Bibliography on GATT 1946-1976 compiled by Richard Ford Nev Horizons for World Trade Department of State Publication 2591. Washington,D.C. U.S. Government The International Trade Organization -How it will vork Foreign Affairs Outline No ?• Department of State Publi cation 2597* Washington, D.C. UNITED STATES. Department of State. -New horizons for world trade. -Washington, D,C., (Department of State publication, 2591*) UNITED STATES. Department of State. -The International trade organization : how it will work. -Washington, D.C., 19^-6. (Department of State publication, 2597. -Foreign affairs outline, 7•) 19^7 BALOGH, Thomas. -Britain and the Geneva tariff agreements. In : Bulletin of the Oxford university institute of statistics, December 19^-7. CANADA. Department of trade. -Multilateral trade agreement between seventeen countries has vide application here. In : Foreign trade (Ottawa), 19^7 (vol. l). CONDLIFFE, S.B. -Obstacles to multilateral trade. -Washington, D.C., National planning association, 19^7. ii (Planning pamphlets, 59.) FAWCETT, J.E.S. -The International trade organization. In : British yearbook of international law, 19^-7• GERSCHENKRON, A. -Russia and the International trade organization proceedings of the 59th annual meeting of the American economic association. In ; American economic reviev, May 19^-7» no. 2. HOFFMAN, M.L. -/Reports (some unsigned_)/. In : New York times, 10, 25 September ; 17, 31 October ; 18 November, McGOWAN, H.P. -The new General agreement on tariffs and trade. In ; Foreign commerce weekly (Washington, D.C.), 29 November 19Vf. MIKESELL, R.F. -The ITO Charter. In : American economic review, June 19*17, no. 3. MIKESELL, R.F. -Quantitative and exchange restrictions under the ITO-Charter. In ; American economic review, 19^7« - T. Balogh Britain and the Geneva Tariff Agreements Bulletin of the Institute of Statistics,Oxford. December 19^7. Canadian Government Multilateral Trade Agreement between Seventeen Countries has vide application here. Foreign Trade, Ottawa, 22 November 19^7. S.Bl 'Condliffe Obstacles to Multilateral Trade National Planning Association, Washington D.C. 19^7* Planning Pamphlets No 59. J.E.S. Fawcett The Internftticaal Trad»-X)rganization British Yearbook of International Law, London A. Gerschenkron Russia & the International Trade Organization American Economic Review - Proceedings of the 59th Annual Meeting of the American Economic Association Menasha, Wise. May 19^7 ,No 2 M.L. Hoffman Reports in New York Times (some unsigned): 10, 25 Sept; 17, 31 Oct; 18 Nov. ) See E~r H.P. McGowan The New General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade Foreign Commerce Weekly, Washington D.C. 29 Nov. 19^*7 R.F. Mikesell The ITO Chsrter. American Economic Review, June 19^7 R.F. Mikesell Quantitative & Exchange Restrictions under the ITO Charter American Economic Review, Menasha, Wise. U.K. Government Report on the Tariff Negotiations at Geneva Board of Trade Journal, London, 22 Nov. U.K. Government Report on the Geneva Tariff Negotiations with text of the General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade, and Supplementary Agreements with the United States and Canada. HHSO Cmnd. 7258, London 47-2- United Nations ITO in the making, by M. Suetens Bulletin of the United Nations, New York, 24 August 1947- u, United Nations Prospects for ITO, by E. Wijidham White Bulletin of the United Nations, New York, 2 Sept. 1947. United Nations Basic Principles of the Draft ITO Charter, by T£A» Bulletin of the United Nations, New York, 4 liov. 1947 United Nations The Trade Conference at work Bulletin of the United Nations, New York, 16 Dec. 1947 United Nations Results of the Geneva Trade Itognt1.an«t *by E. W; \o^ White ». ^ Bulletin of the United Nations, New York, 15 efef*. 1947 U.S. Congress Hearings on the Operations of the Trade Agreements and the ~RofeootU i • -~ International Trade Organization before the House Ways r & Means Committee. 80 (London draft) U.S. Congress Hearings on the Trade Agreements System & the Proposed International Trade Organization Charter* a, Senate Committee on Finanp< 80 Cong* 1 SessXW^iin^- ton D.C. 1947 (London draft) U.S. Government The American Trade Program. What do we have at stake? by C. Wilcoi. Whot do wo hovo Department of State Publications 2753 CommercialT Series 100, Washington D.C. 1947 U.S. Government The Geneva Charter for an International Trade Organization Department of State Publications 2950, W«sfe. D.C. 1947 U.S. Government A. Constitution for World Trade VO^IU^.. Department of State Publication 2964, 1947 U.S. Government Analysis of the General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade signed at Geneva, October 30« 1947 • Department of State, Washington D.C. 1947» Publication 2983 Commercial Policy Series 109. E. Varga The Geneva Trade Talks New Times, Moscow, 16 May 1947- J, Viner Conflicts of Principle in drafting a Trade Charter" Foreign Affairs, New York, Jul« 1947 (reprinted in J. Viner, International Economics, Free /' Press, GlencoiT, 111. 