f,TIT-NO. 32 PublUhPrt l WOODBRIDGE, N. J., TfldJRSDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 1961 Knt«r»(1 u Jim CltM Mall On Thlirndav At P O., Wooilhfl(I((«, N. J. PRICE TEN CENTS one Surviving Charter Member to Help 'ords Fire Co. Celebrate fiolden JubileeSeparatists to Ma Last • Ditch Strategy:y In Week - End Talks T WHS Band Again GivenAppeal Puerto Rico InvitationTo Court VnoiMHUDGE — Another Schools Patrick A. Boylan, Puerto Rico during the ANNIVERSARY CF.I,F,BliATIO\ KICK-OFF: Former chiefs of Fords Fire Company started off the company's Golden Anniversary observance invitation has been extended Mr. Boylan, in turn, said Christmas holidays and offer day with a banquet at the flrrhon»e Tuesday. Present officers of the company served as waiters. They are William llornsby, chief; John Burke, to the Wondbridge Senior the Invitation will be referred several concerts. This was In- Planned High School Band to vtolt to the Board of Education tended to be not only a rood- itiint chief; Rudolph Kulwhinaky. second assistant chief; .liilin Mir/iney. foreman; Harnld Martinsen, first assistant foreman and Joseph Smoyak, PORT READING — Th» (ltd assistant foreman. Back row. left to rl«hl, Nicholas Klkn. Leon Rlanchard, Carl (illsdorf, John Fischer, Arthur Hanson,- l.ouis Turkus, Joseph Puerto Rico during the and he will abide, by the de- will tour but likewise and op- Christams holidays and give cision of the members. portunity to exchange cul- separatinnlst leaders Of Sewar- Joseph Matusci, (<eor|[e l.iddle, Mr. Hornshj. Middle row, Lester Peterson, John ('armody, Louis Grispart. Ernest KrausN. Anthony Baiint. An- en and Port Reading, suffering Hnrvath, Andrew Sindet. Paul Smallcj, Wilbur Fuarher. Steve Martenak. George Ferdlnandsen; front row, Benjamin Jensen, Martin Sindet, several concerts. "There are two things that tural relations and establish The invitation was extend- friendly ties with each other's cRi in a decision handed uir Bagcer, Howard Madlinn, Hand Jnhanwn, Harold J. Bailey, Or, George II. Boyd, rector of St. Peter's Episcopal Church, Perth Amboy; Harry bother me about this kind of down by County Judge Samuel Anderson, Leonard Fischer. William Hellejuard, George Jogan, Herbert Clint. Axel Thomson, honorary member, prepared the banquet. ed by Candldo OHvara*. Sec- invitation," Mr. Boylan stat- community, Unfortunately, It retary of Education, Depart- was not possible for the Band V, Convery, will meet thl» week- ed. "One Is whether It is a nd with their attorneys to John Peterson, 79,lt*'inl)rr 9 this year. Elaborateiflrehouse, from the firemen, or-and apparatus from 86 fire Trophies will be awarded to ment of Education, Hato to obtain air transportation good idea to permit the band map their strategy to continue only surviving charter plans have been made by a!at the theater, Miss Middlesex companies representing every the winning units and refresh- Eey, Puerto Elco, who alto to travel in these unsettled and the trip had to be can- Issued the initial one. celled. their attempts to separate nl the original Fords law committee under the gen- iCounty will be on hand to county in New Jersey, 26 bands, ments will be served at, Fords times. That will take a great from the Township and Incor- bmany to share^Hyfce era] chairmanship of S. Wil-'crown the winner of the "Miss and units from first aid and Park? The parade lill be re- Last year's plans for the deal of consideration. The "I am re-Inviting the Band band to visit Puerto Rico were porate as the "City of Port anniversary Hum Honisby. fire chief. ' Fords" title. Two runner»-up rescue squads will march. viewed from a stand in front other question Is where is the to visit us during this year's Waren". The line of march will be of Fords Playhouse. Radio sta- abandoned after it was de- an Tuesdajr A dinner was held Tuesday |also will be chosen and the trio| money coming from?" Christmas week, and It Is George Polkowski, separa- iwlll occupy a' place of honor'from Upper Fords Avenue to tion WCTC will broadcast termined that it was too late again a pleasure for me to in- jrturday wltbjs for members and their wives l h Board members, queried, on tionist leader, told The Inder ' »« * ! description of the parade from to make plane reservations. vite you and Mrs. Gregory to fetCl-'-, AllO' in the Saturday parade. Main Street, east on Main to the suhject, said it was the pendent-Leader the meeting and n House WM held Mary Avenue, down King Geo- the stands as the marchers pass, At that time there was con- form part of the group, I feel nri mudS. join- °<* »*-| A block dance in front of the "first they knew of the invi- has been arranged and