~.. , * 1932 * TIle 8tIIdeIIts' Volee lor 0..-51 Yean * 19I6* VoI$II, No.1 - .....c.....,CUNY September 2, 1916 DEAN Staff Menilier.Raped OF STUDENTS RESIGNS In Campus Bathroom BY NEERAJ VOBRA BY NEERAJ VOHRA AND CAITLIN MOLUSON .Dr, Henry Wdson, Jr., dean of A .Baruch College staff worker provost, said that this is the first students since August 1980, resign­ was sexually assaulted in the. fifth reported case of sexual assault that ed from his office at the May 20th floor staff bathroom at ISS E 24th has taken place on campus. faculty meeting. His resignation St. on'August 4th, according to LeClerc added that the asssailant was effective as of June 30th. Louis Llanes, a New York Police was not a Baruchstudent or staff Dr: Robert Georgia, assistant to Department officer with the Public member. According to Joe Vicenti, the dean last year, was appointed "Information Division~ the assistant director of security at acting dean effective July Ist, by The 39 year-oJd white female was Baruch College, the investigation is Joel Segall, president of Baruch "raped, robbed and sodomized" at being handled by the sex crimes College. .. knife-point, said Llanes. The crime division of the NYPD. The sex Georgia's appointment is to last took place at S:30 inthe afternoon. crimes division would not say until a new dean of students is Baruch Security and administration whether they had any suspects in selected through a search committee personnel, as well as Llanes, cited the case. that is about to be formed, said "the nature of the crime" as reason The police do have a sketch of Paul LeOerc, the provost. to withhold the identity of the vic- the assailant that they are utilizing "I will be the acting dean of tim. students for up to a year until the )C8I"ch committee chooses a replace­ ment," said Georgia. _ ...." ",e."" n a bill' J' .. "Being the dean of students is a ::halIenge aDd an intCl'eSting. p0si­ tion," states Georgia. UI really love w1:o'kina"with students. At the same time, I do feel bad about WaUierRewie.. Wilson leaving. -I ~""Mm-:per_.- .... ., - .. sonaHy and I learned a lot. u-o..: -..,;,_.,~,~~ _. "'.t-I"'" First Year him." ----_. __.- . - ---~----...- -cO~ -1!ktelftdJlIIr to 6tGtgia; Wilson will be uspending the fall The following is an interview semester on a special assignment BY NEERAJ VOHRA with Danville UTony" Walker, the which involves some kind of Baruch College students, faculty Day Session Student :'Govent~ent research, and in the spring wiD and staff members are president. Walker has ~"-,l,resi­ return to teaching." - now required to have identification dent since Sqtember 5, l~fter Georgia declined to comment on cards •'isible at all times during the he led his United Students for Ac­ Wilson's reasons for resianation. working day," according to a letter tion party to a lQ1'ublide victory in HI could speculate just as anyo~ addressed to the Baruch community the May 1985 elections. No 0Ite from Joel Segall, president of contested the presidency.or any of Baruch College. the other DSSO positiOns, this year •'That was a decision by the . (HI(} all who "ran" for office . president in response to the assault "won. ,. AIIIIIm ......,.. •,, I Iit.i ) ,aMla""" that took ~Iace in the 24th Street Ticker: When you ran for presiden­ _I, nl", _ IlL, f'JIS, afro c"-'." building," (see accompanying cy in 1985, you cited student story) said Robert Georgia, acting apathy as one of the things you According to Llanes, the in their investigation. According to dean of students. would like to change. In the '85 assailant was "an unidentified Vicenti, the guards at Baruch also 'Segall is on vau:ation and could elections, most of the DSSG black male in his 30's." have the sketch. not be reached fOr comment. Ac­ positions were contested and The victim was "not hurt in any The incident has started a flurry cording to Segall's letter, anybody about 1,700. students voted. other way - she didn't require of activity at Baruch. Joel Segall, without a visible ID will be stop­ However, in '86 elections, no hospitalization," said Stephen Wer­ president of Baruch College, has ped by the security guards. OSSG seats