cheta Boricha Agriculture Decha Esira Damot Sore a Konta Loma Bosa Sodo ZuriaDamot Weydie Shebe DinoGorche Wolayita Dale : Disaster Management Menit Goldiye Kindo Dida Ofa Humbo Wonosho Arbe Gonna d Education ! Loka-Abaya ! Bursa Sidama ACF: aîlf Chuko 4 Environment Melekoza Kucha Boreda Bensa Menit Shasha ! Hulla Denibu Gofa Dara Bona Zu! ria ç Chire î Food Dila Zuria Bero BasketoGeze Gofa h Aroresa l Food Security Zala Mirab Abaya Wenago Basketo SP Woreda DaramaloDita f Bench Maji Chencha GedioBule ! f Health Ayida î Gelila (Semen Ari) Gamo Gofa : Yirgachefe C h Nutrition M Ubadebretsehay I Kochere Kemba c Post Emergency Recovery Maji Selamgo Arba Minch Zuria Surma South Ari (Bako Gazer) Kochere Gedeb ç Water and Sanitation Bonke Amaro / Others Male Amaro SP Woreda ACF: l IRC: ç Sudan Plan Int.: hç Derashe SP Woreda Burji 0 20 40 80 km Derashe ¹ Burji SP Woreda South Omo Bena Tsemay Creation date:01 Mar.2012 Konso Map Doc Name: 14_3W_007_SNNPR_030112_A4 Konso SP Woreda Sources:CSA(2007 Pop.census Gnangatom purpose),Humanitarian Partners Feedback:[email protected] http;//ochaonline.un.org/ethiopia The boundaries and names shown and the designations used on this map do not imply Hamer official endorsement or acceptance by the United Nations. Agencies' locations and Dasenech (Kuraz) area of interventions are Interventions/Projects at Regional Level depicted based on the recent available information. ACF: a î f ç Plan Int.: d Please send any updates ECS: ahç SC UK: h/ or corrections to the following Somali Handicap Int.: / Kenya email.[[email protected]] (as of 01 March 2012) BENESHANGUL GUMUZ REGION : Who Does What Where (3W) Tigray Afar Amhara Benshangul Gumuz L a k e T a n a Dire Dawa Addis Ababa Hareri Gambela Oromia Somali SNNPR Amhara Guba Dangura Pawe Special Legend International Boundary Metekel Mandura Regional Boundary Zonal Boundary MSF France: fh ! IRC: d f ç / Woreda Boundary Lake No Intervention/No Data Sherkole MSF France: Wenbera fh ! Kurmuk Other Region IRC: f Bulen Dibat Clusters/Sectors d Education Homosha IRC: f ! Menge f Health Asosa h Nutrition Bilidigilu ç Water and Sanitation Sirba Abay / Others IRC: ç ! Assosa Yaso 0 12.5 25 50 km ¹ Bambasi Agalometi Creation date:01 Mar.2012 Map Doc Name: 14_3W_006_BNG_030112_A4 Kemashi Sources:CSA(2007 Pop.census purpose),Humanitarian Partners Feedback:[email protected] http;//ochaonline.un.org/ethiopia The boundaries and names shown and the Kamashi designations used on this map do not imply Bio Jiganifado official endorsement or acceptance by the Maokomo Special United Nations. Agencies' locations and area of interventions are depicted based on the Oromia recent available information. Interventions/Projects at Regional Level Please send any updates Bio Jiganifado or corrections to the following IRC: df email.