Southern Illinois University Carbondale OpenSIUC November 1984 Daily Egyptian 1984 11-28-1984 The aiD ly Egyptian, November 28, 1984 Daily Egyptian Staff Follow this and additional works at: https://opensiuc.lib.siu.edu/de_November1984 Volume 70, Issue 67 Recommended Citation , . "The aiD ly Egyptian, November 28, 1984." (Nov 1984). This Article is brought to you for free and open access by the Daily Egyptian 1984 at OpenSIUC. It has been accepted for inclusion in November 1984 by an authorized administrator of OpenSIUC. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Bar gets 2-day closure order for link with killing By Bob Tit. close the bar for two days ra' 'r 5 and into the early morning of however. that Patel has no served liquor frequenUy. She SUI II Writer than the seven days requested Nov. 6. An argument between previous violations of the liquor said the bartender did not by Assistant City Attorney the two men resulted in code and ~l"'ged the commission bother to ask Halliday .md The Carbondale Liquor Barbara Colvin. Reichert being shot dead by to treat the incident as other Reichert for age indentification Commission has ordered the The liquor license holder of Halliday. first offenses by i!;suing a because he said the two men Bleu Flambe bar to close for two the Bleu Flambe Pele Palel was Halliday "'as convicted of warning letter. were considered regula l" days in connection with a 1983 charged with a violation of the manslaugher and sentenced to "Your area of respoli...c:ibili ty customers. She said lhis would murder of an underage drinker. city's liquor code for serving 3Omonlhs in prison wil.h a fine or comes in treating this as a .. y indicate that underage drinking The bar. located at 801 E . two 2O-yea r old patrons. Larry $1.000. other case." Hines told the was not uncommon at the Sleu MalO SI.. will be closed Halliday and Michael Reicherl. Patel changed his pi to the commission. FI&mbe. Saturday and Sunday. The The two men. both from charges from not guilty to guilty Colvin. however. said she Hines said of the 58 liquor commission. which is also the Carbonda Ie, had been drinking at a hearing Monday His at· could produce witnesses to City Cou.,cil. voted Monday to in the bar on the ~vening oi ov . torney Charles Hines said. testify that the two men were See BAR. Page 7 Seven die in Israeli 'Daily 'Egyptian air strike BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) Israeli jets bombed and strafed ,Wednesday. Nov"'mber28.1984, Vol . 70. No67 Southern Illinois University Palestinian guerrilla bases in the Syrian-controlled Bekaa Valley on Tuesday and police reported seven people killed and nine wounded in the fiery raid. It was the first I&raeli air strike in Lebanon since Prime Council OKs Minister Shimon Peres look office in September as head of a coalition government. and the 16th Israeli air raid 00 lebanon this year. sign ruling The air raid was conducted two days after two Katyusha By Lisa Ei t'nhauer placed on private property to 3() rockets were fired into northern Starr Writer days before an electiop and five Israel from across the Lebanese days afterward. border. The rockets ca used no The Carbondale City Council In striking down a similar damage or casualties. voted unMimously on Monday ordinance in ormal. a federal A Lebanese police report said not to change the city's sign district court ruled that placing five Palestinian guerrillas and ordinance despite concerns time and content restrictions on two Lebanese civilians were raised by tne legal slaff as to signs on private property killed in the atlack that set whether the ordinance's time violated the property owner's buildi.,gs afire. The police said restriction on political signs is right to freedom of speech. nille Palestinian guerrillas were constitutional. Though it voted to relain wounded. The legal staff told the council Carbondale's political sign But Abu Adawi, spokesman in September !bat. in light of a restrictions, the council in· for guerrilla groups operating in federal court decision on a structed the legal slaff to keep a the area, told The Associated sImilar sign ordinance in close watch for further Press in Beirut by telephone Normal, the city's restrictions decisions regarding the legality on political signs may violat. of such ordinances. ~fI~ ~~d fo~~e~~~~ded.as the " free speech" clouse of :he Councilman Partick Kelley Syria, which controls the First Amendment. Car· said Tuesday that he does not Bekaa Valey area of Leban ~ n . bondale's sign ordinance limits think the city's ordinance would said it scrambled jets to con· the display of political signs be struck down if it were front Israeli F·15 