were contested and theimer, Baruch College vice presi­ ordered that any~y wishing en­ According to Joe Vtcenti,. assis­ the two election items-the dent for·development. trance to any Baruch building have tant director of security at Baruch, DSSG constitution and the "Investigations, to the best of my an 10 visible at all times. Accor­ uIfa person can't prove they have a athletic fee referendum-at­ knowledge, are still under way, but ding to Vicenti, ten more guards right to be in the building, they will tracted about 300 voters. How there have been no arrests or have been hired to patrol the cam­ not be admitted." He added that do you explain the low voter Dr.~~Jr."fSl1r.of'" tr suspects, and personally, I don't pus. students who.for anyrasoD,do not turnout? . think that they are going to arrest In addition, Segall bas called for any reason will be allowed admit­ Walker': I believe Baruch students else can, but it would be unfair," anybody," he added. a meeting of student leaders for the tance if their identity can be proved. are as apathetic as they've ever said Georgia. According to Wertheimer, the second week of classes to discuss He said that after September 4th, been-I. guess we didn't make "In a position like dean of assailant left ~ery few clues. Both ways of improving security on cam­ aU buildinp should have a complete any headway in that regard. students there's a certain lifecycle­ WertbC:imer and Paul LeClerc, the pus. roster of rqistercd students that The lack of a campaign ex­ People tend to remain in a positon security guards will have access to. plains the low voter tur­ like that for S or 6 years and then move on," he added. The sexual a.ult of Aq. 4 has . nout-I'm surprised that we Ge9rgia .~ys that he will 'most also- resulted in aft -iftcreae· -in the bad as many voters as turned probably apply for the permanent numbeJ ofpards Patrolling Baruch out. One ofthe reasons offered position of dean of students;•. but buildinp. Accordina David by other people is that the to o. that he is required to put fort"h a Qn:cD, vice president for ad­ OSSG was doing such a good. formal application to the search ministration, Baruchhu contracted job that nobody wanted to run committee as does every other can­ for 10 additional security pards. apinst us. to V"JCeDti, T: Isn't the lack of.an election in­ didate. Accorc:tina the total 5egaI1, whose. offICe would have number of pards is now 49. dicative of apathy? accepted the resignation, was OD of W: No, it's not indicative of 1be dosina the campus to ~onand not available for com­ COIIIimI«I on ~ 6. Col. I CoItiIImed 011 P." 4 Col. -J meat. •'..L.JI{.- , , lbeTleker September 2, 1986 / APPLY FOR THE SPECIAL STUDENT ClTI-ONE ACCOUNT: • cmBANK * ~-t--~~------ VISA C.... - ._--~- --- • BOUNCE-FREE CHECKING • 90 DAY FREE CHECKING • F ACCESS TO CHECK DEPOSITS • MORE CONVENIENT FULL SERVICE BANKING 24 HOURS A DAY • MONEY MARKET RATES ON SAVINGS NOMNIMUM BALANCE WIN A VCR OR GET FREE ~·FASTER COMPACT DISC START" GIFT VALUED Burning the midnight That's because there are better than 2500 software packages oil may be necessary. available for them-more than for any other calculator. PLAYER .Burning the 2:00or3:00 There's even a special plug-in software package (we call it the AT $20.00** or 4:00 AM oil is absurd. Advantage Modulelthat's designed to handle the specific problems ASK ABOUT THE STUDENT em-ONE UPON AWUCATION Especially when an HP calculator can get the an engineering student has to solve in his. or her. course wor~. 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Lowe WIll consist of: resigned his position after it I. Providing on-campus services idea that we're not operating for a was revealed that he was not for smokers on how to "kick the profit," the director says. "Of "Let Me registered at any ofthe City Univer­ habit." This Will be done 'by course we are." TI sity colleges. holding smokers' clinics, classes Teach You " Negron's term of office will run . and seminars with health experts, Shanty Comes "IT'S A DOUBLE DOUBLE until January 1987, the date of the and others within CUNY.
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