canvas# has been the most thorough ever known in Philadelphia or perhaps in any other city. It has not been done by in¬ WEAVER'S FIGHT dividuals, but by committees, composed ol JERRY SIMPSON DEAD JOHN from five to fifteen citizens of both political parties, who have gone from house to house and from shop to shop, and have had plain talk? with their neighbors. This has been Efforts to Crush the chiefly done by business and professional Was in Debate in "Gang" men. Several thousand lawyers, clergy¬ Picturesque men, doctors, merchants, manufacturers, * bankers and ether substantial citizens have the in Philadelphia. signed pledges, contributing two, four, six, House, McCHure's. and in some cases ten days of tlie.r time to of the political work. They have been organized Tlu- Marketplace World into committers who have sp^nt entire days PEOPLE BACK MAYOR making house-to-house visitations, discuss¬ OLD COAT INCIDENT ing the political conditions in Philadelphia and the conduct of the municipal govern¬ The November number ment.not only with the head of each house¬ of McClure's ECLT OF THE LATTER FROM THE hold, but often with his wife and his sons HOW HE USED IT IN ATTACK ON Magazine and daughters. more than justifies its title: ORGANIZATION. THE TARIFF. the Marketplace of the World. Women Organizing. of adver¬ This work has been supplemented by or¬ It contains 227 pages ganizations of women, who, for the first War of tbe Decent Element on the It Was Effective With the He tising, a volume of business time In history, are taking an active rart People in never before equalled by any Republican Ring . Women Philadelphia politics, and have under¬ Represented.Was More Con¬ other There has taken to educate the feminine population periodical. in order that their influence be uso-d servative in Later Life. never been such an Actively Engaged. may exposition for good government. They are working of industrial and commercial on the theory that it is not a political con¬ BY test, but a defense of their homes, their WICHITA, Kan., October 23..Jerry Simp¬ enterprises between two cov¬ WILLIAM E. CURTIS. and their property, personal rights. They son died at 6:0."> o'clock this morning. ers. It is a complete Market¬ Special Correspondence of The Star and tbe Chicago argue that the women and children of Phil¬ Record-Herald. adelphia have more at stake in the con¬ Mr. Simpson was born in New Brunswick place. PHILADELPHIA, October 21. 1905. test than the men themselves, for the mor¬ on March :(1, 1842. At fourteen he began But although it is a com¬ The passage of the ordinance giving the ality of the city certainly concerns the wo¬ life as a sailor, and during twenty-three men and girls and the prespect of an ava¬ there are municipal gas works to Thomas Dolan and lanche of years following that pursuit commanded plete Marketplace, his debt to be paid in the future con- lakes. certain shops that cannot be associates by the councils of Phila¬ cerns the children who will be compelled to many large vessels on the great delphia, provoked an outburst of remon¬ pay it. The members of the mothers' con¬ In th£ civil war he served In the 12th 1111- found in it. There are no strances and from one end of gress. Mrs. Howard I.ipplncott, president; indignation the New saloons here. It is the city to the other. Town were Century Club, Miss Emma Black- impossible meetings Ir.ston. president; the City Betterment As¬ to a in this Mar¬ held at the Academy of Music and other sociation, Mrs. E. G. McCollin. buy cigarette and local president; There are no enter¬ places, meetings in every ward. the Civic Club. Mrs. Thomas Klrkbright, ketplace. Nor did the outraged citizens limit them¬ president, and other organizations of wo¬ in it where can in¬ selves to The members men .are now actively engaged In canvass¬ prises you talking. of the the vest at from twelve to council who had voted for the ing homes and particularly the church money ordinance people, under the general direction of Mrs. twenty per cent. There are no were visited by delegations and individuals, Rudolph Blankenburg, who has a'ways and were the of other been active in where baldness can be objects attentions rei'orm movements. places which were not There The city party held a convention on entirely agreeable. tember Sep¬ cured, neither can patent medi¬ was a good deal of there wer6 20. composed of 917 delegates, bulldozing, elected at the primaries In that number of cines be purchased. threats of violence, and the boycott was precincts In forty-one out of forty-two freely used. But the gangsters shewed a wards. The primaries are said to have S S. McCLLRE COMPANY great deal of tenacity