FROZEN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VASSILIEV INVARIANTS DROR BAR-NATAN This bibliography is available electronically at http://www.math. toronto.edu/»drorbn. The html version has some hyperlinks! This bibliography is frozen (see Section 5). An active version is maintained by Sergei Duzhin at http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/˜duzhin/VasBib. This is a partial bibliography of papers on Vassiliev invariants. It aims to be a complete listing of all the papers on the subject, but at this time, it still fails. If your paper (or a paper you are aware of) is omitted (or abused in any other way), it is simply because of the haphazard way by which this bibliography is organized, and not because of a secret plan of mine to ruin your (or anybody else’s) reputation. Let me know (please::: I want this bibliography to be as complete as possible!) and it will be fixed. Allow me just one selfish rule: I will not enter any paper into this bibliography unless I have (or I am given) a copy of it. Mikhail Nikolaevitch Goussarov March 8, 1958 – June 25, 1999 http://www.math.toronto.edu/˜drorbn/Goussarov Contents 1. List of Additions 2 2. Electronic Addresses 5 3. Acknowledgement 11 4. References 11 4.1. References beginning with A 11 4.2. References beginning with B 12 4.3. References beginning with C 14 4.4. References beginning with D 16 4.5. References beginning with E 16 4.6. References beginning with F 17 4.7. References beginning with G 17 4.8. References beginning with H 19 4.9. References beginning with I 20 Date: Jun. 30, 2005; Entries: 576 . 1 2 DROR BAR-NATAN 4.10. References beginning with J 20 4.11. References beginning with K 21 4.12. References beginning with L 23 4.13. References beginning with M 25 4.14. References beginning with N 27 4.15. References beginning with O 28 4.16. References beginning with P 29 4.17. References beginning with Q 30 4.18. References beginning with R 30 4.19. References beginning with S 31 4.20. References beginning with T 33 4.21. References beginning with U 34 4.22. References beginning with V 34 4.23. References beginning with W 35 4.24. References beginning with X 35 4.25. References beginning with Y 36 4.26. References beginning with Z 36 5. Notice of Retirement 36 1. List of Additions This bibliography is frozen (see Section 5). An active version is maintained by Sergei Duzhin at http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/˜duzhin/VasBib. Following a suggestion by Simon Willerton, here’s a list of additions to this bibliography, beyond the first 100 papers (time ordered within each month, but the months are reverse- time-ordered): ² May 2005: [C1]. ² April 2005: — ² March 2005: [T13], [H14], [G17], [C35]. ² February 2005: [V22]. ² January 2005: [C21], [M30]. ² December 2004: [B1], [Y4], [M37]. ² November 2004: [G32], [L27], [L28], [T10]. ² October 2004: [M5], [K26]. ² September 2004: [K62], [C30]. ² August 2004: [Z1], [B14], [B15], [K9], [K4], [K5], [C20]. ² July 2004: [E10], [P23], [M29], [P18]. ² June 2004: [O11], [M18], [M4], [C34], [P5]. ² May 2004: [S29], [T17], [T19], [K10], [K11]. ² April 2004: — ² March 2004: — ² February 2004: [C36], [C33], [M19], [M20], [S12]. ² January 2004: [A20], [V21]. ² December 2003: [M21], [M28]. FROZEN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VASSILIEV INVARIANTS 3 ² November 2003: [T7]. ² October 2003: [S10], [N15], [N16] [N4], [M3], [G12], [T3], [M11], [M12], [M13], [O10], [S11], [B24], [N2], [M8]. ² September 2003: [M7], [G45]. ² August 2003: [M2], [C6]. ² July 2003: — ² June 2003: — ² May 2003: [V20], [K47], [B40]. ² April 2003: [K41], [N9], [N10], [S1]. ² March 2003: — ² February 2003: [F12]. ² January 2002: [R5], [F7]. ² December 2002: — ² November 2002: [M40]. ² October 2002: [K57] [L26], [M9]. ² September 2002: [C14], [H12], [M16], [C38], [B34], [J3], [K46]. ² August 2002: — ² July 2002: [N14], [M6]. ² June 2002: [G31] [G11]. ² May 2002: [H4], [G33], [B27], [B28]. ² April 2002: [L39], [M15], [B22], [V19], [Z3]. ² March 2002: [G26], [S4]. ² February 2002: [P21], [P4], [O9], [S17]. ² January 2002: [G9], [G10], [S20], [O15], [R13], [F6], [P13]. ² December 2001: [R2], [R3], [S9], [E1], [E2], [E3], [E4], [E5], [E6]. ² November 2001: [M10], [N8], [K52], [T18], [B13]. ² October 2001: [Q1], [C32], [G16], [P2], [P3], [G43] (English). ² September 2001: — ² August 2001: — ² July 2001: — ² June 2001: [L55], [T9], [R12], [T2]. ² May 2001: [G15], [W9]. ² April 2001: [Y3], [H20], [J7], [J2], [Y1], [O18], [J5], [J4], [O14], [N1], [L38]. ² March 2001: [M22], [N13]. ² February 2001: [G24], [G25]. ² January 2001: — ² December 2000: [C13], [F5], [L51], [C37]. ² November 2000: [L30], [D5]. ² October 2000: [K42], [T8], [L50], [L46], [M31]. ² September 2000: [V18], [S8], [V10]. ² August 2000: [M42]. ² July 2000: [B21], [L4]. ² June 2000: [G23], [G34], [P24], [T6], [O1]. ² May 2000: [H19], [C12], [V13], [K56], [H15], [A19]. ² April 2000: [O2], [M27], [L25], [G13]. ² March 2000: [T1], [M52], [B36], [G7], [G30], [G8], [F4]. 4 DROR BAR-NATAN ² February 2000: [T4], [E8], [E9], [L3], [S6], [S7]. ² January 2000: [V9], [L37], [K55]. ² December 1999: [C3], [B2], [N11], [K61]. ² November 1999: [K43], [C5], [P25], [O6], [H8], [S5], [D12], [D13], [P12], [V16], [V17], [L24], [R11], [O7], [O8], [F15]. ² October 1999: — ² Spetember 1999: [L36], [B31], [S50], [F8], [S51], [S52], [M43], [D11]. ² August 1999: — ² July 1999: [O24], [R4], [S28], [M41], [G43], [C11], [C31]. ² June 1999: [C10], [A16] [K38], [K39], [K40], [L15]. ² May 1999: [G22], [A18], [M26], [L2], [M48], [T14]. [T15], [T16]. ² April 1999: [E7]. ² March 1999: [M1], [W8], [S30], [M47], [N12]. ² February 1999: [M46], [P11]. ² January 1999: [K54], [A15], [B26], [C9]. ² December 1998: [M49], [G41], [G42], [P16], [P17], [H9], [L8], [J1], [S13], [S14], [P10], [M25]. ² November 1998: [P1], [L35], [G6], [K24], [K25], [L29], [F3], [H11], [H18], [Z2], [K3], [C8]. ² October 1998: [G44], [S48], [S49], [B3] [L54]. ² September 1998: [K13], [K14], [C29]. ² August 1998: [V6], [B20], [D10], [R1], [O16], [O17], [C7], [H10]. ² July 1998: [M23], [S47], [L7], [S27], [M24]. ² June 1998: [K35], [G2], [L34], [B25]. ² May 1998: [H7], [H3], [S26], [F11], ² April 1998: [B33]. [K8], [P15], [K37], [K19]. ² March 1998: [S42], [S43], [S44], [S45], [S46], [O19], [O20]. ² February 1998: [L10], [W7], [L14], [A3], [A4], [T12], [M34], [M35], [M36]. ² January 1998: [B19], [C28]. ² December 1997: [L6], [C22], [W6]. ² November 1997: [G1], [A2]. ² October 1997: [Y5], [J6], [L5]. ² September 1997: [C19], [V11], [W5], [Y2], [B38] [D4]. ² August 