The SINGLE COPY $1.25 tax included lllerler rressess USPS 349-720 Vol. 139 No.M 8 www.themillerpress.com [email protected] PMiller, Hand County, SD 57362 Saturday, Oct. 24, 2020 Little Rustlers learn about fi re safety John T. Page Every year Dave Blachford holds fi re safety presentations at the Mill- er School District. These presenta- tions are designed to teach the stu- dents about how to avoid fi res and what to do if one starts. Normal- ly the presentations are held in- doors but, due to COVID, the les- sons moved outside. One class at a time the Kindergarteners through third graders walked outside sin- Vocal Jazz, gle fi le and gathered in front of the 2 fi re truck. Blachford’s crowd wore colorful winter gear to guard them from the cold as he explained the basics of fi re safety. He covered everything from “Stop, drop, and roll” to the vari- ous equipment housed in the 1200 gallon fi re truck. Sadly, the students could not practice the rolling ma- neuver since the outdoor ground was very cold. The parking lot fi lled with a shrill beeping as Blachford tested a smoke detector and told the kids that the batteries in a smoke Submitted | The Miller Press | Oct. 24, 2020 detector need to be changed at VOLUNTEER fi re fi ghter of 45ears, y Dave Blachford, teaches fi re safety to the kindergarteners of Miller Elementary School on a cold morning least once a year. He also expressed Monday, Oct. 19, 2020. the importance of having a meet- era used to fi nd hot spots left on a The morning might have been ing spot if a fi re ever breaks out so site to ensure the fi re stops spread- cold but Dave Blachford braved the that everyone in the family can fi nd FFA judging teams, ing as well as the air canister and freezing conditions and followed 2 each other when escaping the fi re. mask fi re fi ghters use to keep from the social distancing guidelines to The fi re truck arrived equipped breathing in the smoke and fumes teach fi re safety to the kids of Miller with many items that fi re fi ghters a fi re could produce. Each session Elementary. These are lessons they will use when dealing with a blaze ended with the kids walking across can take and use for the rest of their and Blachford explained what each the fi re truck and seeing the panel lives to keep themselves, their fami- item did. The kids showed partic- that controls the water fl ow for the lies, and their communities safe. ular interest in the inferred cam- various hoses. City Council discusses Submitted | The Miller Press | Oct. 24, 2020 law enforcement DAVE BLACHFORD demonstrates the impor- John T. Page teer in fi xing up the ball bark. He related his feelings tance of changing the batteries in a smoke detector once a year to keep it working prop- State Meet bound, 13 The Miller City Council held its regular meeting on that the facility is too nice to not receive the attention erly Monday Oct. 19, 2020. All members attended. needed to make it a center where children in the com- The meeting began with members of the communi- munity can enjoy playing outdoors after COVID sub- ty expressing concerns over the quality of law enforce- sides. St. Lawrence ment in Miller. Mike Beaner stated that he did not like Executive Director of On Hand Development Corpo- how many people violated traffi c laws when passing ration Kecia Beranek gave her quarterly report to the discusses budget, Who is Frosty? through the intersection of Third Street and Broadway council. Beranek reported that while the new Holiday and did not receive tickets. He also stated that the de- sign is up at Kesslers the bracket on which the bull will accounting software Clue #1 partment head reports, turned in by Police Chief Shan- sit experienced shipping delays. Because of this the The St. Lawrence Trustee meet- North, East, SOUTH, and West… non Speck, felt inadequate. Several people raised con- bull will not be replaced at the intersection until a lat- ing was called to order at 6:33 p.m. I grew up in the direction I think is cerns over the cost of law enforcement since the city er date. with Trustees Shirley Peck and Ter- the best. spends over three hundred thousand dollars each year Chief Finance Offi cer Sheila Coss presented a man- ry Naber in attendance. on the police department. Shirley Hofer wanted to ual for the storm shelter recently installed at Crystal Department head reports include The Mystery Snowman “Frosty” know why a proposal had not been received from the Park. The manual will be turned in to FEMA and the water, Calvin Kindle; sewer, Ran- is a fun and an important part of county