47-3- The Geneva Marathon » Banker, London, May 1947• Tariffs & Trade Economist, London, 22 Wov. 1947 ' *=• La France et lea accorda tarifairea de Geneve. Documentation francaise, Notes documentaires et etudes, Parisrvno 780, IX^ecember 1947. \ C \c//\T(\ ) 1948. T. Bplogh The Charter of International Trade Bulletin of the Institute of Statistics, Oxford Vol.9fi Nos 3 & 4- Winthrofo^ G,. Brown Foreign Economic Policy of the United States. Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1943 Part Ills International Economic Cooperation^ Chapter on QATT was reproduced (mineographedjby U\To -ie/IW), Geneva, March 1949 (MGT/5/49) ~ " J.E.S. Fawcett The International Trade Organization sah Yearbook^of . International .l^¥,« gn__- Economic^olic_ y for the United S ;es S. Harris (editor) Harvard University Press, Cambridge, Mass. 1948 (includes "The General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade" r* by W.A. Brown). a. M.L Hoffman Reports in the New York Times: 16, 24, 26 Aug; 7 Sept. J. Cordell Hull The Memoirs of Cordell Hull. X U iTo of Committees & Principal Sub-committees. Interim Commission for the International Trade Orga- * UvtO nization, Geneva, 1948, IQ/ITO 1/8 (printed) Informal summary of the Havana Charter for an Inter— \e )Vt> national Trade Organization IC/ITO, Geneva, August 1948, Mineographed (No symbol) X" 10/ITO The General Agreement on Tariffs & Trade A. The Geneva Tariff Negotiations, 1947 B. The General Agreement explained C. The first meeting of the Contracting Parties, Havana ^J^XjarchQ *£iT£ 1 •• "-"- \itf IC/CTO, Geneva, August 1948, Mimeographed (no symbol). A XM/OTQ, The Origin & Main Principles of the Havana , Geneva, December 1948, Mj^eographed (MT/17/49^ also in French. J.C. CampbellU The United States in World •*J Harper & Brothers, New YorkXL948 © (U.S. participation in Geneva tariff negotiations, preparation of ITO Charter &. Havana Conference). -2- P. Ramadier L1accord de Geneve. Revue politique et parleraentaire, Paris-fc January/?48. /T) United Nations Results of Geneva Trade Negotiations, by E. Wyndham White, Bulletin^ of the United Nations, New Yprk^ 15 jQct. 1948. (2nd Session of the Contracting Parties). United Nations The International Trade Organization (prepared-) (|-J><v^rys< Yearbook of the United Nations, 1946-1947 United Nations, New York, 1948. U.K. Government Refcrt on United Nations Conference on Trade and Employment/7 , Havana 1947—1948--•--.-., Genera. l Agreemen— t on Tariffs & Trade, first session of the Contracting Par-ties (held at Havana, Cuba, 28 Febr. to 24 March 1948)t documents relating to the firsi session. L HMSO, London, Cmd. 737%) 1948. £) U.S. Character of Commerce America & the"International Trade Organization U.S. Chamber of "Commerce, Washington D.C* June 1948. U»S« Congres¥ The JLnternational Trade Organisation: an Appraisal of the Havana Charter in relation to &s& United States Foreign4-Policy, with a definitive Study of its Pro- visions. Report by the Hon. James G. Fulton, Penn- sylvania, & the Hon. Jacob,^* K. Javits, New Yorl^p U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. 1948. \\j United Nations Trade Charter in Sight, by E. Windhan White^) Bulletin of the United Nations, New York, 1 March 1948 United Nations For Order & Justice in International Trade Bulletin of the United Nations, New York, 15 ^pril 1948 United Nations ITO Interim Commission starts Work, by E* Wyndham White. U n|*r9 Bulletin of the United Nations, New Yorfc^ 1 Batf T2f8. U.S. Government American Trade Policy q . Department of State Publication 3091, Washington D.C. U.S. Government The United States Reciprocal Trade Agreements Program -and th -e propose , - cd- Internationa > -l Trade Organizatio ..- n o - Department of State Purrli cation^ 3^ 1%j^ashington D.C. "t$& (T) U.S. Government Trade Agreements Extension Act of 1948. U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Foreign Commerce Weekly-f 24 July 1948. U.S. Government A Charter for World Prosperity - The How & Why of the ITQ, U.S. State Department. Foreign Affairs Outline T I. o I8r Washington D.C. 1946 '48..3- U.S. Government Commercial Foreign Policy of the United States, by W. WilloughbyfjDepartment of State Bulletin, Washing*- (t ton D.C. 12^September 1948. U.S. Government Twenty-five guegtions and pisvers on the proposed Jin-- ternational Trade Organization. U.S. Department of State, Office of Public Affairs. 1948 L*accord de Geneve sur les tarifs douaniers et le commerce du 30 oct. 1948. Bulletin de legislation compared, Paris^ First quarter Relations between the International Court of Justice I & ITQyj^ Am^. v journal of International Law, Wash. D.C. 1948 (Vol. 42, pp. 656-661) l 1949. D. Acheson Economic Policy & the ITO Charter. Department of State Bulletin, Washington D.C. 1949 PP- 35-^40. American Tariff League An Analysis of the ITO Charter American Tariff League, New York^L949. 0 x P. Bidwell & W. Diebold The United States and The International Trade Organi- zat ion \ International Conciliation, Boston, -Boston 194Q^No 449. c G. Bronz The International Trade Organization Charter. Harvard Law Review, Cambridge, Mass/p Hay 1949* 0 N.
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