1997: [G5], [H5]. ² July 1997: [K7], [K2], [P6], [G14]. ² June 1997: [B18], [L33], [M51], [S53], [K36], [S37], [S38], [S39], [S40], [S41]. ² May 1997: [S15]. ² April 1997: [K17], [G4], [G27], [K50], [L13], [A12]. ² March 1997: [H2], [B17], [S36], [M17], [M54], [K30]. ² February 1997: [V8], [M53], [K16]. ² January 1997: [R14], [H6], [O5]. ² December 1996: [K51], [B39], [B35], [O4], [M50], [G37], [D2], [D3], [F10]. ² November 1996: [C18], [C16], [A14]. ² October 1996: [S33], [S34], [S35], [H1], [L32]. ² September 1996: [K49], [A13], [M14], [G21]. ² August 1996: [K58], [P20], [P14], [K34]. FROZEN BIBLIOGRAPHY OF VASSILIEV INVARIANTS 5 ² July 1996: [A11], [D1], [L16]. ² June 1996: [T5]. ² May 1996: [V2], [D8], [V3], [C15], [B43]. ² April 1996: [A10], [B41], [L49]. ² March 1996: [G20], [A7], [K53], [B30], [L31]. ² February 1996: [K32], [F9], [S19], [K45]. ² January 1996: [B23], [R9], [R10], [K12], [L48], [S32]. ² December 1995: [O13], [W4], [S25], [M44], [M45], [K15], [L12]. ² November 1995: [L1], [G29], [H17], [L23], [K59]. ² October 1995: [L47], [F14]. ² September 1995: [L53], [F13], [O22], [O23], [L9], [C26], [K6], [F2], [G19], [K33], [N5]. ² August 1995: [K29], [G35], [G36], [L17], [G28], [B12]. ² July 1995: [S16], [G40], [V12], [F1], [V15]. 2. Electronic Addresses This bibliography is frozen (see Section 5). An active version is maintained by Sergei Duzhin at http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/˜duzhin/VasBib. Here are some author’s email, http, and ftp addresses (notice that electronic addresses are constantly changing, so the list below cannot be reliable. Please let me know if you have any additions/corrections). I’ve started this list before spam went out of control. I feel that the benefit of having it still outweighs the damage it may cause (Some unwanted mass mailing to all who’s interested in finite type invariants by some publisher? Unpleasant but we can live with that). However, if you want your name removed please send me a message and I will quickly comply. A: (see page 11) ² Francesca Aicardi: ² Iain Aitchison: ² Peter M. Akhmetiev: ² Marcos Alvarez: ² Daniel Altschuler: ² Jørgen Ellegaard Andersen: http://home.imf.au.dk/andersen/ ² Eli Appleboim: ² V. I. Arnold: http://www.pdmi.ras.ru/˜arnsem/Arnold/, http://www.institut.math.jussieu.fr/seminaires/singularites/pagearnold.html ² Nikos A. Askitas: http://members.tripod.com/DrAsk/, http://guests.mpim-bonn.mpg.de/askitas/ ² Emmanuel Auclair: http://www-fourier.ujf-grenoble.fr/Personnel/auclaire.html B: (see page 12) ² Sebastian Baader: ² Eric Babson: http://www.math.washington.edu/˜babson/ ² Roland Bacher: ² John Baez: http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez/README.html ² Dror Bar-Natan: http://www.math.toronto.edu/˜drorbn ² Anna Beliakova: ² Paolo Bellingeri: 6 DROR BAR-NATAN ² Anna-Barbara Berger: ² Mitchell A. Berger: http://www.ucl.ac.uk/˜ucahmab/home.htm ² Joan S. Birman: http://www.math.columbia.edu/˜jb/ ² Anders Bj¨orner:http://www.math.kth.se/˜bjorner/ ² B´elaBollob´as:http://www.msci.memphis.edu/faculty/bollobasb.html ² Raoul Bott: ² David J. Broadhurst: http://physics.open.ac.uk/˜dbroadhu ² Ryan Budney, http://www.math.rochester.edu/people/faculty/rybu/
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