petitions siderable criticism as funda quite sure that you would my in 1811 as It • today at the firehouse. tlrehouse will feature tomorrow rge Road, west to New Bruns- and will cover the Miss Fords tation and will study all the for appeal will be filed in the ; were bein? solicited from me never regret it." and * as ac- "MlM Fords" will be chosen;night's jubilee celebration be-jwlck Avenue, east to Crows Mill contest tonight.' ramifications carefully." Superior Court's Appellate Di- 1 ins reiiiemcrrt in 1930. from U finalist* tonight in the'ginnlng 8 P. M. Road, north to King George The week's celebration will public to pay for the band's "The invitation for the 1 expemes. Concern was also Also Invited! vision "within a couple oj |nmii..nv WHS founded Fords Playhouse between shows. The big day of the celebra-iRoad again and then east to end Saturday night with a dis Band's visit is going forward weeks." i !). 1011 and the an-;Ticlirts to the^theater and thejtlon will be Saturday when ajFords Park, where It will term- play of fireworks in Fords Park expressed over the fact that Also invited to attend wore to Dr. 1/07.0 today and it Is the band would be travelling Charles K, Gregory, publisher Asked as to the state of fi- jiniii'ir (alls on 8ep-icontest can be obtained at thelfiremen's'parade featuring men|lnate. at 8:30, hoped that your local Board nances.' of the separatlonlst on one plane and there is al- of The Independent - Leader will see fit to give It its ap- ways chance at a mishap. and Mrs, Gregory. Nenor 011- group-^-as such appeals are proval without Belay, so that usually costly— Mr. Polkowski Dr. John P. Uno, principal veras' invitation to Mr. Gren- arrangements for the trip, A&P Slates of Woodbridge Jligh School, ory reads as follows: said: the program, etc., can be "We have the money, we are Weltering for Shelter? Beware! said he received the invita- "Last yeiir I extended an started sufficiently in ad- tion Tuesday and turned it not worried about that." invitation to the Woodbrldge vance to assure complete On further questioning he ColoniaStore aver to Superintendent of High School Band to visit success." Macher Warns Buyers to Carefully Check Out Sellers WOO0BRIDQE ;+~ The ap- said It will not be necessary t» proval of a major Subdivision raise money by dances or ba- zaars as they did in the begin- Maw/io* in. itajBep-|5,000 shelters this year, and our by the Town OttjJJittw. Jw Building .the ••"** i>iiMu» m dlsctLslng volume must now be teh to Casmer Realty, 1Hft 'fueslii, n&g. " ,,..^w j#y U» Us fi'fi|f>. usually ** fuu; i.oei to be Guest "Our "briefs will be very short islilp residents.'th'he so-called companies have wha.t it calls "Shelter Skelter" flfteenfold over a year ago, has made way for the construc- Wonder Building offers four tion of a new A&P Super- and to the point", he com- r,tcd in buildlngjgone out of busing* and have stat«: mented. to make surejstarted tip some ower place un- "Many of the shelter sales all-steel models ranging from market on Inmaii Avenue, just Aid for Town off Pennsylvania Avenue, near In Township TomorrowJudge Convery's decision, in » do business with|de| r another name. We are are going to solidly established $395 to $995. With one plant ffeet, dismissed the group's ef- nnt "fly-by-nighfiafraid, since President' Ken- concerns such as Chicago's already working around the the Parkway, it was learned WOODBRIDGE — Wood- brdige Township will receive a WOODBRIDGE — Tomorrow will be James P. Mitchell forts to compel the mayor and Inedy's defense talk, that some Wonder Building Corp.. whose clock, Wonder will open a sec today. Day in Woodbridge I credit from Middlesex County the Town Committee to hold a lt uiclcly establlBntd corpora shelter division is headed by ond Chicago factory this week It is understood that Casmer The Republican gubernatorial candidate, who will be mak- \iKhi tlie Town ' " " In Realty represents Kantor and in allowances of tax exemptions public hearing and subsequent ^cd an ordinance ^w< lhat Tlme Magazine calls former U. 8.. Civil Defense is laying plans for others ing a tour of Middlesex County, has arranged to spend the election to incorporate as the sue< shoe b wlU Chief Leo A. Hoegh. Says Ontario and on the West Goldman, developers of Sayre granted to persons over 65, if the construction^ ' k °y»'. u bill introduced by Assembly- major portion of his time in Woodbridge. "City of .Port Waren", start working a racket." Hoeifh: 'We have already sold Coast. Woods Shopping Center. The nily ijoinb and/or fall- latter have a commitment to man, Norman Tanzman (D) Welcoming Mr.
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