1 “WE LCOMING · VIBRANT · MUSICAL NEOLITHIC · THE ONE TH AT G OT AW AY GOLFING · ACCESSIBLE · ENG AGING FOODIE · ENDLESS LAKES · UNSPOILED FORTS & FORE STS · DRIFTING · HO RSEY MEANDERING · GENEROUS · HI STORIC SURPRISING · FAMI LY-ORIENTED RAMBLING · FRIEND LY & DRUMLINY” 2 Lough Ballymagauran, Shannon Erne Waterway, Ballymag ov ern, County Ca van 2 3 Chef Ne ven Maguire and Musician Martin Donohoe cooking reels in the ki tchen COUNTY C AVAN is the beautiful land of la kes in the middle of our island. This is a place a way from it all - but not that far a way. The people here are down- to-earth and welcoming. The only residen ts who won’t be glad to meet you are our fish… that ’s just h ow they are. Our restauran ts rank among the best in the count ry and our l ov e of music is kn own to continue in to the early hou rs.. “An Cabhan” is an old Irish word meaning “The Holl ow” – and in a simple way that sa ys a lot about this place. Ca van is a refuge, a place to reju vena te, a shel ter from stress. Many visi tors no te that once you get here, the pace of things seems to sl ow down a bit. Wha tever the reason for this change of pace, you’ll be surprised by just h ow many great attractions and activities we ha ve here to fill all that wonde rfully sl owed-d own Ca van time. Ca van Burren Park ARTS & CU LTURE THE A RTS really has found a good home in Ca van. Music and drama li ke to ta ke to the stree ts. Art Galleries and studios, culture centres, sculpture trails, concerts, sessions, artist residencies and Cavan County Museum’s calendar of exhibitions, lectures and cultural exchanges ensures a vibrant year-round calendar of events. Cavan presents three drama festivals annually: Shercock, Cavan and Maudabawn, indeed many of the world’s finest actors found their stage in County Cavan. We’re proud to be home to the Ramor Theatre in Virginia, where a packed programme takes place throughout the year. Visitors should also look out for events taking place in Townhall Cavan - an artist-led cultural hub fast gaining a reputation for dynamic and creative arts productions. Here in County Cavan we know that great things happen when we celebrate the arts and encourage more people to participate. Image cour tesy of Aoi fe Gea ry Ri te of Spring, Cathedral of Saint Patrick and Saint Felim, Ca van See the ind ex for more about ar ts and culture 4 in Ca van or visit: ww w.thisisca van.ie MUSIC 5 Ca van Musician Clare McDermott The coun ty has a rich musical scene with dance, music and singing festi vals. Even ts such as N YAH, Virginia Pumpkin and the annual County Fleadh, ha ve all added to our gr owing reputation as one of Ireland ’s richest music, song and dance destinations. Ca van is open to new and inn ov ati ve ar ts and practice, particularly evidenced in the visual ar ts, youth ar ts and new media. As a film destination Ca van is ripe with contrasting locations and startling landscapes. So n ow you’ ve been warned; music and the ar ts ha ve an in fectious and p owerful e ffect on people in Ca van... Tá an-meas ar an nGaeilge i gContae an Chabhán. Tá pobal mhór ag labhairt agus ag usáid í go rialta Madcap events in Townhall Cavan ar fud an Contae uilig. For more about music in Ca van visit: ww w.thisisca van.ie GOLF The championship cou rse at Slie ve Russell, Ball yconnell. ...AND OTHER E XCUSES In Ca van a wise gol fer is al ways prepared for the inevitable with a few extra balls. It ’s almost a tradition for fi rst-time visi tors to blame the vie ws for adding six sho ts to their card… And if your dri ves keep finding those ancient woods along our lush fai rways… just blame the fairies. Why all the excuses? Well our golf cou rses are gorgeously challenging. Amongst the 8 cou rses in Co. Ca van, are magnificent, mature 18 hole parkland cou rses of national ren own, and charming 9 hole cou rses where e very hole dese rves to be pla yed twice. So t ry to ignore the beautiful vie ws and let us kn ow h ow that