[[email protected]] (as of 01 March 2012) G E N OROMIA REGION : Who Does What Where (3W) U D L F A F O Tigray Amhara ECS: afç Afar Afar Amhara Benshangul Gumuz Welthungerhilfe: / IMC: î f hç Dire Dawa Addis Ababa Hareri Beneshangul Gumuz ZOA: a Gambela Oromia Somali SNNPR Dare AmuruHoro Guduru Plan Int.: d ECS: afç ECS: a IMC: îf hç IbantuGida Kiremu Abay Chomen Wara JarsoHidabu Abote Jarte Jardega North Shewa(R4) Legend Haro Limu Ababo Degem Mana SibuKiltu Kara Limu Kuyu Gerar Jarso Plan Int.: :hç Horo ! International Boundary West Wellega Ginde BeretAbuna G/Beret Abichuna Gne'a Chinaksen Nejo East WellegaAbe Dongoro Wuchale Kombolcha! Jarso ! Gudetu Kondole Meta Robi Goro Gutu! Regional Boundary BaboJarsoBoji Dirmeji Guduru Adda Berga JidaKembibit Kersa Begi Guto GidaBila Seyo Jeldu Meta ECS: afç MuloSululta ! Doba Haro Maya Gursum Ayira Guliso Sasiga Mida KegnIfata Aleltu Mieso Deder Zonal Boundary Gimbi Tulo ! ZOA: a Gawo KebeOromia Sibu Sire Ambo Zuria Bereh Walmara West HarergeChiro Zuria ! Bedeno Woreda Boundary Gaji ! Mesela Fedis Haru Diga Bako TibeCheliya Dendi Gimbichu Girawa ! Fentale Goba Koricha Gidami Dale Sadi Chwaka Wayu Tuka Tikur Enchini Ilu AkakiAda'a GemechisMalka Balo Eas! t Harerge Lake Nole Kaba Dawo Jimma Horo Lalo Kile ! East Shewa MekoDabo HanaNunu Kumba DanoJibat ! Habro Midega Tola WenchiBechoAddis Ababa Anchar Oda Bultum Babile Anfilo Hawa Galan Dega Jimma ArjoWama Hagalo Boset No Intervention/No Data Darimu Alge Sachi ToleAlem Gena Lome ! NonoAmeya Waliso ! MertiAseko Kelem WellegaSayo Dorani Limu Seka Liben ChukalaAdama Daro Lebu Golo Oda Other Region Metu Zuria Chora Goro Kondaltiti Jeju Guna Boke Bure Yayu Borecha Chora Bora Sire Meyu ! Hurumu Gechi West ShewaSeden Sodo Dodota Gololcha Arsi Clusters/Sectors Halu (Huka) Jimma Dugda Lude Hitosa ZOA: a AleBecho Dedesa Sekoru Chole Hawi Gudina Ilubabor Setema Limu Kosa ECS: a Hitosa Diksis a Agriculture Didu Sigmo Gumay Ziw! ay Dugda Sude ! ! Amigna IMC: Sale Nono Tiro Afeta Tiyo Arsi Lege Hida îfh ç Disaster Management Gambella Goma Adami Tulu Jido Kombolcha Bele Gesgar : Kersa Sekoru Tena Seru Mena ! Degeluna Tijo Gera LVIA: 4 ç Robe d Education ! Munessa Omo Nada Shirka Bele Gesgar ! Shebe Sambo Welthungerhilfe: ç Gololcha Bale 4 Environment Arsi Negele IRC:: ç Dedo Limu Bilbilo Seweyna Gasera ! S! halla Agarfa ! î Food LVIA: 4 ç ! Kore Siraro Gedeb Asasa Sinana Dinsho Ginir l Food Security Kofele ! Adaba Goro Plan Int.: d Dodola Goba f Health Kokosa Rayitu West Arsi h Nutrition Berbere Dawe Kachen Bale Nenesebo (Wereka) c Post Emergency Recovery Abaya Harena Buluk ! Dolo Mena ç Water and Sanitation Sudan Afele Kola (Dima)Bore Gura Damole SNNPR / Others Girja (Harenfema) MSF France: h Gelana Uraga Adola Hambela Wamena Wadera 0 20 40 80 km IRC: ç ! Kercha Meda Welabu ¹ Bule Hora Guji ! Creation date:01 Mar.2012 ! Odo Shakiso Plan Int.: hcç/ Melka Soda Map Doc Name: ECS: îh Dugda Dawa Somali 14_3W_004_Oromia_030112_A4 Sources:CSA(2007 Pop.census IRC: ç ! Liben purpose),Humanitarian Partners ! Feedback:[email protected] Welthungerhilfe: / http;//ochaonline.un.org/ethiopia Yabelo ! COOPI: a 4 ç The boundaries and names shown and the Arero designations used on this map do not Teltele imply official endorsement or acceptance Borena ! COOPI: 4 by the United Nations. Agencies' locations and ACF: :lc Plan Int.: hcç/ Dire Dehas ! area of interventions are IRC: ç Welthungerhilfe: aç depicted based on the Kenya Dillo Interventions/Projects at Regional Level ! ACF: :l Welthungerhilfe: / recent available information. Please send any updates ! Moyale IRC: ç ECS: acç Plan Int.: d ACF: :l Mi! yo ACF:
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