British Waterways BW does not give any representation as to the completeness of this list Land and Property owned by British Waterways (excluding the canals, other waterways and infrastructure) May 2011 This list has been compiled from various records held by the Property Directorate - BW does not give any representation as to the completeness of this list. Muurtsss or rroperxy Rrpnfcirip Wharf Dork Road Rrpntfnrd TWR RAG Ul CI IL3ILIC WIIOII, L/UUV r\UaU/ Ul CI ILIL/I Uf 1 IIU UriNJ• Vokins Wharf Dock Road Brentford TW8 8AG V wnl 1 IO VVIIall, L/VAalV IXUQU , Ul CI ILI wl U/ 1 vnU • The Market Plarp Rrpntfnrd l l IC I lwl v\CL r la^Cf Ul CI III Ul \J • Staffordshire Wharf Catherine Wheel Road Brentford TW8 8BD ^UJI Ivl UJI III C VVIIull, WJU ICI II IC WVI ll» ^-1 IWuUf Ul ^1 ILI wl \J f I WW • No 1 Flat Thames 1 ork rortaap Dock Road Brentford TW8 8AG x llv X 1 IdLf lliail ICO I—U/ilGU^ LW^IX IwQUf \^ 1 III \Ji \J j 1 IVU \Ji\\J • Premiss Thames 1 ork rnttane Dork Road Brentford TWR SAG r ICIIIIOCO, MIGIIICO L»LSL»f\ ^ULlUHvf L/vvl\ l\UUU j Ul CIIUUI 1 www LJ/»\J • The Hiah Strppt Brentford TW8 8LD 1 1 IC I Hy 1 • JKJ CCL, Ul CI ILI L/l LI, 1 If U wl—VJ• Boater1*; Farilitv Ruildinn Durham Wharf Drive Brentford TWR 8LR x UUOICI O I •vlllLjf UL1IILIII ly, UUI 1 ICII11 W 1 lul I LSI IVCj Ul CI ILIUI U 1 ?¥ L» vL.I\i H a rhnur master's Offire Durham Wharf Drive Brentford TWR HI R x i iai uuui 11IOOLCI 9 vi i IL,C, ia/ui i iai 11 vv i iai i L/I IVCJ UI ci ILI \JI U I » »L» Durham Wharf Drivp Rrpntfnrd TWR RHP Ls LJ1 1 ICII 11 W 1 ICII 1 L/l IVC, L/l CI ILI L4I LI, 1 VlU Ul IT • Lrottan^uLLdypc SfJOi , Thi uce 1LLA. orRk nuuaHousce ^(\LUU or\ k <F\\ nanvvciHan welil niyinFlinht, ndiiwciiHanwpll , UDUB& 2~I» 4NI I•H v—TottanULLOLJeC 54 VvOiiofana! i fottanv*>uiidyee C^i_u\.rI ork\ QX\ jt Hanwplndiiwcnl Flinhi nyit IL,Hanwel ndiwcMl ,UB UD7 L4N TixnH . c L LTnttan.ULLaypc JJI I , 1i_u nr^r\k j£-fQ7 rialHanwplIWCIlI rFlinh iiyi ILt , rialHanwplIWCMl , UUIIRL7 "Tmn4NH« Marine Wpct* C\\ ia\/ Driup Havpc 1IR4 QTA 1 and at Windmill 1 anp/Tpntplow 1 anp it ha II LIB? 41 R x i_ai iu at •viiiuiiini i_ai ic/ i ci ILCIL/W LOI JUUU KHI/ uu^ iLr\t Wnrkshnn Pnnlar Avpnup ^nirthall IIR7 4PN VVUI rOI rUpial MVCIIUC, JUUU Idll, UP£ Irll. Nnruunnd Wnrkchnn Pnnlar AVTP Qni irhall 1IR7 4PN liUI VVUUU VVUIIVollUp, rULJIdl HVCf OUUUIdll, UDc Irlli fnttane fi s> Panrras 1 nrk HOIISP Pamlev ^trppt 1 nndnn NW1 DPI v*ULLayc \JF JL rdiiLido LUL,rs. nuusCf L^aiiney juccif LUIIUUII, IYVVX urL. Wpt ft Drv Dork Bulk Rridne Industrial Estate Haves Road Southall UB2 5NB Bulls Bridnp Bulkhridne Rnarl Sniithall UB2 SI X UUII3 LM lUMCf L7UII9UI lUyC rxUuU; .JUULIiailf \JU£- JL_/\. Gravel Work*; Storklpv Rri We<rt" Dravton V_J i dvci vwi J\&f ^Lvwvvicy r\u f » • COL L/I U y LU I i • I*IUUMnnrinnI II iyoc / RpnhnDCIIUUVwV Wavvajfu f fnwlp^uwicyv , IIRULHRJ ^7HI ID . riciiiiocoPrpmiopc f naiHalpc Wharvviidiif , rciiFPITyV i_aiiC1 an/p IULLCIIIIOIITottpnhamI naiCHale/ iiiN1/ 7 7iirQN.F I and at Thnrnpv 1 anp North Tver *^l 0 Ql T Lul IU uk 1 1IUI 1 ICy Lai IC I1UI LI 1/ 1VCI • >JI_L( 71- 1 • Dudlev Wharf Mansion 1 ane Tver ^1 0 QRG L/uuicjf vviiaii/ i iai IOIUI i i_ai ic^ ivci ; >ji_u J• Canal Wharf Station Road Lanalev SL3 6EG StokV_.CJi ICJei Wharwviiaiif^ StokJIQUVeI Roai r\wciud /Slnuo LOIIMhic jrSLj 2 5AU « •JLL/IVC WIIQIIf JLvrlxC iXL/aLIf >JIUUyi 1/ Jl—£. jnUi 1 imphnucp Racin nff Rranrh Rnad 1 nndon F14 71T l_ll 1ICI ILIUS^T L7GOII 1/ Ul 1 L7ICIIIL.il r\UaU/ L.UI IUUI 1/ 1—L i IJl, 1-^ Row I nrk Tnttanpc Gitlpndpr ^trppt Row F? X J LAJVW LU^>IL v^ULLCiycO/ UlllCllUCl JU CClf L*U»w/ LJ JJI < fottanp 777 I pa Rridnp Wpir I pa Rririnp I anp Clantnn I nndnn F^ QRH v^ULLCiyc £.//f Led DMuyc vvciif LCO oiiuyc i_aiic/ L>ia)ji.uiif i_uiiuLiiir LJ I• ^tonphridnp lork fottanp*; ^tonehririoe Lock London N17 OXD KJLUI ICUI lUUC L>L/Lrl\ L^L^LLay CO^ JLL/I ICL/I IUy C m^l\^ Lvl IVJwl If M±/ \Jf\U t ^tnnphridnp Farilitipc Rniliiinn Watprmpad Wav I nndnn x JLUIICUI iuyc i auiiLico uunuiiiy/ waLci nicau way^ IUL/I•• North Wharf Pirkettc; 1 ork Fdmonton NQ OAT l«UI U 1 Wl lai 1; r IL.f^CLLO L,UL,r\/ L.KJI 1IUI ILL/1 lf l» J un 1 • rVilnmhia Wharf Wharf Rnad Pnndprc Fnd Fnfipld FN? 4YY l^UiUIIIUId VVIIdll, VVIIdll l\UdU, rUIIUCIO QIU, LTIIIICIU/ CIIJ TAA. Wafpru/auc Rncinocc Ponfro Qnnt"h OrHnartrp DnaH FnFiolH FN? All V L.ciiuc JUUUI t-i'ij OJJ. wdLciwdyo DUoiiicoo r wiuiidiiuc rvuau, uiniciu, A rvdiiHiicDammpuy loidiiuTclanrl , unfu f Le1 oda rxUaURnaH , ciniciUFnfiplH/ FMQ mL1A»I WalhSaWdiuidiimi WharWildrif j Le1 oa ar Pna\\JauH , WaiuiaiiWalfhami MuucyAhhA\,/ cnyFN Q ini1A7. LjULLdyc ^7/r LLA.I\ V-ULLdyc, LVUUUo Well, 1 He loldllU, nuUUcoLlL/M, GUI UDL. C/iiiHi Cfro^rf Cfartc+aaH AhhnH-c QAI ridTlnaMarina, DOUul oueet, jLanoTeaU MDD0U5, WaTcU/ar^, oul^ OML. L.ULLdye JUU, OLanStcdU LOCK, OLaDbLcdQ ADDOtXS, nciTS, OulZ OUK. L.onaye JUZ & ex oravei rirs, biar jireet, ware, nerLS, DVJj.z /AO. Lorxaye JUI, naromeaa LOCK L,orxage, Lower Lane, Arnweii, ooiz OLZ.. 1 anH fii M/-vi-irir-\/i>- UAH-FrtrH Darin Mill DnaH Lliarl-FrtrH C/~1il ICn i_ana &. Moorings, nerLTora oasin, NIII KOOU, nerLTora, ooi4 Lou. Junction House, Blomficld Road, London, W9 1AB. tag ware Koau, Lonaon, wz 11 n. 1 0O I icenn Prnua 1 r\rtr\f\n MVA7Q Ql R xzu Libbun urove, Lonuon, nwo OLD. Th1 1p ICramHo L^alllUCln 1l LULI\rtrk , ramrlo^.alllUcln l 1LULIL nrk. rldLCPlarp , LUIIUUI11 nndn,n liVVNWl 1Onr RA.F Thp Tntprrhannp Oval Rnad Pamdpn 1 nrk 1 nndon NW1 7D^» i i ic xi ILCI L-i iai >yc, vyvai i\LfaLi, ^aiiiucii i_uL.rv, LUI IUUI if i / uj. 289 Camden Hiah Street NW1 7BX J wJI IIUCII 1 IIMII JLI CCL, I1VV1 / Ur\• St Pancras Yacht Basin, Camley Street, London, NW1 OPL Hawley Wharf, Camden High Street / Haven