and courage. Very been more largely attended than ever be¬ 4460 East 23*1 Street few of them lost their if fore. The convention nominated a full NEW YORK nerve, and Mr. two Dolan not withdrawn ticket, including judges.hold-overs. had his proposition whose names are also on "the organization" it would have been accepted over the ticket, and to whom there is no objection 64 mayor's veto. from any source. The fashionable has The W. B. Mayor Weaver, who, up to this time, had figure again changed. been a passive, if not an active member of City Party Candidates. our most recent will furnish "the gang," and who had permitted Israel As its candidate for sheriff, the city party Nuform," origination, your figure W. Durham to usurp his authority in every nominated Wilson H. a fHE STATISTICS OF COCOA IMPORTATIONS branch of the government, broke with his Brown, large manu¬ facturer of textiles, who is now a member with the H in the slenderer at thewaist SHOW THAT IMPORTATIONS OF CHEAP (.LOW political sponsors and partners, and showed "proper" shape. igher bust, unexpected moral courage and determina¬ of the select council and was a leader BEANS HAVE INCREASED ALMOST " GRADE) tion. He not oniy vetoed the gas lease, but against the gang in the fight over the gas Our well-known Frect Form" models (for which some figures are better adapted) 50V AND OF HI6H GRADE removed from office the director of public lease. For coroner they nominated J. M. IMPORTATIONS works, the director of safety and show a marked over their former perfection. The choice in W. B. public K. Jermon, formerly a justice of the peace, improvement BEANS HAVE DECREASED. other prominent municipal officials who had who was is so that can count models which will fit and been him at Durham's dicta¬ turned out of office and expelled Corsets complete you always upon appointed by from the republican six tion. He broke absolutely with the gang, organization years wear perfectly. These were the only corsets which were unqualifiedly endorsed by and the law and order ago because he held Senator Quay to, the WE HAVE USED AND joined party. grand when the latter was the National Dressmakers' Conventions. On sale at all dealers. His course has provoked a great jury accused of naturally misusing public moneys for private pur¬ ARE USING THE SAME deal of comment, and various theories have It will be 99 K°rcs nin "n a direction Opposite from the usual gores, been advanced to account for it. But the poses. remembered that the liUlWlHU"Doiropco rnn» QUALITY OF BEANS senator escaped conviction under the livVvlSv Wit counteracti.nj the natural tendency of the body to s'rain th>. statute of limitations, but he never forgive Jerry Simpson. corset at the abdomen and a very snug and smooth fit below the waist line, and flattening AS ALWAYS- Jermon for to dismiss hips.thus producing falling the charges nois Infantry. He came to Kansas In the lower back. at the preliminary and saw THE BEST ONLY- examination," a at lhe that he was properly punished. 1878. Originally he was republican, but h'chbait indnip $2.50 For county commissioners, which, in the later became a greenbticker and populist. Reverse Gore Nuform 420. present emergency, are the most important He was a member of Congress from 1891 35 above with finer trimmin8 and l,ose .opporter* at (rout an.i DRAW YOUR OWN CQNf.LU'SlONS" offices because they have direct charge of to 1805 and from to 18S/J, being nomi¬ Reverse Gore Nuform 423. h,me $3.00 the machinery and conduct of the election, nated the last time by both the democrats ERECT FORM 720 Ql'AUTY &¦ PRICE REMAIN THE SAME the city party has nominated Rudolph and populists. After he left Congress he NUFORM 403 (Average Figures) (Average Figures) Blankenburg and Edward A. Anderson. moved to Roswell, N. M., where lie engaged Medium above the deep hip.. Show, wa,st very The former is a man of millions, an old up to the time of his death in stock tarm- clearly. Of white orwa,fatherdrab couttl and white batiste. Qft StfeIn white and drab coutil and white batiste Sizes 18 to «f Aft WTTH COCOA. resident of German ancestry, a wholesale ing. He returned to Kansas a month ago Hose supporters, front and sides. Sizes iS to 30. Price prjccCf merchant and banker, a large owner of real and entered a hospital for treatment. WITHIN THE REACH estate, jind has shares in the most Impor¬ His condition became hopeless ten days NUFORM 406 (Medium Figures) ERECT FORM 730 (Slender Figures) Of ALL. tant manufacturing industries. Mr. Blank- ago, and since then the patient was kept Has the new bur* and hip with unboned apron extension.
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