BARBARA BOYD Concerning the Fate of the Nation Address to the LaRouche PAC Town Hall in Detroit This is the address of LaRouche PAC Trea- surer Barbara Boyd to a LaRouche PAC meeting in Detroit, Michigan, on Sept. 29, 2018. Her prepared remarks have been edited. In Augustine’s Confessions, he tells the story of his student’s addiction to the killing games of Rome. Alypius, Augustine’s stu- dent, protested to his friends: ‘Though you drag my body to that place and set me down there, you cannot force cspan me to give my mind or lend my eyes to Supreme Court Nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh testifying at his Senate these shows. Thus I will be absent while Judiciary Committee hearing, at which Democrats focussed on alleged present, and so overcome both you and sexual assault, Washington, D.C., Sept. 27, 2018. them.’ . But when one of the combatants fell in the fight, a mighty cry from the whole color revolution, a cold coup against the President, and, audience stirred him so strongly that, overcome I will argue here, against reason and truth and this by curiosity and still prepared (as he thought) to nation itself. Many of us, for the past few days, found despise and rise superior to it no matter what it ourselves, as in Augustine’s account of Alypius and the was, he opened his eyes and was struck with a Roman killing games, glued to a televised spectacle in deeper wound in his soul than the victim whom he desired to see had been in his body. For, as soon as he saw the blood, he drank it in with it a savage temper, and he did not turn away, but fixed his eyes on the bloody pas- time, unwittingly drinking in the madness—delighted with the wicked contest and drunk with blood lust. He was now no longer the same man who came in, but was one of the mob he came into, a true companion of those who had brought him thither. Painting by Jean-Lé Gérome We are, as a nation, involved in a “The Christian Martyrs’ Last Prayer.” October 5, 2018 EIR Turn the Flank 9 the United States Senate, in- Rosenstein, who has been volving the President’s nomi- quarterbacking the Russia- nation of Brett Kavanaugh to gate investigation against the United States Supreme Trump, there was discussion Court. To slay this nomina- of using the 25th Amend- tion, Democrats and their ment to the Constitution to media allies tossed aside the oust the President, and of most fundamental legal prin- Rosenstein wearing wires to ciples of this Republic: the record his conversations presumption of innocence; with the President. These the necessity of evidence and meetings occurred shortly corroboration to establish and after Donald Trump fired prove accusations; due pro- FBI Director James Comey FBI cess; actual cross-examina- Andrew McCabe in May of 2017. tion of the accuser; and the Yesterday, the House Ju- deliberate search for truth. diciary and Government Oversight Committees, which These principles were replaced by Gladiator Sena- are jointly investigating illegalities associated with the tors, pretending to defend all who have been abused and coup, worked out a deal for Rosenstein to appear im- raped, if not all womanhood besides. The first half of minently to tell them about this treasonous May meet- Percy Bysshe Shelley’s poem, “The Mask of Anarchy,” ing—who was there and what was said—and they are is a fitting reference for the horror, fraud, and hypocrisy subpoenaing the memos of fired FBI Deputy Director which we are all witnessing. Tell me, does anyone even Andrew McCabe about this meeting and others. Mc- remember or know what kind of judge Brett Kavana- Cabe’s memos were the source of the Times story. ugh is, or what his judicial philosophy is? Think about Rosenstein, of course, had a better idea than the that as the Coliseum crowd, our national news media, very faulty 25th Amendment gambit. He almost imme- demands that you opine about things they say he did at diately appointed Special Counsel Robert Mueller to the ripe old age of 17. Thumbs up! Thumbs down! In execute the intent to take down the sitting President. this new Roman world we have inhabited since the So, on the one hand, I will give you an update on 2016 election, that’s all you have to do to claim your developments in the coup, in which the Kavanaugh title as citizen. hearings are an integral part. And I will again tell you, But I will argue to you today that the Kavanaugh that a key determining point in the coup is the upcom- hearing of Sept. 27 was actually a turning point, and the ing midterm elections on November 6. How we portray color revolution and “Resist” have made a fatal error in these journalists and Democrats between now and then, overreach, even if an error whose magnitude will not at the people who have become nothing but anarchists and first be apparent. madmen, slick peddlers of sick lies—how we ridicule The past two weeks have seen key events in revers- their ignorance of the most fundamental principles of ing this coup: (1) There is increasing recognition that our Constitutional Republic, and whether we make that the British instigated the coup. (2) The President has ridicule stick, may very well determine the future of ordered a rapid declassification review of key docu- this Republic. ments in the coup which will expose the British hand. But my second topic is an even more important one. That is why the British had a hissy fit about President In her Schiller Institute webcast of Sept. 27, Helga Trump’s order to declassify the Carter Page FISA Zepp-LaRouche referenced the means by which the Warrant, the Bruce Ohr 302s, and key text messages entire mess actually gets outflanked and defeated. With among the top echelons of the FBI. It is said that this Trump’s speech at the United Nations, and his allusion declassification will also be highly embarrassing and to each nation’s developing what Lyndon LaRouche legally challenging for the CIA and John Brennan. (3) would call “full set economies” for themselves, and the A New York Times leak on September 21 revealed that President’s intent to make that the basis of international at meetings involving Deputy Attorney General Rod relations, the door is wide open, if we recognize it, for 10 Turn the Flank EIR October 5, 2018 the needed new monetary system. Only under that new Fled, and with his hoofs did grind system, can mankind actually advance to a higher stage To dust the murderers thronged behind. of development. You see, there is a pervasive error in the analysis of I think we are now at such a moment, in the coup the relations between nations involving trade, which which has enveloped this country since Election Day, this organization is uniquely positioned to correct. 2016. We have just witnessed a Judge, smeared and That is because China and certain other nations, as pilloried before the public for an incident which alleg- they developed following the 1971 decoupling of the edly occurred in high school, in 1982, more than 36 dollar from the gold reserve standard, were the recipi- years ago. We are being told that justice and all of the ents of thousands of manufacturing jobs from the history of Western civilization requires accepting the United States—not because China sought to steal word of his accuser, without question, without any these jobs, but because of deliberate policies devel- doubt, with elaborate sympathetic rituals praising her oped and implemented by Anglo-Dutch imperial enti- courage, and without ever questioning her character, ties, such as the Trilateral Commission and the Coun- motives, or background. By her own account, she was cil on Foreign Relations right here in the United States. a 15-year-old girl, a product of the rich and elite sub- These imperial bodies called for “controlled disinte- urbs of Washington, D.C., who appeared at a party, as gration” of advanced sector economies in projects if out of the air, drank some beer, and was assaulted— spanning the period of the late 1970s into the early not raped, but groped—by two drunken prep school 1980s, and for a form of governance they called “fas- boys, one of whom, she says, was Brett Kavanaugh. cism with a democratic face.” They even exported ad- Both her parents and Kavanaugh’s parents belonged to vanced technologies and defense systems to China, the same exclusive country club, a place notorious for under their geopolitical theory that China would act as its elite and segregated policies. She then disappeared a fatal check on the Soviet Union. into the air once more, not remembering where she had It is one of the great ironies of the present situation been, or how she got either to this incident or back to that one of the architects of this policy, as it was applied her home. to China, was Michael Pillsbury, the man who, right She emphatically remembers the boys laughing at now, is attempting to destroy Donald Trump’s relation- her. She gave different accounts, first saying she feared ship with China’s President Xi Jinping, and with it the that Kavanaugh was going to rape her, and then in her very possibility of the new monetary system necessary televised testimony, that she thought Kavanaugh was for the full set economic development which can secure going to kill her.
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