and F·16 at· challengee in the federal tackers. There were no reports district court that has of Syrian·Israeli aerial com· Gus jurisdiction over Carbondale. ba thowever. Kelley, professor at the sru Reporters in the area said CJ30de Law School. said that in his Syrian air defenses opened fire opinion the ruling against the with surface-ta-air missiles but Normal ordinance was based on apparenUy did not hit any a " highly controversial" in· Israeli planes. terpretatlOn of the First The Israeli mililary command Amendment. in Tel Aviv said its pilots " I think the sign ordinance is reported direct hits on positions 3 very appropriate one (or held by the Democratic f'ront residenl1al a~eas ," Kelley said. for the Liberation of Palestine. the most pra-Moscow faction of Gus says free spE'ech is (infO . but li lt does 'Jot In any wa y. attempt Ada /\tees of Carbondale paid liille heed to rain and c oo~ er to ,,,,,' rict the conlent of weather Tuesday while raking leaves on her lawn. the Palestine Liberation it shouldn·t leave post holes in Organization. the yard. politic<: signs." Ii said the guerrilla bases were used as launching pads for Tax plan would cut popular deductions atlacks on Israel and on Israeli troops in Lebanon. All Israeli WASHINGTON (AP) - The President Reagan said the Secretary Donald T Regan. cent) to 35 pen:ent; limit to planes returned safely to base. Treasury Department proposal meets his demand for " This w,lI go a long way to $5,000 the wnteorf for interest the command said. cecommended on Tuesday a simplification without being "a assure any American that the other tban a home mortgage, Reportf'rs close to the scene swcering overhaul of the in· tax increase in disguise. to He other person is being laxe:! on and wipe out the deduction now said shoulder·fired and truclr· cor-Ie tax that wouJd finance prorrJ sed to carefully review the same basis as he or she is," permitted for state and local mounted SAM·7 and SAM·9 new rate reductions by the tniclr report and public hesaid. income taxes. missiles were fired by the eliminating many popular reaction to it before sending his The plan would double the The " marriaRe penalty" Syrians during the IO-minute deductions. The Treasury version to Congress early next $1 ,000 personal exemptions; deduction of up lor $3,000 for bombin~ . nd strafing ~ns , but estimated 78 percent of year. increase the slandarc deduc· two-earner cou- :C5 wu\,:ld be all were deflected by s·:arlet Americans would pay less or the The proposal was unveiled at tions ; slash thl maximum in· · killed, as would the deduction heat balloons released by the SlIme under the plan. a news conference by Treasury dividual tax rate (now 50 per. for slate and Incal tax.,,; Israeli j~ts. Heart patient speaks after surgery This GMorning LOUISVILLE. Ky . (AP) - other complications could occur !ban to his Indiana home 90 William J . Schroeder, s~ king suddenly. miles away, so that doctors can Partly 5unny ; highs in 401 for the first time since h,s dying " You live on the edge of a watch his recovery closely. heart was replaced with a possible disasfer like that all the When the breathing tube that plastic pump. asked for a can of time." he said. bad made it impossible for Coe shows meUow side at Arena 8 beer Tuesday, and his doctor Asked when Schroeder might Schroeder to lalk was removed said he might be able ,0 leave be able to leave the hosjlital, the hospital by Christmas. DeVries said, " I hoP': before :~ ~r~m;'~=he O:~~::d Professor says he's going home 10 Dr. William C. DeVries, in his Christmas, but I think that's first meeting with reporters very optimistic on my part." a~~inlfke a can of beer " he Officials defend fee increases 12 since the surgery , said When Schroeder, 52, is quoted Schroeder as sa'ying. Schroeder's new heart was released from the Humana DeVries gave him ice chips, and Women Salukis win at home Sports 24 "working beautifully," although Hospilal Audubon. be will move Schroeder was later given clear he cauUon£d !bat infections or into a house in Louisville rather fluids. Fast Service Near SIU Ca."""" reat YOW' "best friend" at our ne <iJVewswrap S"L & ..LL ST AQY "DOGGIE DELI" The TypIng .......1. Nation/World 25 % OFF THIS WEEK w.ta.. Wad Processing Our Specialty Other Computer Services Police successfully foil plot . ' - ;. - lIP •· , Available , . , on bombing of U.S. Embassy Monday through Saturday 9 ..,,4pm ; 7pm·lOpm ROME CAP) - Police said Tuesday they had foiled. plot by '-: :: ;r: 'l ' seven Lebanese, suspected of being Islamic Holy War terrorists, to blow up the U.S. Embassy with a dynamite-laden truck.
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