about countywide law enforcement in a po- city will receive approximately $8,000 for the comple- dy Peck; and Finance, Cindy Deuter. The Miller Snow Queen festival, tential effort to save taxpayer dollars. Aldermen Bob tion of the manual. Kindle reported a 24 percent water four weeks of clues will be pub- Steers and Tony Rangel explained that cost would only The council discussed enacting changes to the loss for the month and water sam- lished in The Miller Press so get be one portion of the issue when considering shared building permits issued by the city. Rangel found sev- ples were taken from Wheat Grow- your thinking caps on and guess law enforcement. Steers also stated that the coun- eral permits issued as far back as 2017 that have yet to ers, Haas and THM. this year’s “Frosty”. cil neither received nor sent out a proposal for shared be completed. Alderwoman SuAnne Meyer suggested Peck reported normal operations Submit your guess by calling law enforcement with the county. Discussion contin- putting something to do with drainage on the permit so at the lagoon. It was also reported Ashley Conkey at 605-204-0701 or ued and eventually a member of the public attend- that it is the builder’s responsibility to ensure the water that Johnson Jet-Line will be return- mail it to: 19139 369th Ave., St. ing the meeting suggested holding a different meeting run off will not negatively affect their neighbors. Coss ing to St. Lawrence to re-televise all Lawrence, SD 57373. when Speck could be present since he could not attend suggested issuing an ordinance to give the permits the sewer lines. After completion of The Miller Snow Queen Pageant the meeting due to being quarantined. Many present more enforceability. The council, on the issue of build- the St. Lawrence sewer lines a fi re will be held Saturday, Nov. 28, at agreed and felt the discussion would be more produc- ing permits, made no offi cial decision. destroyed the records. Johnson Jet- 7 p.m. at the Miller Armory where tive with Speck there to answer questions. The City Council of Miller holds its next regular line will be returning to St. Law- Frosty’s identity will be revealed. Roger Haberling approached the council to volun- meeting on November 2, 2020. rence to do the televising after new equipment is obtained. Deuter reported after a correction to the sales tax report, the year- ly sales tax is only 179.51 less than last year. Deuter also reported the diffi cul- Inside: ties with Quickbooks and producing Youth 2 the reports for municipal reporting. They have investigated purchasing Public Notices 8-9 the same accounting program the Classifi eds 10-11 City of Miller uses. The cost would be $5,000 for the initial investment Sports 13 with a yearly fee of $1,500. Deuter said she felt this price was not within a budget for St. Inserts: Lawrence and requested permission to continue to search for a different Rounds for Senate option. Deuter detailed the budget as it currently stands. Deuter stated she will be working on this to allocate Weather amounts to budgeted accounts. Date High Low Precip. Shirley Kost was present to an- swer any questions on her build- Oct. 15 51 30 ing permit. Kost will be building on Oct. 16 52 32 the west side of North Maple Street, Oct. 17 42 21 where the former Bernard King resi- Oct. 18 37 20 dence was located. Deuter discussed the new legal Oct. 19 34 39 .10 council resolution No 2020-5 and Oct. 20 44 28 .19 read it into the record. The motion Submitted | The Miller Press | Oct. 24, 2020 passed with out issue. Oct. 21 32 29 SNOW IS HERE. The fi rst full snowfall arrived this week leaving trees white and cars frozen just in time for Halloween. SPN pay requests were approved. 2 Youth www.themillerpress.com • Saturday, Oct. 24, 2020 Submitted | The Miller Press | Oct. 10, 2020 MILLER FFA members participated in the Central Region Land judging event, Wednesday, Sept. 30 in Wessington Springs. The Miller Range Team placed fourth, with Alana Howard placing sixth and Taya Pawlowski placing fifteenth. Shown, L-R: Pawlowski, Destrie Morris, Howard, Aubrey DeHaai, Alvena Batin Submitted | The Miller Press | Oct. 10, 2020 MILLER FFA members participated in the Central Region Land Judging event, Wednesday, Sept. 30 in Wessington Springs. The Miller Land Team placed third with Briggs Runge placing third, Trevor Werdel placed thirteenth and Patri- cia Lammers placed fourteenth. Pictured L-R: Patricia Lammers, Abbigail Harvey, Trevor Werdel, Breanna Phinney, Briggs Runge, and Tyra Gates.
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