LAPORAN TAHUNAN 2011 2011 ANNUAL REPORT 2011 ANNUAL REPORT ANNUAL LAPORAN T LAPORAN TAHUNAN ANNUAL REPORT A HU PT PELABUHAN INDONESIA II (PERSERO) NAN ENERGIZING TRADE. ENERGIZING TRADE. INDONESIA ENERGIZING INDONESIA Indonesia Port Corporation II, Jl. Pasoso No. 1, Tanjung Priok, Jakarta 14310, Indonesia. www.indonesiaport.co.id indonesiaport.co.id DAFTAR ISI CONTENTS ENERGIZING TRADE. ENERGIZING INDONESIA 01 RECONFIGURATION TANJUNG PRIOK PORT 02 NEW EQUIPMENT INVESTMENT 04 HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT 06 IMPROVING GOOD GOVERNANCE 08 Ikhtisar Keuangan • Financial Highlights 10 Peristiwa Penting • Event Highlights 12 Penghargaan & Sertifikasi • Awards & Certifications 14 Sekilas Perusahaan • Company at A Glance 16 Visi, Misi & Komitmen • Vision, Mission & Commitments 20 Informasi Pemegang Saham • Shareholder Information 21 Bidang Usaha • Business Lines 22 Wilayah Kerja • The Company’s Operation Area 23 Profil Pelabuhan dan Unit Usaha • Port Branch and Business Unit Profiles 24 Informasi Anak Perusahaan & Afiliasi • Information of Subsidiaries and Affiliates 51 Laporan Komisaris Utama • President Commissioner’s Report 54 Laporan Direktur Utama • President Director’s Report 60 Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Atas Kinerja Perusahaan • Management Discussion & Analysis on Company Performance 70 Tinjauan Industri • Industrial Review 72 Tinjauan Operasional • Operational Review 80 Sumber Daya Manusia • Human Resources 92 Teknologi Informasi • Information Technology 102 Tinjauan Keuangan • Financial Review 106 Manajemen Risiko • Risk Management 118 Tata Kelola Perusahaan • Good Corporate Governance 124 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan • Corporate Social Responsibility 168 Pernyataan Dewan Komisaris & Direksi • Statements from Board of Commissioner and Board Of Directors 180 Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi • Consolidated Financial Statements 181 Data Perusahaan • Corporate Data 273 Profil Dewan Komisaris • Board of Commissioners Profile 274 Profil Direksi • Board of Directors Profile 278 Profil Sekretaris Dewan Komisaris dan Komite Audit • Secretary of Board of Commissioners and Audit Committee Profile 284 Profil Kepala Satuan Pengawasan Intern & Sekretaris Perusahaan • Head Internal Supervision Unit & Corporate Secretary Profile 286 Struktur Organisasi • Organization Structure 288 Pejabat Senior • Senior Officer 290 Alamat Kantor Cabang & Anak Perusahaan • Branch & Subsidiary Addresses 291 ENERGIZING TRADE. ENERGIZING INDONESIA Tahun 2011 kami canangkan sebagai tahun The year of 2011 has been declared as perubahan. Kami bekerja keras membenahi the year of change. We have exerted our hard diri memasuki era baru industri pelabuhan efforts to prepare ourselves to enter into a yang bukan lagi sekedar pendukung moda new era of port industry in which we are no transportasi laut, tetapi telah menjadi bagian longer merely as a supporting tool of sea yang berperan penting dalam rantai sistem transportation, but as an entity playing an logistik nasional. Kami harus bekerja lebih important role in the national logistic chain cekatan, lebih efektif, dan lebih efisien system. We need to work more agile, more dalam melayani kebutuhan pengguna jasa effective and more efficient in serving the needs kepelabuhanan. Tekad kami adalah memberikan of the port service users. Our determination kontribusi optimal bagi terciptanya struktur is to provide optimum contribution to create biaya logistik yang wajar yang pada akhirnya a fair logistic fee structure which in turn will akan mampu menekan harga barang di pasar suppress the prices of goods in national market nasional sehingga mendorong pertumbuhan to support Indonesia’s economic growth. ekonomi Indonesia. The spirit in energizing trade, energizing The spirit in energizing trade, energizing Indonesia. Indonesia. 1 IPC • 2011 Laporan Tahunan • Annual Report RECONFIGURATION THE PORT OF TANJUNG PRIOK Peningkatan pelayanan serta fasilitas infrastruktur dan suprastruktur di pelabuhan Tanjung Priok terus dipacu sejalan dengan visi Tanjung Priok untuk menjadi pelabuhan modern yang mampu bersaing di tingkat global. Sinergi dari seluruh pemangku kepentingan di pelabuhan untuk meningkatkan level of service dan produktivitas membuahkan kepercayaan operator pelayaran internasional untuk menggunakan fasilitas pelabuhan Tanjung Priok. Kini, pelabuhan Tanjung Priok siap dan mampu menerima kedatangan kapal petikemas besar lintas benua berkapasitas di atas 4.000 TEUs. The improving services and facilities of infrastructure and supra-structure at port of Tanjung Priok have been driven in line with Tanjung Priok’s vision to become a modern port capable of competing at global level. The synergy of all stakeholders at the port to improve the level of service and productivity has resulted in the trust given by international