Street, London, NW1 8QX. City Road Basin, off City Road, London, Nl 8GH. 36 Graham Street, London, Nl 8JX. Premises, City Road Lock, 38 Graham Street, Nl 8JX. Bridge Wharf, 156 Caledonian Road, London, Nl 9UU. Part of 61 Wharf Road (Bridgeside Lodge), City Road Basin, London, Nl Premises, adj. City Road Lock, Danbury Street, London, Nl 8BD. X Dock Bridge Wharf, r/o 48 Old Ford Road, London, E2 9PR. X Bow Wharf (Victoria Park Wharf and Park Wharf), 221 Grove Road, E3 5RD. Bow Lock Store, Gillender Street, Bow, E3. Harbour House, Limehouse Basin, London, E14 7JT. Narrow Street Pub, Narrow Street, Limehouse London, E14 8DQ. Land off Rowdell Road, Northolt, London, UB5 6AG. Page 1 of 21 British Waterways BW does not give any representation as to the completeness of this list Mnnrinni IUUI 11 iyc o aQtl ClifforL^III i uid u Roar\uaUd | Wpmhlpvvciiiuicyv , 1L.UIIUUII nndnn , HAI inHu 1AJ.#VLF_ • Mannr Farm Road Wpmhlpv 1 nndnn HAD 1AB JJ i IQIIUI i OIIII rvuaUf vvciiiuicy, LUI IUUI if i inw xnu. 1 and at Grand Union Industrial Fstate Ahhpv Road London NW10 7UL LOI IU QL CJI 01ILI Ul IIUI 1 XIIUUJU IOI t-JLOLC, nUUCj IXUQUf LUIIUUI if I* V* XV/ / wt« Old Oak Wharf Old Oak Lane London NW10 6UA \_/IU L*GI\ ¥¥ 1 IQI 1 , WIU v/QI\ l—01 IC/ LUI IUUI 1, llrf lu 535/539 Harrow Road, London, W10 4RH. Wharf 13, Amberley Wharf, Amberley Road, London, W9 2JE. Amberley Wharf, Aldsworth / Barnwood Close, London, W9 2RA. The Toll House, Delamere Terrace, Little Venice, London, W2 6ND. 33 North Wharf Road, Paddington Basin, London, W2. Land at Brent Reservoir, Hendon, London, NW9 7DN. Land off Cool Oak Lane, Hendon, London, NW9 7ND. Fife Terrace, London, Nl 9RA. Cottage 21, 2 Canal Cottages, Parnell Road, London E3 2JU. Lower Place Wharf, Acton Lane, Harlesden, NW10 7AB. Reservoir Cottage, Birchen Grove, Neasdon, London, NW9 8SA. X Cottage 278, Lock House No 1, Ferry Lane, Tottenham, N17 9NE. BW Store, 2 Lock Cottage, Parnell Road, London, E3 2JU. X Bow Public Wharf, off Bromley High Street, London, E15 2NA. Homerton Bridge Wharf, Hackney, London, E9. Jacks Cabin, Havelock Rd, Norwood. X Land off Horsenden Lane North, Perivale, Middlesex, UB6 7PB. Canal strip with premises. Trout Lane, Yiewsley. Sanitary Station & Land, Old Ford Locks, Dace Road, London, E3. X Land at Brent Reservoir, Birchen Grove, London, NW9. Land and moorings, Blomfield Road, London, W9 2PA. Land, Horton Bridge Road, West Drayton. 425 Harrow Road, London, W10 4RE. Adelaide Dock, Endsleigh Road, Southall. X The Moorhen, Bumt Mill Lane, Harlow. Car Park off Westbourne Terrace Road London W2 X \_«CJPremisesI T CJI i\,, Wesui i vwt Ferr WLUUUy RoadI i ic , iLondon ci i a^c ,ixuau E14 ,8NX LUI .ILIUM , II Museum, West India Quay, London, E14. Floating Restaurant, Millwall Inner Dock, off Limeharbour, London, E14.
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