goes for you. See the ind ex for a listing of our beautiful golf cou rses or visit: ww w.thisisca van.ie HEA LTH & WELLNESS 7 “RELISH THE TRANQUILITY ” A HOLI STIC EXPERIENCE Ca van people and v isitors to the count y ha ve for yea rs enj oyed the health benefi ts of the tranquil landscapes of the Lakelands, the Geopark and Ca van ’s famed rolling drumlin hills. Enj oyment is the art of living in the moment and these da ys visi tors can experience holistic therapies from all ov er the world, all owing the mind and body to re-balance and revitalise. Amidst the numerous alluring la kes that lie among the drumlins and la kelands, visi tors are imme rsed in a wide array of treatmen ts and rela xation techniques in a lush land with no end of enj oy able momen ts. The unspoiled uplands of West Ca van and the Geopark Wellness Spa at the Radisson BLU Farnham Esta te Ho tel, Ca van See the ind ex for a listing of our health and rela xation facilities or visit: ww w.thisisca van.ie LOW ER LOU GH ERNE GLOBAL GEOP ARK ENNISKILLEN MANORHAMIL TON 9 28 BLACKLION 22 27 FERMANAGH BURREN 25 FLORENCE COURT R 29 2 0 6 M SHANNON PO T 26 7 UPPER LOUGH ERNE 0 2 R 24 CUIL CAGH 23 SWANLINBAR R 20 0 21 M N GLANGEVLIN 8 7 CROM CA STLE DOWRA 45 19 BAWNB OY BRA CKLEY LOUGH 31 SLIEVE 30 RUSSELL 18 9 2 46 18 0 32 4 2 5 R BEL TURBET N BALL YCONNELL 36 ARIGNA 37 33 LOUGH ALL EN 20 REDHILL S N87 CLOVERHILL 9 17 16 MIL LTOWN 12 BUTLERS BRIDGE 08 BALLINAMORE 13 BALL YHAISE COOTEHILL L. GARADIC E 15 LOUGH RIVER SHANNON R 1 99 35 40 N R 188 TULL YVI N OUGHTER 3 FARNHAM 18 34 BALLINAMORE RA 07 BALL YCONNELL CANAL NEWTOW NG ORE KILLESHAND ES TATE 01 11 R 2 43 R 1 10 41 99 CA VAN STRADONE R 2 COUNTY CA VAN 18 05 1 0 GOLF CLUB 09 CROSSDONEY N SHANNON-ERNE WATER WAY CARRIGALLEN 3 R 16 98 5 R 1 06 BALLI NAGH AR VAGH R 1 CARRICK -ON-SHANNON 5 LEITRIM 4 E N R 5 E 5 R E N V I R GOWNA BALL YJAMESDUFF N KILNALEC K 3 02 LOUGH GOWN A R 1 9 4 CROVER HOUSE HOTEL 9 9 MOUNTNUGENT 14 R 1 5 38 4 0 N LOUGH S HE ELIN 5 LOUGH R AMOR 5 FINEA T O GRANARD A T H L O N LONGFORD E OLDC ASTL E LON GFORD TO WN 47 ARDA GH LOUGH CREW ATTR ACTIONS DÚN A RÍ FORE ST PARK KILMORE C ATHEDRAL MUSEUM OF THE M ASTER SADDLER CAVAN COUNTY MUSEUM & WW1 TRENCH KIL LYKEEN FORE ST PARK TUL LYDERM OT FAL LS ST. K ILIAN ’S H ERI TAGE C ENTRE CAVAN CANOEING, CARR ATR AW MARKET HOUSE VISITOR INFORMATION THE C AVAN WAY RAMOR THE ATRE DRUMLANE ABBEY & ROUND TOWER DEER PARK FORE ST THE SHANNON P OT TOWNHALL CAVAN EQUE STRIAN CENTRE FLORENCE COU RT HOUSE FLEMING’S FOL LY BAL LYHUGH A RTS & CU LTURAL CENTRE MARBLE ARCH C AVES JOHN STON CENTRAL LIBRA RY FORE ABBE Y GENEA LOGY & TOURISM SHANNON ERNE WATE RWAY CAVAN BURREN PARK TAN AGH OUTDOOR EDUC ATION CENTRE BEAR ESSENTIA LS NEVEN M AGUIRE COOKE RY SCHOOL CORNAFEAN 9 – HOLE GOLF COURSE ODD GAMES PARK MONE YGASHEL C ASHEL 8 WESTME ATH C 9 DONEGAL AIRPO RT DER RY LETTERKENNY LARNE DER RY STRA BANE BEL FAST DONEGAL OM AGH BEL FAST BUNDORAN ENNISKILLEN SLIGO CA STL ELESLIE MON AGHAN ARMAGH CAVAN KNOCK ARDEE CARRICK ON SHANNON SLANE DROGHE DA NAVAN MON AGHA N TOWN MULLINGAR DUBLIN GA LWAY MAYNO OTH DUBLIN DUN L AOGHAIRE MONAGHAN SHANNON AIRPO RT R 1 92 L. SILIAN SHERCOCK R 1 GETTING HERE 91 CARRICKM ACROS S Loca ted on the main N3 Dublin- 8 R 17 Donegal road, Ca van town is R 1 6 2 centrally loca ted bet ween Bel fast 9 42 CABRA CA STL E BAILIEBOROUGH 01 and Dublin, appr oxima tely a t wo 39 44 KINGSCOUR T LOUTH hour dri ve from the main fer ry 8 17 R por ts and airpor ts in both cities. By Car Dublin - Ca van 123 km Bel fast - Ca van 142 km 1 03 VIRGINI A MULLAGH Gal way - Ca van 170 km 04 Der ry - Ca van 156 km By Bus Regular buses from Dublin and Donegal N 3 T se rvice Virginia and Ca van town. Ca van O D U B L IN town is also se rviced regularly from MEA TH Be lfast, Sli go a nd Ga lway. Bl ack lio n and West Ca van can be accessed by bus from Dubl in to Enn is kil len an d f rom ther e ST.
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