shipping operators to utilize the facilities of Tanjung Priok port. At this point in time, port of Tanjung Priok is now ready and has been capable of receiving the visits of large scale cross-continent container vessels with the capacity above 4,000 TEUs. 2 IPC • 2011 Laporan Tahunan • Annual Report 123.911,7m Panjang Dermaga Pelabuhan Tanjung Priok Wharf Length of Tanjung Priok Port 3 IPC • 2011 Laporan Tahunan • Annual Report NEW EQUIPMENT INVESTMENT Perseroan terus memaksimalkan kapasitas layanan kepelabuhanan dengan penambahan alat bongkar muat berteknologi modern. Tidak kurang dari Rp800 miliar diinvestasikan pada tahun 2011 untuk pengadaan peralatan pelabuhan yang diyakini akan mampu mempercepat waktu bongkar muat, meningkatkan produktivitas dan meningkatkan pelayanan di pelabuhan. The Company continues maximizing its port service capacity by adding modern technology stevedoring equipment. Not less than Rp800 billion had been invested in 2011 for the procurement of port equipment deemed as capable of accelerating the stevedoring time, enhancing productivity and improving the services rendered in the port. 4 IPC • 2011 Laporan Tahunan • Annual Report Rp660,8 miliar • billion Investasi Alat Fasilitas Pelabuhan Tahun 2011 Investment on Port Equipment in 2011 5 IPC • 2011 Laporan Tahunan • Annual Report HUMAN CAPITAL DEVELOPMENT Menciptakan sumber daya manusia yang profesional dan berkompetensi prima adalah faktor terpenting dalam proses transformasi PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) menuju visi pengelola pelabuhan kelas dunia. Setiap karyawan diberi kesempatan yang sama untuk mendapatkan pendidikan dan pelatihan baik formal maupun informal, di dalam maupun luar negeri. Creating professional human resources with excellent competence serves as the most important factor in the transformation process of PT Pelabuhan Indonesia II (Persero) to achieve its vision as the world class port operator. Each employee is given equal opportunities to receive education and training, both formal and informal, local and overseas. 6 IPC • 2011 Laporan Tahunan • Annual Report Rp42 miliar • billion Biaya Pendidikan dan Pelatihan Karyawan pada Tahun 2011 Total Education and Training Cost in 2011 7 IPC • 2011 Laporan Tahunan • Annual Report IMPROVING GOOD GOVERNANCE Sudah menjadi komitmen kami untuk menjalankan praktik- praktik tata kelola perusahaan yang baik (GCG) secara konsisten dan konsekuen serta menjadikannya sebagai budaya kerja dalam seluruh kegiatan Perseroan. Kami percaya, peningkatan implementasi GCG berkorelasi langsung terhadap peningkatan pertumbuhan usaha, profitabilitas dan nilai tambah bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan, serta meningkatkan kemampuan agar keberlangsungan usaha jangka panjang dapat dicapai. It has been our commitment to implement Good Corporate Governance (GCG) practices in a consistent and consequent manner and to adopt them as a work culture in all of the Company’s activities. We believe that the improvements in GCG implementation are directly co-related to the business growth, to the profitability and to the added values for all stakeholders, and are capable of improving the Company’s ability so as to achieve long term business sustainability. 8 IPC • 2011 Laporan Tahunan • Annual Report 85,67 Skor Asesmen GCG pada Tahun 2011 Score of GCG Assessment in 2011 9 IPC • 2011 Laporan Tahunan • Annual Report IKHTISAR KEUANGAN FINANCIAL HIGHLIGHTS Neraca Konsolidasi Consolidated Balance Sheets (Dalam Miliar Rupiah, Kecuali 2011 2010 2009 2008 2007 (in Billions of Rupiah, except Data Saham) Share Data) ASET AssETS Aset Lancar 1.892,39 2.140,86 2.066,55 2.091,50 1.749,55 Current Assets Investasi Jangka Panjang 711,23 626,17 587,55 600,60 338,21 Long Term Investment Aset Tetap 6.526,22 4.878,48 4.257,33 3.538,01 3.219,51 Fixed Assets Aset Pajak Tangguhan - 1,62 1,39 1,31 1,29 Deferred Tax Assets Aset Sewa Guna Usaha - - - - - Leased Assets Aset Lain-lain 17,31 133,74 128,32 128,32 133,23 Other Assets Jumlah Aset 9.147,15 7.779,25 7.040,09 6.413,74 5.441,79 Total Assets LIABILITAS DAN EKUITas LIABILITIES AND EQUITY Liabilitas Jangka Pendek 1.401,68 962,93 978,26 908,52 624,83 Short Term Liabilities Liabilitas Jangka Panjang 554,69 532,08 545,80 510,83 415,22 Long Term Liabilities Kewajiban Pajak Tangguhan 245,04 199,58 184,17 71,01 147,67 Deferred Tax Liabilities Jumlah Kewajiban 2.201,41 1.964,69 1.708,23 1.490,36 1.187,72 Total Liabilities Hak Minoritas 45,40 47,07 41,22 38,65 34,84 Minority Interest Ekuitas 6.900,33 6.037,58 5.290,64 4.884,73 4.219,23 Equity Jumlah Kewajiban dan Ekuitas 9.147,15 7.779,25 7.040,09 6.413,75 5.441,79 Total Liabilities and Equity Jumlah Aset Ekuitas Pendapatan Usaha Laba Bersih Total Assets Equity Revenues Net Profit (miliar Rupiah • billion Rupiah) (miliar Rupiah • billion
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